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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)

1) If you take care to test your stuff, only do a normal dose (preferably without redose), stay properly hydrated and take long enough breaks in between your rolls you will not have a hangover but instead you'll feel fantastic the day after, they call this the afterglow. Make sure you chew some gum against the teeth grinding
2) MDMA = molly = ecstasy = rolls = pills = whatever. It should all be the same thing, MDMA. Test it to be sure
3) a good guideline is 1-2mg/kg with half of that in a redose if needed. Because it is your first time I would stay on the low end of that. So suppose you weigh 80kg that would mean 80 * 1mg-1.5mg/kg max = 80mg - 120mg with a 40mg - 60mg max redose
4) Yes, very much so, but you need good company that is preferably rolling as well, don't roll alone for your first time
5) It can trigger mental disease yeah, like almost any drug can. I wouldn't say disabled but abusing this drug can have serious consequences. On the other hand if you stick to some basic rules you can avoid this completely. It won't damage your brain though like xlokwinterx says, it takes a lot more than normal doses to do that

Read this
So I wanted everyone who may come across this post that I finally feel normal again. My worst times where in 4/12/14 and it took me til about 1/1/16 to feel completely normal. never once have I done it since then, and probably never will because of how bad my life was after taking this. I remember those days perfectly, I was not even functional. It was scary, constantly feeling like I was going to pass out or puke and anxiety over it all. It was terrible. worst I have felt in my entire life. I felt it was important to come back here and feel that it took me this long to feel normal. I think it may have triggered something in me that was not a problem before hand and I had to mentally work my way back out of it.
1) If you abuse it, then yes.
2) 'Molly' can be anything, often it's not even MDMA.
3) 100 mg
4) Yes.
5) The short answer is yes, but it depends on many factors and it's possible to safely take MDMA many times over a lifetime.
Pretty bad moly comedown

Hey guys, so I've read a lot of different posts in here on the topic of moly comedowns and I'm still a little bothered by mine.
I took moly for the first time last Friday, 10 days ago. It wasn't a large dose, but before it I had a small bump of Coke and was pretty drunk. I have felt awful since that first Monday. I'm depressed, anxious, my brain feels fuzzy and my vision is a little off. I don't feel entirely present and aware. I'm starting to worry, besides diet, vitamins, exercise and water, is there anything else I should do?
Are symptoms lasting this long very rare?
Many thanks
No it's not rare and could be down to a lot of different reasons. It will pass in any case, it always does. SOme people are more sensitive to side-effects sadly. What you suggested are all things that help immensely with an MDMA hangover so just keep doing that, exercise is most important I think

Don't worry, one dose isn't going to cause any permanent damage or something. Might want to start testing your drugs though, I assume you haven't?

Oh and a lot of times when people come on here complaining about side-effects, coke or alcohol pops up combined with the MDMA. You did both, so I think these are pretty mild side-effects all things considered. I think the combination is what's causing you to have side-effects now. Don't combine MDMA with anything else anymore (except for perhaps weed if you're used to it), you will run into more problems otherwise. Coke cancels out MDMA anyway so it's kind of pointless to combine them, not to mention hard on your body
No it's not rare and could be down to a lot of different reasons. It will pass in any case, it always does. SOme people are more sensitive to side-effects sadly. What you suggested are all things that help immensely with an MDMA hangover so just keep doing that, exercise is most important I think

Don't worry, one dose isn't going to cause any permanent damage or something. Might want to start testing your drugs though, I assume you haven't?

Oh and a lot of times when people come on here complaining about side-effects, coke or alcohol pops up combined with the MDMA. You did both, so I think these are pretty mild side-effects all things considered. I think the combination is what's causing you to have side-effects now. Don't combine MDMA with anything else anymore (except for perhaps weed if you're used to it), you will run into more problems otherwise. Coke cancels out MDMA anyway so it's kind of pointless to combine them, not to mention hard on your body

