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GBL MEGATHREAD 6: The Germans didn't make Dan's

Erm, how is your bum feeling at the moment? Just askin', not implying anything at all, oh no, definitely not (snigger)...

Dirty old cunt :p

I wondered one morning when I came too what had been going on around that part 8(... but the man's a gentleman, always asks permission 8)

I've had some tlc, food n' whatnot. A taper is frustrating but necessary :| We know what needs to be done...
Dirty old cunt :p

I wondered one morning when I came too what had been going on around that part 8(... but the man's a gentleman, always asks permission 8)

I've had some tlc, food n' whatnot. A taper is frustrating but necessary :| We know what needs to be done...

Yeh, but the beauty of G,
Is that you'll agree,
Even if you can't see ;)
Agreeing to what I can't see is something that happens when I remove my glasses, G or no G.
Hmmm, I was born with shite eyesight (glasses by 2/3 given I walked straight into walls) so I don't know if I can joke about the sight of those who have lost part of it.
I literally can't imagine what it's like to have 20/20 vision, I passed 3/60 a while back and glasses can't correct my sight fully. 4mm thickness is standard for my lenses after thinning. =D
Kate: I can't taper off GBL, even if it's only a couple of days that I'm on it. However, converting it to GHB, and switching to that for a day or two and withdrawing from that is very effective. Even tapering seems to work. Much less withdrawal...
Has been ages since GBL for me, need to get some more soon for a nice lil re-visit. Need to keep the redosing in check though. the rebound off it is shit
Glad to hear you caught yourself before getting in too deep Koneko. But sorry you have to face a rattle with it.

I also have not had any G for ages. I have more than enough trouble trying to regulate my sleeping pattern as it is, and as much as i enjoy the rowdy euphoria of a G and music session the disruption it causes my sleep means i cannot easily find the right time to take it. It's not helpful when you cant sleep all night after taking it, and now that ive exhausted my kratom tolerance there is no get out of jail free card the next day and my sleep would become about 12 hours out of sync from where i need it to be. 8(
Kate: I can't taper off GBL, even if it's only a couple of days that I'm on it. However, converting it to GHB, and switching to that for a day or two and withdrawing from that is very effective. Even tapering seems to work. Much less withdrawal...

Thanks Treacle, I'd hoped you'd reply. You probably know more about this stuff and its HR than anyone else on BL.

Luckily for me the Man is a major help with a tapering schedule, he doesn't like to see me rattling and unwell and is knowledgeable himself on it that he makes it fairly easy for me. Keeps an eye on things and if I get into greedy territory (always do..) gives me a kind reminder of why / what I'm doing and the consequences of not following through.

I've not been doing vast vast 8) amounts really, just squirting away piggy like as much as possible for 4-5 days too much since I've been off work. When I was at work I was being very sensible, enjoying it like a few evening sherries, stopping an hour before going to bed with 0.5mg xanax. No repercussions.

So coming off will be uncomfortable for a few days yet. I've not been as stupid as I could have been so it could be a lot worse!

Woke up rattling and sore very early this morning and today's not been much fun. But I've stuck to the taper by the clock / dose and nibbled my way through a xanax to smooth things off. On top of that I heard my Uncle died today, he was the last of our Irish parents' generation left :(

We likely don't have enough left for a conversion to GHB.

Has been ages since GBL for me, need to get some more soon for a nice lil re-visit. Need to keep the redosing in check though. the rebound off it is shit

Glad to hear you caught yourself before getting in too deep Koneko. But sorry you have to face a rattle with it.

I also have not had any G for ages. I have more than enough trouble trying to regulate my sleeping pattern as it is, and as much as i enjoy the rowdy euphoria of a G and music session the disruption it causes my sleep means i cannot easily find the right time to take it. It's not helpful when you cant sleep all night after taking it, and now that ive exhausted my kratom tolerance there is no get out of jail free card the next day and my sleep would become about 12 hours out of sync from where i need it to be. 8(

To think I gave you 2 boys a right nag when you were going to get your first lot too. Sorry guys. But hey, you both know now it can get kinda unpleasant quickly and is rather delicious and addictive.

Thanks for everyone's posts.
Oh, that's not the news you want, especially when dealing with withdrawals. Hope you're alright. I've converted as little as 10mls, before now. You can technically do any amount. I think I may be one of the most experienced with G, but a lot of that experience has been through binging and suffering! Ha. As you said, it is just too delicious and seductive. I wouldn't mind a few doses, actually. It's been a while.
Oh, that's not the news you want, especially when dealing with withdrawals. Hope you're alright. I've converted as little as 10mls, before now. You can technically do any amount. I think I may be one of the most experienced with G, but a lot of that experience has been through binging and suffering! Ha. As you said, it is just too delicious and seductive. I wouldn't mind a few doses, actually. It's been a while.

Thanks Treacle <3

It's not quite hit me yet about my uncle's death. It's likely going to sink in when I see my family and at the funeral. Still no date. It's the Irish side, I have 31 first cousins %) We are now the next generation who're next to go :(

That's it going to finish today. I've not been too bad but it'll liable to slap me badly in the next few days... Now not to develop a xanax problem... :\ Because this has happened before getting off G.

Thankfully, it's not been a "stupid cow" scenario - I obviously must be learning! 8(

Keep away from it Treacle :sus:
Hope it's not too stressful getting off it. I remember when it first started being used by Bluelighters, and everyone was amazed by the stuff, until some 24/7 users started reporting nasty withdrawals. Everyone was then warned not to follow suit, but loads did, anyway. Such a lovely high, but so hard to stop. Way more addictive than any other drug, legal or otherwise, in my experience.

