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Conversations with My Guardian Angels

I dont see negativity anymore, I see confusion, fear, sadness, love, beauty and all I have now is love and desire to help.

I'm starting to feel the same or that was what I meant. The negatve qualities that used to annoy me just don't seem relevant any more.

They just annoy me for a short time. It's not the end of the world for me. It's worse for the person who have to live with those qualties and provoking those feelings in people.
I am testing you out- did you get it? :)

Sorry, but I'm not a good psychic. That's what I meant. I'm starting to get a clear crown center so I can connect with the spritual world but I don't have a very activated third eye so I can't receive many meta-physical impressions of how people live in this world.

And I don't want to. I'm already very sensitive to people's energies and emotions and that's a burden enough. I can see everything that someone feels (and much of what they think) when I look at them. But I sometimes seem able to channel some truth or receive higher inspiration or generate high-level ideas when I focus on something. I don't hear any voices, it seems more like I receive a large amount of spiritual energy and can translate it to thoughts or emotions in the way I like. Sometimes it can feel like receiving telepathic messages but it seems more self-generated.

I think it's connected to the 5th chakra, as this is also the center of truth, and seems to be the main consciousness-level I operate from (now). But I generally think of it as connecting with my higher self/God/the whole. It could fit all at the same time as in a way they're versions of each other. And, yes, also my guardian angels or spirit-forms who inspire me. When I wrote the above I felt inspired by Gabriel although I think of it more as coming from myself than "Here comes Gabriel". So I can give advice, but I can't really offer psychic insight or prophecies.
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P.S. I'm in full-on oracle mode. I am receiving a lot of thoughts on anything I put my mind to. You could probably ask me about just about anything (not psychic impressions).

Sorry I have missed this post.
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And I don't want to. I'm already very sensitive to people's energies and emotions and that's a burden enough. I can see everything that someone feels (and much of what they think) when I look at them. But I sometimes seem able to channel some truth or receive higher inspiration or generate high-level ideas when I focus on something. I don't hear any voices, it seems more like I receive a large amount of spiritual energy and can translate it to thoughts or emotions in the way I like. Sometimes it can feel like receiving telepathic messages but it seems more self-generated.
seriously, what we think of someone, what we think we see in someone, we influence that person. “Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and pondering, that becomes the inclination of his awareness.”
I could decide to look for people mistakes and shynes and I could see that. I can also only decide to love anyone I meet and all I see is a kind person.
and most importantly, every time we think negatively toward anything, we create stress and unnecessary suffering.

Nowadays, I only emit love from my heart. I know I cannot know anyone and know who and what they are, therefore the only helpful attitude and feeling I can have toward another person is to love and feel compassion for people. life is hard and all I can do is try to be the more kind and loving I can be.
I personally dont feel much if any negative energy from anyone as I only feel love for people around me. even if I see fast judgments, its all good. nobody means harms unless you look people with a unloving heart.

I have a question. when you are with a cashier, what do you think? do you wonder how she is feeling, are you compassionate, do you try to love her?
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Hah. This is a good question as in fact I have a "strained" relationship with most of the cashiers at my local super market, as they are all aware I'm a drug-user (don't ask), which influences their attitude towards me and so how I respond to them.

So this is a point to stress as it's creates an unpleasent atmosphere, but when I go anywhere else, and this is actually a good question as it's something you don't tend to give any thought and something you act mostly unconscously with. But I have a standard attitude I meet other people with, which is more like neutral/friendly, and if there is something within me that's not, like if there is something obviously negative to respond to in the other person, I try to suppress it so I don't show that and add a strain to them.

I know many don't act with any self-awareness around this. They just feel they are entitled to react in any way that comes naturally and it doesn't occur to them how tiresome it can be for someone who evokes the same negative reactions in most people (though this is subconscious in most but it still doesn't do any less harm). Like the doctor I was talking about before, his whole physical posture and face expression showed he has little self-esteem and felt very unvalued by the world.

