Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Hey guys! I and Emersonny met anyway today, she reached out to me from her mothers phone and we were able to meet. I was so glad for that and she's a really cute and kind person. I was kinda sad that we couldn't meet as our true selfs, but somehow I saw her true soul and I felt so really sorry for what she's going through. Her mother was VERY nice too and we had a conversation about this whole drugging culture and how doctors just create stuff out of nowhere and they diagnose someone in a few minutes. So overall i enjoyed it as much as I'm able to and I will keep her in my heart. And I pray to God that he shows her the way out of this misery. @Emersonny I send you all my love and I know you're still in there. Please hold on and keep on making the right choices for yourself. I really care for you
@Yeshuah : I am happy you could meet!

Day 185

I met a good friend of mine yesterday. We had a good time, this just confirms that I am truly able to deeply reconnect with people. I feel like I have grown up as a person. I don't know if this is related to invega but I feel more mature now than I was at the beginning of the year. Of course I am not grinding and pushing my body to its physical limits like I used to but hey, at least I feel happy and that's the most important.
The end of recovery seems blurry, I can't give an accurate timeframe for recovery but I can be active in my life. Socially speaking, I am a well integrated person in society.
Internally, there are still some small side effects. Nothing crazy, these should go away within 30-60 days.
Hey guyz today a feel really bad, like I'm not on this world I can't explain it, I need to come back me, I need a job and some money but the worst thing is how I feel, I feel like I'm never exist on this planet i see really evil, before invega my eyes was perfect how can I come to work if my see is fucked? I feel really tired and really shit today
@SkavrsXeplion I have the same problem. I feel like I'm not existing and very detached from everything. I can't create a connection to the little things that meant so much to me. Music still doesn't feel like it used to. My private parts feel like just another part of my body, no feeling of enjoyment at all. Overall weak no emotions, no energy, nothing has a meaning. @invegauser Today I'm really worried about the feelings down there.. Can you please tell me that I'm gonna feel enjoyment again like I used to. Will it be as strong as it used to? Like can you think of something that turns you on and enjoy yourself? Will I feel the horny feeling growing and growing again? Will I ever feel like there is something in my pants again? Will I feel sexual while touching my skin again? That's making me desperate :(
Me too, I got Cerebrolysin today 5 mg or ml, but I feel nothing like always. I miss my child so much!!
Hey @Rosy good luck 4 cerebrosilyn, I hope to can try it too, @yeshuah how many injections do u take? How many month u're out from the drug? Do you take supplements? Every day I wake up really tired and my eyes are fucked.. I see everething really bad and I have suicide tough all the day bcuz before this shit my life was wonderful I need to come back to live i miss too much all
@SkavrsXeplion I took 2 shots. I'm almost 6 months off, feels like 1 year so far.. Yes, I take supplements every day, because Invega steals all the vitamins and minerals. I eat healthy, mostly vegan food. I'm never tired. I miss to be tired and fall asleep easily. My sleep is not good at all. I also have suicidal thoughts, but it's not as bad as a few months ago. I am just mostly worried about the outcome. I can understand, my life was soo wonderful too :( How many months are you off?
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@>>>>>>robe11 Do you have a sharp vision, hearing, feeling and thinking while "psychotic"???
Feeling the effects from cerebrolysin can take 3-5 days. After a week if you dont ?feel? more clarity then id check to see if your product is bunk. 5 ml is really low. I use 5ml daily and 10ml every other day.
Also checkout cortexin. Be sure to alternate injection sites.
@SkavrsXeplion : I took 2 shots of Xeplion 100 mg and 75 mg one week later. I am 185 days off and my vision is fine. I had blurry vision a few months ago but now I am fine :)
Little information: today while I was shaving my short beard I cut my lip. A little cut, but it bleeded for more than an hour. Scary stuff...
@Rosi71: injections take a couple of days to work.

To the room: I took in average 3 grams of Taurine each day for 3 days and it did nothing unfortunately. Caffeine helped a bit.
@Yeshuah: My condition has been improving, yours has too. Now it is just a waiting game. So many people on this thread have recovered and you can be one of them. We just have to be patient.
Yeshuah : now it's 4 month I don't take the shot but they make me 4 shot and it's so hard, my mind my brain and my metabolism are fucked, all the day I think how I was before the xeplion shot, I miss my energy my positivity and I think to can't be the same, I want to work again and come back to life, u have only 2 injections and you're still fight but I think how can I fight without the brain, every day when I wake up I think "today I kill me" it's soo bad guys
Yeshuah : now it's 4 month I don't take the shot but they make me 4 shot and it's so hard, my mind my brain and my metabolism are fucked, all the day I think how I was before the xeplion shot, I miss my energy my positivity and I think to can't be the same, I want to work again and come back to life, u have only 2 injections and you're still fight but I think how can I fight without the brain, every day when I wake up I think "today I kill me" it's soo bad guys
Yes I still have these problems. Most people have them for 10-16 months, sometimes longer. I had exactly the same thoughts every day when I woke up, but it has improved. I get some thoughts sometimes, but they are not as strong. And I also still think every day about how perfect it was before Invega and it makes me wanna freak out and despair... I still have a rough time getting through the days and a lot of worries.
The average healing time for people who had 1 to 3 shots is 8 months. With these statistics and my remaining symptoms, I think I am an average healer and that's okay. Maybe 2 months to go.
Rosi71 you are an exception but that doesn't mean you won't heal. We can make the parallel between your story and Baylissa's story. Doctors told her 6 months max but it took her 3 years.
Many people have told you 8 to 12 months but I am telling you from my own perspective and from what I have read. I would say maximum : 3-4 years. Now, it is pretty inaccurate but hey, at least there is not a single story of people who never recovered or who took 10 years.
With what Josh Handel told us recently about Cerebrolixyn and Cortexin we have reasons to stay optimistic. Hang in there.
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