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[Comparison Subthread] Acid vs. Mushrooms

they are nothing alike. nothing at all alike. try reading some trip reports and utfse :)
yeah, theres no 2 drugs which are more different than mushies and acid.
No, seriously, use the search function.
Hell yeah....shit I was at a house party for my first time with close friends and some people I didn't know. The music was loud, people were all around me having multiple conversations, a strobe light was flashing in the other room (which I could see out of the corner of my eye), everything was glowing in blacklight and I was fucking tripping on a strong 1/8th of shrooms....there was so much sensory shit going on around me I forgot who I was, where I was and what I was....I was so confused.

Eventually I ran out of the house and ran to my car where I sat and watched the night sky turn from gray to brown to black....one of my friend's came in to check on me and I was still confused to what was going on, then my friend turned on my radio and I heard Avril Lavgines "Complicated" and I swear to god I saw her playing with her band right out my window and that got me even more confused so I turned the radio off, got out of my car and ran down the block repeating in a mutter,
"What is going on!?"....

So in short....shrooms are fucking confusing...
strange, mushrooms make me feel so clear and focused

how bout instead of "shrooms are confusing", we say "shrooms can be confusing"
Mushrooms and LSD can facilitate very similar states, with a slightly different "feel" to them. Much of it depends on your personal expectations. LSD lasts far longer and tends to have a more clear "up" type of high while mushrooms are somewhat more sedating and foggy for most users. LSD lasts much longer than mushrooms.

Check out the search function this has been done in detail many times.
i disagree with many of the posters in this thread but i recognise that every user responds differently and size of dose is a big factor.

at various doses, i find the hallucinatory effects and the changes in thinking are very similar on acid and 'shrooms.

but, like i say, that's me and everybody is different. be safe.

alasdairm said:
i disagree with many of the posters in this thread but i recognise that every user responds differently and size of dose is a big factor.

at various doses, i find the hallucinatory effects and the changes in thinking are very similar on acid and 'shrooms.

but, like i say, that's me and everybody is different. be safe.


Yea I'd agree. If you take a hit of good acid for the first time, It will most likely be like the first time you ate shrooms.

personally they both make me laugh/smile for no reason. i will say that the acid had me seeing more visuals, and the shrooms were harsher to my stomache.
All psychedelic drugs appear very similar at low doses. It is only as one takes higher doses that the uniquely revelatory emphasis of each substance is revealed. This is one of the (rare) issues on which I agree with Terence McKenna's thinking. I think that the similarities of LSD and psilocybin have been vastly overstated, though both do share an obvious family resemblance. I also don't think DMT and LSD are that similar, and though I've not yet tried mescaline, I'm betting that there will be similarities and differences when I do. Many of the older texts speak of "the psychedelic state" as though it were a uniform entity with definable characteristics for all users, and that the only differences between LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, etc., is the length of the trip, the amount of material required, and the route of ingestion.
my 2 cent

People have varying reactions to really all drugs, but I find it to be expecially true for psychedelics. Everyone is gonna see different things, everyone is gonna feel differently, and everyone has their own personal favorite. There are a set of general feelings that most people may have in common, but there is much variation.

For example, when I read shroom trip reports, they always sound insane to me. Despite all the times I have dosed, my experiences have never been anything like the reports. I have had some great and very entertaining visuals, but have yet to experience anything really nuts.

I'm still waiting for someone to say that they think acid feels less natural and more synthetic. (some fool always says that every time these drugs get compared)

If you take the shrooms in Amsterdam, experiment. Almost everything there is wet because it is illegal to have in processed form (dried). They are also in packages, which I find to be in real tourist doses. I took one box on two separate occasions (thai and hawaiian) both of which were nice, but not intense at all, or very visual. You had to really stare at something to get any visuals.

hope this helped
orginally posted by iamtylerdurden
For example, when I read shroom trip reports, they always sound insane to me. Despite all the times I have dosed, my experiences have never been anything like the reports. I have had some great and very entertaining visuals, but have yet to experience anything really nuts.

Take 6 dry grams of a well known potent strain of cubensis, make mushroom tea out of it and you'll most likely reach a level 4 or 5 trip and then get back to us and how nuts things can get :)

Also...I will be the one to say that IME acid feels a little more chemical while shrooms feel more natural and spiritual. A better comparison is that shrooms make everything feel alive like in nature where acid distorts and manipulates thing in a more geometric or formulatic fashion.

Both are great, you can't go wrong with either hallucinogen :)
LSD, more mind fuck/mantal activity and more wired

Shrooms, warmer gentler buzz and way more controlable high.

Id take acid over shrroms anytime ANYTIME!
One of the easiest ways to descibe the effects of psilocybin vs. LSD:

LSD = "The MAtrix", whereas Psilocybin = "The Lord of The Rings"

I realy like this analogy for a number of reasons. It underscores the earthy nature of the mushroom experience as well as the intensely electric hypercharged nature of LSD.

Silly, and overly simplistic or not, I still find that these analogies are embraced quite often by other psychedelic aficionados.

they are similar in the sense that they will make you have a psychedelic trip, often with strong visuals and other sensory and time distortions. But that is pretty much where the similarities end.

LSD lasts 9 - 12 hours while shrooms last 5-6 hours. LSD often has a more stimulating effect. The hangover from LSD is usually less pleasant than the one from mushrooms (the length of time difference probably plays a role here).

I usually feel more confused on mushrooms, and they usually give me a bigger body load than LSD

Also i find it hard to get stoned while on mushrooms, while on acid i find just a little bit of pot makes me feel very stoned. thats not to say smoking pot on mushrooms doesnt effect you.. you just dont feel 'stoned'
Acid is social when controlled... mushrooms, as mentioned - never quite (unless social is akwardly staring back and forth at your friends as if someone might be doing something wrong, sloppily conversing on why the same song has been on for "4 hours", and taking turns bringing up the following agenda: "we've got to do SOMETHING guys!")

I find them a day and night comparison; mushrooms definitely being the earthy summer afternoon on the grass, watching a distant thunderstorm, alone with your branching thoughts - humble.

Acid is the concrete and neon lights of night life, sharp and erratic experiences coupled with speedy conversation and an assault of flashing concepts - arrogant.

Then again... we all try to turn experiences of a like category to polar opposites, right? ;)
jesus, Frustrated, i'm filled with awe for the accurate way in which you manage to put words on the differences in the experience.

so: what Frustrated says.