Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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About to talk to psychiatrist about coming off Invega

Hello everybody, my name is Ali Choudhry and I am a fairly new patient diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in May 2017. I was extremely manic and thought my mother was poisoning me and also had many other delusional thoughts that lead to my hospitalization. I have been on Invega Sustenna, taking the monthly shot for about 19 months now. I feel unmotivated to do anything and sleep way too much. My hygeine has gone down, I have put on weight and got a big belly, I have swelling of the nipples, blurry vision and many more side effects. I can?t live like this anymore and miss the good old days before this nightmare. My last shot was on November 8, 2018 and I plan to quit cold turkey. However, I?m afraid of the wothdrawl symtoms that I might have to go through for being on Invega so long and fear that the depression, mania and delusions will return. Even on Invega, I still have intrusive thoughts that lead me to think bizarre things and its very scary. For example, I am a thinker and think a lot, so whenever I zone out and eventually snap back to the present, I think that something terrible has happened to me during my zoned out phase, like my father has anally raped me, the cops came to my room and forcefully calmed me down with the Men In Black flash device because I was being psychaotic. Then I think logically and know that I?m thinking crazy. I think perverted thoughts like having sex with my mother and sister and I immidiately hate myself for it because I know it is wrong and not me. I fear that these errors in my thinking will multiply once off Invega and that I may become psychaotic again. But I must get off Invega to live again. Any thoughts, tips or advice is appreciated.
@Ali_Choudhry : Welcome to this thread.

Your life seems very difficult to go through and I can only hope it will get better.
I had a psychosis too when I was 16-17 years old. I thought people wanted to hurt me that my parents wanted to poison me sometimes.
The thing that helped me the most out of everything was niacin pills (vitamin b3). You can very easily get some online.
It will make you psychosis free I believe.
Now, for Invega Sustenna, I strongly advise you to quit cold turkey. If it is possible, do it once you have started taking the niacin.
But get off of it. Living a life with Invega Sustenna in your veins and body can be horrible.

Best regards
@Ali_Choudhry There's no such thing as Cold turkey for an injection like this. Your body doesn't get a shock when you stop taking the injections as the substance stays in there for a long time and gets out of the body very slowly
Empty : sono felice per te che la vista sia migliorata, spero che la mia migliori presto, se penso a come vedevo 2 mesi fa ? molto migliorata ma ancora vedo, parecchio sfuocato e non riesco a concentrarmi sugli oggetti, quando esco dalla porta di casa mi sembra di essere in un altro mondo purtroppo :( ho bisogno di tornare alla vita se posso consigliarlo appena puoi torna a lavoro, ti aiuter? molto di sicuro
alright, what's on the menu for today. been a couple days i see. everyone is still with us and doing as well as can be expected. most excellent!

@robe11: pretty astute about factors concerning psychosis. i always think without and within on that topic. summer is when stress kicks up, weird i know. it's nice weather and everyone is happy but anxiety, worry and other things on top of the bussle bussle way of life today make nice days kinda downish. some are just not built for the heat. good plan you got there. please don't take yourself too far out of your comfort zone but do what you gotta do.

@Rosi71: fingers crossed for you hun. hope it works out. let us know please.

@zack365: weird to gauge it but good sign in healing process for ya, we've all gone through similar things towards the end. something else to think about (even though your near the end), when trying something like you have been i usually gave it at least a month to not only work with my own patterns but also to assert itself with the xeplion. 3 days is usually enough time but given the extreme circumstances you go through while on the poison it isn't such a bad idea to give it more all things considered and within your limits. soon you will be healed zack, soon. (i feel ya on the anger part today, sheesh! this symptom of mine is like a hard reset in life. better to feel it instead of the anger from the trial though.) keep it up.

@Josh Handel: stop being so smart. your making the rest of us look bad. (in case you can't tell i'm joking, i know, it's hard to tell when i am.)

@Empty1128: not down with the pig but you are with the lion huh?! top of the food chain and all that i see, haha. i'm just ribbin ya. how's the lions mane working? i know it's too early to tell but if there is no immediate bad thing, or even immediate good thing then no news is good news, especially while dealing with xeplion.

@SkavrsXeplion: ebb and flow djSX, ebb and flow. we call something here windows and waves, they hit after your first window. windows are good days, waves are bad but not as bad as before that the zombie phase and makes up the bulk of the healing process. it lasts about 8 months. this is what your going through right now and your going to feel the anhedonia (zombie like feeling) during this time. the receptor was hit very hard by xeplion, it needs some time to recover and adjust. until then eat healthy, drink lots of water, distract yourself the best you can and you will see the world with the positive good eyes you are use to seeing the music in everything with again. hang in there.