Not that I would have dreamt of treating him with disrespect but he seemed to expect this as a rule and also didn't try to hide his own feelings of disgust for someone who showed up in his office in that state (which annoyed me as I was very close to seizure and felt I was on the verge of dying). So he had no awareness or regard for how he himself relates to other people or make them feel. Anyhow, thinking back I can't help but feel bad for him, as he probably has to deal with the same shit each day in that stressful environement. From other men "Look at you, you can't even stand up for yourself or get laid", etc. and rejection from women.

So he had a lot to feel angry and bitter about and still hasn't found any way to handle it. Even though I was annoyed at him for treating me who generally treat people with friendliness and respect that way. Not that it's uncommon in doctors but it was a difficult time for me.
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Hah. This is a good question as in fact I have a "strained" relationship with most of the cashiers at my local super market....
What happened? There are a few cashiers here that I can't stand and I avoid their line or even their store.

The thing with the physician - sounds like he went to Med School for the money. But I am surprised he can't buy himself a gold-digger bride who will love him for his money and be able to ignore is lack of social skills. One of the reasons I didn't go to Med School is because so many of the Pre Med students were unpleasant to be around. I don't know how it is in the UK, but at my university, they were greedy, grabby, self-entitled people with no empathy and the social skills of self-promoting sociopaths who fit in well with the world of Yuppies and corporate medicine.
She's Norwegian- not UK. Seems everyone has the idea that Nina is from the UK. I did at first.
I knew she was Norwegian.. I find her posts intriguing btw..
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I was judging her nationality by her English language skills. From the way she posts, English could be her mother tongue.
I've made the realisation I've lived most of it in the polarities of good/ evil, or darkness/light, almost like the squares in a chess board. Or, the parts that have been good have been very good, but the parts that have been bad have also been pretty bad (like drug-abuse and what it leads to). A problem has been that I tend to view myself from one point of view, so when I see myself from my good side it enables me to defend all the bad things I do, as the good things are real, and when I see myself for all the bad things I'v been unable to see myself outside of that. So I haven't been really integrated and tend to work with a split conscousness where I view myself from the part I'm in at the time (drugs also help enable this).

At the first part of my life the situation was pretty much that I would always do my best, and always try to do the right thing and treat people well, that was how I was raised and it worked out well at first. But with time I found that this doesn't really pay off in this world and doesn't mean you will always be treated well or that you will be rewarded for it. So when I was around 17 I started to feel like this was just too inbalanced. And I wasn't willing to live my life as a martyr, which was how I could see it turning out if I contirnued that way, and I just wouldn't do it. My sister has lived her life pretty much as a martyr, or submissive to what society and everyone else wants from her, no matter what gets thrown at her in return. But I'm not like that, I just won't stand for it too long. I don't see any reason why I should. So from that point I was more rebellious and decided I would just do whatever I wanted. I don't to anything to deliberately harm anyone, anyway, but I can do people harm without intending too and this can also be a problem (and is easier to suppress or justify).

Also, by now I don't have any problem letting people know I'm prepared to give them a hard time if they think they can get away with anything. I mean, I don't do anything silly, I just show them I'm prepared to use my intelligence against them or turn my energy against them so they don't feel so great. And then they respect you and leave you alone, which suits me fine. Although I prefer when I don't have to, but there are some shady people around. It would be nice if you could treat everyone well and they would do the same in return, but it's just not realistic, so I don't even worry about it any more.
I've become quite good at recognising other angels now after being raised in a family where all my close family members were also incarnated angels. The thing is that, angels are the same, or more alike than humans who tend to hve more individuality. Wherea angels tend to share the same consciousness and have the same look in their eyes, etc. So one angel can be a good susbstitute for another.

Anyway, there are also a fair few angels in the public eyes, and studying them can help give you a sense of what they're like so you can recognise the vibration. It becomes very obvious with time.

So I thought I would pick out some of the most stereo typical who are featured in the public eye so you can see if you can get a sense of it (they tend to incarnate as females but there are also some male).


















Of course, not all are are as glamorous as these. The're the ones who got picked up by the entertainment industry for their charisma, star-appeal, and their ability to get into the heart of the people.

