Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Plus, the 17 th and 18th of this month I went to London with both of my parents. I enjoyed the trip almost like I would have pre invega. I went to see a rugby match in Twickenham Stadium 81,112 people were there.
I love England and I will cherish this memory for a long time. Guys, enjoying life by the end of the recovery is absolutely possible.
Yesterday, I went to see a friend of mine and it was overall great!
The conversation, emotions, ideas were flowing almost like pre invega.
@Yeshuah Thanks for your warm response. It made me happy to see it. I'm glad you feel the same way about having a conversation without my mom. I kind of wanted to talk about what led up to being drugged, and it is kind of complicated to post about and not something I share with a lot of people. Schizophrenia is such a weird label. I wish it was easier to find information about people who disidentified with their diagnosis, discontinued treatment, were able to recover on their own, felt they were misdiagnosed, etc., but that group of people is not very unified. Labels make things easy to google, and it seems like a lot of people are quiet about being diagnosed with schizophrenia. The one person I knew who was diagnosed with schizophrenia discontinued treatment and had very few psychotic symptoms. She is now in graduate school for ecology. I see the people who discontinued treatment and still recovered as having much freer lives than the ones who think medication is necessary. I think there are probably a lot of examples of people who were diagnosed with schizophrenia that I would like to be similar to or see as role models, but they probably don't identify themselves as schizophrenic as much. I like the way that this woman has handled her psychotic symptoms:

All of the different things that are called "schizophrenia" are very complex, and there doesn't seem to be any one "right" way to deal with symptoms. I think there are a lot of different ways to cope.

Great news, @iridescentblack and @zack365! I'm happy for both of you.

To the room: how has everyone's perspective changed on their psychosis symptoms? By no means do I think my life was worse before the injections, but I am starting to find my life before very strange. I found my psychosis pretty enjoyable up until the two weeks leading up to my hospitalization. I don't want to pick up all the same thinking habits once the invega wears off though.

To the healed people: does healing mean that you get caught up in all the same pre-psychotic thought patterns, or were you able to leave some of those behind with because of your new perspective? There are some things I want to leave in the past. I personally hope that I can continue to avoid my old secret habit of over-interpreting things that people say, thinking that they were speaking in code, because I'll have lived without it for so long, and I plan on questioning those thoughts whenever they appear. It really was a bad habit, almost like an addiction. A game I couldn't stop playing. It made me feel less alone to pretend that I was interacting with signs and symbols and communicating with people that way. I liked it more than normal socializing. But now I feel like it is a dangerous and stupid game because eventually my "system" broke and it was like everything was communicating with me, and it was not a substitute for actual human interaction. I don't really want to go back, but I don't want to go on antipsychotics again. Is this a part of the way the invega experience actually makes people better after they heal? Being able to leave behind some old habits and beliefs? I feel like I finally found out that I was wrong and will admit that permanently, but maybe my psycho-symbolism delusions of reference game will come back. I just wonder if when I'm healed I can have some of the good without the bad because I know what mistakes I made.
@zack365: (applause) sounds like your top tier in healing now. your perspective is getting back to the way it was and is working pretty well to notice those observations. keep it up.

@Emersonny: great post. i'm just bringing up a grey area as a perspective check and not getting on your case, i hope you take it as such.

it's because of what you said and that video is why i say i'm not for or against meds and psychiatry in general, i'm only for finding what works. what your talking about i've seen with my own two eyes many times. we try to stay on topic of invega/xeplion in this thread because it is conducive to the healing process. make sense?

they do have a thread specifically for the discussion of mental health and medications here, it was made by a real nice lady and it has remained pretty open with opinions and real life experiences.

anytime you want to post in there PM me and i got your back. ;)

to answer your question: imo we all continually move forward (even if we don't realize it). our symptoms if we have a mental illness do stay the same but the other parts of how our brains function keep moving forward. it's hard to explain but if those other parts didn't keep progressing our lives would become so stale that it would be worse than while suffering on the poison. what?! something can be worse than the poison?!, crazy i know. but since those other parts continue to change overtime some aspects of symptoms do change with them. other aspects not so much until they are manageable or "go away" permanently ( i wish we would come up with a way of saying cured without using that word). this also differs on a case by case basis. i've talked to one person on the net who suffered from invega and when they got off of it and fully healed their illness no longer bothered them. even crazier i know. that is one reason why i say this is a highly experimental and very potent med.

