• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Coffee Thread (merged)

I ordered fresh coffee beans from an online vendor a little bit ago. Three different varieties. I was surprised to receive 3 giant packs of beans, but now I realize why they give so much. It is a fucking BITCH to get these guys germinated. I haven't had one successfully germinate yet. I've been trying to start them in water, wich creates tiny little buds, but they don't get to far after that. Seed beds? no.... It's pissing me off.
Kopi luwak. But onlhy because it's gross.
jk, but it really is the smoothest coffee I've ever tasted
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I recently picked up a really nice copper cezve (turkish coffee pot), and have been using it extensively. I mean seriously, is it just me or is this like the nectar of the gods? It takes less time to make than a coffee maker, you can finish the equivalent of like 3 cups of coffee in a matter of two sips, and if you sweeten it properly it even tastes much better than regular coffee. I don't see why anyone would go to starbucks.. EVER.. or any other coffee house for that matter when this stuff exists!! Why isnt it more popular than it is? I blame it on people automatically viewing anything with the word "Turk" in it as negative.


I now have it every morning, but make it my own way! I have been addicted to it, and at times when I have run out of it, I act like an addict.
I make a large pot though and I fill a large mug (I add more coffee), and add milk in it! My own brand of Turkish coffee! People laugh, saying ...but it is not Turkish coffee anymore! Who cares, it is to me, it still has the mud at the bottom in the end. :p

Othere then that, I like freshly ground coffee beans, with hazelnut taste!:D
cafe vita is my favorite roastery i always get the barista blend, $12-13 for like 7/8ths of a LB or something. i usually go for ethiopian or peruvian if it is a dark roast. we've been buying these beans from a company called songbird, they have an excellent ethiopian roast, and a very nice 'espresso' blend that has a dark-caramel-smokey-nutty flavor, very nice flavor and buzzzz, and while in the press has a lot of creme/head to it, like 1/2' thick sometimes.

yum yum.

there are so many stands, shops, rosters in the seattle area though it impossible to keep up.

i love dopios, and very dry cappuccinos, but most the time get 4 shots in a 16oz cup with half and half and lots of ice, they dont last long, 4-5 sips at the most. lurvely
i strongly believe that the world started going to shit once we began replacing our morning beer with coffee, welcome to the world of the high strung black hearted, fun hating nuts.

I like the potent type that works like a flame thrower,

Black Widow: Quad shot of Espresso