Dabbling for good physical and mental health - tweeking advise needed

Probably alcoholic in the sense of my junkie mind "more is better. Fuck moderation" or some variant of that. I have to lol at anyone who Considers a competitive physical sport who indulges (not simply imbibe occasionally) on any rec substance. You're either building your body or destroying it.
Originally Posted by Genetic Freak
It sounds like your natural Testosterone levels are now pretty low, hence a TRT protocol would be ideal for you... 125mg Test-E or Test-C/week injected twice a week (half dose) for more stable blood concentrations.... By avoiding peaks in plasma levels you should negate the need for ancillarys like Arimidex...

There is no need for Nolva or Arimidex when on a correctly applied TRT course.... Its only when doctors advise pinning once every 2/3 weeks with a higher dose that unnecessary issues arrise..


Why would a pharmacist prescribe dbol? Surely a try dose of 150 - 250mg pw of test would be better?

Hi nolys...

Considering the OP's age 56, and my interpretation that he was after overall better health at that age, I believed he would be better off with a TRT dose of 125mg/week, that was my thinking..
100mg is the normal prescribed dose therefore my advice of 125mg was on the top side, I don't believe a higher dose would be prudent in his specific case...

We have received a lot of questions from members with low dose natural testosterone levels recently, also I have some personal friends in NZ currently at various stages of treatment with their Doctors or Endocrinologists....
I would like to see this forum branching out somewhat to those members with genuine low test levels, as I believe there are some of us on here with a greater knowledge on steroid esters, half-life release times, injection protocol and area bioavailability than most Doctors currently out there giving advice...

Issues arise when Doctors prescribe single injection once per 3-4 weeks, resulting in high peak plasma levels that can cause side effects....

I would like to stress to those people giving out bad advice regarding high doses, cardiac issues and ancillarys.... When trying to replicate a normal dose protocol for TRT therapy E2 generally is not an issue, there is no need for an aromatase inhibitor or a SERM.... Blood pressure, HDL, cardiac problems, should not be an issue when trying to replicate normal healthy testosterone levels....
Try and differentiate between those on TRT and those of AAS for bodybuilding..
Oh my bad sorry I meant e2w. That's how doctors in the US prescribe try isn't it fortnightly? I may be mistaken here...
Not sure how that would work in Thailand though I don't know too much about TRT it isn't used much here in Ireland...
Am I right in assuming doctors do fortnightly injections for TRT ?

Obviously I would recccomend either once a week injections or twice would be optimal, although I have no idea on the customsof how this works in the ops home country.
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Your not drinking with that dbol are you? I seen you mentioned your alcoholic mind u don't know if that's present or past tense? Don't drink alcohol on dbol...

I am a recovering alcoholic/drug addict. 20 yrs sober. So I have the addictive personality, although I dont indulge atm, one day at a time
There seems to be a lot of advise in the way of using biweekly test pins. I will have to think about that alternative first and foremost. Recon I will finish the Dbol I have and let that be the end of that little trial.

Against my docs inital advice I decided on bi-weekly when I was on it (almost 2 years off and it's been rough for most), I agree.
Against my docs inital advice I decided on bi-weekly when I was on it (almost 2 years off and it's been rough for most), I agree.

Its been rough being off? But you think its a good idea to do it? I would appreciate your time and effort if you can tell me about you experiences.
lol Dbol TRT

theres pretty good fucking reason why doctors dont prescribe Winstrol,Dbol,Anavar etc as trt
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Oh my bad sorry I meant e2w. That's how doctors in the US prescribe try isn't it fortnightly? I may be mistaken here...
Not sure how that would work in Thailand though I don't know too much about TRT it isn't used much here in Ireland...
Am I right in assuming doctors do fortnightly injections for TRT ?

Obviously I would recccomend either once a week injections or twice would be optimal, although I have no idea on the customsof how this works in the ops home country.

The rate here in the states varies from dr to dr, if its a small General Physician yeah every 2-3 weeks, Of its a Anti aging clinic it can be a weekly treatment. And that can varies as well from cut and dry standard dosages and compounds to more aggressive dosages and compounds depending on the dr his agenda your insurance or basically what your willing to fork over. My Doc is a little aggressive, so I take advantage in that respect lol.

As for D-boll as a TRT compound just no no orals fro TRT.
lol Dbol TRT

theres pretty good fucking reason why doctors dont prescribe Winstrol,Dbol,Anavar etc as trt

I am taking the Dbol atm just as a booster (of some kind). Because I have it? Not a serious contemplation for future use. I am quite relaxed about the resounding advice of pinning 125 mg test in two doses weekly. Everyone seems to be suggesting that. Sounds like a solid basis and something I quite evidently need.
The rate here in the states varies from dr to dr, if its a small General Physician yeah every 2-3 weeks, Of its a Anti aging clinic it can be a weekly treatment. And that can varies as well from cut and dry standard dosages and compounds to more aggressive dosages and compounds depending on the dr his agenda your insurance or basically what your willing to fork over. My Doc is a little aggressive, so I take advantage in that respect lol.

As for D-boll as a TRT compound just no no orals fro TRT.

