Chicago Heroin v. The return of Chinky

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Yeah dude, I used to have a buddy that lived in st louis and there truly isn't shit to do. Houses are cheap but that comes with a price of boredom. When I used to go to visit him all we did was just sit in front of his fireplace, smoke pot(when I still smoked pot),get drunk and just talk about nothing and everything.
Wanna hear an UNfunny Gabrini story? I was inside the hallway copping crack(back when I still used to smoke crack), (when you go up to the floor, in an elevator the doors open up and a dude with a face mask and a Tech-9 searched me before i copped) Anyway, I got my rocks and picked up a straggler that kept following me the whole time. I ducked into the staircase and proceeded to take a hit, gave the straggler a bump. All of a sudden, some dude runs into the staircase, and starts yelling at my new found "friend", Pulls out a shiny piece and just starts pistol-whipping the dude! I'm just standing there(ears ringing from the crack hit)hoping he wasn't gonna shoot him, cause then he would probably have to shoot me too.(Witness). Then he turn to me and fucking cracks me with the gun on GP and runs off. I went downstairs to try to get the fuck out of there, and all the "out" doors were chained up. I'm walking around(fucking high as fuck)looking for an exit and some shorties with baseball bats come up to me asking me for money to let me out. I gave them the last of my cash and my phone(robbed), got the fuck out of there(broke[in the middle of winter]). Had to walk to a little bar at north/milwaukee where the bartendress knew me and let me use the phone so I could call my girl to come and get me.
...I guess I got kind of lucky...
That's my Gabrini story...But what the fuck did I expect? LOL!
But that was during that straight stupid stage.
Dude, nevermind all that, send me some moonshine!!! LOL Later bro.
Be good folks.
holy shit itchy lol. I'm sitting here in my father-in-laws truck with my father-in-law waiting for my daughter to come out of school and I'm laughing my ass off. I know the story isn't funny if you lived it but danm that had me rollin. My father in law had to read it and he was like " what the fuck website are you on dude?" The cool thing about the relationship I have with my in laws is that they know my shortcomings and for the most part are acceptable of it. Why? I have no fucking clue...maybe it's because I'm honest and they know they can trust me. But anyways, funny story itchy. My father in law liked it too. May favorite part was when you got pistol whipped....on gp. That's what really got me going bro
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now I gotta know... what happened???

and im not sending or receiving nothing it was that one time, until the next time of course lol...but I know people here that get norks and OCs but ive only been using once a month if that, not even honestly..i get high but my tolerance is still high somewhat high and I don't enjoy it..maybe its the norks but its not a good high to me..i don't nod off norks and that's what I wanted the last 2-3x I did them and so its just like ehhhh..maybe ill feel the ame once I get dope, I don't know. it would be the greatest thing ever if that score some dope and do it and not like it, I would prolly cry. happy tears cause I beat the sickness but tears of sadness cause its like losing an old girlfriend, one you love and at one point pictured yourself with forever only to spend sometime apart and realize you still love her but not in the marrying way..maybe a one night fling everynow and then, shit even a weekend together but after that you are good. that love isn't there anymore and youre ok with it. so you don't go search her out, you just wait for her to come around again, whenever that may be and who knows the next time you see her you don't even fuck and your able to just hang out and be friends, not lovers.

and I know Im not really missing anything but I do miss shitty as it sounds being a user is really fun for a while, I loved the whole process of waking up and copping. how ypu can wake up sick and then the sickness goes away and you get almost a little high as soon as you get a hold of your ppl and they tell you to come down,that euphoria of FUCK YES! cause you know your bout to have your dope. how when you get there and they are taking forever you start to get sick again and need to shit your pants and then when they show up it all goes away and you start to get excited and ive even kinda screamd cause i was so excited like AHHHHHH. then the ride home youre just so happy with the music blaring dippin in and out of traffic cruising only to slow down cause you know where the speed trap is. then you get home and youre so pumped you might have a hard time opening the bag and maybe dry heave a little cause your so excited and once you do that smell hits you and its bliss and you jknow the fun is about t begin..and as weird as it might sound I loved being sick and then getting high, and the worse sick the better. especially that feeling once that shit hits your nose and how that tension releases and you get that warm feeling and your stomach settles..when snorting it doesn't come one as quick (obviously) when youre sick you just feel it all wash away gradualy over a minute or 2, so your snort itand sit back and just feel it creep slowly.

