Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Yes time seems drag on for me, and due to invega I have no interested so nothing distracts me.
@Specified The thing that will boost your libido is Welbutrin. I went on it and it worked like a charm. It's a good drug if you ask me. I feel better on it, and my thinking and senses are coming back. I'm able to not just have sex but also able to have more fluent sentences. I believe Welbutrin also works on the dopamine receptors. I did some research on it but i didn't save anything. Take a look and see if it works for you. It's undocumented effects that it boost libido and cures ED.

@Emersonny your post makes a lot of sense and reaches out to me. I used to be a heavy cannabis user and would smoke multiple times during the day. That is what got me sick and ended me in the psych ward, I had cannabis induced psychosis, I had a mental break down because I was doing things I shouldn't of done and thought I was high and mighty, but I fucked up and now I have a new respect for everything.

@We Flew Over your post was awesome about your recovery, so would you say you fully recovered? It's nice to have you here.

@invegauser How's it going buddy? I hope your recovery is treating you well. I feel like I'm getting out of the woods already after 3 months but I am just going to remain optimistic and hope it's all good from here on out.

@Zack365 Yes invega changed my whole perception, I now have respect for anyone, and I don't jump to conclusions, I just treat everyone as equals, even strangers, because you never know what people went through.

@the room I hope everyone is doing well, I'm just having coffee and browsing the thread, but I feel like recovery is real
hi room, 21 months post abilify and mentally im back and remember who I am. still fatigued from internal tremors/dyskinesia but im greatful. I consider myself recovered from the poison like many of the stories I read that gave me hope when I was dieing and its sureal to have made it here. special thanks to you guys. Invegauser hope you're doing ok man and keep healing.
for anyone else hopeless I believe you can and will make it and it may not feel like it now so you have to hold on to faith. Peace
@invegaisnotgood : I promise this symptom gets better. I am 160 days off and concentration is almost back to normal.

@Offvega : thanks, personnally I am doing good.

To the room
Day 160

Things have improved a lot the last 72 hours. And it keeps on going. Feeling 90-95% normal
Im going on a diet of just protein and caffiene.

Im going to run, lift weights, and study business.

Im going to chase this dragon in my fucking veins. And Im not going to ejaculate until Im making at least six figures.

Im going to take back this life that Invega took away from me and Im going to conquer the fucking world.
@Zack365 it's great to hear that you're feeling pretty close to normal, especially so early on in your recovery. Also, my perception has been different. I used to have a lot of synesthesia, like seeing or tasting music and feeling tactile sensations with my emotions. Passages of writing had texture, color, and flavor to them. I miss that. My experiences seemed a lot more multidimensional. Of course I had some psychosis, but I used to see strings or paths connecting ideas, which I kind of miss for some reason. It seemed kind of symbolically beautiful.

@Vbodnariu I'd imagine that would be surreal to have yourself back, like getting out of prison or the mental hospital.

@Offvega It's a s****y way to live without any sense of self-importance, but I feel like there must be something to be learned from living without even a healthy distortion of one's importance. I hope that once I heal I'll learn that I need to work my a** off like anyone else rather than just depend on my "brilliance." If I get my motivation back, maybe I'll get thoroughly accustomed to the idea that everyone is very clever and hard work makes the difference for healthy individuals.

@Specified Wellbutrin helps with sex drive. I basically have been buying friendship with sex. Or selling sex for payment in friendship. I managed to get a boyfriend after invega. I'm like his sex doll because the invega has made me so docile. It would have really pissed me off and offended my dignity before invega, but the guy I'm with is apparently turned on by me pretending I'm a doll which is a little effed, but he keeps me socializing and he takes me on road trips and stuff. Gender is weird. My sex drive isn't like how it was, but I can reach orgasm multiple times in a row. I've even gotten a little bit of my sensitivity back if I think about sex a lot.

@Yeshua That's very kind of you. That kind of response makes me want to become a spokesperson against invega sustenna whenever I'm healed. It gave me the idea that since I'm in a service-learning program at my university, maybe I could make my capstone service project an awareness campaign for the side effects of invega sustenna. I could try to find professors that would let me come speak in psychology, pre-med, and bioethics classes. I could make a pamphlet or something and try to distribute it to hospitals. I think I would try to get mental health professionals' attention and get them to think about their biases by being self-aware about the stigmas surrounding psychosis. Make some power moves any way that I can. I think that psychosis stigma is a huge barrier to raising awareness about invega sustenna because people refuse to listen to you if you apparently have psychosis. I think that's the broader issue that encompasses the use of invega sustenna. Maybe if I go to the trouble to start a well-run campaign, doctors will actually listen. I really need to think of a response to the patronizing comments that whatever was done was medically necessary. For some reason, I feel like it is a difficult issue to raise awareness for, maybe because the medication takes away passion and ability, and then when those things come back, people want to just move on with their lives. Partly because psychosis patients are such a marginalized group. I really think that social isolation is what causes psychosis since I've only ever been psychotic when I don't feel socially integrated. I think that psychosis could be treated with a social integration program. I feel like the thing that really drove my psychosis away was getting a boyfriend.