That makes sense. I definitely went overboard by mixing them and doing them in the first place. I was pretty drunk and foolishly agreed to them without knowing much. No I didn't test them but my friends who took them with me were the ones that bought them and said they were solid. I guess it's anyone's game at that point.
Yeah the feelings I have are pretty shity and I just started to worry more today because most other threads just mention 3 to 7 days of side effects and I'm a bit past that. I haven't don't these drugs before and never do drugs at all.
It's been 5 years since I smoked weed.
I appreciate your message, mate. Here's hoping it all goes away like you said.
That makes sense. I definitely went overboard by mixing them and doing them in the first place. I was pretty drunk and foolishly agreed to them without knowing much. No I didn't test them but my friends who took them with me were the ones that bought them and said they were solid. I guess it's anyone's game at that point.
Yeah the feelings I have are pretty shity and I just started to worry more today because most other threads just mention 3 to 7 days of side effects and I'm a bit past that. I haven't don't these drugs before and never do drugs at all.
It's been 5 years since I smoked weed.
I appreciate your message, mate. Here's hoping it all goes away like you said.
Well normally if you take a normal dose, make sure you test your drugs (!! don't trust anyone else but yourself when it comes to your safety, you and you alone are responsible for what you take and also for the consequences if you just take something someone else says is good), make sure you stay hydrated, go cool off from time to time, don't take other drugs, don't drink alcohol which worsens dehydration, and so on, you shouldn't have a hangover but in stead feel fantastic, this is called an afterglow, it normally follows MDMA. Side-effects usually only appear when the user wasn't smart in the way he used the drug. In your case it's the combination of drugs that did it I think. I've seen exactly what you are describing a million times before already, much worse even. And it always passes. But you need to put it out of your mind, MDMA is known to cause anxiety afterwards, you are going to make the symptoms appear worse by over-thinking it. Just go on with your life and some day soon you'll realize the hangover has passed without you even noticing it did. I am sure of this, relax, get off of this website looking for answers. You went too far and now have a temporary hangover with all the classic symptoms, chalk it up to experience and get on with it =D

welcome to bluelight 1218

By the way, I'll stress the importance of exercise again. This really works wonders. Some very intense daily cardio will have a positive impact. Get those endorphins flowing
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Thank you for the response, you're totally right. I was in no way prepared for the experience and put a lot in the hands of others, dangerous moves with drugs. I probably am overthinking it all and spending too much time researching similar situations for comfort. I guess the fact that I still feel off is what trips me out. Thank you for the encouragement, i can't wait for this to pass
You're welcome. Should you ever decide to try again, read this first. If after that you still have questions, you can ask them all (well, almost all) here and we'll provide the info you need. Be well!
Hey guys, so I've read a lot of different posts in here on the topic of moly comedowns and I'm still a little bothered by mine.
I took moly for the first time last Friday, 10 days ago. It wasn't a large dose, but before it I had a small bump of Coke and was pretty drunk. I have felt awful since that first Monday. I'm depressed, anxious, my brain feels fuzzy and my vision is a little off. I don't feel entirely present and aware. I'm starting to worry, besides diet, vitamins, exercise and water, is there anything else I should do?
Are symptoms lasting this long very rare?
Many thanks
was the stuff tested?

Damage from long term MDMA and other stimulant/drug abuse.

Hi, I'm male and in my mid 20s. I'm experiencing some symptoms that other people on here have posted that they've experienced after long term MDMA abuse and I wanted to get opinions on what I'm experiencing, if it's likely permanent/long lasting or if it's just a long comedown. In either case I'm stopping all drug use including alcohol. First I just want to give you a bit of back story on the drugs I've taken and the amount. Then the specific event last week that lead me to feeling like this.

From about the age of 15 to 18 I did MDMA in crystal form and in pills once every few months, other than that I only drank and smoked cannabis. I stopped at the age of 18, I started again at about the age of 21 in 2012. From then until now I've done some form of drug every weekend and sometimes several times a week, some 3 to 4 day binges and I had 2-3 months off all drugs 3 times. In that time I estimate I've done about 250 ecstasy pills(most around 180mg-220mg), 2 ounces of MDMA in crystal form, an ounce of mephedrone, 3 ounces of amphetamine, a couple hundred Tramadol, 25 tabs of 25I-NBOMe, 30 tabs of LSD, 3 grams of ketamine, half an ounce of shrooms, half a gram of methamphetamine. There is a few other prescription drugs and non prescription that I've taken but not in amounts worth mentioning/in my current state of mind I can't quite remember. Most of the stimulant drugs were snorted over the last 2 years before this was mostly pills. The "magic" from MDMA use disappeared for me somewhere around late 2014.

I haven't really take a lot of drugs over the last 4 months or so, just occasional use. Last week I got 0.4g of methamphetamine, I snorted 100mg on Thursday evening, I was high for about 6 hours but obviously I couldn't sleep afterwards. I was unable to sleep at all and it got to Friday evening and I was going out so I snorted 200mg of methamphetamine. I felt the same effects as before but slightly less intense, once I got home I snorted about 1 gram of mdma over the space of about 6 hours then went to sleep. I think the lack of sleep for 2-3 days and re-dosing is what has possibly caused damage.