@Ali_Choudhry: hi, welcome to the thread. cold turkey is a personal choice and it's recommended you cut down on dosages, ween off of it so to speak. i know, looking where you are now and thinking weening off of it is unacceptable, just giving you a disclaimer cause we can't tell you what to do here. i and others in the past have quit cold turkey, it's a lil rougher but not much considering what we all go through.

those strange or weird thoughts are not as much as you think. i'm a thinker too, done lots of research on this. what's happening is your mind is letting go of the moment and your using a space of your brain that isn't attached to the here and now of reality. it's part of the imagination as well as a release our brains use to take make the scope of reality easier to bear. we can't have full conscious scope of reality %100 of the time. your brain is over stressed due to invega and you need to let it take care of itself.

you also got some freudian moments going on. nice work that guy came up with but then everyone trampled all over it to the point the lesson has been lost. maybe looking into his work will be a good distraction for you. it's good you recognize when this is all happening. it means your sane and going to be alright.

the side effects your experiencing right now are typical and a good sign you will heal within the average healing time (8-14 months). the withdrawal symptoms your going to have to make a choice on; get started on working on them or prolong them even more. it's up to you.

either way your going to be alright. thanks for reaching out during this scary time. we got lots of full recovery posts, two threads with tons of info and great people here who know what your going through.

@Yeshuah: is that it? did i cover everyone? pretty sure i did, didn't miss a single one right?

teasing you and i'm hoping it's not being mean.

you will be able to feel those feelings down there again. your going to feel the enjoyment again like you use to. as strong as it use to? for a lil while after you feel it again it will be even stronger. hence why i say to the men here don't pull on it so hard, for so long and so often you pull it right off. gotta pace yourself no matter how excited you get when it happens again. (ladies, idk. that's one thing the women have posted but not gone into great detail on. it seems that it's the same but no pulling and more rubbing involved. i'm terrible i know, i'll behave, i promise. it all comes back the same for you too.)

think of something that turns me on and enjoy myself? why yes i can. am i going to share the details of it? no, no i'm not. it's a lil tmi plus kinda personal. but porn, thinking of intimate moments, spontaneous arousal and yes, even waking up with "morning wood" happens regularly.

when you are that way again you will have to check yourself before you wreck yourself on the horny scale.

how are you doing today otherwise?
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The doctor gave me a recept, it was not very expensive, but for me nothing helps. Many nerves are away I think.
@Josh Handel : how much Cerebrosyn did u take? An if I can ask you how many injection of paliperidone do you have take? I think without help I can't survive from paliperidone side effects
Rosi 71 probably cerebrosin help you like Josh, just wait, I think to go to doctor and try too cerebrosin bcuz now I feel like a 90 years old in a 24 body
@Josh Handel, how do you feel when you wake up? Have you got energy? How do you sleep now? Your metabolism is better then before take cerebrosin? How old are you? Do you think with cerebrosin can unblock the dopamine and serotonin receptors?
Xeplion 1 injection temps moyen de r?mission : 10.5 mois
Metaltommy : 5 mois
LifeAfterInvega : 8 mois
Copperdome : 15 mois
NotAPsycho : 15 mois
2 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 13.8 mois
HateInvega : 4.5 mois
Koz26 : 12 mois
Momogus : 13 mois
Anhedonia67 : 8.5 mois
Nathan Cissel : 10 mois
PhuckInvegga : 21 mois
Redmanone : 12 mois
Starkid : 32 mois
Khaverim7 : 12 mois
Jmorin : 13 mois
3 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 11 mois
Robe11 : 11 mois
SurvivedXeplion : 10 mois
Bad Robot : 12 mois
4 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 10 mois
Decisive : 10 mois
5 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 13 mois
Symbolicone09 : 12 mois
Shay96 : 10 mois
Lazar : 11 mois
Unexpected175 : 18 mois
6 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 15.3 mois
Steph78 : 11 mois
Dirtyinvega : 20 mois
Rel : 15 mois
12 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 4 ans 2 mois (50 mois)
Invegauser : 5 ans 4 mois
Iridiscentblack : 3 ans
24 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 18 mois
Jmoore52 : 17 mois
KyliePsychic : 19 mois

1 injection : 10.5 mois
2 injections : 13.8 mois
3 injections : 11 mois
4 injections : 10 mois
5 injections : 13 mois
6 injections : 15.3 mois
12 injections : 50 mois
24 injections : 18 mois
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Alright guys, I collected all the recovery timeframes I could find on this thread. I did the math and calculated the average healing time by number of injections. It seems like people who had two injections take longer to recover but in reality that is not true. It is simply because I had more people injected with two doses, therefore there were more negative exceptions.
@invegauser thank you so much for answering. It's hard to believe that... When I get a boner now it is very weak. Before it was very hard and it almost made my pants explode. Will I get that again? Thanks for asking how I'm doing. I am not so well, my sleep has gotten worse again. I keep worrying a lot about every little thing that I once had and don't have anymore..
@Empty : ho paura per la vista perch? sono senza xeplion da luglio ma ancora ci vedo male, un po' meglio di prima ma comunque molto sfuocato e non ho un minimo di attenzione nelle cose, tu proverai cerebrosilyn? Io vorrei provarla se veramente funziona sui recettori della dopamina, non so se per? il medico di base la pu? prescrivere o devo fare una visita specialistica, se veramente funziona la proverei, voglio troppo riprendermi da questa merda
@zack365 : Thanks for the warm welcome and giving me all these tips. I looked up niacin online and there?s something as a non-flush pill; does that work as good as the normal flush niacin pills? Also I have depression and mania as well that is part of my schizoaffective disorder. Is there anything I can take fo that?
@invegaiser : Some people are telling me it is better to quit cold turkey. So you?re saying its better to wean off because there will be withdrawal symptoms?
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