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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)

I'm definitely going to keep on the omeprazole, as well as changing to a bland, alkaline diet to see if it relieves the symptoms.

Could it be an ulcer? I've just done a bit of a Googling and there seems to be some kind of link for some people (though it seems to be those that have abused MD quite severely).

Guess I'm the only one that's gone through something like this???
I was thinking it'd be more likely that you got an ulcer from a bacteria from the oysters and maybe MDMA made you vulnerable in some way (maybe decreased stomache acid production or decreased mucus production or something, MDMA also does suppress the immune system) but yeah I've never heard of these sort of upper stomache problems stemming from MDMA, I think irritable bowel disease is associated with amphetamine use probably because of the link between chronic stress and autoimmune disease but I don't know about upper GI tract stuff.
Take supplements to regulate ur seratonin levels after your roll. Helps a lot. Also. Ur body can be confused why it doesn't feel good. Like. U lose your scope of how you usually feel. So a sort of relative dullness to life that can lead to depression.
My friend did mdma and has a wierd side effect?

Hi BL me and a friend of mine did mdma for the 2nd time in our life and it was super amazing we liked it alot but she has a wierd thing going on with her... she had a period 2 weeks ago when we did it for the 1st time and 2 days ago we did it again and since then shes bleeding again like she has period again... is this normal?? She never had such a thing and shes worried what do you think it might be?
Am I suffering from a LTC, or something else?

So on the 7th of January this year, I ended up taking around 150mg of pure MDMA (tested), nitrous, a few lines of what was supposed to be ketamine but I and others who consumed it assumed it might have been MXE (not sure though) due to the weird effects, and 5mg of valium.

I started off by taking around 100mg of md, then over the next few hours snorting a few bumps which probably came to around 50mg. Nitrous was consumed during this period. After around 4 hours, we started snorting the ketamine (or MXE?). After my third bump, I started to feel a little bit anxious and got a little bit hot and I wasn't consuming much fluids. Bare in mind we was just sat at my house and we wasn't dancing or anything so I'm assuming I didn't overheat.But after around 10 minutes, a wave of terror consumed me and I felt like my brain was literally melting in my head, what I felt is pretty hard to describe in detail. I started shouting for an ambulance and that I was going to die, my heart rate was through the roof, I started hallucinating slightly (nothing crazy, just distored vision) and I felt like I was burning up. My friend sat me in the bathroom and put a cold towel over my neck and after about 20 minutes, I calmed down, got into bed and chilled with my mates for an hour before consuming 5mg of valium and went to sleep.

The next day I wasn't too bad, just a standard comedown and I actually had a really good day and ended up going for a meal. Over the next few days, I felt somewhat normal, but noticed I was a little off-balance and had a bit of an annoying headache. A week later I had an exam at uni and I felt pretty much normal. After the exam had finished, when I went to get on the bus home, I noticed I felt quite anxious and dizzy.

Since then I've felt far from normal, suffering with the following issues; intense vertigo, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating and focusing on things, quite bad anxiety, depression that started about 2 weeks later, randomally bursting into tears, feeling a little bit retarded, headaches, restless leg and feeling like im going to panic but not actually had a panic attack yet (fingers crossed), feeling distant and like Im not actually experiencing anything and that things are dream-like.

Its been nearly 2 months since that night and although I've improved maybe 10% since the first few weeks I'm still feeling pretty fucked up. The two main things that bother me are the vertigo and when I look at things, its almost like im on a small dose of mushrooms constansly, like things are moving up and down slighty or breathing! I feel that without the vertigo I would be able to to get on with it, the depression and anxiety I have experience before and I can deal with those in my own way but the vertigo is just shit.

I've read the recovery section on here and I've read about LTCs, and I'm trying to abstain from reading anything else as it can make me feel worse. I'm also doing all the things people have recommended and I was doing a lot of those things already prior to this issue. Eating healthy, exercising, yoga, drinking plenty of water, trying to remain social etc etc but the vertigo is pretty hard to deal with. It feels like when I'm stood up, I'm swaying from side to side .

I've also had a brief periods over the last week or so where I feel somewhat normal, not 100% or even 70% but bareable enough that I could continue living normally. But the vertigo really makes me feel like I don't want to do anything and it's getting me down :/

I went to the doctors around 3 weeks ago and said my vertigo could just be a virus and told me to come back if it persisted, so I did and he's arranged for me to have a brain scan, which I assume will come back normal as other people have stated, but I think it would put me at ease.