now of course its not all fun and games..i know I was a little more fortunate then a lot of people who end up using for years cause I have a great family but they don't know to this day that I was using heroin, I mean maybe they do but to them it was pills and they had no idea how bad I really was, but I was fortunate more so that all my money was able to be spent on dope, aside from the phone bill and like sometimes gas( cause my uncle had duis and didn't drive so I had t take him everywhere) and little food f, that was about all my bills..i didn't have to pay rent, or like utilities cause I was stayin with my uncle and that shit was all set up and paid for by his family for him(it was his money but he was so fucked he couldnt pay bills on time) it was the 2 fuckups of the family and I feel like they liked knowing that I was there to keep an eye on him but he was a crack head/alcoholic and I was the closet heroin addict, he had money and he always treated me like his kid since I was young and he had none. so my money was no good to him for the most that im clean I look back and think what a bum/scumbag, I didn't have a job cause I didn't need one, I had enough money to get high when I wanted and the other little things so who wouldn't want to live like that, especially when your in using? really it only made I worse cause I didn't really have to hide what I was doing even though I did for the most part, the few times he caught me snorting shit I told him it was OCs and he wanted to try it.

it wasn't always peachy, we got into it a few times and I had to flex him, that's how I ended up getting locked up, he swings on me and I beat him up and he calls the cops and he did some super shady shit to me after that but whatever it was prolly what I needed at that time, I couldn't see myself getting out from under that black cloud that heroin is and when I got locked up it was alomost a relief in a way cause I didn't have to go and tell my family how fucked up I was and that I needed help and just spill the beans about everything, I was able to take care of it myself and it wansnt no bullshit 30-60day was 9months and now its been over a year, actually 14months to be exact and I know some of you would have got out and got high right away and I would have too but as soon as I got out of jail, my sister picked me up and we came straight here. so even though I didn't quit willingly, I knew once I got locked up and saw the charges that I was gonna be there a while causae I had t fight the trumped up charges(you know how they do), so I knew it was was gonna be minute that i was locked up for and I just realized it was a blessing in disguise and was ok with it..i especially in that jail where I was, I mean I was able to get on hulu and like espn and E and cnn and wgn and even vibes website and even though it was $.10/min we found a glitch that made it possible to watch hulu and go on the websites for free as long s you stayed under 10mins and then we found another glitch in the phone system that allowed up to get free money on our phone account for the price of a $3 phone call (internet and shit was hooked up to your phone account).. plus they had a tablet that had a glitch and you could get to llive365 and livemixtapes on not trying to glorify jail cause I was in jail lake county which is where people from gary and the NWI goes to, so it could have been bad but its all how you carry yourself and I dunno I had an easy time and that helped a lot cause it was a little slice of the outside that really helped the process

imgonna use again and when I do I wont be sad that I just blew a year+ of being sober, im gonna be just as excited as if the first time, if not more cause I was kinda scared the first time not knowing what to not going to be sad cause I feel like mentally im not in that dope,dope,dope mindset...I feel like I can go back to just using everynow and then and not let it control me, I feel right now that if I just use once or twice I might get it out of my system(8)..i know that's what everyone says and I know it can take over my life again if I got in that habit but I don't want that anymore, for the longest time that's what I wanted. I wanted to just use dope and be selfish and now I really don't want to be like that, cause it isn't fun. I was just depressed and maskin it with dope and then that just makes you more depressed so you use more and then your stuck in a hole. cause im not dumb, I knew what was wrong, I knew i was depressed I just didn't know how to fix it so to make me happy I used and that really the bottom line..and I didn't start dope cause I was depressed and tryin to mask something, I was just looking for something stronger to keep the party going. but seeing how far I got and how I let it control me when I said it wouldn't is what made me depressed and then when It was like fuck it, I know the only thing that makes me feel normal and that was not in that place no more

