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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)

Half a year when I fried my nogin with 1400mg of pure MDMA. Every day for a few months I felt like heavily disassociated while I battled brain zaps and suicidal thoughts, and every time I moved my eyes to look at something else... ZAPZAPZAP. Nothing gave me pleasure, even orgasms/sex didn't feel good for most that time.

Sounds the same as what I'm experiencing, did all that go back to normal after them 6 months?
As has been suggested, my biggest piece of advice is cardio, along with good sleep and healthy eating (protein).
Mdma post anxiety and brain fog - desparate


i've been attempting to keep away from these sites cause usually people give wrong knowledge and can make people worse, and i know this is probably just a safety seeking behaviour but im sick of my symptoms


Took mdma for around about 5 months, probably about 200 mg a time, sometimes more (wasnt strong stuff usually), took it probs once a week/two weeks and i rarely got comedowns although i did feel shit the day after cause i usually wouldnt sleep. Anyway i wasnt ever feeling depressed or anything during my usage, but i had a bad experience and bad anxiety when taking mdma which was cut with ketamine. I felt like i couldn't breathe therefore i panicked. The next week or so i was fine but then started experiencing really bad anxiety and panick attacks during my A-levels. After my last exam i was happy because they were over and i decided to get drunk with my friends. During this time i had a little key of mdma which i sniffed. I felt really great but also really high, and the high didnt last so long and i had a really bad comedown where i thought i was going to die again.

After this i started beginning to get:

severe brain fog
anxious thoughts
suicidal thoughts
memory loss (probs to do with the foggy brain)
spaced out feelings
feel like im always stoned
sensitivity to light
hazy vision
struggling to read things and take them in
head pressure

all of this now makes it very hard to function atm at i cant stop thinking that i've got damage and i wont get better. It does seem to get worse with stress i've noticed. i'm currently at uni and can't socalise like i used to. I used to be very confident and mentally sharp and it seems like i've lost all that. This combined has made me very depressed. I've had CBT and am currently on ssri's and they help a little with mood, but not so much with my symptoms althought my symptoms lifted for a bit. my thoughts are that i damaged my brain slightly during the first experience and then ive made it much worse by taking it again which i fully regret and was a stupid drunken moment.

Im currently not drinking, havent been for around 6 months.
im taking fish oils 369 and cocunut oil
i weight train at the gym 4 times a week
taking magnesium

but my symptoms really arent lifting and im isolated cause i really cant function or socialise because i feel too foggy.

its currently been happening since june as that was the last time i took the drug.

it seems like an anxiety disorder as i've read up, but i cant help convincing my self its damage and i wont get better, because of the second time i took it after my first bad time on mdma and there i have 'fried' my brain.

Really desperate here and i feelso guilty for making that drunken mistake of taking it the second time after my initial anxiety provoking expereince. Everyone i spoke to is convinced that i dont have dmage because of my small (ish) usage as it was only 5 months, and my friends are all fine in my social group, and i seem to be the only one struggling. Any help is much appreicated.
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I've been suffering from an LTC since May so I've been suffering for around about the same amount of time as you. In most cases it does get better, but it takes time..... sometimes a lot of time. All you can do is get plenty of sleep/rest, eat clean (I've personally tried to start following a plant based diet), get plenty of exercise and drink plenty of water. I like you have used it very seldomly (3 times in m entire life) and that third time will sure as hell be my last time haha. I know it sucks but just keep trying to live your life in the best way you can. I've ben avoiding this website too, it's pretty pointless to keep searchig through threads for the magic answer, but the truth is there isn't one. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.
I've been suffering from an LTC since May so I've been suffering for around about the same amount of time as you. In most cases it does get better, but it takes time..... sometimes a lot of time. All you can do is get plenty of sleep/rest, eat clean (I've personally tried to start following a plant based diet), get plenty of exercise and drink plenty of water. I like you have used it very seldomly (3 times in m entire life) and that third time will sure as hell be my last time haha. I know it sucks but just keep trying to live your life in the best way you can. I've ben avoiding this website too, it's pretty pointless to keep searchig through threads for the magic answer, but the truth is there isn't one. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.

thanks for the reply, very appreciated. nd 3 times isnt alot at all, i've done it much more than that. Maybe its how we are as an individual and bring past stuff out etc. hope it goes away soon because this is hell and sometimes i can't handle it and feel very isolated at uni and with my hall mates. have you seen improvement? again thanks greatly for the reply, all the best for your recovery aswell.
Honestly, i've read hundreds of other stories that are very similar to this thread in regards to symptoms.

