• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Coffee Thread (merged)


Dec 8, 2004
What's your favorite variety of coffee?

I prefer french-press and turkish coffee. Anyone favor an interesting variety?:D
French pressed coffee is quite delicious. :D

I enjoy Sumatra (my favorite) as well as other Indonesian beans. French and Italian Roasts are excellent. I also enjoy most South and Central American beans. I do not like African coffees, however, as I find the brew to be very sour. I'm a pretty big fan of Cajun Coffee as well (chickory mixed in with french roast). I do most of my coffee drinking and purchasing at Intelligentsia, a local Chicago shop. They roast beans daily and have a wide variety of coffees. I recommend the Sumatra, Accidental/Occidental blend, La Perla de Oaxaca Organic Mexico, New Guinea, Cajun Blend, Italian Roast, Turkish Blend, and French Roast. It's quite possibly the best coffee I've ever had. The also have excellent teas. :)

I'm pretty snobby about coffee in general, even grinding the beans immediately before brewing (pre-ground coffee is the devil!). There's not much better than a lazy saturday afternoon, a pot of coffee, a book, and a pack of smokes.
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Black plain Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks isn't bad and Seattle's Best Irish Cream coffee is really good too. Just nothing with chickory, thats coffee water in my opinion.
^lol. Coffee water? You've obviously never had real Cajun/Creole coffee with chickory. That shit is so strong it'll roll your socks up and down--I can barely have more than two cups. And this is coming from someone who drinks three shot Americanos on a regular basis.
As far as style of preparation, I really like turkish/greek coffee and espressos or americanos. I'm fairly snobby, but I'll still drink drip assuming a fine-very fine fresh grind. Percolator coffee makes baby jesus cry. I much prefer it straight, without milk or sugar pollution... though I can drink it that way if need be.

For the beans, I'm pretty fond of sumatran/indonesian stuff, ethiopian and east african beans, and brazillian stuff (essential for turkish coffee). I will drink other latin american origin coffees, but I don't really care for them. To hell with colombian beans. Lately I've been getting into kona beans, which are really good but kind of expensive where I am. I've definately come to prefer rotating single origin coffees, over any sort of blend.

What I cannot stand is flavored beans. They never taste right, and the roast has to be very light to taste anything at all. They're an insult to coffee drinkers.

I prefer a nice dark, almost smokey french roast. I'll drink others, but I prefer the darker roasts by far.
My favourite bean at the moment is Moka Harar from Etheopia. smooth, round, chocolately and strong. I drink plunger/french press coffee at home. Only because I can't afford a commercial machine. Domestic espresso machines just don't cut it.
coffee preparation preferences

Ive heard a lot of people say percolators are worthless garbage, and others praise them. What is it that makes some people hate them and some love them?

Same with drip, usually a person will either prefer drip or percolated quite heavily. Why are the percolators so much more expensive than drip?

Is grinding the beans yourself with a grinder any better than pre ground? I figure with preground, they grind it at the factory and immediately put it in an airtight bag/container, so its not losing any more flavor than if it were fresh ground at home.
Just a quick note, I merged Akoram's coffee preparation method thread with this one, and edited the title to reflect both topics, as I didn't think we needed two seperate threads to discuss coffee.

Although I do <3 coffee and can't wake up without it. I start my morning off with Folger's French Vanilla coffee, brewed in my tiny 4 cup maximum coffee maker :)
Percolators overextract the beans. And really, long term, its not quite as good for your as it pulls more oxalates out of the beans.

There is no comparison between fresh ground and preground. You can immediately tell which is which when drinking the stuff.
Coffee to me is like alcohol, I don't drink it for taste. I'm quite content with shitty instant coffee, i'll even drink it black with no sugar if need be, as long as its going to get me wired on caffeine I don't care what it tastes like.
instant has a significantly lower caffeine content than dripped or perc'd coffees.
French press is my preferred brew method, with African coffees being my favorite. I prefer Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sulawesi. =D I just can't get into Latin American coffees.....
i visited the head office of the colombian coffee federation (juan valdez, the pony, etc.) in bogota, colombia once.

they had free coffee. it was pretty good :)
