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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)


Oct 27, 2010
Pupils extra sensitive months after ceasing use

I noticed halfway through my short MDMA/MDA binge, my pupils suddenly became a lot more sensitive to light. I figured it was a normal response from MDxx abuse. Four months after I ceased use of drugs, my pupils are still very sensitive to light.

This is especially noticeable when I wear my contacts. When I wear them at night I see quarter halos around the lights due to my pupils being dilated, this never happened prior to MDxx use. I experienced no other side affects (short or long term) but this.

Anyone else experience this?

Use history 12 times between Sept 25 - Jan 1

Average dose 2 pills. Used MDA and/or MDMA

Rolled hard all times, Never experienced a hangover or any other serotonin related issue. Last roll (MDMA only) was a weak roll, but pills were from Mexico and it was freezing out and I was in a bad mood, so I'm not sure my tolerance was fucked yet at that point.
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My eyes are VERY sensitive to light (I also have light colored eyes) now. I don't really like driving at night because of how bright headlights are :/ You are not alone.
Not really sure, but I attribute it to my extensive LSD and MDMA use. To me, I feel like my the amount of light I take in is greater because I learned of what beauty looks like because of these drugs.
I thought I was the only one!!!
I've always had excellent vision, but after about a 3-4 month ecstasy binge... ( I was rolling about once a week) I noticed my pupils wouldn't adjust correctly anymore.
I hate driving at night cause all of the lights blur together, like I'm rolling... just not quite as strong. I've also noticed if I've been in a really bright room, then go outside when it's dark.. my eyes are really bad and it's really hard for me to see.
After my last use, a few days later I noticed all the headlights were like big stars and I was seeing rainbows come off of the street lights. It seriously freaked me out. I was rolling so often I didn't notice that my eyes were never going back to normal. It's been about 8 months, and my eyes are starting to get better. However, it's still hard for me to drive at night, and my pupils will randomly dilate throughout the day/night. It's weird, and I don't understand it. But I'm hoping over time my eyes will go back to normal.

I thought I was the only one!!!
I've always had excellent vision, but after about a 3-4 month ecstasy binge... ( I was rolling about once a week) I noticed my pupils wouldn't adjust correctly anymore.
I hate driving at night cause all of the lights blur together, like I'm rolling... just not quite as strong. I've also noticed if I've been in a really bright room, then go outside when it's dark.. my eyes are really bad and it's really hard for me to see.
After my last use, a few days later I noticed all the headlights were like big stars and I was seeing rainbows come off of the street lights. It seriously freaked me out. I was rolling so often I didn't notice that my eyes were never going back to normal. It's been about 8 months, and my eyes are starting to get better. However, it's still hard for me to drive at night, and my pupils will randomly dilate throughout the day/night. It's weird, and I don't understand it. But I'm hoping over time my eyes will go back to normal.

I enjoy the theory of the person above me who said that about the beauty and drugs thing.
I wonder if because of the drugs we felt another type of control with discovering the ability to dilate our eyes through control rather than random. And now throughout the day and such you just dilate.

I know I have the thing where if you go out in the dark after a bright room it takes a long time for my eyes to adjust. I think it is because of my psychedelic usage though, not mdma.
Since doing DMT I have also figured out how to adjust my gaze so I can look at more things at once without moving my head...strange but true lol.
I have exactly the same issue!! I see large halos around streetlights and even around light bulbs sometimes, I am completely freaked out,It's been over a month now and there is not any improvement! I've been to MANY doctors,opticians- ophthalmologists-neurologists and no one could found anything wrong,I even did an mri scan and it came back negative! I can't live like that it has a serious effect in my daily life and no one understands me, A couple of days ago I read that it might be related to hppd,a mental disease for which there is no cure,I feel worse now...I just want it to stop,If anyone knows something more please tell me...
Damn I love the E discussion. You can tell the average age has dropped massively. lolol

You kids fuck with class A drugs? the drugs have fucked you back! simplesss. Don't abuse E and shit like this don't happen ;D
Ive rolled 13 times, Over the span of 12 months.

