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Do you have an alltime favorite movie?


edit: ur welcum, i dont believe in alltime favorites...
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thanks for the contribution^ :/

oh goodfellas... my favorite gangster movie, even looking at older films too
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
American Beauty
The Piano
The Fisher King
When We Were Kings
keystroke said:
Stand By Me
I have 3 or 4 fav. movies, but as soon as I finish watching one of those, it'll be my fav till I see the next one, and so on... Stand By Me is one of those hehe=D
I have 3 favorite movies:

The Graduate
2001: A Space Odyssey

If I *have* to pick one I guess I would go with Casablanca.
The Royal Tenenbaums or White Oleander or Magnolia

just personal favorites obviously
MissBehavin'_416 said:
I have 3 or 4 fav. movies, but as soon as I finish watching one of those, it'll be my fav till I see the next one, and so on


Although, skywise has informed me that I MUST pick since the title said movie not movies. Therefore I guess I have to go with The Royal Tenenbaums... no, Magnolia. Fuck, The Royal Tenenbaums wins.
Originally posted by alasdairm
let's get this on topic! the following participants have to narrow it down to one movie:

le mepris
fight club
lost in translation

well, i'll eliminate -with sadness- lit and le mepris from that list...so i'm getting closer at least :)
I don't think many people understand the concept of "FAVOURITE MOVIE".....

meaning only one ;)
One day, I will own a racehorse, and I will name him after the two things that most profoundly changed my life in the 1990's:

Shawshank Ecstasy
Toss up between ever after and The labrynth.. I can't decide. They're both good in their own ways.

The labrynth cos it's a classic from childhood
and Everafter cos i was watch it over and over and not get tired of it, such a beautiful film filled with sorrow