daaamn son, just read this.
and that was a fucked up Cabrini story. Never had some shit like that happen, but i didn't fuck with cabrini personally. I was just in the area and this was after they were abandoned anyway.
holy shit itchy lol. I'm sitting here in my father-in-laws truck with my father-in-law waiting for my daughter to come out of school and I'm laughing my ass off. I know the story isn't funny if you lived it but danm that had me rollin. My father in law had to read it and he was like " what the fuck website are you on dude?" The cool thing about the relationship I have with my in laws is that they know my shortcomings and for the most part are acceptable of it. Why? I have no fucking clue...maybe it's because I'm honest and they know they can trust me. But anyways, funny story itchy. My father in law liked it too. May favorite part was when you got pistol whipped....on gp. That's what really got me going bro
LOL! If something I said made somebody laugh, it's a good day, man. :)
Yeah, that right there is on my one of the most fucked up nights of my life. I've had a bunch of shit like that happen to me throughout my "carreer" but just felt like this one was appropriate for the moment, idk.
Later SS1, be good.
...Wait?!...Daughter? School?...I thought you were on your way to Chicago to take that full-time junkie position and shit? LOL
I guess you made the right choice.
(when I still smoked pot)(back when I still used to smoke crack)

gezz man ya gota follow thru w something in life lol...

but yea pretty crazy story tho... def gota good laugh outa it...

as for the moonshine... its around from time to time, its not illegal, you can make/have upto a gallon for personal use its only illegal to sell it... but yea everytime a frined of mine has a friend or cousin come n visit em from whereever thats 9/10 the first thing they ask for lol... ya gota be careful if ya ever come thru tho cause theres alot of companies that make their own shit and call it moonshine but its only like 90 proof... it never gets old seein someone buy it and then the utter disapointment on their faces when ya tell em its not really moonshine... itll still get ya fucked up but theres just a difference between em.... kinda like the difference between pills n dope...
...moonshine...he he he...never had it, although, I went to this Polish party one time and they were serving this translation: "hillbilly tea", made with grain alcohol and served warm in these big ass drinking glasses that one of those would kill a horse. Lol! ...I drank two. The hangover was unforgiving. Lol. ...ahh...good times...
Yeah but I doubt that shit they sell in the supermarket in mason jars with cherries on the bottom constitutes as moonshine.
I'd like to try the real hillbilly moonshine.
...moonshine...he he he...never had it, although, I went to this Polish party one time and they were serving this translation: "hillbilly tea", made with grain alcohol and served warm in these big ass drinking glasses that one of those would kill a horse. Lol! ...I drank two. The hangover was unforgiving. Lol. ...ahh...good times...
Yeah but I doubt that shit they sell in the supermarket in mason jars with cherries on the bottom constitutes as moonshine.
I'd like to try the real hillbilly moonshine.

yea, ppl "share" it in mason jars... unless your gettin a gallon of it... but yea its kinda weird cause you really gota know some coal miners to be able to get it, not sure why, mabe cause they cant do shit else... but yea if ya every are able to get some make sure ya get apple pie... fucking amazing....