in short: sometimes old "habits" do go away. but if they don't the old habits are better to try and manage then what we go through while suffering. plus it gives you something to work toward in this life. always something to do and forward always. again, it sounds crazy but it's really not. you'll see for yourself soon enough.

if i may: sounds like what your talking about when interacting with people is trying to learn how to take things with a grain of salt as well as being mindful. i had to work on both a lot while dealing with the poison even though i thought i put in a lot of effort in the past. it was a worthwhile effort cause even during my trial it has benefited my life much even after being healed. people are kinda funny in how we communicate, we never fully communicate what it is we are trying to express. it's like horseshoes, close is good enough. those people we really sync up with consider it a blessing and make the most and enjoy it when it comes your way.

today's world is kinda hectic and it's not always you who is communicating or interpreting ineffectively. being able to learn the difference is important. might i suggest trying some cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). they are what psychiatry should've been doing all along and don't require meds, it's like fine tuning yourself with an adjustment. one teaches you how to be mindful of your inner workings and one being mindful of your inner working interacting with the world outside of you basically.
Hey ciao guyz, I come from Italy and xeplion destroy my life, I want to tell you my story but I have a question, can I write my story in Italian lenguage u can translate it? I'm not so good with English but I need help cuz every day I think to suicide me
@SkavrsXeplion: benvenuto al thread.

vai avanti e pubblicalo in italiano.

abbiamo un italiano qui (Empty1128 ) e il resto di noi far? il meglio che possiamo anche se ? un ragazzo piuttosto intelligente. Penso che per questo post sia pi? importante per te trovare un po 'di sollievo, possiamo lavorare gradualmente sui gap di comunicazione.

welcome to the thread.

go ahead and post it out there in italian.

we got an italian here (Empty1128 ) and the rest of us will do the best we can though he is a pretty smart guy. i think it's more important for this post for you to find some relief first, we can work on communication gaps gradually.

@Empty1128: lil help please? the "?"'s might have made that confusing. thanks.
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@invegauser: ti ringrazio, voglio dirvi che capisco l'inglese riesco bene a leggerlo ma faccio fatica a rispondere perci? preferisco scrivere in italiano.
In totale ho ricevuto 4 o 5 iniezioni, non ricordo bene perch? Paliperidone mi ha distrutto la memoria e le capacit? cognitive, sono stato ricoverato per una breve psicosi, e mi hanno dato invega per 15 giorni, ho detto ai medici che volevo uscire dal ricovero perch? avevo un importante appuntamento di lavoro, e loro mi hanno detto puoi uscire solo se fai le iniezioni di xeplion perch? non ti diamo le pastiglie, non ci fidiamo che le prendi e poi l'iniezione ? uguale non ti far? niente e potrai tornare a lavorare tranquillamente, io ero sedato pesantemente e mi sono fidato di quelle merde di persone, dopo la prima iniezione non ho pi? eiaculato e mi sentivo perso, dopo la terza la mia vista ? impazzita e ho iniziato a vivere un esperienza orribile di derealizzazione e problemi con la luce solare, i miei genitori mi hanno detto che dovevo solo pensare a guarire e non al lavoro, e che dovevo fare la quarta iniezione, ormai avevo perso tutta la forza di volont? e ho fatto pure la quarta iniezione, ho perso il lavoro in cucina la ragazza ? tutti gli amici, sono rimasto chiuso a casa nei mesi seguenti per tutta l'estate, ho perso le energie ero magro muscoloso e molto simpatico, tutti in citt? mi conoscevano ero un gran lavoratore in cucina, lavoravo anche 10 Ore al giorno e poi uscivo con il mio longboard ero una bomba, ora il mio metabolismo ? distrutto, dormo molto poco la notte, non ho energie e ho molti pensieri suicidi, meno di due mesi fa ma comunque quando mi sveglio al mattino penso che vorrei morire perch? non sono pi? io! Mi hanno ucciso, a luglio ho detto a loro che non mi sarei pi? fatto iniettare e che avevano rovinato la mia vita e ho smesso di prendere farmaci ora ? da agosto che sono pulito ma, sto molto male e non so se resister? al suicidio, prima la mia vita era perfetta, lavoravo in cucina, fumavo una canna la sera dormivo perfettamente, avevo un metabolismo perfetto ed ero pieno di amici, ora mi sento uno zombie, meglio di agosto ma comunque uno zombie @Empty1128 quanti scatti hai ricevuto?
@SkavrsXeplion: sounds good. if you have any questions with what we say in english Empty1128 might help or i can try something else; as long as you don't mind me asking questions sometimes just to clarify. don't worry about us judging you if you want to practice responding in english, we don't force it on people but if they want to try there's no harm in it and we'll help you with any words your unsure on. i tend to think knowing multiple languages makes a person pretty smart. we have people here from all over the world who speak a few languages. this is a safe place. so to respond to your post...

