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Conversations with My Guardian Angels

Well, it's just for fun or maybe to learn something from, it doesn't have to be so serious. Those readings were from a difficult time about 3 years ago when I was going through a lot. A lot of withdrawals and hospitalisations, rehab, etc. It was hard and they were trying to calm me down.

I guess it's mostly feeling that the spiritual world is there and you beings there that look out for you. The idea of different lifetimes taking place parallely is interesting to. So maybe I have some influence by those and some of those are influenced by the uselessness of this.

I am sometimes able to make some kind of contact when I go into trance-like states. Mostly by feeling some type of energy or telepathic contact. But I can't normally carry out direct conversations like that.
It's very enlightening to have your spirituality evolved and it may be good energy.
I must admit that you had courage to express yourself knowing that people would think.
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I agree. It's good to look outside ones of own life and realize there is a lot more out there than what we are experiencing at the moment.
Believe it or not, Bluelight helped me to have thick skin. People can get nasty. For what it's worth, whatever chanelling really is, whether it's contacting entities outside of ourselves or becoming attuned to subconscious aspects of ourselves, I get the impression that you will become very good at it if you decide to.
Believe it or not, Bluelight helped me to have thick skin. People can get nasty. For what it's worth, whatever chanelling really is, whether it's contacting entities outside of ourselves or becoming attuned to subconscious aspects of ourselves, I get the impression that you will become very good at it if you decide to.

This is very true. What you said about BL. It helps you, but there are very nasty posts in it. Bad energy, envy ness, etc, etc..
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This is true… on BL and in the world, all around us. There is also much good energy, positive vibes, people, joy. love. sorrow grief and serenity, peace.
I do think for suffering to be optional suffering will probably continue to exist.. We all need one another to pull each other up when down. There will always be those that try to pull down when up, unfortunately. (Hurting people hurt others). There is good in others most often underneath all the pain.
nobody in my life has bad energy anymore, and if they do, I see that I can change their energy by helping them, loving them, being kind to them right away.
I used to judge and critic in my head people I met, and then people would act negatively and I would perceive their bad energy.
however, I now realize that negativity was all coming from me in the first place and me projecting my negativity and judgments to the people I met was the only reason why I saw negativity in people.
I dont see negativity anymore, I see confusion, fear, sadness, love, beauty and all I have now is love and desire to help. Sure, people doesnt act the best they could sometime, but they dont know what the best they could be and they do their best anyway.

now, I just love, I know I cant know what people are, why they do what they do, and no matter their bad action or intention, I still never let place in my mind for judgments, critic, negativity because I see and know that Im still doing mistakes and im still not perfect at all and that judging them hurts them and me and blocks any possibility of help.

interesting to see that what you can judge is something you have already experimented. you cannot judge something you dont know. we judge things we already have experienced lived or thought ourselves.
its a big difference between knowing that what someone do is wrong and then judge him. because as soon as we judge negatively someone, we will react to this person in not the best way possible, we let place for negativity in ourselve, which creates even more negativity in you and in the person you decided to judge.

how can you love, if you look around and judge. you cant. you either love, or look around and judge.
thats what I find weird with christianity. forgive them father because they dont know what they are doing. I dont understand why jesus would say such ting.
because in order to forgive, you need to judge. and as soon as you judge and let place for judgments, negativity enter ones own heart. therefore, judging is in all case negative and judgments should be always seen as false and as negative.

when we judge we believe in the judgments we have and the reality of that which we judged.
as soon as you believe a negative thoughts, a negative judgment, critic, you believe in that idea and become for that moment unhappy.
This is true… on BL and in the world, all around us. There is also much good energy, positive vibes, people, joy. love. sorrow grief and serenity, peace.
I do think for suffering to be optional suffering will probably continue to exist.. We all need one another to pull each other up when down. There will always be those that try to pull down when up, unfortunately. (Hurting people hurt others). There is good in others most often underneath all the pain.
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Yes, we see ourselves in others most indeed… the connection. It's what is done in this moment. Often what has not been accepted in ourselves will be projected onto another unfortunately, usually on an unconscious level..
When deeper issues have not been resolved and healed, this doesn't happen automatically - Compassion arises, love.. how can I be of help to this person in the moment. One spots it they got it.. It's what is communicated, expressed ... given freely.
I am you you are me, there is no separation really. <3
Forgive 'them' is to understand them, but also creates a duality between you and them to some extent.
Yes, we see ourselves in others most indeed… the connection. It's what is done in this moment. Often what has not been accepted in ourselves will be projected onto another unfortunately, usually on an unconscious level..
When deeper issues have not been resolved and healed, this doesn't happen automatically - Compassion arises, love.. how can I be of help to this person in the moment. One spots it they got it.. It's what is communicated, expressed ... given freely.
I am you you are me, there is no separation really. <3
Forgive 'them' is to understand them, but also creates a duality between you and them to some extent.
exactly, in order to be able to forgive you have to judge. right away, theres a big problem right there.