I am still interested in looking into using Arimidex (with biweekly test pins). Was told to take a quarter of a pill daily (dont know for how long). The suggested benefits seem quite smart thinking. We have 1 or 2 ppl here saying Arimidex is a good idea (always). A few others saying it is unnecessary. So the jury is out on that one. Dbol is as easily discontinued as started (will stop when my bag is empty).
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Yeah that is a solid set up man 250 fro a weekly total is fine. I run that myself when I drop to just Test, and frankly I am always surprised and happy with its results especially when you take your diet and training seriously, things just begin to take on a very nice consistent degree of progress. Especially when you keep in mind that diet and training need to be adapted regularly to changing weight goals, and compound introductions. While the Test is great corner stone, but if you don't bother adjust to your new needs of your goal ( bulk, cut, aesthetics, sport restricted goal ( boxing wrestling ). Just running some d-bol because you have it is a smart way to end up with some shitty sides gyno, heart issues and what have you. While a great oral to run as a kick start or as a part of a serious bulking or strength cycle running it alone, with no test, or even an AI can end badly. Like Say you run out, and have a few weeks before you get your test, your testicles are goign to be shut down so, no natty test,and even though its a low dose you said 5mg over a period of time with the test gel it will shut you down. That being said yeah get a nice quality test either pharma or, a solid UGL and pick either Test Cyp or Test Enan and run the 250mg/week. You do not need to split it into, though you can in fact split the dosage fro a more stable blood level... I would like to
Test is intramuscular not intravenous...
Anyway, arimidex is alway a good idea, but such drugs make your cholesterol worse due to lowered estrogen, so using a SERM like nolvadex is better. It will prevent gyno without lowering estrogen.

Went to my pharmacists today, asked about Arimidex. He looked it up, said it was not available otc. Too bad about that, so far
Yeah that is a solid set up man 250 fro a weekly total is fine. I run that myself when I drop to just Test, and frankly I am always surprised and happy with its results especially when you take your diet and training seriously, things just begin to take on a very nice consistent degree of progress. Especially when you keep in mind that diet and training need to be adapted regularly to changing weight goals, and compound introductions. While the Test is great corner stone, but if you don't bother adjust to your new needs of your goal ( bulk, cut, aesthetics, sport restricted goal ( boxing wrestling ). Just running some d-bol because you have it is a smart way to end up with some shitty sides gyno, heart issues and what have you. While a great oral to run as a kick start or as a part of a serious bulking or strength cycle running it alone, with no test, or even an AI can end badly. Like Say you run out, and have a few weeks before you get your test, your testicles are goign to be shut down so, no natty test,and even though its a low dose you said 5mg over a period of time with the test gel it will shut you down. That being said yeah get a nice quality test either pharma or, a solid UGL and pick either Test Cyp or Test Enan and run the 250mg/week. You do not need to split it into, though you can in fact split the dosage fro a more stable blood level... I would like to

You recon I am running risk of gyno on 5 mg Dbol for 3 weeks? I am taking the test daily (gel) and there is no reason for me to run out on it, as it is readily available. Will buy proper test after my gel runs out. Must admit, I am feeling really good on this duo (Dbol/test) but maybe test on its own would do the same thing. I have been able to stop taking fluoxetine/Venlafaxine after 15 yrs and feel a lot better now (better than the best days on the antidepressants).
There is a risk, for some reason the test gel tends to more easily armoatize, so adding a compound even in low dosages like D-boll, you increase the risk.The thing is at 5mg the increase risk of gyno with no real benefit is what your running into, It is a simple risk reward scenario, why increase your risk for no real tangible gain. Run the gel until you can get the injectable, make sure you have an AI on hand. I blast and cruise my self, as dose my father now we may not have use for the Ai until we run a proper cycle but say we run into a problem it pays to have the compound on had. Rather have and not need then need and not have.

I have no doubt the combo has you feeling great, always makes you feel great one of the real benefits of the D-boll. But running it at a low dosage like that is just not goign to be worth much to you. Running it at say 2-30 mg.day fro 4 week cycles now you will see some real growth from it and increase in side effects as they are dose dependent, but not every one gets the same ones at the same dosages. How ever, at that dosage I would say an AI is with out a doubt needed especially with injectable test when you get to that stage. But running it @ 5mg/day is not doing much, but if it making a marked change in your performance you may want to take note, and see what those changes are, and stick with a lower dosage program. But the warning is once you drop the D-bol the mental aspect follows fast from it, I just dotn want you to experience cycles of depression with the gear use which is common. Also low dosages are insidious they still stress your liver, just over a longer period of time which can lead to issues.

Like you say the test may do the trick in mood by its self but, D-bol dose have a very pronounced mental feel good effect, in fact it is noted for that effect. As suck when you stop its usage you will notice a change in your mental state, just be aware of this effect.
There is a risk, for some reason the test gel tends to more easily armoatize, so adding a compound even in low dosages like D-boll, you increase the risk.The thing is at 5mg the increase risk of gyno with no real benefit is what your running into, It is a simple risk reward scenario, why increase your risk for no real tangible gain. Run the gel until you can get the injectable, make sure you have an AI on hand. I blast and cruise my self, as dose my father now we may not have use for the Ai until we run a proper cycle but say we run into a problem it pays to have the compound on had. Rather have and not need then need and not have.