your welcome. sorry your going through this. when they say to take the injection because you wont take the pills that's pretty typical today, especially when your in the hospital like that. sounds like your parents suggesting you focus on healing is like what i think, focusing on healing comes first on xeplion. or did i get that wrong?

the sedation, memory problems, cognitive abilities, not being able to ejaculate, slowed metabolism, problems with sunlight, derealization, not sleeping at night, low energy and vision problems are all typical. i went through all of them myself and so have many others, we're all healed. the sun burning my skin really bothered me. the good news is having 4 or 5 injections is within the typical "average" healing time. i take it your first one was in august?

haha, i tried skateboarding several times and i couldn't even stand on the board. i did a few ollies after i healed just to see if i could and nailed it. i can bike and blade now too.

working hard at your job is something i do too. when i'm at work i put my head down and get the job done. it's one of the things that bothered me the most, not being able to work. there are two types of people: half of the people on xeplion can't work or be active, the other half can.

it's hard but don't worry about losing girls for now, that's pretty typical too and you will be able to talk with them again. (i'm getting the impression the italians are all lady killers, haha.)

the receptor will wake back up one day and you will fully heal. promise.

suicidal feeling happens to everyone at least once. it's a trick the poison plays on you, you don't really want to go through with it. for some it's a struggle for a lil while longer but that goes away too. please keep reading here and posting. we'll figure something out to get you through this. you are not alone.

and that zombie feeling is due to the anhedonia mostly. it's not feeling anything emotionally, this is why the receptor xeplion targets is so crucial to day to day living and the long term as well. that goes away in time too. eat healthy, drink lots of water, try doing things while working in your limits and stay distracted the best you can. we got success stories here and lots of info in both threads so if you get bored or need more info there's plenty. feel free to ask questions.

i'm getting tired now, i gotta sleep. i will check back in with you tomorrow. until then hang in there. and thanks for posting, you already stopped the med and now the healing can begin. you will live your life again.
It's 3 month I read blue light and I saw people free from med now, so I hope Tha same 4 me really man I hope every day and that's the reason why I'm still here, I'm only 24, my first injections was in April I think cuz I don't remember well, and the last in July, now it's better with derealization but I still have problem with the sun and I miss have the visual like before that shitty drug, last time I had a visit to the psy doctor he tell me "well, now you need Depakin and zoloft" I say "fuck u, u never see mee again ciao" the worst thing is my mum don't belive how paliperidone change my life and she think I'm only a little bit depressed, she can't know, I'm really happy to have found this forum cuz the people here KNOW IT, now the sex is a little bit better I can ejaculate (less but I can) but I still have problem with erection, I'm taking mucuna pruriens (l-dopa supplement) and one month ago l-tirosine but I think nothing change, I want to come back me, it's really bad paliperidone, before I write rap songs and I was full of energy all the day every day, I hope just hope
@iridescentblack What do you mean by integration? Integration of what? Can you be more specifically? I am really interested in hearing more. Is that a good thing? How would you describe yourself? How do you see the world? How is your life like?
Integration in that context was specifically meant to describe a process in the kundalini spiritual awakening. It's a good thing because it means I'm integrating pieces of myself into what'll become my new personality. It's certainly a good thing. I would say right now I'm isolated and often not knowing what to occupy my time with which is good because I can change up my habits from here. The world I see in many ways. My perspective on my relative location is as such that I follow a direction that let's me see what's just before me without looking too far ahead, while rarely looking behind. My life is actually pretty boring, but that's cool in a way because even when I don't know what to occupy my time with it doesn't matter. I don't wait long before things are sorted.
@SkavrsXeplion: thank you for sharing. i'm glad we have been a support for you for those 3 months. it's true and that's why we've been saying it here for a long time, only those who take it and suffer really know what it's like. that's good those effects/symptoms are clearing up, you wish they would faster but it's a good sign that they are getting better.

