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[DMT Subthread] Entity / Alien / Machine Elf Contact

DMT is among the only drug to produce "true hallucinations" in this sense yes it is possible to communicate with inter dimensional beings as you describe.
^can you describe "true hallucinations" more.... im pretty sure i know where your coming from and agree but id like to hear more of your thoughts on this subject.
^True hallucination= oxymoron, or double something. An hallucination CANNOT be true, or it is not an hallucination. Or, if it is true, so is every hallucination.

But a true hallucination is generally regarded as hallucinations that aren't perceived as such; ie. one may see a green rabbit and genuinely believe its reality.

IMO, DMT doesn't lead to true hallucinations, but the after effects of chronic use can lead to some very odd blotches in reality. Whatever the fuck reality is....:D
^thanks mr scientist :), i dont think he meant it in the way you describe (or at least thats not how i took it) which is why it was quoted, obviously a hallucination can never be "true."
Group hallucinations in themselves are evidence enough that its not "influenced by outside sources" as some skeptics attempt to convince themselves and others for reassurance after they've failed.

Mass consciousness is way more complex then man with modern day technology could even hope to understand. It saddens me to know some are soo ignorant/naive cocky/egotistic to think they're even close to solving that puzzle. Coincidentally these would be the same people saying "The earth IS flat!" in columbus' time who would burn you at the stake if they could for thinking other wise. Your wrong, get over it & yourself.
"Elves wear boots"
--Ozzy Ozbourne (before terrance Mckenna)
ohh yeah i kinda know what you mean a friend told me about becoming part of a grid made up of human bodies while meditating on a salvia breakthrough

!!!!!! I'm not the only one!!!!!

It was as if millions of bodies formed one gigantic, powerful being, all in white suits with a red emblem on the left breast pocket of the coat that resembled that of almost a company logo, but was much too complex, much like if the heart were bleeding through the coat of the suit. In every direction, these bodies are forming this super-being. I came out of it screaming.

That was the only experience with salvia that truly left me speechless. The others were crazy, but seemed to lack meaning.

As far as machine elves: kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke!!!!!

Fastandbulbous: I agree w/ your post, and feel that you aren't babbling nonsense whatsoever.
Entity Contact on DMT

The most recurring expamples I hear of this are the "machine elves" or similar hyperspace entilechies, as well as Goddesses.

I've had one very particular contact experience in which the dmt space seemed to mold and take the form of an extremely beautiful, earthy female spirit with peircing eyes - The feel was very sensual in that serpentine way, which makes sense due to various stages of awakening kundalini energy I was experiencing at the time. There were even serpents moving around her.

Very strong messages of love and reassurance in that one, which was my first breakthrough dmt trip. The second one was 5 minutes later.

Has anyone experienced anything like this on dmt or other psychedelics??
I wasn't too precise with the dosage, I just loaded a fair amount in the glass bubble I purchased for that occasion and smoked until I wasn't able to smoke anymore. Which I would reccomend by the way.

According to my friend who supplied the dmt, Terrence Mckenna at some point said that what you can scrape off on a match head is enough for 2 people. I'm not really sure if this is always the case since what I ended up smoking was about that, maybe a little less.

Not too sure how many milligrams that would be though.
I see. I'm trying to see how much I will need to take to breakthrough or have an experience similar to yours. It will be my first time and I would most definitely like to experience other forms.
At the apex of my biggest DMT breakthrough, I came to a room that was entirely made out of molded plastic-type substance that was orange and silver. Rising up out of the middle was a woman (her dress was made out of the same material as the room). She looked about 40 years old, and was very pale with black hair and looked kind of old fashioned. She didn't communicate with me so much as I had a feeling I was welcome to look around and be in that place. She was sitting very still looking into the distance.

I've also seen a row of Buddhas who had definite personalities, but alas no mechanical elves yet...

My only other real entity contact was on Salvia, when a lot of condescending thin blue aliens came into my apartment and sat in the next room to me and let me know me I was wasting their time. Much less wonderful.
Yeah, I've never encountered "Machine elves" either. Usually there is a guiding, insectlike goddess figure who introduces me to various other entities. One time, she brought me to this infinitely tall mottled wall, beside which was an infinitely tall spiral wooden staircase. We traversed quickly down the staircase to a landing, on which two mime-like creatures were standing, guarding a hole in the wall. They said that, on the other side of the wall, was where the meaning of life was stored.

I looked through the hole, and there was nothing there. It was just an empty void. Still trying to figure that one out. I intend to go back and consult them again someday.
"Machine elves" is just one term Terrence McKenna used to describe a kind of phenomena... but very few people actually see anything "elvish" (in the Lord of the Rings" sense)

Contact with entities when smoking DMT is very, very common. Some people have difficulty dealing with the ontological implications that they are as they say they are or appear (however you wish to metaphizzicalize that)

And these experiences typically have a sophisticated quality and stark reality to them - and beings or phenomena like these are not usually encountered in the dream state either - so we can pretty much preclude that they are being generated from the brain or "mind" as we generally know it.

