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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)


That's okay no worries I just wanted to clarify :). That is reassuring to hear, it sounds like you have a really good and thorough neurologist, one that cares. Strange that that all the tests came back normal! But also reassuring at the same time I'm sure. I hope the EMG results come back okay for you pal, send my regards. Let me know how you get on in a PM.
I find it remarkable how little neurologists know about Brainzaps/SSRI Withdrawal and twitches. I suppose there's potentially no money to be made out of it that's why? I'd certainly pay money to help resolve them.

Although it's been 4 months, that is still a short amount of time compared to people who said it took a year to subside. I think it is really important you stay positive, it can work wonders on the mind. I am confident you will overcome the twitches in the future, you sound very determined and I believe to an extent that will be carried through to your minds recovery efforts.

I have mostly abstained from all drugs. I did have a joint after the first week of the twitches as was restless and frustrated by them, I had read it had helped some people. It made mine worse, a lot worse so knocked it on the head. It's a real shame because I loved smoking for the enjoyment and supposed other health benefits :(. I haven't had one since (3 weeks), maybe I could smoke again to judge whether my symptoms had decreased? Or could do further damage...I'm not going to do anything hastily, thoughts?

If the symptoms haven't reduced by mid next month I will go to the doctors, I am trying to ride it out like the Brainzaps I had previously. My reasoning being if I confess drug use to my doctor then it is unlikely I will be able to get health insurance in later life, confessing I have symptoms from it. This could have a wider impact on my future family, am thinking strategically about this. I would simply say I have had symptoms however not mention the drug use, as I believe the professionals understanding of recreational drugs/SSRI withdrawal are so limited there's almost no value in my bringing it up.

Your isnight around ALS and Parkinson's is really interesting. Thank you for also clearing that up with me. I appreciate you helping me in this difficult time. It's good to know people who have struggled themselves are willing to help others

I took about 0.8g of MDMA spread out over about 8 hours

Further insight would be greatly appreciated :) take care
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I too have noticed that ever since the twitching started 4 months ago it is made worse by certain things.

In the last 4 months I have tried smoking cannabis twice (once about 2 months ago and once about 2 weeks ago). Both times I smoked my twitches got noticeably worse and I got very anxious. Which sucks since I used to enjoy smoking cannabis all the time without any problems, but now that I have developed this twitching after abusing MDMA, smoking pot or drinking alcohol makes it much worse.

So I have gone back to abstaining from cannabis, alcohol and caffeine. (except for green tea). And obviously I haven't touch MDMA since this started 4 months ago, and I never will again.

I hope someday the twitching goes away and perhaps I can enjoy cannabis again. It's going to be really hard to accept that my MDMDA abuse has permanently ruined being able to smoke cannabis.

Last night was the first time in a while I hadn't done cardio, body was tired so needed a rest day. When falling asleep I had those headswirls (not too bad), then after a while of not being able to sleep they got progressively worse into Myclonic jerks. My whole body shaken awake, about 10 times. I didn't experience the bang in my head like Brainzaps though.

I had a couple jerks 2 nights ago but didn't think much of it. I have never had these on this scale since tonight? My brain is obviously doing things in the background at night but I don't know why after 4 weeks myclonic jerks would kick in. So frustrating, I had a delay of 2 weeks on the twitches, delay of 2.5 weeks of head swirls, now a delay of 4 weeks with myclonic jerks post drug experience. I so confused, most people's disappear after a week I haven't read anything like this online before.

In terms of my twitches, I can't tell whether they have reduced in severity/become less noticeable or have just got used to them and don't register them anymore...

My brain is getting worse to get better?

I will have to see how my twitching is today and whether that had got worse. weathers there's any correlation between twitching in the day and jerks at night, sigh :(
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Following on from my post this morning above, I went to the doctors later today, someone pulled out their appointment so I got a first come first serve one. I mentioned all my symptoms about my myclonic jerks at night and twitching in the day. I said about the high frequency of them.

she said I probably don't have myclonic jerks and that myclonic are only specific to one area of the body. I mentioned about flashes behind my eyes and previous brain zaps. she (doctor) did not think I should be sent to a neurologist, she said it was very common... Not sure how true that is. She was happy to send me for some blood tests and to come back to her once they were back. That's what I am going to do Monday. She was pretty determined on dismissing everything I was saying and trying to get me out the room...it was an afternoon appointment I guess.

She he also gave me Promethazine hydrochloride 25mg tablets, take 1-2 at night to help with the jerks. I'm not going to take them, they sound evil. I would rather let my body recover naturally than pump it with more drugs.

I went sprinting again tonight, I feel fit. Hopefully I don't get the intense jerks again tonight
Hi everyone,

anyone out there that can share their or a similar experience/longer term symptoms?

would really help