what is judgments? anything we think doesnt belong in us and anything we believe to be true in others or ourselves. to judge, is to imagine a difference,a duality, a separation, a self. to judge, is to see a problem and believe it to be true and have a reality.
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I agree with you. After all, it's a very developed way to live life and avoid negativity.
Normally people say, that we'll be judged according to how we judge.
It's very short but I can relate to that.
The difficult actions imo is to forgive and understand those who harm for sports, so to say.

I guess it's an issue related to our maturity and from my perspective, getting there is our goal but yet far from achieving. For me to achieve, I mean.
exactly, in order to be able to forgive you have to judge. right away, theres a big problem right there.

what is judgments? anything we think doesnt belong in us and anything we believe to be true in others or ourselves. to judge, is to imagine a difference,a duality, a separation, a self. to judge, is to see a problem and believe it to be true and have a reality.

Yes, precisely. Well stated ..
I agree with you. After all, it's a very developed way to live life and avoid negativity.
Normally people say, that we'll be judged according to how we judge.
It's very short but I can relate to that.
The difficult actions imo is to forgive and understand those who harm for sports, so to say.

I guess it's an issue related to our maturity and from my perspective, getting there is our goal but yet far from achieving. For me to achieve, I mean.

So true, one day. i've heard when we judge it isn't the other but something disturbed within us to take a look at. It also as murphy says, comes back to a separate self. We are not a long lasting separate self, or entity. I agree on this. I am human and have similar traits as those who kill for sport (aside from killing for sport), but I would not kill for fun.
Will there be a time when no one does so? I often wonder. It's how I deal with it in me, how to not let it effect me, or feel the pain when I see it let go and move forward.
I see a dying animal on the street breathing, losing its life ... it does bother me. There is an identification with this happening. I do have compassion, but there is a loss I must face too. We see ourselves in these animals believe it or not, to some extent.
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I'm feeling more high-consciousness at the moment. It's good, I feel God more as something within than something outside, and I feel at one with God and the whole so I don't really need anything. People also get confused when you don't need anything from the external world (it sure freaks my dad out) but it's a more passive attitude that feels very peaceful.

Anyway, I didn't print all that out just for ego-validation. I wasn't looking for ego-validation, you can tell by the questions I asked, but I didn't feel very good about myself at the time so she was trying to make me feel better. I was also in sectioning/rehab during one of those sessions as I remember.

But when you read things like that it can sometimes help you feel more in touch with the spiritual dimension of your being, at least it can for me, and we all have those elements to our life even if we're not normally conscious of them.
P.S. I'm in full-on oracle mode. I am receiving a lot of thoughts on anything I put my mind to. You could probably ask me about just about anything (not psychic impressions).
So true, one day. i've heard when we judge it isn't the other but something disturbed within us to take a look at. It also as murphy says, comes back to a separate self. We are not a long lasting separate self, or entity. I agree on this. I am human and have similar traits as those who kill for sport (aside from killing for sport), but I would not kill for fun.
Will there be a time when no one does so? I often wonder. It's how I deal with it in me, how to not let it effect me, or feel the pain when I see it let go and move forward.
I see a dying animal on the street breathing, losing its life ... it does bother me. There is an identification with this happening. I do have compassion, but there is a loss I must face too. We see ourselves in these animals believe it or not, to some extent.

I understand, I feel the same way. Very interesting when we start thinking about this and how we can grow within the differences.
Lots of 'food for thought' indeed..
"The world is a mirror".