I've been feeling pretty depressed despite slight improvements in some areas. I was trying to do some less-than-utterly-straightforward math problems and failing miserably, which makes me question whether going back to upper division math classes in two months is a good idea, and it also makes me question whether what I've been doing at work is any good. I also have been having trouble carrying on a conversation about normal topics because I've been in my head a bit thinking about this B.S., and that depresses me a little, but maybe it's a sign of going back to my old self if it's an internal monologue keeping me from conversation, even if it's a lower quality monologue. It always sucks when I feel like something's getting better, but from the outside, it might seem like things are getting worse. There's always this burden of needing to conform to people's idea of a normal human being.
Day 5 - 26 : laying in bed watching my phone and looking for forums where success stories were posted.
Day 27 - 50 : had the energy to run, see some friends but I was filled sometimes with anger, irritability, social anxiety and depression.
Day 51 - 100 : depression starts to lessen as well as other symptoms but I go through severe hypersexuality. I work part time job and plan on going back to college. Still doing sports and trying to work out along my running sessions.
Day 100 - 150 : I went to college a couple times. Trying to create real friendships once again, going on a date. Friendships and dates didn't go very well but I still made good progress. Having early signs of recovery even though I went through an entire month of severe fatigue.
Day 151-160 : breakthrough and real signs of recovery.
So I took a blood test the other day my prolactin 25.1 in 2 months in suppose to take another. I thought I was gonna be higher so I'm surprised
so that's 2 ppl that said wellbutrin helps libido. but how if palliperidone blocks dopamine
yes @Offvega i fully recovered and am much much better than i was pre invega
before invega i was a pothead smoking 24/7 treated people like shit cuz i didnt know better
made my family mental with my stupid junkie ass demeanor

during invega treatment i would take lsd every weekend and every time i did the trip was worse than the last time
the last time i did acid i lost control of my hand for a split second as i rolled a joint, like i couldn't make it move as i wanted it to move, i got fucking scared as fuck and i haven't taken cid since
i kept smoking and then 3 months after the last injection when i started to feel like myself again i kept going

i was hospitalized one month after that for causing fucking havoc in my town with my incessant-loudass-sometimes-agresive singing (yeah sounds like a joke "in th psych ward for singing? yeah right" well yeah it was the main reason, people wouldnt stop caling emergency numbers like "theres a cunt whos Rocking Me Like a Hurricane" lol i dont know what they said but i know there were maaaany complaints
well whatever during this last hospitalization with no access to weed i started to realize i was Super active mentally and like creatively and whatnot i felt a deeper connection to music and i made the decision to not go back to smoking.... so yeah all of this was thanks to taking invega i think.. idk it gave me perspective, made me see what i had to lose if i kept taking drugs.. it was a wake-up call that made me quit all drugs illegal and legal and im better than ever thanks to that poison... ironic. but yeah.

when i started to feel like myself again its like i threw myself head first into life and made up for the lost time living life to the fullest. and i haven't stopped, i won't stop. i now live much more... awake (or alive) for lack of a better word lol, than i did ever before (maybe as a child i was like this but i had lost all my drive and happiness in my pre teen years, and after that when i was 22 it's like invega shut everything down, then forced me to jump-start my system mind spirit and body morals everything and go back to pure square one, without losing 23 years of experience..., yeah its like my guardian angel threw a bucket of ice cold invega over my head haha )
@specified because palliperidone cannot block dopamine forever, something has to give. if you are off of invega (offvega lol) then you should start getting some of your senses back in your d*ck it happened to me I couldn't feel anything and then suddenly I began to have feeling again then I had some issues with getting hard but since I started Welbutrin it works very well :)

@We Flew Over your story is intriguing I hope you continue to leave a clean life. I love marijuana so I got state thc pills so I know it's safe, what landed me in the psych ward was apparently my weed was K-2 spiked but we don't know for sure. My ex tells me it was just how the weed broke into my blood stream but the doctors told me it was K2 so I don't know. They smoked it with me and none of them went crazy (my ex and current gf) so I don't know what the truth is but all I know is I am happy to have the state stuff
@We Flew Over That's weird, it sounds like LSD and weed still worked for you to some extent? Did they? I wonder if that meant the invega wasn't latched on to your receptors as much? I personally can still get drunk and get a buzz from cigarettes, and I've been hoping that it bodes well for my recovery
so i can be cool and have a wickr username called "puffinit" yeah real cool fuckin losers
^ who you callin a loser shades? you postin in the wrong forum again?

if you try the wellbutrin and it don't help with the lil man in your pants then try something else. it is wise to start at smaller doses and work your way up. best of luck if you try, please do let us know for the record if you do.
just this dickhead offline. will do let you know
^ who you callin a loser shades? you postin in the wrong forum again?

if you try the wellbutrin and it don't help with the lil man in your pants then try something else. it is wise to start at smaller doses and work your way up. best of luck if you try, please do let us know for the record if you do.
ya, well tell him to eat a phattie and chill out. (no pun intended)

don't really do that though, i'm a lil testie (no pun intended)

don't like it when people press my nuts like that (no pun intended)
ya, well tell him to eat a phattie and chill out. (no pun intended)

don't really do that though, i'm a lil testie (no pun intended)

don't like it when people press my nuts like that (no pun intended)
what about Big Pun?
what I was getting at was telling someone drugs aren't cool
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