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Esoteric [Ego-Death Subthread] Permanent / Irrecoverable Ego Loss

i realize how many times i have repeated myself, but that is because i have not clearly explained myself. i think if i would have properly explained myself glogga and i would have come to somewhat of an agreement. i guess thats what happens when you try to explain the formless..
From what I understand, Id is just the basic desires, the simplist functions of an animal. Eat, Reproduce, Rage/Attack/Defend.

Ego is all your memories, your feelings, fears, wants, personality, etc. Its what makes you, well, you. Without one you could survive, because your survival is based off of your Id. You would need an ego to survive in a society, but without one its not really considered living by most human standards.

You would be as basic as possible without one, kind of what most people think about animals, that they can't really think for themselves they just exist with no being nor thought. This is what makes us different, we have egos (or atleast we generally believe animals don't have egos).
a satguru IS more enlightened than us, and exists within a subtler ego that allows him to have access to a higher energy source that can awaken and heal people with his presence alone. the reason why we don't see much of Him is because of the doubt existing within the people of society.

but to know the satguru, you cant possess doubt towards him, must have total trust. and this goes against what you just said, your doubt of him.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy that. And don't tell me it isn't because I don't believe it first or have total trust in him. That's what lots of "gurus" will tell you. That's what the catholic church will tell you too.

IMHO any respectable teacher will tell you to think for your self, and will earn your trust, instead of insisting you just trust them. The few people in my life that have affected me as spiritual teachers were that way.
^No, schizos react to perceived threats etcerera, ego loss would mean no action , no frame of reference to take action from IMHO.
^^^^^ differences in ways of explaining the inexplicable are probably the root of 99% of the world's conflicts.
gloggawogga said:
I'm sorry, I just don't buy that. And don't tell me it isn't because I don't believe it first or have total trust in him. That's what lots of "gurus" will tell you. That's what the catholic church will tell you too.

there is more than teaching going on here. satguru makes us aware of our evolution as a cosmic spiritual entity, and that which prevents us from this awareness. he allows us to experience his presence. that is how he teaches us. he is ourself, he is no other.

i am not going to put any belief in this, because all i need is experience and the knowledge of others who have experienced. this is all the proof i need.

IMHO any respectable teacher will tell you to think for your self, and will earn your trust, instead of insisting you just trust them. The few people in my life that have affected me as spiritual teachers were that way.

i am sorry, i have failed to properly explain myself, because what i am trying to say cannot be explained. call this all bullshit and call me a wise crack delusional madman, i don't give. at least im trying !
call me a wise crack delusional madman

Well seeing as you are so insistent I shall comply with your wishes you wise crack delusional madman! :D
my way is my truth and im sticken to it. also, it's not like i use this ego outside of these forums. i DO seem to possess the power to seem somewhat enjoyably sane ;)
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^Fucking wise crack fucking madman !!!! :D :D
hey, im just trying to tell people that im not mad, really. i only appear to be. appearance deceives.

(note to self... wize crack pot)
Your gonna get my arse kicked again with this stuff * runs away*
Satguru... The Catholic church... Islam... it's all flawed in one major area.

All you need for spirituality it to look within yourself. You ARE your spirituality. You don't need anyone to guide you to it. Meditation, reflection, and other mental techniques such as taking taking psychedelics can lead you to understanding your spirituality and how it is linked with everything else. No one can show it to you.

Why take someone's word on faith when you can experience for yourself what you truly are? Practice and you will become more conscious in your everyday life.

And stop this incessant posting back and forth or I shall begin to remove them!
Xorkoth said:
Satguru... The Catholic church... Islam... it's all flawed in one major area.

that is totally flawed. religion is external, satguru is internal. you find religion. satguru finds you. it is impossible for you to find a satguru, because the ego cannot detect light.
people like to believe stuff
it's like a short cut
you don't actually have to experience anything for yourself if you take someone elses word for it.
and allowing for the magic effects of broken telephone (i.e. where you repeat what you think you heard)
general likelihood of (ahem...) drug use
the story is liable to get pretty twisted.

so if you are inclined to stick to your story, then it must be pretty sticky stuff - under the thread circumstances, "enjoy yournotself".
redgreenvnes said:
so if you are inclined to stick to your story, then it must be pretty sticky stuff - under the thread circumstances, "enjoy yournotself".

i am not talking about my story, im talking about my direction. there's no doubt here, yet i always doubt my story ;)
Medatripper Tates said:
that is totally flawed. religion is external, satguru is internal. you find religion. satguru finds you. it is impossible for you to find a satguru, because the ego cannot detect light.

Ok, to-may-to, to-mah-to. Maybe you need to explain what this "satguru" is a little bit better. I'm a bit confused as to what the hell you're talking about anymore.

I am also saying that religion is flawed. But you seem to be referring to this "satguru" in the way that one refers to their religion. Is there something fundamentally different about yours than anyone else's? Is "satguru" just another word for contacting your true self, free of physical and egoistic constraints?
Xorkoth said:
Is "satguru" just another word for contacting your true self, free of physical and egoistic constraints?

basically, yes, but more. he is an actual person..

The Sadguru is the Universal Guru. He deals with each person at his level of consciousness. He tries to destroy their ego through his superior power in order to evolve that person. Sadguru removes all such limitations of mind and body that are not conducive to the evolution of a soul slowly. What methods in the gross, subtle or mental level the Sadguru may use can never be predicted by anyone.


thats the best explanation i can give... read the experiences of these people's lives, its pretty whicked stuff. and they didn't exist as long ago as jesus did =D