It is. You see yourself refelcted in everyone. And we tend to like those who refelct us well or se us in a positive light and dislike those who reflect us poorly. Some seem to have it as a pattern to refelct you in a certain way throught all your interactions too and you don't tend to think that highly of somsone who consistently reflects you in a negative light. Although there is usually something real they have latched onto even if they relate to you in a disturbed way.

Like, one I recall that refleded me very negatively was a doctor I went to see in the emergency room and got to prescribe me an emergency receipt for benzos. He had a very hostile attitude and was very unwilling to help. And eventually he only did as I was in such a bad state, and was shaking and starting to enter psychosis, I think he was scared he could be held responsible if something happened to me. He was one of those doctors who have no empathy or desire to help and he looked at me with contempt and just saw me as a typical drug addict i.e. he saw me as scum.

It was unpleasent and unusal for me, as I tend to establish a positive rapport with people despite of the context, but we weren't on the same wavelength and he was very negative in his energy and state of mind. He also had no psychological awareness or self-control so his emotions were so visible and I've been harbouring some negative feelings for him, in particular, as I think it was an unnecessary burden in such a state where you're already over-burdened and so hyper-sensitive. But as I've been going over it in hindsight (you seem to have a photographic memory in that state) I've found a way to let go of my hostile feelings towards him.

For one thing, when I think back on it, I can see that he was very depressed with very low self esteeem. He was quite physically unattractive with bad social skills (even in that state I could dominate the situation and manipulate him) and as a consequence I could see he was very bitter and hostile towards peope in general. He probably does poorly with women and in competition with other men. And this used to make me see him even worse, but in the end I came to feel I ought to feel sorry for him for all of it, and despite him being in a superior position at the time he had a very strong inferiority-complex which makes him enjoy seeing others in a bad position (i.e. someone who should never be a doctor, but what's new).

Also, I can see he simply saw me in a way that wasn't very beautiful, or saw me for my worst, basically, and this is also some's role in life in relation to you. So, yes, I can't really hold anything against him anymore. He was simply deeply unhappy is how I remember him now. And like me in the state I was in he doesn't need me to add to the burden.
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I'm feeling more high-consciousness at the moment. It's good, I feel God more as something within than something outside, and I feel at one with God and the whole so I don't really need anything. People also get confused when you don't need anything from the external world (it sure freaks my dad out) but it's a more passive attitude that feels very peaceful.

I agree that god/divinity is found within, and not without. But I disagree that ignoring the external world is wise, or even possible. You are a direct interface between the inner and outer world; they are two sides of the same coin, not opposites but permetuations of one another; only you alone can surely say that you experience both states/facets at once; no-one and nothing else can reliably say that. You are the link between both vital, dynamic, real 'versions' of reality, inner and outer. It is not wise to ignore one, because you ultimately will neglect both states as intimately linked as they are.

The ascetic's had it wrong IMO, though I see a lot of value in cutting out the bullshit from ones life.

Anyway, I didn't print all that out just for ego-validation. I wasn't looking for ego-validation, you can tell by the questions I asked, but I didn't feel very good about myself at the time so she was trying to make me feel better. I was also in sectioning/rehab during one of those sessions as I remember.

This sort of reminds me of a brief anecdote from an Indian I heard, describing the interaction of the Brahmin caste with the 'untouchable'. If a Brahmin made physical contact with this low caste individual, it was customary to immediately bathe the whole body in the Ganges. But where can you get clean after doing that, given how dirty the Ganges is (in parts)? When your mind is vulnerable and has been violated, how much benefit can be derived from potentially adding more misguided and unprovable noise to the mix? Does it make sense for a confused and pained mind to try and clean itself using the waters of uncertainty and someone elses muddy imagination?

To me it doesn't, and I question how much benefit can come from throwing more ambiguity into an already nebulous and fragile state.

Each to their own of course :)

I don't think this is about ego, I think its about the human need to make sense of the world, and its a need that has taken our species to extraordinairy places; its our real heritage IMO, curiousity and a desire to explore this weirdness we find ourselves in. :) <3 I admire all who are searching.

P.S. I'm in full-on oracle mode. I am receiving a lot of thoughts on anything I put my mind to. You could probably ask me about just about anything (not psychic impressions).

I am testing you out- did you get it? :)