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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

films: most "disturbed/ing" movies

Evil dead II has got some pretty sick scenes init.Watching it the other night though its more funny than scarey.
has anyone seen reanimator? thats pretty gory. day of the dead is really gory to, not many movies have fucked with me much, ken park is really really disgusting, like full frontal MALE mastusbation scene, its so gross. requiem for a dream is really depressing and good to but thats been mentioned before. i really want to see cannibal holocaust to, i have heard the most messed up stuff about that movie.
Requiem for a dream also puts me in an emotional roller coaster every time I watch it. Very profound.
just saw irreversible last night and didn't find it too bad. i thought the rape scene was 'good' in the sense that there was absolutely nothing remotely erotic about it, and it was sad, but i wasn't that disturbed.

i think themes and ideas disturb me more than actual events, so something like happiness probably got to me more (not to say i don't love that movie!).

requiem, with its themes of rampant addiction(s) and the downward spiral it can cause is probably the most disturbing film i've ever seen.
I have never seen a movie that acctually made me sick. Violence, blood, or whatever kind of torture never bothered me in a movie.
But i've finnally seen a movie that sickened me.

"Visitor Q" One of Takashi Miike's. This movie isn't gory, it's just disgusting. Kind of vague but i don't like to give away details to movies.
AUDITION ... the filmmaker forces the audience to focus on the fucked up parts by making the rest of the movie light and fairly boring then WHAM- fucked up shit. I will never get those images out of my head, ever.
I thought Cabin Fever was pretty disturbing. *shivers*

And of course the most gut-wrenching movie of all time, IMO, Requiem for a Dream.
Audition - When the psycho chick "feeds" her "pet." It is the only scene I have ever wanted to throw up at.

The scene where you watch the video from the crew in Event Horizon is pretty nasty too.

I can't think of a whole movie, but those two scenes have always stood out.
anything where an animal is disrespected, hurt, or killed...if theyre people, its all good...encouraged, even...
^^Or the animal killing scenes in cannibal holocaust of cannibal ferox, they were real.

I just saw Salo or the 120 days of sadom a while ago, and wow. That movie is by far the sickest i've seen. There were parts i fast forward because it made me feel like puking.
I'd have to go with House of 1000 Corpses. It's not all that gory, but the images are really disturbing.
Tinkerbell8405 I'd have to go with House of 1000 Corpses. It's not all that gory, but the images are really disturbing.

^^ yeah I agree that was a pretty sick movie.. if someone was stabbed to death they got of easy..
I agree with Audition...especially when she's saying 'deeper' all cutesy.

The 'Who sunk my Battleshit' scene in Harold & Kumar is hilariously gross.

Yeah the parts on Pi when the dude is trippin out and they play that freaky music w/ a heartbeat, always freaks me out. They did that very well.

another movie that makes me want to vomit...The Wiz...heh