Sitting in the sun in my room or going out in the sun walking my dog is just my favourite, i dont experience any problems like that as of yet
I haven't abuse E,I was always very carefull, always do the pre-loading and post-loading and leave 6 months between each use,I got these symptoms after 500 mg, it's not a small amount to take but it's definetly not that much to explain the symptoms,I don't know why it happened, but it wasn't because I was a careless kid abusing E!!
Having a minimum of 1 panic attack starting 2 days after mdma


So I really over did things but in really small doses. This last Wednesday I took 100mg of mdma shards, and it was fine, Well this Tuesday night I took 150mg and did fine, felt good the next day and stupidly had a friend over that just had to have me roll with him so I took another 150mg on Thursday as well. The next day I was fine, but the day after that I had a panic attack while I was all by my self randomly at my house, and this lasted for about two hours. Today I had one at 11am this morning for about 30 min and puked at the end and felt fine, and then really really bad at about 130 once I was at work! I am a barista in a coffee shop and I couldn't work, Like I would try to make a coffee or a sandwich and the anxiety was so bad I had to leave the counter in the middle of someones drink, go to the bathroom and was sure I was going to puke, gagged over the toilet and nothing ever came out. I was so anxious and had so much anxiety and my heart was beating fast and I was a little dizzy, and my face got hot. well when I tried to rush myself out to the counter back to work to ring the guy up for his drink, my hands were shaking so hard like never before to were It was very difficult to get the cash and coins back into his hand. I then left work out of being completely scared and concerned and not able to work anyways and had someone else come in. Here I am at 919 tonight and I have been having a more mild but definitely still not able to work panic attack, and this one started around 7. I am not sure what to do and I am supposed to go back to work at 5:45am Please help me!
Another interesting side note is the two later panic attacks started shortly after eating food, starting with a vomiting feeling then progressing into not wanting to be around people and getting very anxious and tons of anxiety like I have never came close to having before.
there's nothing you can do besides waiting it out, eating healthy and exercising. you're just having a bad comedown it could take from days to months to fade (most likely a week or two)
I hope you learnt the lesson. :)
there's nothing you can do besides waiting it out, eating healthy and exercising. you're just having a bad comedown it could take from days to months to fade (most likely a week or two)
I hope you learnt the lesson. :)

Oh I more than learned my lesson. It has been a pretty bad few days lol, Made it to work this morning with another panic attack as soon as I got there following another one at 11am. Definitely not worth it. I probably looked really weird all day too haha.
i you have some benzos on hand, they could help with the situation. i've found them to be great in such situations. in addition to lessening anxiety they help getting a clearer head (due to less anxiety), aid with sleep and stop the viscious circle of fear of having another panic attack leading to another panic attack. but be aware that they are only suitable as a short term solution, as they can be addictive. physical withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be deadly, so if you use them, be sure not to take them too long or in too high doses! i can sometimes completely kill the anxiety by taking half a tablet of bromazepam for only 2-3 days, sometimes for a week. if it doesn't work that way, i'd rather try to look elsewhere than continue using.
i you have some benzos on hand, they could help with the situation. i've found them to be great in such situations. in addition to lessening anxiety they help getting a clearer head (due to less anxiety), aid with sleep and stop the viscious circle of fear of having another panic attack leading to another panic attack. but be aware that they are only suitable as a short term solution, as they can be addictive. physical withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be deadly, so if you use them, be sure not to take them too long or in too high doses! i can sometimes completely kill the anxiety by taking half a tablet of bromazepam for only 2-3 days, sometimes for a week. if it doesn't work that way, i'd rather try to look elsewhere than continue using.

Thanks for the info! I have 3 ativan tiny tablets on hand (tiny little circle tablets with the curvy V on one side and a line on the other with the 4008). How long do they normally last? I work ten hour shifts and when I am at work is the most important to me. I knew I had them sitting there and it might be time to take them as today was another day of complete hell at work lol. I would say about 60% of my work day was extreme anxiety and the other parts literally felt like I was taking a break getting ready to have another one. Definitely not worth it haha
they contain lorazepam, which has a half life of around 12 hours. so you should directly feel the effects for around 6 hours and still be more relaxed for 6 hours after that. keep in mind that it's sort of a "full spectrum" benzo, so expect more sedation and muscle relaxation than with the anxiolytic ones like bromazepam or alprazolam. to combat this i'd usually take them before going to bed, but then again i'm using bromazepam which has a half life something like 16-20 hours (and i'm usually feeling the worst in the morning). lorazepam is normally taken twice daily, but as you need it most at work, it's probably best to take it before going there. just try to keep your doses low to avoid sleepyness/sloppyness.
so i'd recommend starting with 0.25-0.5mg and go from there. 1-2mg should have you feeling fine, but could be a bit much in a work environment. (this is just a rough estimate, but you'll see how you feel and can adjust accordingly). sadly i have no idea what kind of tablets you got based on that description, lorazepam isn't sold under that brand name im my country.
low dose MDMA as an alternative to benzos

Multiple times a day. Can that be done, safely, or would it eventually cause serious depletion of serotonin?