Chicago Heroin v. The return of Chinky

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Been 2 weeks and the boredom is killing me, I was actually gonna make the trip down today but forgot my girl is off work today. Fuck the world. So yeah it takes a long time to kill those cravings, maybe they never stop, idk.

yes FTW... and i hope the cravings go away at some point... im on week three of being clean right now, been thinking about scoring a few folds next weekend after i get off house arrest.... its such a battle...
^^^^ that shit right there just makes me laugh... Cause that was me last year, at the beginning of summer. Yup, by all means man, get all the folds your heart can stand.
@chink: made up with the misses again? Lol
^^^^ that shit right there just makes me laugh... Cause that was me last year, at the beginning of summer. Yup, by all means man, get all the folds your heart can stand.
@chink: made up with the misses again? Lol

lol at this point i figure my heart can handle about two... im not really all to sure how long it takes for someone to loose their tolerance, but last time i did some i could tell it had gone down alot...
I think, the longest I was able to quit, as far as I can remember, was a couple of months and I remember when I picked back up again, surprisingly, my tol. didn't go down as much as I thought or hoped it would.'s weird. I just wish I could go back to living my life without feeling like shit without it. Did a sub yesterday, 8mg, and I felt so fucking weird, I actually got scared. I felt like I was tripping or something. I was dead tired but scared to go to sleep cause I felt like I was forgetting to breathe.
I think, the longest I was able to quit, as far as I can remember, was a couple of months and I remember when I picked back up again, surprisingly, my tol. didn't go down as much as I thought or hoped it would.'s weird. I just wish I could go back to living my life without feeling like shit without it. Did a sub yesterday, 8mg, and I felt so fucking weird, I actually got scared. I felt like I was tripping or something. I was dead tired but scared to go to sleep cause I felt like I was forgetting to breathe.

yea everyones different.... i took a few weeks off then gota little bit around xmas and almost fell out off doing 3 folds... and now that its been almost another month im assuming two is gona get me right to where i wana be
Itchy 8mg might but alittle much for you. Less is more with subs as I believe tommyboy explained the ceiling effect. I would do 2-4 mg and you should be comfortable. Maybe alittle piece before bed. Remember they do have a long ass half life. That's the reason for the mild drawn out wds from subs. That and if you use wait as long as you can before the sub so you get the most out of them. Stay up
yeah, thanks pizza. I kind of had that suspision, cause I was OK until I topped it off with a 2mg. After that, everything went to shit.
Sometimes i think that kickin in jail is easier (even tho its the most god awful, most wreteched thing a single person can endure) Because mentally you know you're fucked and you know there's not a damn thing you could do; as to when you're sitting at home battling with yourself and the "should i make a run?" "no you said today was going to be the day..." "ahh fuck it, i'll just kick tommorrow" repetative crazy bullshit.
...hmm...sure mori, post the addy.
Just kidding. Don't do it.
@pizza: hey I think your advice worked, man. I took 2mg today and I feel good. I think 8 was too much. ...damn that shit tastes nasty. Yeah, I guess less is more with this shit. I retract my earlier jail comment, I forgot, don't you get the shit delivered? Or I might be thinking of someone else.
Yeah, the subs work though. Even starting to appreciate food again. It got to be that the only time I would want to eat is when I'm high. Take care of your ankle. Later.
I got high as hell lol...and smoking it did work but I just snorted the rest the next day..i actually puked from smoking it that first night..i took small chunk and smoked it and felt good and then I smoked another bigger one like 2 hours later and ended up puking like 30mins later after smoking a bowl and I prolly would have smioked the rest but I wanted to feel it in my nose and get a lil drip..

no plans to get more well none yet, I wanna wait a week or 2 cause while I had it I couldn't keep my mind ioff it but its been 2 days and everything is fine..its nice being able to use so little really and get high 2 times but prolly could have stretched it out to 3 but after using norks and oxy a few times these past few months I wanted to get a proper high.
I thought I was the only one that tried to smoke powder. IDK, unless we're talking about raw rocks or something. That I've never tried. But the powder does come up in a little cloud, can't really vouch for the effect, because I was high already and just tried it for the fuck of it. I think with china, it's not the same type of hit like a crack rock, where you blow out a billow of smoke but you deff., feel like you are inhaling something. It tastes kind of sweet.
...a lip drip is better than a dick dribble.
I thought I was the only one that tried to smoke powder. IDK, unless we're talking about raw rocks or something. That I've never tried. But the powder does come up in a little cloud, can't really vouch for the effect, because I was high already and just tried it for the fuck of it. I think with china, it's not the same type of hit like a crack rock, where you blow out a billow of smoke but you deff., feel like you are inhaling something. It tastes kind of sweet.
...a lip drip is better than a dick dribble.

