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[DMT Subthread] Entity / Alien / Machine Elf Contact

Whilst on shrooms, a tall pile of metallic bins formed to a shape of what looked like a living metal being( somewhat resembled a dinosaur)

IMO psychedelics make anything that is impossible possible(and anything that is possible seem impossible)
DMT is fantastic and that, but it is certainly not the only component of biotechnology which links us to the nexus. Ketamine, and Salvia Divinorum, both enable me to commune with hyperreal entities. Even LSD on high dose can easily do it for me. Ultimately, there are no limits.

It comes down to this: from within our layer of reality, it is the dynamics of our own neurochemicals, modulating the flux within our brain's network of neurons and synapses, which creates the constantly shifting reality we percieve. How this translates to the hyper-holographic realm can only be speculated upon at this time. However, it is clear to me that any modification of our perceptual apparatus through the employment of bioneural technologies, whether they be plant derived or man-made, allows us to reach novel complexes of reality states. These newly discovered states are entirely real.

Each state is just as valid and relevant as the next. For global travel, we use locomotion via a combination of vehicle and route. For transdimentional travel, we use bioneural technology via a combination of chemical and brain-state. Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Glutamate. The psychedelic chariot is already here waiting, the various chemicals just tell it where to go and how to get there.
Obviously each person's experience is their own and understanding, wonder, enlightenment, etc. can be obtained regardless of the experience or the drug of choice.

I just think too many people pollute their experiences with what other people put forth and their own expectations or desires instead of focusing on finding their own path naturally. While I think it's good to hear trip reports from folks, hear about their experiences and what they saw, felt, realized, etc. while on a certain substance. . .I also think one should make sure not to go into a journey looking for a certain thing.

Now, that's not to say you can't take a trip on acid and find a higher intelligence. I mean it in the sense that, IMHO, you don't need to go into a trip thinking that you just HAVE to see machine elves like Terrance did. Or that you HAVE to reach the 4th plateau on Dexter and see God/aliens/whatever.

Are those experiences possible? Of course. Are they or can they be life changing and fulfilling? Absolutely. Do you need to burden your trip with a bunch of expectations, preconceived notions, and all sorts of other baggage? In my opinion, no.

Personally, I think the more you expect out of a trip the less you'll actually get from it, because you'll be so concerned about seeing this or doing that, that the true experience will completely pass you by.

I suppose this has been a bit of a rambling response, but my main point being. . .yes, contact with "other entities" is more than possible on things other than DMT, but it shouldn't be why you choose to take a substance and the sole thing you are searching for and planning to get out of the experience. Just let it ride and see where you get taken.
For what its worth, I have seen elves while on DMT....shocked me, as I thought ole Terence McKenna was confabulating....but hey, they were there. It was a surprise, as I'd been immersed in a bunch of fractals and alien grid-technology, to suddenly realise that was I was really seeing were small, robotic elf/pixie type beings, very small, basically creating everything around me, stitching reality together, and of course, jibbering like...well, machine elves. I believe these elves/aliens/pixies are an archetype of the human brain....Whether they are autonomous or not, I can't say, but they seem to have purpose and intent behind their weirdness.
I reserve the right to backtrack on my earlier comment if and/or when I get to meet some of these Notional Gnomes of Gnosis, these Hyperspatial Haltijas of Hermeticism, these Incorporeal Imps of Intrapersonal Illumination, these Transdimensional Tokoloshes of Transformation and/or the Empyrean Elves of Existential Edification, Elucidation and Enlightenment. I'll get back to you on that one :)

I don't discount the possibility of "entities" or "little people" of some description that we only become aware of under the influence of certain substances, but I would rather find my own path to them if they are there and interpret whatever I uncover along the way in my own fashion.
Why thankyou - frivolous fripperies of fanciful phraseological frolickings is an occasional hobby of mine dontcha know :D
My mate saw what he described as 'goblins running out of the bushes' when he was on an acid trip hahahahahahaha
^^swillow, near same hallucination as me. i had heard about elves before going into thedmt flash, but never had some intention of 'seeing elves.' and with dmt, i think intentions kinda go out the window. i also think it is strange that many people report very similar things in regard to elves, which leads me to believe they are somehow embedded into the human psyche, or the psyche while on dmt. after one strong trip with afriend we both described the same elves, and even drew them out looking nearly identical, and hehad never heard of 'elves' before.
Notional Gnomes of Gnosis, these Hyperspatial Haltijas of Hermeticism, these Incorporeal Imps of Intrapersonal Illumination, these Transdimensional Tokoloshes of Transformation and/or the Empyrean Elves of Existential Edification, Elucidation and Enlightenment.

To anyone who doesn't know, Haltija is the finnish word for "elf" :)

(although it's actually spelled "haltia"... the other spelling has a different meaning)
Personally I think they are an artifact caused by parts of the brain working in an autonomous fashion, that the conciousness recognizes as 'entities' while splattered due to DMT. Same way that on ketamine you can almost sit back and watch waves of electrical energy flow over the surface of the brain.

Then again I might be babbling nonsense...
Personally I feel they are inhabitants of the dream realm. Lord morpheus died and his replacement took his place, but he doesn't yet know all the stuff about running the place, so some of the dream critters are running wild and playing pranks on spice hippies...
^ +1 fast. agreed, its some part ofthe brains workings that is interpreted as 'elves'
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I've seen demonic elves on 3.5 of mushrooms and 2 speeds. They were just laughing at me a mimicking my emotional fluctuation.:!
ohh yeah i kinda know what you mean a friend told me about becoming part of a grid made up of human bodies while meditating on a salvia breakthrough

i have the same thing on salvia but i assume when we perceive we superimpose what we know over the impersonal.. the grid being a matrix of energy and intent which we translate into perception as a grid of humans talking to/pushing/pulling each other. the whole thing would be gobbledeegook and we would not be able to bring back a memory of the experience if we were just staring at something that we couldn't think about
the only time ive felt like i had contact with something spiritual or whatever was on mushys. i was lying down on the green of a golf course. no elves tho...and no machines. i think that more so the person effects the "thing you have contact with" not the substance...jmho