• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Coffee Thread (merged)

^You're welcome...I'm just getting to a point where I don't totally trust products like Folgers where you don't know exactly what's going on with it. Next time you're in the grocery store pick up a bag of pre-ground Millstone--or whole bean and grind it yourself, there's nothing quite like freshly ground beans--(I imagine most grocers carry it these days); it's certainly not the best, but I think you'll be surprised at how much better it tastes than Folgers or Maxwell House, et cetera. :)

Originally posted by MilesTeg
It's a soak so leave all the ingredients in and pour out into the coffee. Not usually more than a 1/2 teaspoon. Nice thing about it is once you begin to run low just add more vodka and soak. Similar to making your own homemade vanilla extract.

Cool! I usually drink my coffee black, although sometimes I add a little milk or cream...I'll have to give this a whirl.

Originally posted by chrissie
i dont see how ground up coffee isnt "real" coffee. if it's ground up, it's still from the same thing, correct?

Technically it's still "real", but the beans they use are of lesser quality and you never know how old they are.
Finder said:
^You're welcome...I'm just getting to a point where I don't totally trust products like Folgers where you don't know exactly what's going on with it. Next time you're in the grocery store pick up a bag of pre-ground Millstone (I imagine most grocers carry it these days); it's certainly not the best, but I think you'll be surprised at how much better it tastes than Folgers or Maxwell House, et cetera. :)

I'll give it a try :) I put so much sweet-n-low and coffeemate (the non-dairy powder kind) creamer in my coffee that it really doesn't matter what kind I use, since I add so much to it. When I get gas station coffee, I don't normally get a flavored blend, but I will add a flavored creamer to it.

Like I said, I'm just interested in the morning caffeine boost ;) I seriously will get a massive headache if I don't have coffee as soon as I wake up.
I imagine the caffeine content is better/higher in fresher, higher quality beans. Not that I have proof, but like high quality herb, booze, et cetera, it tends to have some truth to it.
I can't give up my cup by cup brewer EVEN in favor of the good shit. Unless of course a personal butler is fixing and serving it.

not a snob. just a fiend =D
^In English please? ;)

I'm not sure what you're talking about. You brew one cup at a time? If you're such a fiend, why not get a larger drip maker?
MilesTeg said:
H I've met serious Greek men that toasted Caradom and Clove in their mixtures.

Greeks? But that's how the Turks spice their coffee! Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that Turkish and Greek coffee is really just the same thing with a different name! ;)
slg: caffeine content is higher in liberica and robusta beans (compared to aribica)... although many complain that they dont taste as "good." it can be up to 50% higher, in fact!

if you are just drinking coffee (not the capuccinos) from 7-11, you're getting what you want: caffeine. it has been reported that the coffee sold there has the 'highest' amount of caffiene (from arabica beans). it is also very mild in comparison... which may be why i do not enjoy it (i love a cup of kenya which is a bold bean) but others who really don't care do. (finder, you may also find this interesting)

something most people are surprised about: the caffeine content is actually higher in milder coffees than in bolder ones. i really dont know why but im sure if youre interested google has the answer.

miss spitfire... come on here. you blatantly disregarded the entire paragraph i quoted for you. this has nothing to do with couth--- i straight up said i've drank the stuff before.

i've endured(and enjoyed!) hours upon hours of coffee education and have worked in three different coffee shops, all which took different approaches to their coffee selection. i've been personally hired to teach entire restaurants how to pull the perfect shot and educate them on what the difference is between the crema, the body, and the heart. i've lead coffee tastings at four different locations and am known back home for making the perfect cap--- i was actually hired to teach that, as well.

(also: i dont understand why arguments arent allowed in this thread. people argue about coffee constantly--- like wines. as long as personal attacks arent thrown around, i dont believe posts should be edited that are meant for the sake of a good spirited argument. people take things seriously--- i for one take coffee seriously and do not believe it should be flavored in grounds. i have no respect for foldgers/maxwellhouse/etc as a COFFEE but that doesn't mean i dont respect the people who drink it... and i apologize if i came off as RUDE in my first few posts, posting in all caps and such.)
Finder said:
^In English please? ;)

I'm not sure what you're talking about. You brew one cup at a time? If you're such a fiend, why not get a larger drip maker?

lol because I am a fiend who has learned control.

I stopped with my drip because i needed to make at least a few cups for it to work properly. Worked that way with the few brewers I had. So I just got a cup by cup brewer....hang on, lemme translate for you....