Are these symtoms standard with an LTC? Has anyone else suffered from crippling vertigo too? Any advice would be appreciated :)

Around 2 weeks into this, I started taking st johns wort for around a week but stopped taking them because I felt like I should try and recover naturally, but I'm not considering taking them again to help lift my depression. Has anyone else had any luck with st johns wort at all out of interest?

Have seen plenty of reports and threads on this. Fairly sure it's "normal" in a sense that it can happen to some and that it's not of massive concern (unless it's excessive or really abnormal).

I'm sure we'll have a few female users chime in here on the subject :)
I have no idea how common this is or what causes it or even if it's something to worry about or not, but for what it's worth my girlfriend experienced the same once during a mescaline experience. Her period started randomly in the middle of the trip when her last one was only two weeks prior, and it continued for days after the trip like a normal period.

She has also missed periods completely for a month when taking MDMA around the time it was due.
Occasional exaggerated movement, muscle fasciculation, twitches

Hi everyone,

I am 23 years old

On NYE I took way too much Molly and experienced mild Brain zaps for roughly 3 weeks after the event. I recovered and they disappeared by the last week of January.

The final weekend of Jan after recovering I went out with some friends, had quite a few drinks (got wasted) and did a single line of Cocaine. It was a mistake however thought I had recovered and the previous symptoms were purely Molly related.

After waking up at a friends that morning I had slight vertigo however nothing too bad. Thought nothing of it and went home. Whilst lying on the bed watching TV That evening started to drift off....BANG - brain zap. The strange thing is I only had one Zap... And haven't had one since. I get this rather strange swirling sensation in my head when trying to fall to sleep, similar to a brain zap however not strong enough. Maybe really weak ones?

The area that really concerns me is I have developed a twitch, could be described as a muscle fasciculation? Not strong enough to be a Myclonic Jerk. I also have exaggerated movements. These brain 'swirls' at night I call them have improved... However this twitch/tic has not. I am wondering where I have done some permanent damage to my neuron receptors and/ central nervous system? I have been taking a multivitamins, B12, fish oils and magnesium tablets. My diet has been extremely clean. I have been exercising every day as that helped me before and have heard from other people on here it work. I just can't seem to shake these twitches. :(

I seem to be a walking Guinea pig at the moment. I am very concerned... I am paranoid whether it has increased the likeliness of Parkinson's when I'm older? After taking the single Line of cocaine 30th Jan I am now beginning my 4th week of twitch/ symptoms. If anyone has experienced something similar or has advice on this situation I would really appreciate it.

I won't be making this mistake again... Please help
Hey Zach,

Just wanted to reach out and share what I've been going through. I have been on BlueLight for almost 3 months now and your story struck me because we're in similar situations. Although I took substantially less (only did MDMA twice) I am still suffering from all the symptoms you listed. I am also at university and finding it tough to enjoy myself. If anything, dorm life has become overwhelming and dreary.

Like I said, your symptoms match with mine. I too have felt 'off' since the drugs and can't seem to regain the positive feelings I used to have. Depression and anxiety have been very heightened the last two months. Although some things are recovering it's still a painfully slow process. DP/DR were quite persistent for the first while and now seem to be lessening (knock on wood) but the anxious thoughts and general unease remains. It's certainly scary and being away from home at UNI is not helping me. The friends I took the drug with are all fine and have kind of abandoned me lately (probably because of my sobriety and increased inwardness) So if it helps, you are not the only one struggling with these problems.

Like you, I am exercising and eating healthier. Taking vitamins, fish oil, etc. This all seems to be helping (specifically the cardio) and I agree that the fitness aspect is crucial.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and I'm going through the same thing. I'm not as far in as you but I still wanted to show my support. I hope we fully recover in time. I think the odds are in our favour. At least that's what a lot of the anecdotal evidence points to. Could take a while but I have faith that things will right themselves.

If you ever want to chat or share advice it would be nice to hear from you. This is a dark chapter in my life and having support from a fellow sufferer would be a nice aid towards recovery.

