• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Coffee Thread (merged)

Uh.. well.. I haven't tried myself. I was Safety Engineer once while a friend tried, and things did not go quite as planned. We didn't exactly have a proper oven or home roasting apparatus, either. After poking around on the web for a few minutes, it seemed like people were reasonably successful at roasting them in a skillet.

So we tried that.. the skins that were on the beans burned and smelled bad (and smoked a bit), and a lot of the beans got too burned on the outside but weren't quite done on the inside, as was apparent after grinding. The coffee was not good, at all.

It was coffee abuse in the 3rd degree.

But we were really stoned and had nothing better to do, and had a little bit of green coffee beans from a friend of a friend's parents. I'd never seen them unroasted before. They look kinda wierd. They make popping noises vaguely like popcorn, but not quite as loud. Its kind of alarming if you're stoned and not expecting it.

I suspect they may have been grown where the guy lived (ozark mtns in AR)... good climate for pot... not good for coffee.

I'd like to try again with someone who knows what they are doing, or watch someone do it so I have some idea of temp & timing.
fizzacyst said:
Have any of you guys tried roasting your own beans?

I most definitely considered it - the web is full of resources, and I was reading up on it all, but then I had to start school, so I don't have the time anymore..... :\
Now that I'm a more informed coffee drinker, I wasn't able to bring myself to make my morning coffee today :\ heh

And amazingly enough, I still had energy, and I didn't get a headache! Maybe I can kick my caffeine habit afterall %)
First of all, the best type of coffee is Iranian coffee, by far. (Note: Turkish coffee is really Iranian coffee, but the damn Turks stole it from us and slaped their name on it!!) I used to make some every morning before school in lieu of breakfast. But you have to wait until it boils before pouring it into your cup.

Too bad there's no way to do this in college.
we have an electric kettle. it's the hotness :) although with a hotpot you can cook soup and such, which comes in handy :)
hyperborea13 said:
First of all, the best type of coffee is Iranian coffee, by far. (Note: Turkish coffee is really Iranian coffee, but the damn Turks stole it from us and slaped their name on it!!)

There's a HUGE swath of world territory that encompasses much of the Eastern Med and beyond full of peoples who say the exact same thing. As far as I know, only the Greeks (and Greekcypriots, by extension) and Armenians actually hate the Turks enough to call it Greek coffee/Armenian coffee, respectively.

Bollocks to you, though, it's really an Ottoman Turk thing.
(And for my next trick, I'm going to resolve the great Slavic vodka dispute. It's Russian. Now shut the fuck up.)
First of all, randycaver thats awesome. I really want that. Santa? (shit im Jewish)

And as for "turkish coffee," thats because there's a vast swab of the Middle East where they prepare coffe like that, but the only people that the Europeans had a lot of contact with was the Turks. And EVERYBODY in the mideast hates the Turks. Srsly. Even the Israelis and the Palestinians can agree that Turks are stupid idiots who are more European than Middle Easterners. And Kurds hate them more than any Greek or Armenian. (BTW, most Armenians live in territory in the northwest corner of Iran.)

end rant/geography lesson
I haven't. Is it a coffee bar or just a retail store? For the most part, I buy all my coffee and teas from Intelligentsia which is apparently right down the street.

I actually tried Kenya from the shop I just mentioned last week. I was surprised. I guess I've occasionally had African coffees I have liked, but its not too often. I still prefer the dark Indonesian roasts or the nuttier Central American ones.
If you don't mind throwing down $25 or so for a lb... the kona beans are rocking my coffee pot. I'm a bit too cheap for it, but have a hookup at the coffee shop. Just don't get a blend, go for the 100% kona island-grown stuff.
Originally posted by fizzacyst
If you don't mind throwing down $25 or so for a lb

Talking about coffee like that always cracks me up. =D

I've been meaning to give Kona beans a show. Perhaps next time I'm at the store...
Well, shit, if you're gonna be hardcore, why not drop down the MAD notes for some kopi luwak?

(Notice: Anarchofascist has not tried kopi luwak. He would, though, were it offered to him.)

$60 or so a pound, by the way. And I hear it's fecaltacular!
No pre-eaten coffee for me. The local roastery proprietor says he tried some and its definately good, but nothing to get excited about. The only thing I'm eating that comes out of poo is mushrooms.