but honestly the shit u had isnt prob too far off from moonshine... its all just more or less grain alcohol
Fuck...I wonder if the next time I have three jabs on me, if the excuse of "I'm sharing it will work"?! LOL. Got a fucking ticket today in the slums. I'll talk about it after I payed the fine. Fucking money hungry pigs. Little factoid, untill recently, there were no seat-belts on school buses. Why? Because children couldn't pay tickets. It's all about the money, nothing else. Red light cameras, seat belts...
Fuck the power-hungry pigs.
shit idk how it works up there and have never had to test it out down here but from what ive always heard its not illegal to have points... but if you got a spoon and shit then its illegal but im pretty sure if its just rig then theres nuttin they can really do... im sure theyd take it but as long as you dont got ne H then ya should be good... but if your all fucked up they still prob gona try n get ya for DUI or public intox or some bullshit
I thought I was the only one that tried to smoke powder. IDK, unless we're talking about raw rocks or something. That I've never tried. But the powder does come up in a little cloud, can't really vouch for the effect, because I was high already and just tried it for the fuck of it. I think with china, it's not the same type of hit like a crack rock, where you blow out a billow of smoke but you deff., feel like you are inhaling something. It tastes kind of sweet.
...a lip drip is better than a dick dribble.
you can dab it just put it on hash oil :)
went by the P...L spot yesterday. Couldn't find shit on the ave. WTF happened over there. nobody out. got clear bags, smelled like vinegar and all that but personally they weren't as strong as i'd like them. I lost all my phone connects so its back to pounding the pavement. fuckkkkk this processsss
That spot is usually hit or miss. I've gotten flame ass pillows overthere and bunky saws. One thing for sure, you can always walk away with something from down there. Even STDs. Lol
I need some boi I live in fort wayne
I'm notifying my Fort Wayne connects, right now. How many?! .............................................You are a fucking idiot, I'm g onna fuck with you everytime I see your name pop up. Cause morons like you deserve nothing else. fucking idiot, im sorry i even typed that but it's easier telling you to fuck off than deleting.
....Pizza!!! Greetings from Mt. Prospct. How's the leg?! Hope you are good, along with:
last but not least Mori.
GT I know is good....Possibly...
Gwen??? No? Ok fuck it. Hope you're well.
Later folks, be well/good.
Sometimes i think that kickin in jail is easier (even tho its the most god awful, most wreteched thing a single person can endure) Because mentally you know you're fucked and you know there's not a damn thing you could do; as to when you're sitting at home battling with yourself and the "should i make a run?" "no you said today was going to be the day..." "ahh fuck it, i'll just kick tommorrow" repetative crazy bullshit.

I've kicked both ways, and I'd have to agree that the jail route DEFinitely takes any and all choice out of the equation. You're also right about it being one of the most miserable things any individual can endure. Where I was locked up, their idea of "replacement therapy" was a couple of benadryl twice a day... at least it helped me sleep through some of it, but there's no way to sleep through the worst of the sneezing fits and gut-wrenching dry heaves.

After doing a five year bid for a completely non-drug related assault charge, I can honestly say that jail doesn't fix a damn thing and - at least in my case - only serves as an education in criminal activity (although it was my longest stretch of being clean in the last two decades). The pen taught me how to hustle and manipulate my fellow human better than if I'd gone to law school ;). And though I've never put it to any use, I learned no less than ten different recipes for meth while I was locked up. Even though I've been free for more than five years now, I still run into guys I did time with on a fairly regular basis - and they're always my best connects. It's like the ex-con info network - if my normal spot/source dries up, I know I can make one or two calls and at the very least get pointed in the right direction. I'm not saying that fucking prison was in any way a positive thing - just trying to focus on the (very) few positives.

So yeah, it's easier to kick when you're behind bars because the option to cop isn't there, but I'd still MUCH rather do it at home where such simple things as being able to take a shower whenever you want and change out of your sweat-soaked clothes, or having cigarettes and soda don't add insult to the injury.
I had an interesting experience copping on friday. I'm living in a halfway house, so I have to be careful about doing dope. I haven't had a habit since the summer, but oh well.

So friday I decided I was going to go get a few bags. I went to P&L but the shit there has been bunk and the decent spots within walking distance didn't have anybody out. I walked south and nobody was out at the stay high spot so I headed a little further south/east to the batman spot... some of you may know the spot, its hot as hell. Well I've been copping on/off at this spot for a while, but because I don't always shop at the same spots people forget me sometimes.