I've experienced depression and anxiety more so in the past year than I have in the past, it's usually come and gone but for the past 3 days I've felt much worse. I feel anxious but more of an empty anxious, my emotional state seems none existent to an extent and I feel quite dissociated. My heart rate is increasing much quicker than normal from small activities like going up or down the stairs, my fingers and toes are cold a lot of the time. I assume this is due to the effects of MDMA and meth on the heart, low/high blood pressure and decreased/increased heart rate. I also experienced erectile dysfunction last night, I eventually managed to keep it up long enough to climax but the feeling was decreased somewhat, from my searching online I've found people who have experienced similar things. I've had erectile dysfunction in the past but nowhere near to that degree. I assume this is linked to the decreased blood flow I'm experiencing? Oh and once I'd climaxed my fingers and toes became normal temperature again, probably due to my increased heart rate(which was somewhat higher than usual for me during sex.)

I've had bad comedowns before and felt depression but it's gone away after a day or two at most. I've never quite felt this and I have never experienced these physical symptoms. I wouldn't be so worried if this wasn't day 3 that I've been like this, I have slept normally during the nights since then apart from last night after I'd had sex I tried to sleep but experienced brain zaps. I've had brain zaps before but they seemed more intense last night, it happened twice then I fell asleep. Any opinions or people with similar experiences who could offer insight or advice on whether this is likely going to be a 1-2 year(or maybe longer) recovery or just a long comedown. Sorry if this is all a bit incoherent but I'm really not feeling like myself today and I'm finding it hard to put thoughts together. I have made an appointment with a doctor to get a professional opinion as well.
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Thank you bluebull, I certainly would see that page and prepare if I Did it again but I think this experience spooked me too much to ever try again!
If there is a single piece of advice i would recommend an individual suffering from drug-induced negative effects on the brain, i would recommend exercise, and more specifically, cardio. This, and time.
A gram of MDMA is 5-10 times the recommended dose. This alone will cause these symptoms. Throw this on top of a 3 day meth binge and I'm not surprised you feel like shit.

Meth + MDMA is neurotoxic as well.

You need to stop taking drugs for an extended period of time. You are neither respecting the substances you are using, nor yourself. Y should avoid even weed and alcohol if you want to recover.

Eating healthy, daily exercise and rest are all you can do. There is no magic cure, you will hopefully make a full recovery. Best of luck
My tolerance went up a lot over the years, a gram in one binge wasn't a usual amount. I wasn't taking meth it every 12 hours or anything. I took it twice in a 48 hour period. Thanks for the advice anyway I know I haven't been respecting the drugs etc which is why I'm stopping. Isn't a case of I've been doing it for no reason over the years.
Don't look at this like you're going to take a few days maybe a week or two off before you party some more; because when the comedowns get longer they stay this way. You're at a point where the comedowns are going to get worse and worse until it's unbearably bad. I had a very similar usage pattern just as severe, and I can tell you from experience it gets a lot worse.

Yes this is probably just a long comedown but don't keep pushing the envelope, you do not want what comes if you keep this up.
I won't be doing any drugs again, it's not worth it. What's the longest comedown you had? I hope this is just a long comedown but I feel depersonalisation as well.
Tolerance doesn't make you superhuman unfortunately. In fact more people die because of misjudging their tolerance than rookies from experience.

If you are needing a gram of MDMA to get where you need to be then the magic has well and truly been lost and you need to consider a new substance to abuse.
Yeah I was stupid and reckless for many years, was recreational at first then using as an escape from a lot of stuff going on in my life. I got better for a while but then I went back to it.

In all honesty I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner or that something worse didn't happen to me. With the amount of drugs and combinations I was taking
at some points.

This is it for me though, never touching any drugs again unless it's in aid of making me better. I'll focus on eating properly, exercising and trying to go about my life as normal. It's gonna be hard with how I feel at the moment.
I won't be doing any drugs again, it's not worth it. What's the longest comedown you had? I hope this is just a long comedown but I feel depersonalisation as well.

Half a year when I fried my nogin with 1400mg of pure MDMA. Every day for a few months I felt like heavily disassociated while I battled brain zaps and suicidal thoughts, and every time I moved my eyes to look at something else... ZAPZAPZAP. Nothing gave me pleasure, even orgasms/sex didn't feel good for most that time.