But maybe it will help you get a better idea of how they can come accross. Like I said they tend to be very similar on the deeper level. The same look in the eye and same type consciousness.

You can also meditate on these pictures, to immerse yourself in that kind of high conscioussness, and it will help uplift you to (same as with music or words).
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I'm reminded of the song "You look like an Angel" by Elvis Presley - Look like an angel. You look like an angel, Walk like an angel, Talk like an angel, But I got wise: You're the devil in disguise!
link:[video]https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DeZC 9LwfcYOg&ei=99sJVf6OLcmQ7AbLtoGQCw&usg=AFQjCNFVgfnEXCEfdwmKne9mlXXPGjxQzw&sig2=W2W3s3N1kyMs3h2F-OiqwA&bvm=bv.88198703,d.ZGU[/video]
You've got to be careful.
ninae, im worried

I think she is okay. I don't buy into her views, but I have come to see (and almost admire) the fact they have their own self-contained, reasoned logic. She also expresses herself really well, so I don't feel like she is babbling incoherency, even if the conclusions she draws aren't ones I would. That's just my take on this; believe me, its not the first time that someone has expressed concern for her.

I guess this is sort of tangential, free-range thinking which perhaps has some creative benefit...
ive learn to appreciate ninae. very interesting view of the world, but she seems a bit lost in her thought sometime. I dotn think what she says is all babble at all, we seem to share some very profound values, but like you, some conclusion she draws is weird sometime.
I actually would prefer to be in a relationship with a deep girl like her then the superficial girls who doesnt look for spiritual growth
I think she is okay. I don't buy into her views, but I have come to see (and almost admire) the fact they have their own self-contained, reasoned logic. She also expresses herself really well, so I don't feel like she is babbling incoherency, even if the conclusions she draws aren't ones I would. That's just my take on this; believe me, its not the first time that someone has expressed concern for her.

I guess this is sort of tangential, free-range thinking which perhaps has some creative benefit...

but,damn, showing picture of good looking people, look into their eyes and saying they are angel is close to delusional. As if you can know someone and understand who they are simply by looking in their eye. its worrysome for me
Did you miss her Bjork secret-hand-signals thread? This has nothing on that ;)
but,damn, showing picture of good looking people, look into their eyes and saying they are angel is close to delusional. As if you can know someone and understand who they are simply by looking in their eye. its worrysome for me

This is not without basis in reality or all in my own mind. In fact, I met a guy on the street once and got that "angel vibe" from him. So I asked and was told he used to an angel a long time ago. But he was not anymore as some find the responsibility of living as an angel on earth too much. And I should stay away from him (he had been into chaos magic, etc. but had been saved and was a reformed Christian then).

I've also had confirmed celebrities I asked about. But it's really not as strange as it sounds. I realise it sounds crazy to some, but like she said I'm very clairsentient (the same as being clairvoyant only you pick up on feelings and energies instead). And all my close family are also angels, my mother, both of my sisters, 3 of my grandparents, a few of my cousins, etc. so I just recognise the vibration.

It's not that hard if you're sensitive. And all "angels" (they're not really angels now, but their inner being is) have the same energy or feeling about them. Kind of naive, harmless, innocent feeling (but not uninnteligent). They're more alike while humans have more individuality. I just recognise many by their energy, either by looking at their face, or the sound of their voice. No stranger than anything else that goes on in the world, really, it's not like meta-physical abilities are unheard of or there are any laws for who can have them.
ive learn to appreciate ninae. very interesting view of the world, but she seems a bit lost in her thought sometime. I dotn think what she says is all babble at all, we seem to share some very profound values, (...)

Me too (sorry to use part of your post. That's to agree, no buts in my chosen sentence.
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Although I have to admit I didn't pick up that angel vibe from Queen Elizabeth, but she stopped being an angel a LONG time ago so there was no way I could.

Still, I'm pissed off and even angry that Gabriel has lost his twin soul after all he has done, because she would rather be dissolved than return to the light. Oh well, she won't live long now, mark my words.

Come to think of it, I've never liked her. I knew she would piss me off one day.
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^Were Queen Elizabeth and Archangel Gabriel an item?