The coffee isn't great at all. There are some brands that can be bought online that are supposed to be much better than what I can pick up at the local store, but I am really not interested in trying em out. I am happy with cheap crappy coffee. I get my slight fix, and that is all I need. Without wasting too much coffee, or having to wash a big pot daily, sometimes twice if I decide a want a cup later on that day.

Hence, fiend=just care about that small fix, wasn't worried about quality :)

eidt, fd, we crossposted, in all honest, you just come across snobby and bitchy, sometimes ( a lot of times), but not in a sweet way. like me. =D don't get upset, just take this as a chance to realize that either A) you should work on your posting if you care or B) just not give a shit.

Not everyone is going to be as knowledgable as you are in so many many things dear. But part of being a mature woman is being able to convince other lowly know nothings of your way without sounding condescending, know what I mean??? ;)

another edit....we need a beer snob thread. I will own that shiznit yo (sorry not up on my hip speak)
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well i'll take b)because i really dont care =D im not a bitch in real life, so i dont feel the need to prove myself to anyone otherwise :)
Finder said:
Technically it's still "real", but the beans they use are of lesser quality and you never know how old they are.
Thanks for the clarification :) I find coffee to be repulsive, so I know nothing about it.
Caffiene vaporizes at a relatively low temperature (one that would be far surpassed in a roasting oven), so its stands to reason that some of the caffiene in the outer portion of the bean would be vaporized off by a dark roast. Its probably a measurable difference, but nothing significant.

As far as caffiene content variations among bean types... well.. its going to be pretty wild. A lot of the coffees grown in particular areas have been selectively inbred for as long as people have been cultivating them, which has created some fairly distinct strains adapted for the areas they are from. The caffiene content is definately going to vary from strain to strain, and could possibly partly be a function of locale/growing conditions like sunlight, altitude, water availability, etc. (I wouldn't be suprised if, say, kenyan coffee grown in colombia produced significantly different caffiene levels than those grown in kenya).
faithfully dangerous said:
(also: i dont understand why arguments arent allowed in this thread. people argue about coffee constantly--- like wines. as long as personal attacks arent thrown around, i dont believe posts should be edited that are meant for the sake of a good spirited argument. people take things seriously--- i for one take coffee seriously and do not believe it should be flavored in grounds. i have no respect for foldgers/maxwellhouse/etc as a COFFEE but that doesn't mean i dont respect the people who drink it... and i apologize if i came off as RUDE in my first few posts, posting in all caps and such.)

I don't mind a little "arguing" in here so long as you keep it at a mature level. I didn't like the direction some of the posts were taking, which is why I kindly asked you to stop arguing. I didn't edit one single post that had been made. I simply asked you (and others involved) to stop "talking" the way you were, and I threw in the part about future posts to be edited, so that you would respect my request to stop the banter.

Sorry if you misinterpreted my intentions.
fizzacyst said:
Caffiene vaporizes at a relatively low temperature (one that would be far surpassed in a roasting oven), so its stands to reason that some of the caffiene in the outer portion of the bean would be vaporized off by a dark roast.

Exactly. =D Unfortunately, I hate mild roasts, so caffeine is incidental to me. I go for full bodied coffees with a light end note (preferably berry or citris). Yummmm.... Now I want to go grab my french press!!!!
yuck, flavoured coffee is vile

reminds me of flavoured cigars
Finder said:
Next time you're in the grocery store pick up a bag of whole bean and grind it yourself, I think you'll be surprised at how much better it tastes than Folgers or Maxwell House, et cetera. :)

I got hooked on "good" coffee when one year I got some as a birthday treat, and then couldn't stop. "Good" coffee is to Folgers as kind bud is to shwag. (I edited out the part about Millstone in your quote, Finder. Sorry, I just couldn't endorse something like that :D )

As for the nether regions, there's nothing like a late night road trip through rural Missouri (or some other desolate place) and the russian roulette of gas station coffee. *shudders*

For the record, I prefer the french press. When I'm in a coffee shop, I like a sip of the selection (if it's self serve) before committing to a blend.
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^It's cool. I just pulled something easy to find out of the air. Millstone isn't very good, but it is better than anything pre-ground.
Iced lattes are my life. Calcium or soy allotment for the day with a kick.

I mix them with natural sugar.

I am sure I will need one tomorrow as sleep is not forthcoming. :)
java or eithiopian in a caffitiere. sometimes with some crushed green cardanoms in it. never with milk

Tea - earl grey with no milk

both with sugar