Ockams razor applies here, insomuch as the simplest explanation, that they are as they say they are and as they appear to the one who is experiencing them, is actually the case!

I've smoked DMT 4 times, and each time the sense of encountering entities was stronger. It's like, each time I venture into the DMTverse, the denizens of that world get more interested in me.

The first time I smoked DMT, I only saw one, and it didn't make any clear movements or attempts at communicating.

The second time, I felt as if I was walking around a village populated by these creatures (they were humanoid in figure but otherwise totally alien) and some of them didn't bother to notice me. A couple were curious about me, and scurried over to me to have a look, but they didn't really communicate in any way, they just watched with this "what's this weird thing?" kind of attitude.

The third time, it felt like I was moving through a series of rooms in a house, and there were two entities who played out a mock conflict in front of me. Each of them changed into the other's nemesis (kind of like The Oldest Game, or the wizard/witch duel from that old Disney movie The Sword in the Stone), faster than I could follow, and it was clear that they were as much playing with each other cooperatively as anything else. As I receded back out of the house in the second half of the trip, I was visualizing my body as a pool of flourescent light, and an entity came up on each side of me and one of them stuck a strawlike implement into the pool of liquid light that was my body. I don't remember if they were pouring more in, or sucking light out.

The last time I smoked DMT was two weeks ago, and it was easily the most intense and difficult experience with the stuff that I've had yet. I felt like I was on an operating table, and the entities that inhabit DMTspace were dissecting me. I didn't like it very much (to the extent that I was capable of making such a judgment), but it was still exceedingly interesting and compelling, just like all the other DMT experiences I've had.

One thing is for sure about the DMT entities ... they don't give a shit about my personality or my ego. To them, the human mind is an intellectual curiosity to be dissected and analyzed without any consideration whatsoever for what we think of as our autonomy. I get the sense that there's a threshold I haven't yet passed by smoking DMT, because I haven't yet had a definite experience of merging with the universe, and every time I come close and see the DMT entities (including these 4 plus one extraordinarily powerful mushroom experience in which I encountered DMT entities and then DID merge with the universe over the course of a full half hour spent in DMTspace), their approach seems to be to dissect, dismember, and discorporate me ... they want to take "me" apart so that "I" no longer think that "I'm" separate from the rest of what exists. They don't seem to want me to stay at all connected to my body, and they don't seem to care at all about my efforts to remain within it. In fact, when I try to communicate with them, they stay decidedly mute, and focus on unzipping my head from the top down.

One of these days I'm going to attempt to replicate my DMT-level experience with mushrooms (which I had a year and a half ago and was the most intense and important psychedelic experience I've ever had). Until then, I think smoking DMT is just going to land me back on their operating table again and again. It's too quick and abrupt to offer me the time to surrender and join with the universe, the way they want me to. It's immensely intriguing, so I'm not going to stop, but it's also not the best way to approach that universe, I think. Either that or I've never smoked enough of it at a time.
And these experiences typically have a sophisticated quality and stark reality to them - and beings or phenomena like these are not usually encountered in the dream state either - so we can pretty much preclude that they are being generated from the brain or "mind" as we generally know it.

Really? The kind of psychedelic visuals that one sees on LSD, mushrooms etc. aren't commonly encountered in the dream state, but that doesn't mean that they are anything but a manifestation of brain processes.
Ockams razor applies here, insomuch as the simplest explanation, that they are as they say they are and as they appear to the one who is experiencing them, is actually the case!
I would think that applying Occam's Razor would lead one to conclude that these experiences are generated wholly within the brain (that's a simpler explanation then proposing that psychoactive drugs somehow grant access to an otherwise unseen parallel universe, or hyperdimensional space, inhabited by mysterious intelligent entities).
Mr Wobble, if the overwhelming appearance of a drug experience is that it DOES grant access to an otherwise unseen hyperdimensional space inhabited by mysterious entities, Occam's Razor would imply that this is very simply the case.

The only new idea necessary for this, given our current body of knowledge on neuroscience, is the idea that such a space exists and that the human brain is capable of becoming aware of it under certain circumstances.

Any other explanation requires us to disregard the single most defining quality of the experiences themselves, which strikes me as a more serious jump of logic than the one necessary to assert the existence of a hyperdimension. Nothing we know is negated by the assertion of the existence of a hyperdimension, whereas a lot of (admittedly subjectively reported) evidence needs to be ignored in order to negate its existence.

I'm not making any certain statements either way, just saying that if Occam's Razor is our metric, that's hardly an argument against the existence of other worlds.