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[Comparison Subthread] Acid vs. Mushrooms

My Friends The Psychedelics

I adore them both.

They can offer, in different ways, soooo much.

As for 'if they aint doing it' for you, get a better source or take more. Both LSD and Mushrooms can give you some of THE BEST experiences of your drugtakin'life.

If anyone is unimpressed by either of these entheogens they need to get a better dealer with pure shit and take 500+mircograms LSD or a LARGE amount of mushrooms.
Push the envelope!

Both can take you to other dimensions.

LSD, Psilocy, I love you
Yours sincerely

They both have their ups and downs I would say that acid is better for soul searching and dealing with eveyday problems and its also a very versatile drug that you can do lots of differnet stuff on (including drive on). Shrooms is more of an escape from reality entirely but it is more restrictive because of its more intense nature if you're in a hostile or scary environment on shrooms get ready to freak out!8o In my experience, bad shroom trips r way worse than bad acid trips at least you can recognize everything around you and know exactly who you are on acid, not always true on shrooms. As for visuals, shrooms are defentely superior but acid does have better thought patterns I just love that "looping" effect it has that makes everything seem so in unison.:D However, I do think that weed mixes way better with acid than with shrooms with shrooms, weed just seems to be comin along for the trip and not doin too much, but with acid, weed awakenes all those crazy little ideas in your head and projects them right in front of your eyes. Now you're really trippin. 8(
CrankItUp077420 said:
yeahi am gonna try shrooms soon cause it seems fun and i liek the whole trippy experience! but i am gonna take 30 hits of acid at ounce this summer (is that safe)

IF you think you can handle it, try it. (if you need to ask"is that safe?" then I personally think you probably couldn't handle it. you need to build up to dosages like that.) One trip report on erowid describes a person taking 117 hits of blotter and walking out of it (admitedly after 2 days of delusion and passing out on the bathroom floor) which shows that phisically you can survive it. I'd just worry about wether you would actually enjoy that much acid (what sort of doses do you normally take?)

Sort of depends what you actually get chemical-wise. I've read that LSD itself was toxicity tested up to 3.6 grams, but not all trips you get are LSD. If you know what you are getting then look up the toxicity tests. If not then stage your intake and monitor your response.

--> insert fat comic book store guys voice

*best drugggggggggggg ever*

ohhh jeez the wall are vibrating again gtg
bluedolphin said:
I don't get why some of you guys feel like "animals" or "primal" or somehow de-evolutionized on mushrooms.

I think it makes complete sense to feel "primal" ... and of course we ARE animals... monkeys that talk and imagine.... on mushrooms the boundaries of culture are dissolved and we are taken to a primal-like mindstate

I like LSD... but I'd probably prefer a hefty mushroom trip
I do get upset stomachs from LSD, but I *like* the mechanical felling. The robots in my head give me a very strong, steely feeling. Plus, when I'm at parties, I feel like everyone is a puppet, dancing to amuse me. Not like I'm a puppet master, more like watching a puppet show. And that's outside of the visuals.

I've had friends say that they felt like they weren't the ones in control on acid, and were amazed at how "maintained" I seemed when tripping. Even when I trip hard (and I mean HARD), and I can barely control my physical self, my emotional and mental self still seems on top of the game.

Shrooms tend to feel more organic (good description) and like a part of myself, but I don't like feeling like my brain is fucking up somehow. Kinda backwards, huh?
not having had acid can't really say, but don't want to be left out ;)

will pick mushrooms, just because they are lovely. Since trying copelandia shrooms have been in awe since. Comeup started within 15 mins of eating. Full on visuals, breathing/melting/morphing/trails/pulsatations/full on typical psychedelic halluinations for about 4hours, then a nice mellow happy warm comedown back to Earth, warm after trip reflections laughter, brilliant. As the shop down the road sells them, i am a going to have a very happy summer :)
I like both although I don't know something about mushrooms put me off and I found they made me much more paranoid than LSD although I guess that is probably down to what is in my brain and not the drugs themselves, I think from my experiences with both LSD has given me the most happiness which I found I could keep after the experience although mushrooms definitely seemed to give me a different way of looking at things, the only thing which I think might make those statements not very valid is that at the end of last year/start of this year I had some amazing experiences with both drugs in quite a short space of time so it is hard for me to relatively assess what I gained from each of them, I am in quite an awe of both drugs although if I were to rate the experiences I have had at the time directly against each other LSD wins for sheer what the fuckity.

Would choose to do acid again sooner than mushrooms for some reason mushrooms probably fucked with my head more than any other drug has even what was probably a very high dose LSD didnt make me feel as uncomfortable as mushrooms, I have had the chance to do mushrooms whenever for the past few months and could probably do them right now if I wanted however I dont want to, whereas with most drugs I find them hard to keep in my posessesion for very long.... sadly I always seem to lose blotters when I get them and I lost 2 weak-average strength blotters a couple of months ago which is a shame :( although I take it as a message :)
CrankItUp: interesting...i took 30 hits last summer, FUCKING INTENSE. I both lost touch with reality and became closer to it. I had a very bad trip at times (thought I was dying, and my skull falling apart) and but also became somewhat enlightened.

msg me or get me at passive_activist AT yahoo dot com if you wanna talk about this shit, its definately a serious decision.
i havent had the pleasure of ingesting shrooms as of yet. tho i am very keen to, i went hunting yesterday but alas found none.
so because i havent had shrooms yet i have to say lsd, but from what everyone is saying, id prefer shrooms, i want to see things , i want my mind to play tricks on me, i want a drug that is devious,
shrooms certainly sounds like a devious drug. i cant wait to try!!!:D
Re: LSD or SHROOMS? which do you prefer?

CrankItUp077420 said:
Just wondering which you would prefer and why?!
Me since I have never had shrooms then I would have to say LSD but my visuals aren't that great! but I am working on it! I wanna a drug that will make me see little evil trolls tackleing each other in front of me and playing jokes on people and having people morph!!! I only see Trails and shadows of dead bodies, fake deer chasing me trying to kill me, but thats about it. If anyone has advice on how I can improve my visuals that would be greatly appreciated!
[ 10 March 2002: Message edited by: CrankItUp077420 ]

Sounds like you want to see things that aren't there... I had this prob, till i discovered datura. High doses of shrooms can induce hulucinations as well
themagicmushroom said:
IF you think you can handle it, try it. (if you need to ask"is that safe?" then I personally think you probably couldn't handle it. you need to build up to dosages like that.) One trip report on erowid describes a person taking 117 hits of blotter and walking out of it (admitedly after 2 days of delusion and passing out on the bathroom floor) which shows that phisically you can survive it. I'd just worry about wether you would actually enjoy that much acid (what sort of doses do you normally take?)


If i remember right, the amount which kills about 50% of people for acid is 14 000 micrograms. With an average tab of acid these days only has about 50-150ug that about 140 "average" tabs for the lethal point. I know its somewhere around that marker, but of course of factors; weight, health, tolerance, etc play a part. I'd say most people could assume 3000ug to be *physically* safe.
To 'dankjay',
"at least you can recognize everything around you and know exactly who you are on acid,"

That simply aint true.
how similar to acid are mushrooms?

I`ve taken acid many times, although the last time was about four years ago. Im going to Amsterdam at the weekend and I think I might just have a little trip on the old mushies although I`ve never taken them before, I`ve been to Amsterdam loads of times with it just being over the water from the U.K so I`m pretty familiar with the surroundings there in case I freaked out, I was just wondering how similar of an experience in your eyes are mushrooms compared to lsd?