Anyway, I get to the spot and they tell me to go down the block for sawbucks. The guys aren't posted up where they usually slang from but I end up finding a guy in a cut. I've never seen him before, but whatever. He asks me if I shoot or snort. I tell him that I shoot but that I dont have any fresh tracks since I "just got out of rehab" (which isn't really true, but whatever). He tells me to get lost and starts making a scene. The guys on the block tell me to get the fuck out. I am about to walk away but I'm like "Man I'll blow one in front of you guys" so they're like okay, bet. I go back down into the cut and the guy throws me up against a wall. He was smaller than me, but I wasn't going to fuck with him since he was with a lot of guys on the block. His eyes are pinned as fuck so I figure he does dope too.

I snort a bag in front of him and he makes sure I snorted the whole thing. Then he makes me take my finger and wipe out the bag and lick it. Then he tries telling me I have to snort all of the bags (I only got 3, but I had no tolerance and I wanted to bang the other 2 later)... I try making up some bullshit about how a friend gave me money for the dope and told me that I could do one. He's telling me he doesn't care and I have to snort all of them. I keep arguing with him and he tells me he's going to beat my ass. I tell him I really can't snort the other two bags and he tells me I have to snort at least half of each bag or he'll beat my ass. I don't want to get my ass beat so I tell him that I'll do that....

Right after I tell him I'll snort half of each bag one of the guys on the block yells down and asks whats taking so long as says to get me out of there. The dope boy tells me to get the fuck out before he beats my ass and I leave. All in all it was a strange experience. I was high as fuck off that one bag too, nodding out for a couple hours. The bags were good and fat... I might have a picture of one.
^ gota appreciate caution tho... i know some ppl that wana see you do the shit in front of em, and honestly its in their best interest... but to try and make ya do all of it is a little over the top... hopefully if ya fuck w em next time they wont be as "intense" lol
meow mix motherfucker

dude, itchy i live reeeeeeal close to you haha

I had an interesting experience copping on friday. I'm living in a halfway house, so I have to be careful about doing dope. I haven't had a habit since the summer, but oh well.

So friday I decided I was going to go get a few bags. I went to P&L but the shit there has been bunk and the decent spots within walking distance didn't have anybody out. I walked south and nobody was out at the stay high spot so I headed a little further south/east to the batman spot... some of you may know the spot, its hot as hell. Well I've been copping on/off at this spot for a while, but because I don't always shop at the same spots people forget me sometimes.

Anyway, I get to the spot and they tell me to go down the block for sawbucks. The guys aren't posted up where they usually slang from but I end up finding a guy in a cut. I've never seen him before, but whatever. He asks me if I shoot or snort. I tell him that I shoot but that I dont have any fresh tracks since I "just got out of rehab" (which isn't really true, but whatever). He tells me to get lost and starts making a scene. The guys on the block tell me to get the fuck out. I am about to walk away but I'm like "Man I'll blow one in front of you guys" so they're like okay, bet. I go back down into the cut and the guy throws me up against a wall. He was smaller than me, but I wasn't going to fuck with him since he was with a lot of guys on the block. His eyes are pinned as fuck so I figure he does dope too.

I snort a bag in front of him and he makes sure I snorted the whole thing. Then he makes me take my finger and wipe out the bag and lick it. Then he tries telling me I have to snort all of the bags (I only got 3, but I had no tolerance and I wanted to bang the other 2 later)... I try making up some bullshit about how a friend gave me money for the dope and told me that I could do one. He's telling me he doesn't care and I have to snort all of them. I keep arguing with him and he tells me he's going to beat my ass. I tell him I really can't snort the other two bags and he tells me I have to snort at least half of each bag or he'll beat my ass. I don't want to get my ass beat so I tell him that I'll do that....

Right after I tell him I'll snort half of each bag one of the guys on the block yells down and asks whats taking so long as says to get me out of there. The dope boy tells me to get the fuck out before he beats my ass and I leave. All in all it was a strange experience. I was high as fuck off that one bag too, nodding out for a couple hours. The bags were good and fat... I might have a picture of one.

yea that PL shit is pretty much dead now. i wasn't satisfied where i went. it was right by the school. clear saws. i'm gonna try the batmans next time if they're good. i don't give no fucks about a confrontation like that. never been there, never had anything like that happen. ever. but whatever. i got track marks like a mofo but im gonna snort em.
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