you can smoke powder... and itll get ya high
@chink; yeah dude it will get easier...only if you don't want to do that shit anymore. If you keep fantasizing about the shit like it's something special, you are just going to fucking torture yourself till you snap and go take that ghetto excursion. Dude. You are not fucking missing shit, I keep telling you that. It just fucking derails you and disconnects you from normal life. ...Until the fucking wheels fall off and you wind up smashing. The bitch about this drug is that the tol. develops really fucking quick. I respect your notion that you needed jail for you to actually step back and think about life or lack there of, because of the shit. To me this shit is fucking boring, bro. I need at least five bags to get high(slightly[not like those virgin highs])and at least 3 bag maintanance during the day just to be able to function. I fucking woke up this morning had a few beers left over from last night(one fell out of my hand right on the keyboard while I nodded out typing some shit up[surprised im able to type this here now]),started drinking(no work)and today I'm saying fuck it. I'm gonna take a break(I never say I'm quiting forever[that's a lie]) I'm sitting on a jab+ 60 mil. of done and hopefully picking up subs Fri. And I don't want any of it, bro. Trust me you are just lonely and sentimental. And you think the grass is greener here in Chi. It's not, it's fucking astroturf. You are a fucking vet., man, you know this shit is not all that. If you only reason through it, you will come to the same conclusion, bro. This shit is garbage. I was actually contemplating snorting for maintanance and shooting to get high, simply b/c snorting doesn't do shit for me.
Fuck it, I'm rambling...just felt like getting the message to you to try to jar your memory about the real side of dope, not the sentimental shit.
Be strong man.
At billy: Just when I actually start paying attention to what you are saying, you reveal an interesting fact about yourself. You are proud of yourself for not honoring the old tradition of "honor among thieves". You actually ripped off a dude that you pretended to be your friend? In what circles is that fucking cool? I guess it's ok since in your opinion the guy was a "dipshit", right. That's fucking karma for you. You picked up a mortal illness for being a scumbag. I've done a lot of fucking dirt in my life to get high, just so you don't call me a hypocrit but never stole from people like me. Dipshit or not.
Hey chink where's the chi-town nod team?
Welder, Gwen, chef, pizza, NSB, GT? Sound off let us know you are still among the living. LOL!
Nevermind GT and NSB, I know they're good.
Pizza! WTF! LOL
Later ppl. I'm off the shit as of today, let's see if that done works.
Be strong chink, like I said you are just getting sentimental,bro.
I'm around just ain't got notta to say
So wish I lived closer to the city......and on the other hand, I'm perfectly fine being 100 miles south on i55. Man if I were in the city I am more than positive that I would have a crazy habit. At least with my current geographical location my habit can't get too crazy due to the price and quantity of the dope in the central illinois (bloomington, peoria) area. But fuck that, I wanna live closer to the city. I'm moving......just decided. I hope my wife is cool with quitting her awsome nero surgical team and my daughter is cool with moving away from all of her friends. She is only 8 so she can find some new needs dope god danm it! That is obviously way more important than a child's friends lol
@SS1: LOL...What do you think happened to my family?!...I have a feeling you'd be moving by yourself, buddy. Hey, if while down here, you run into Mori in one of those abandos tell her we miss her and to come home. LOL! BTW, I just drove past you a while ago. Why didn't you say something! lol(thats when i still had some shit)
That's cool chef. Just checkin. Stay up.
No dope since Sun. doing some subs, still no appetite but otherwise, feel fine. Can't believe that shit works so good! ...I'm starting to sound like a fucking commercial with product placement.
Be good ppl.
So itchy, is your plan to stay on the subs? And you are right my friend, subs are a fucking gift from the dope gods!!! People don't understand in order for it to work properly you really have to be a regular user for it to do its job. Taking a little bit when you are sick will generally not have the same effect as it would if you took it on a regular basis. I have been on subs since April of 2011 and I must say that shit got me out of a terrible place in terms of addiction. Fuck, might have even saved my life! I'm still fighting the battle of trying to get off of it though. And it doesn't make it any easier since I started back doing dope again about a month ago. I made so much progress with tapering down and the WHAMMY.....the dope man magically appears at the most inconvenient time. That's how it always seems to work out doesn't it? You take one or two steps forward just to get slapped back ten full strides. Oh well though right? I really can't complain too much. I have a great job and an absolutely beautiful wife that doesnt fuck with any drugs who also has a great job, an 8 year old daughter who is most definitely a daddy's girl, and I have no pending court cases. What else could a junkie possibly need to make their life easier? I am so blessed it is pathetic. I find myself asking the question why the hell do I get high when I have everything that I have? I have no answer to that question ladies and gents. I wish I could just flip a switch and turn my dope fiend ways off and just live a normal life. But what is NORMAL these days really? Everybody has some sort of issue. At least I'm not into some sick and twisted infant porn or some icky as shit like that. We all should take a moment right now and think about how bad it could get and thank god for what we do have. We all have made it this far and for what ever reason through all the overdoses and being shot at or whatever fucked up situations we have gotten ourselves into over the years, we have been dealt the winning hand for the most part. I have had 12 friends over the years die due to this shit and it very easily could have and in a way some times I think it should have been me. Hell, I am 100% responsible for one of those friends deaths. I personally cooked a shot up and even shot him up with it and he kicked the bucket. He od'ed while I was there and I snapped him out of it.....or so I thought. I threw his ass in the cold fuckin shower and babysat him for about an hour. He was semi coherent enough to where I figured he was all good so I helped him into bed and left. It turns out he died exactly how I left him. The next morning another friend of ours went over to his house to check on him because he hadn't made it into work yet. They both worked with his dad. Talk about my whole world crashing in on me in the matter of a couple seconds. Imagine how his dad reacted when he found his son dead. The odd thing was that after the autopsy they estimated his death at around midnight. I left his house at 8pm. So maybe he got up and did another shot.....who knows. Either way, since the time of death was so long after I had left I never got charged with any type of drug induced homicide or any charge for that matter. They never had any hard evidence that I gave it to him. I really dodged the prison bullet on that one. That was in 2009. I don't really know why I am saying all of this but it helps me to realize just how blessed I am when things are looking a little dreary and feel like everything is hopeless. All of our loved ones who have passed may be gone but never forget them. Think about what impact they had on you and try to impact others in the same way as they did to you. This drug is evil. Oh sooooo good, but it is pure evil. On that note, I'm gonna do a shot. Won't all of you join me? It's time for all the nod squad to assemble. Lock, load and blast off in 5....4....3....2....1...BLAST OFF!!!!!
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