I've only had a few short binges on the stuff, this year, and the withdrawals have been fairly mild, compared to previous experiences. Pregabalin, alcohol and benzos have covered any withdrawals, without too much discomfort. I'm quite glad it's illegal, because it's definitely made it harder to obtain and abuse. I've never known a street dealer sell it, because it's just known as 'that date-rape drug'. You don't want to be a dealer selling 'date-rape' drugs. It's backwards logic, because everyone that works in a supermarket, or an off-licence legally sells the worst drug for sexual assault. Sorry for the tangent, and I hope you're over it soon.
Hope it's not too stressful getting off it. I remember when it first started being used by Bluelighters, and everyone was amazed by the stuff, until some 24/7 users started reporting nasty withdrawals. Everyone was then warned not to follow suit, but loads did, anyway. Such a lovely high, but so hard to stop. Way more addictive than any other drug, legal or otherwise, in my experience.

I've only had a few short binges on the stuff, this year, and the withdrawals have been fairly mild, compared to previous experiences. Pregabalin, alcohol and benzos have covered any withdrawals, without too much discomfort. I'm quite glad it's illegal, because it's definitely made it harder to obtain and abuse. I've never known a street dealer sell it, because it's just known as 'that date-rape drug'. You don't want to be a dealer selling 'date-rape' drugs. It's backwards logic, because everyone that works in a supermarket, or an off-licence legally sells the worst drug for sexual assault. Sorry for the tangent, and I hope you're over it soon.

You couldn't be more right if you tried, Treacle. I did a 6 day (144 hour) binge on it last week (with street speed) and did 1.5ml on the hour, every hour. I feel a little dodgy this week but a few ciders and a blue vally usually gets me a good night's kip. Trying to keep off the stuff really but it's hard when you've got substantial amounts in the cupboard and an extended break from work.
I'm sure his is the thread for the French silk kickers and 5 inch heels...maybe not :\
"The Germans didnt make Dans"? You could say that about Dan's brains. The Germans sure didnt make that either. Head full of wool eh mate ;) :p

Hi everyone,

Does anyone knows a reliable german website where I can buy GBL. I knew one but the website did close, desperate here to buy some more !!!!

Please send me a private message if you have any good tips. Thanks
Hi everyone,

Does anyone knows a reliable german website where I can buy GBL. I knew one but the website did close, desperate here to buy some more !!!!

Please send me a private message if you have any good tips. Thanks

Nonnes gonna be able to answer that mate...

Sourcing not allowed.

Fucked if I know why people don't just use google.
My initial confidence that I could handle GBL is waining. From using it maybe once every month or so, ive recently been using it about 3 times a week. And the sessions have been fucking long, like 36 hours, each one. I seem to be addicted to listening to music when im on it. I seem to have a KO after about 24 hours, then my stomach starts feeling ropey like i need to spew, and if i try to eat anything i get instant spews with no warning atall.

One of the biggest problems comes when ive finally had enough, i just really want to sleep but feel so alert its impossible. Its almost like speed and E comedowns before i discovered benzos. Except there is no definite come down as such, and i dont feel the need to wank like i would have done on a speed, e, or mephedrone comedown. GBL seems to overpower and block everything else.

On the positive side it allowed me to get through the first 4 days of my kratom quit with no issues at all. On the negative side, at the end of a session, i just desperately want to sleep, cos ive been up for about 36 hours. But it seems to take about 12 hours for the GBL to wear off.

Does anyone know the duration of a GBL dose and whether it has a half life?

I think im gonna have to give it up until ive quit benzos, because the temptation to keep redosing is hard to resist. But the benzos have no effect at all. One night i took about 20 diclazepams and that got me 2 hours sleep. I'm very reluctant to be taking mega doses of benzos again, what with the ban approaching and most vendors all out of decent benzos already, i wont have enough benzos to complete my taper, if i keep on having GBL and or stim sessions. Life is going to be pretty boring for a few months, if i can find a way to resist the urge to binge. Otherwise i may have to admit defeat, and go crawling back to DS and ask for their help. These 'uncontrollable' binges are gradually fucking my life up and making me unemployable. I need to find a way to control them. If i could just take GBL for 3 hours or something and then stop that would be fine, i dunno why i have to keep going for 36 hours. And i dunno why i get the urge to do stim allnighters, i always feel awful afterwards, and my sleep pattern reverts to up all night and sleep all day. I cant even sign on the fucking dole, id be sanctioned immediately for missing appointments. In the meantime i might see if a Dr can do me a sicknote for insomnia or something, maybe with any luck the job centre will accept that.

As ive had so little sleep for days i think i will sleep tonight, and hopefully be able to get up at some reasonable time tomorrow and get to the Drs, see what happens there, and go back to DS. I might go to DS first, they'd advise me how to go on the sick for a while until i get this binge problem sorted out. It may turn out that im an all or nothing person, but atm the thought of gving up so many different types of drugs all at once fills me with dread.

sorry if TL;DR
You couldn't be more right if you tried, Treacle. I did a 6 day (144 hour) binge on it last week (with street speed) and did 1.5ml on the hour, every hour. I feel a little dodgy this week but a few ciders and a blue vally usually gets me a good night's kip. Trying to keep off the stuff really but it's hard when you've got substantial amounts in the cupboard and an extended break from work.

Sorry for the 3 month delay in finding and responding to your post. Are you still around EADD?

Did you have any KOs during that 144 hours? I seem to KO after 24 hours. I dose about 2.5 ml every time i feel it wearing off. If i try increasing the dose to say 4ml, thinking i'll just have a sip every hour or something it does not work. Even just a tiny amount of 4ml and its a KO within a few minutes. Its taken me a couple of runs to realise that.