• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Coffee Thread (merged)

Turkish Coffee?

I recently picked up a really nice copper cezve (turkish coffee pot), and have been using it extensively. I mean seriously, is it just me or is this like the nectar of the gods? It takes less time to make than a coffee maker, you can finish the equivalent of like 3 cups of coffee in a matter of two sips, and if you sweeten it properly it even tastes much better than regular coffee. I don't see why anyone would go to starbucks.. EVER.. or any other coffee house for that matter when this stuff exists!! Why isnt it more popular than it is? I blame it on people automatically viewing anything with the word "Turk" in it as negative.
YES. Turkish coffee is fucking awesome. You don't even really need a special cezve, all you need is some sort of pot that you can boil water in, and boil the water with the turkish coffee mixed in.

What I like to do is use skim milk instead of water, cuz within about 5 minutes you can create a mug of milk-coffee that has some breakfast nurishment along with enough caffiene to keep you buzzin for a while. I used to make this every morning.
Hell fuckin' yes turkish coffee is the nectar of the gods. Every time I drink a cup I.. if I wasn't making it myself I'd think it was handcrafted by jesus himself. I wonder if its from the oils that are not getting stuck on filter paper. I don't know what it is, but it has the most rich flavor of coffee produced by any other method (IMO)

Unfortunately, it does not help if you are wanting to cut back on the caffiene.

I can't stand putting stuff into it though, i prefer it straight. I don't have a correct pot either. I make it in a erlenmeyer flask in the microwave, or a tall glass.
Irish can't make good booze much less good coffee with booze in it. Anyway, the thing about the Cezve that is so cool is the foaming action that it creates. You can get them for about 10 dollars at a middle eastern grocery. Use like 2 tbsp of the turkish coffee, 150ml of water and a big tblspoon of sugar and heat it up until it foams - It'll foam up like crazy. Take it off the heat, spoon the foam into your cup, put it back on the stove for a sec then pour it in. Ive had 4 today and i cant stop, im hooked. Cheers!
What's with Camel Turkish Jades? I mean, couldn't they atleast have a different pyramid or something...

yes, it's the best!

you know in parts of eastern europe it's still called 'the black soup', after the dark times that came under the turkish invaders...
8o 8o 8o %)

YEA! Turkish coffee! I was just thinking the other day, "why are there all these Espresso stands around, and Starbucks, and Seattle's Best, and, and, and, AND no turkish coffee stands."

Seems really weird to me. Turkish coffee gives me the "BANG, BOOM, RUN" feeling. I'm sure you could invent any number of mixes for turkish, as with standard espresso-style coffee.

I bought a special cezve. There not expressive. Mine makes three cups, and the turkish cup is like standard-espresso cup, small. The cezve eliminates the need for any filtering (if you follow the directions for brewing turkish coffee.)

Using any type of filtering, I would think, takes away from the desired "BANG, BOOM, RUN" experience.

I don't know that I have ever had REAL turkish coffee? but I L<3ve coffee!
mmmmmmmm........ big iced quad shot latte with whole milk yum!
Quad shot? Yowzers! But that beverage sounds delicious %)

I would also like to express my undying love for coffee <3
Good Coffee!

I Love Good Coffee. I keep it on hand and grind up some beans whenever I want to kick in a buzz, especially addies or Ritalin. Umm, Coffee!!! And not that commercial pre ground shit. Arabica beans only.
Carte Noire is a pre ground and commercial but it is bloody good, the best you can get without spending money on a proper coffee machine.

It's a French coffee but they import it to the UK, not sure if you can get it in the US?