I have no doubt the combo has you feeling great, always makes you feel great one of the real benefits of the D-boll. But running it at a low dosage like that is just not goign to be worth much to you. Running it at say 2-30 mg.day fro 4 week cycles now you will see some real growth from it and increase in side effects as they are dose dependent, but not every one gets the same ones at the same dosages. How ever, at that dosage I would say an AI is with out a doubt needed especially with injectable test when you get to that stage. But running it @ 5mg/day is not doing much, but if it making a marked change in your performance you may want to take note, and see what those changes are, and stick with a lower dosage program. But the warning is once you drop the D-bol the mental aspect follows fast from it, I just dotn want you to experience cycles of depression with the gear use which is common. Also low dosages are insidious they still stress your liver, just over a longer period of time which can lead to issues.

Like you say the test may do the trick in mood by its self but, D-bol dose have a very pronounced mental feel good effect, in fact it is noted for that effect. As suck when you stop its usage you will notice a change in your mental state, just be aware of this effect.

I am sold on the idea of dropping the Dbol. Giving it up NOW. Will keep on the gel for time being (until I score some good test), might up the dose from 5 to 10 mg (if Dbol discontinuation is rough, which I dont really anticipate). The way I am feeling and my energy levels being up the way they are now, I am really happy with the situation as is. Even going to the gym and pumping, which I havent done in ages! Will post what Dbol discontinuation does for me. Time frame for comedown?
I am taking the Dbol atm just as a booster (of some kind). Because I have it? Not a serious contemplation for future use. I am quite relaxed about the resounding advice of pinning 125 mg test in two doses weekly. Everyone seems to be suggesting that. Sounds like a solid basis and something I quite evidently need.

To clarify my original advice... 125mg/week total testosterone... IE: 62.5mg X 2/week...

The half-life of Test-C is about 5-6 days, therefore pinning a minimum of once per half-life is recommended for steady state blood plasma concentrations... Ideally twice per half-life..!!! I apreciate we are only discussing a TRT dose, not supra-physiological amounts, but I personally would pin twice per week.... This would negate any possible side effects...
I am still interested in looking into using Arimidex (with biweekly test pins). Was told to take a quarter of a pill daily (dont know for how long). The suggested benefits seem quite smart thinking. We have 1 or 2 ppl here saying Arimidex is a good idea (always). A few others saying it is unnecessary. So the jury is out on that one. Dbol is as easily discontinued as started (will stop when my bag is empty).

You don't need Arimidex on TRT.... Estrogen is an essential hormone, your body needs it just as much as it needs testosterone.. You don't knock out estrogen on TRT therapy...

Just to clarify: Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor, some of the bodys' testosterone is aromatized to estrogen (that is how the body makes estrogen, from testosterone) an aromatase inhibitor (like Arimidex) binds the aromatase enzyme (stops the production of estrogen)..... You don't want to knock out estrogen production, you need it..!!!

The jury isn't out, you don't need it ...... End Of..!!!
Oh my bad sorry I meant e2w. That's how doctors in the US prescribe try isn't it fortnightly? I may be mistaken here...

Am I right in assuming doctors do fortnightly injections for TRT ?

Obviously I would recommend either once a week injections or twice would be optimal, although I have no idea on the customs of how this works in the ops home country.

What we know about injection protocol:

As you inject your doses you will get a peak and a trough for the test in your blood so you want to try inject frequently enough to keep it towards the peak level and stop it dropping too low to keep it as stable as possible.

Typically you'll see more aromatization with higher fluctuation (less frequent injections than half-life) with any ester..

Long esters can cause a slightly higher aromatisation because you inject a larger amount at once, causing a larger bolus dose at the start of the week, and the more hits the system at once, the more is metabolized by enzymes. This can easily be remedied by using a more frequent injection pattern (twice a week rather than once a week)...

Standard TRT of once every 2-4 weeks isn't the best option given what we know.... some doctors just suck..!!
I find it pretty fucking stupid the way the y dose people for TRT in the states, can't they just teach people to do their own bi or even single weekly injections? Saves on costs from all angles, travel expenses, administration, doctor fees... And obviously keeps blood levels more stable...
All or nothing?

You don't need Arimidex on TRT.... Estrogen is an essential hormone, your body needs it just as much as it needs testosterone.. You don't knock out estrogen on TRT therapy...

Just to clarify: Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor, some of the bodys' testosterone is aromatized to estrogen (that is how the body makes estrogen, from testosterone) an aromatase inhibitor (like Arimidex) binds the aromatase enzyme (stops the production of estrogen)..... You don't want to knock out estrogen production, you need it..!!!

The jury isn't out, you don't need it ...... End Of..!!!

Would an aromatase inhibitor then totally block out all estrogen? Is it not possible to dose the AI so that the estrogen aromatization is minimized/kept a little lower? I understand a body needs (some) estrogen, and no estrogen is really bad for heart/"good" cholesterol production.

Really appreciate all the input.