all you can do with the psychiatrist is keep telling them what your going through and sooner or later they will listen better. i finally told mine to let my body and brain do what they know to do and they did. coming back to you is a good thing, hold onto it and work towards it everyday. the receptor is the hope receptor and it's really hard to work without it but we focus on the first step is healing and everything else comes after that. it's one big hard step but it's very worth it. your energy and lyrics will return to what it use to be.

how are you doing today?

@Empty1128: thank you and well said. glad to hear your taking some baby steps in the right direction. motivation and working at something will help you complete the healing as well, very nice. how you been otherwise you lil lady killer?
Day 180

In 3 days, I'll be 6 months off.
A good thing I've noticed is I can brush my teeth and take a shower whenever I want to.
Welcome Skavrsxeplion, bienvenue sur le forum.
I am French not Italian, luckily Empty1128 will help you out.
I am definitely planning on what I want to do next once healed.
By the way, I have got a girlfriend recently, it's a crazy story, we've known each other for a long time and we were finally able to be together again, she didn't understand at first why I am not going to college or working yet but she is being very supportive.
My plans for when I'm healed is to work full time and hopefully travel the world with her.

It sucks that I can't exercise yet due to weak strentgh but at least my quality of life is slowly improving. I hate the anger issues I have to deal with.
Sorry for replying MAD late but yes, I do have a PROFILE PIG XD #mylilpixiepig lol
@invegauser ill have to look into donating then I assume. $20 isnt that bad, reminds me of the xbox 360 days when I paid like $20-$30 to change my gamertag lol. Yeah man, this has a been a hell of a ride, everything you said as always is accurate asf.

Replying from 2 pages ago lol my bad guys!
@invegauser : hi man, yesterday I wen't to the beach and I've walk a bit with my dog, also workout a bit and in the evening I go out with 2 friend 4 a couple of hour, today I wake up better without suicide though, I think to workout a bit today too but every day in the morning my mind tell me "u never work again u need a job" it's hard for me, all of my friend are working now.. They have a story to tell and me.. Nothing, I live near Venezia so if in the future u come I Wait you :) I'm thinking to try some magic mush for serotonin and for make new connection in the brain but I'm a bit scared, yesterday I've smoke a bit of cbd and I sleep 8 hour i really need it! Do you take supplement? What do you do 4 anedonia?

@empty :Ciao vecchio'! Io non so usare i pm, non sono molto pratico di forum, comunque le iniezioni di xeplion sono tanto pesanti da smaltire, spesso pi? di invega sustenna, anche io soffro molto l'anedonia, mio fratello ha avuto una bambina da poco e io sono l'unico in famiglia a non provare emozioni, ? dura fare finta di sorridere, tanto dura, prima ero una persona molto solare pieno di connessioni sociali io quando mi alzavo dal letto ero gi? con il sorriso, ora, mi sento un ebete, odio il fatto che ingrasso mangiando pochissimo e sano, sono sempre stato uno che scioglieva anche le pietre nello stomaco, magrissimo con la tartaruga fai tu, ora sto iniziando a fare un po' di palestra a casa, mi viene molto difficile badare alla mia igene personale senza motivazione ? una vera lotta lavarsi i denti e farsi la doccia. Lo odio. Tramite il forum medicitalia sto avvertendo le persone di smetterla di assumere xeplion ho una discussione aperta con un medico e da l? avverto le persone, ? un farmaco criminale, tu hai avuto psicosi?