A good number of them made recoveries within 2 years
I think the weight training is great but what I really recommend is cardio. Cardio will greatly speed your recovery. Many people have struggled with this but all who gave it time recovered, myself included. When I abused E at 14 years old it personally took me 2 years to get back to feeling like my old self. I really regret not having done cardio sooner.
I'm not tryin to sound like I'm down playing the situation but with any of the negative effects I've had with psychedelics/empatheogens the biggest trick to get back to normal is to not obsess about the symptoms and try to go about life.

.as time passes the anxiety will lessen because your not constantly doing a self check and worrying if the symptoms are still present

if u abstain from drug use and live a healthy lifestyle your chances of recovery are high.try to accept the situation u got yourself into and do the best u can..good luck %)
Took MDMA daily for a couple months . wondering long term effects

So I used to take MDMA daily for probably 2 months. I haven't done it at all in about 2-3months then I did it one time again. I had an anxiety attack a couple days later. (Which isn't abnormal for me) I feel like ever since then(about 3 weeks ago) I've been having heart attack symptoms. I was starting to think the anxiety attack triggered it. The pain in my left arm. Chest pain that is like a sharp sudden stabbing pain below my left breast that happens at random times but hurts so bad for a second or so. Weird back pains. I've even had a sore jaw for a couple weeks. So basically I'm wondering if all this is from stress and anxiety or if my previous long term mdma use has caused me to have heart problems. I'm 20yrs old and female if that makes a difference. Any and all feedback is appreciated. I know it was very stupid to do it that constantly so please don't lecture me on that. It was extremely dumb. I won't even touch the stuff again . but I do want to know how concerned I should be for my health.
I think the weight training is great but what I really recommend is cardio. Cardio will greatly speed your recovery. Many people have struggled with this but all who gave it time recovered, myself included. When I abused E at 14 years old it personally took me 2 years to get back to feeling like my old self. I really regret not having done cardio sooner.
id be happy with two years ill be honest. Strange that a lot of people get this, maybe underlying anxiety perhaps. Thanks for the tip dude. did a bit of cardio today and i do feel slightly clearer. thanks
I'm not tryin to sound like I'm down playing the situation but with any of the negative effects I've had with psychedelics/empatheogens the biggest trick to get back to normal is to not obsess about the symptoms and try to go about life.

.as time passes the anxiety will lessen because your not constantly doing a self check and worrying if the symptoms are still present

if u abstain from drug use and live a healthy lifestyle your chances of recovery are high.try to accept the situation u got yourself into and do the best u can..good luck %)

you're not down playing it at all, its the truth, key is ignoring it but wow is it hard. If im not really foggy and retarded im extremely anxious. thanks for the reply.
sounds like anxiety to me dude. try not to stress too much about it, will make it worse. zt
Oh and last thing. SSRI wise, erm these wont be hindering my progress will they? people recovered whilst been on ssri's? cheers
SSRIs will probably speed your recovery along as well as long as they aren't causing insomnia, sleep is extremely important.
no im sleeping great, have times where im too anxious to sleep but other than that its good. Didn't used to be. Wont they mess with any chemicals that potentially could be damaged? did you use ssris? sorry for all the questions im evidently anxious for advice.
Personally SSRIs caused me insomnia but if they help you then by all means use them, an ssri like Citalopram that is very selective for just serotonin is best but anyways SSRIs increase the generation of new brain cells. Cardio does as well, in a very important place in the brain in fact.

Mindfulness meditation will help you sleep and will help with anxiety if you find yourself dealing with that fairly often. 15 minutes at night before bed can make a big difference years from now.