All the best,

I used to smoke a lot of weed in the past but I haven't touched it since november. Since this all happened I haven't touched any drugs whatsoever.
You can certainly try 5HTP at around 200mg a day, cocaine does have actually pretty high affinity for serotonin so I would suspect that your serotonin system just needs more time to recover, it can take a couple months for serotonin production to return to normal so it's a good idea to try taking it externally (5htp) for those couple months. Keep doing cardio!
I am going trough the exact same thing with twitches/fasciculation's after MDMA abuse.

For me it has been 4 months now. You can read about my experience here:


I have seen my regular DR, and a Neurologist. They both did some tests and assured me it was not ALS, MS, or Parkinsons. They also said that having fasciculations at a young age does make you more likely to have ALS or Parkinsons later in life, so get that out of your mind right now.

-besides the twitching, do you have any other symptoms? Muscle weakness?

-are the twitches happening in one spot only? Like one specific finger? Or one specific limb? Or are they more random and generalized?

-do the twitches only seem to happen while you're at rest? Like if you go for a jog or to the gym, do they go away? Only to return when you're sitting on the couch or laying down?
You will recover. Take 5-HTP and stop using drugs, consider this a lesson it can always be worse.

I've been through a comedown like this and after a month most the really bad side effects went away.
Thank you for your advice Cotcha, I will head into town tomorrow to buy some. However part of me thinks the 5HTP levels are not responsible for the twitches. I had only done MDMA a few times before, and only did cocaine occasionally.
I historically hadn't abused the drugs bar that NYE night which clearly tipped my brain over the endge and took its toll. please see blue sentence below answer 2 to get an understanding of what I believe I have done. Your insight is appreciated! Thank you

@IcedCoffee - I read your article. I could very much relate to it. Interesting, how sever are your twitches? Have you seen any improvement over the 4 months?
My twitches are currently small and pretty much unoticeable to people. My concern is the impact it will have on my brain/overall health in the background.

To to confirm your statement - "They also said having fasciculations at a young age does make you more likely to have ALS or Parkinson's later in life, so get that out of your mind right now"
- Can I confirm does or doesn't?

Answer 1) No muscle weakness

Answer 2) The twitches are more randomised over my body. If I think about moving my hand or move it slightly it seems to increase the likeliness of a twitch in that region. My brain sending exaggerated signals to my nerves perhaps?

I believe I have over stressed/frayed/flooded either my neuron synapse or Axon - Allowing larger than normal electric signals to flow through.

Answer 3) Yes, they are more frequent at rest. If I am engaged in activities I am okay.

How does this compare to you mate?

Additional experiences and advice off other people is also appreciated :)
Sorry that was a typo, the neurologist told me benign fasciculations in people DOES NOT make you more likely to have Parkinsons or ALS or MS later down the line.

The Neurologist I saw told me she thinks I have "Benign Fasciculation Syndrome" (BFS for short). And that people with BFS are not any more or less likely to get ALS, MS, or Parkinsons later in life than anyone else.

I have already seen 2 DR's and they did a TON of blood tests and physical exams (like checking my reflexes and having me do strength tests. Having me walk around on my toes and balls of my feet. They tested me for vitamin deficiencies, AIDS, Lyme disease, heavy metal toxins, muscle enzyme tests and more. You name it, they tested my blood for it). And all... ALL, of my tests came back normal.

I am going at the end of March for an EMG test to confirm that my twitches/fasciculations are not due to muscle wasting or nerve abnormalities, and if I pass the EMG test she will officially diagnose me with BFS. The DR told me she thinks I will have a normal EMG, but she wants to do the test just to be absolutely sure. And that only after that, will she officially diagnose me with BFS.

She said it's possible my MDMA use led to my situation. She promised to read up on MDMA use and BFS before I go for my follow up after the EMG test.

It's important to understand that twitching from ALS almost always starts in one specific digit or limb and spreads from there. That's why I asked if yours are generalized (like mine) so that's a good sign you almost certainly don't have something like ALS since it's not like one foot or one pinky that twitches. Also ALS is usually accompanied with muscle wasting and weakness and people notice simple tasks suddenly become difficult on one side (like raising a coffee cup or buttoning a shirt). Again, all good signs you don't have ALS.