@zack 365 : I'm really nice to meet you, I read your story and it's amazing Maan u must be happy! I've a serious problem with washing teeth and have a shower or make the shave but.. I hope to be better soon
@SkavrsXeplion: that's great to hear. your mind isn't telling you that, it's a trick of the poison. when the receptor wakes back up again you will work, work out and be able to tell your mind isn't doing it by seeing for yourself. haha, sounds good, sounds like a beautiful area.

thanks for sharing on the CBD. i have kept a running list of all the street drugs that people have tried and how effective they were. mushrooms are the only ones that are similar to how you experience them before xeplion for most people. unfortunately it does not make you heal faster. let us know if you do take them. but also be safe if you do.

just a reminder to the room: street drugs are not a good idea when dealing with mental illness and bad interactions with psych meds. they could make things worse and this is a harm reduction site so no one can tell anyone what to do here. if one were to take a drug it is alright to share your experiences on how it was as we've done so in the past. others in the past have gauged their healing by how much using substances is like it was pre-invega/xeplion. it's always recommended using healthier ways to work towards and gauge the healing process though. less risk associated too. i was lucky in how many times i used substances during my own trial that i didn't cause major harm. your all your own people and make your own choices, please recognize your limitations and do so safely if you do make that choice.
@Emersonny : Your trip to italy starts today I think. Enjoy your time there! I also went abroad from day 60 to 80. There were some difficult times especially when I had to deal with anger (sometimes, it could last 4 or 5 hours and even more).

@SkavrsXeplion : thank you man. Haha, things have got a lot better since the first weeks but I am not yet where I want to be. I am glad I have a supportive environment around me.

To the room
Day 181

It seems like the recovery is less of a roller coaster ride these days.
Many people have had breakthroughs or visible improvements around month 6 to 8.
I am interested in seeing what's going to happen.

Day 54 for me i keep taking supplements daily, i added Taurine and its effects are god send i also resumed training currently benching 132kg max.

I also have been obsessively researching famous people with schizophrenia i did find about Syd Barret having been "diagnosed schizophrenic" there isnt much more information on the internet i have find (except about one odd story of someone curing "his schizophrenia" with Beta Alanine, or that one megadosing vitamins with Niacin in particular)

Im not sure about recovery since injections taking so much life out of a person, i am sure it wont be the same especially after living what is like to get indirect murdered with life destroying medicine and some moral high ground "doctors" who dont have a clue about the person they are drugging, i think the time lost cannot be replaced.

Also im not sure about the supplements since they are very costy to maintain for lifetime to maintain health, too much work to pay for them and not much of a reward coming out of it if you could return to the Psych Ward for any insignificant reason and get poisoned again, feel like they have calculated all person possibilities and this is where all the doctor "life expectancy predictions" come from, they get you crippled with the poison so you cant get away from them. I dont recall having any health problems due to "mental illness" before the poison.

its like you are stuck waiting for a death sentence trial.
@InvegaIsMurder What does Taurine do for you?
Takes away all anxiety, it makes excessive thinking stop (which i think is what causes anxiety) keeps me in a healthy mental state, first time i took it (4g) i felt it in the back of my head, it says that it calms the nervous system by facilitating the production of neurotransmitter GABA.

You can read more here

its the main ingredient in the popular energy drink Red Bull (1g per can)
I will try this Taurine asap
if you can find some on Bodybuilding stores it would be cheaper, i use Nutrend brand (EU) i am in greece, pharmaceutical brands are way more expensive

If anyones want to save money to try Taurine you can get a can of Red Bull it claims it has 1g of taurine in it, its also high in caffeine.
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