Parkinsons causes tremors and the tremors happen whether you are moving or at rest, whereas twitches from BFS only occur when the muscle is not taught or not being used. People with Parkinsons usually notice their gait starts to change (like one arms stops swinging while they walk) and have muscle stiffness and difficulty standing/walking along with tremors. That's why people with BFS only get the twitches when sitting down or laying down or in resting positions and not tremors. So since you only have minor twitches that occur at rest (like mine) that is a good sign you almost certainly don't have Parkinsons. So don't worry yourself about that.

The Neurologist told me that sometimes BFS does go away, but it can take months or years depending on the cause and if the underlying issue remains.

I found 4 other Blue Lighters (from searching forum history) who had the same issue we do after MDMA abuse. One was Savior999 and his twitches took over a year to go away. The other is NightElf and she said hers are way better than when they started, but sometimes they still bother her during her periods when her hormones are acting up. The other 2 Blue Lighters never responded to my PM's and stopped posting. So I don't know if they got better or not. I also found a couple people on other forums who said they got twitches after stimulant and/or MDMA use, and that it never went away.

Mine started almost exactly 4 months ago. So far, they have not got better or worse. They are just sort of still there.

So it's hard to say what will happen... But if it is MDMA that caused your twitches you stand a good chance to recover since you are decade younger than me, and as long as you cut the crap.

If I were you, I would never touch MDMA again. In the mean time I would quit cannabis and caffeine and alcohol for a while too.

You should hit the gym and start eating well, and do both cardio excersize as well as strength training at the gym. Hitting the gym will be the best thing for your chances and speed of recovery.

You can try taking multivitamins, 5HTP, magnesium, CoQ10, Fish Oil, and stuff like that if you want. I did for months and it made no difference for me, but that doesn't mean it won't possibly help for you.

Most likely what will help is abstaining from ALL drugs and hitting the gym and eating nutritious food.

If you develop ANY muscle weakness or any other symtoms you should see a DR immediately. Honestly, I think you should see a DR just to be safe, not because I think anything serious is wrong with you, but just to be safe. Tell them everything, tell them about your drug use. They are sworn to patient confidentiality, so you should be honest with your DR.

Good luck, I hope we both get better :/

I'm curious. How much MDMA did you take on NYE? How much was "too much"?
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Good....Most of the time we get posts like this and the people say they smoke a pound of weed a day and wonder why their anxiety won't go away.

Now you have a choice to make...go to the doctor and get meds for your condition or tough it out and see if it gets better. I suggest tough it out. Get a gym membership and read up on diet and exercise. Get ripped in the gym and eat healthy and live healthy for a while. Try to forget about you symptoms and push through when it's bad. Don't let it beat you....If you can't do that then you have to nut up and get meds
You didn't say anything about your prior mdma usage. How often and how much and how long have you been rolling. The severity of your abuse or lack there of can help in knowing how long you are going to be fucked up for.

I abused heavy for 2 years and it was 2 years before I was fully recovered. 6 to 8 months until I was even functional emotionally. ..it takes a long time but you'll get there
That's comforting, thank you. I have seen 5-HTP mentioned here quite a bit but I assumed it was only effective for the first few days following a roll? Would it still be effective 2.5 months after my last MDMA dose? If so I am willing to try it.

I am never touching drugs again. I know this for a fact. This experience has taught me too much.
I don't think you can safely combine 5-HTP with SSRI's, so probably best to avoid that. Also I think the issue with these effects is not so much 'depleted serotonin', but that your serotonin system has been hurt by the MDMA and needs to recover, so 5-HTP might not necessarily help. It's good for giving your mood a boost in the few days after dosing but that's about it.I've also experienced negative effects like this from MDMA and all I can say is eat healthy (I personally would recommend a plant based diet, with 75g of good quality protein a day and 7 portions of fruit/veg, starches should be wholegrains... omega-3's and extra vitamins/minerals can't hurt either), get plenty of cardio exercise, and also give your brain exercise! What I mean by this is try playing puzzle games, playing chess, sudoku, things like that to keep your mind working. Obviously abstinence from drugs is key too, and even when you feel better you should still abstain for 2-3x the length your recovery took on top. After which I think you would be fine to use alcohol, weed and maybe psychedelics/dissociatives and even some stimulants, but it's probably best to stay away from MDMA. But still, go by how you feel and take things slowly.I hope you get better soon!