Alcoholism Thread V. ti martwonies

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Sorry about that LH internet is buggin on me tonight...

If AA will work for you it's worth trying...maybe it is the catalyst you need...

Things will get better especially if you really want them to.
Well I just rememberd that I had a couple of beers so I have opened one (kronenbourg, 440ml) and started drinking it to hopefully get an hours sleep. Yeah spurs, I'm in sunny Wiltshire and it's red hot. I've got the window open but it's not making much difference.
I've been to AA loads of times Ryka but I hate talking about myself in a group session like that. I gave up on AA two or three months ago. I don't mind it when I'm just with a couple of mates but I get nervous and anxious. No worries about your internet being screwy. I'm on o2 in the UK and their internet can be a really poor service too.
Now the birds have started chirping outside, so I'm gonna have to shut the window to try and sleep! This will leave me aggravated and sweating :/ Anyway, hopefully I'll grab an hour or two.
Good luck...let me know how you are doing tomorrow...I'm in Southern CA so it'll be a while before i'm back on but will be looking for you.
Well It's 5:20 am. I've been awake since midnight. I've had a few litres of water and one beer.

Do I feel better? No.

I feel absolutely shattered, like I could sleep for 2 days. Time to turn the computer off and force myself into at least an hours sleep before I wake up and drink half a bottle of red wine just to calm my nerves before work.
Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time LH, but like Spurs said, the feelings will pass.
It sounds like you're doing really well though mate! Stay strong okay? You WILL begin to feel better soon.
Let me know how you're doing okay? <3
only been drinking for a year and a half, was up to a bottle of vodka every 3 days. or 3 litres of beer/ale a day (made my own when i couldnt afford store bought) id never had a hangover in my life before last month, then for no reason atall boom, i couldnt even lift my head out of the toilet for throwing up/dry heaving had a piece of tape on the flusher so i could flush it without lifting my arm off the ground. was like that for about 20 hours, and as sick as i have ever been for another 5 days, couldnt have stood up to save my life. havnt touched the stuff since, that was one of the 10 worst experiences of my life.

and laserhosen, dont drink too much water at once (iv herd 3 litres and hour is too much) or you could get water intoxication (not fun atall from what iv read) not 100% on this but better safe then sorry.
I went to my first AA meeting for about 3 months tonight. I am still drinking.

It was wonderful and the people there were so honest and down to earth about their drinking.

I actually thought during the meeting that this is what I have been missing.

I really want to get to more meetings now and feel a bit more positive, even though I am still drinking to relieve the symptoms of withdrawals. :\
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I went to my first AA meeting for about 3 months tonight. I am still drinking.

It was wonderful and the people there were so honest and down to earth about their drinking.

I actually thought during the meeting that this is what I have been missing.

I really want to get to more meetings now and feel a bit more positive, even though I am still drinking to relieve the symptoms of withdrawals. :\

That's awesome dude! People in AA know what alcoholism is like. When I go to a meeting and I really feel like drinking, I talk about it, I bring it up when they ask "does anyone have a topic, or a pressing issue?" and for the next hour I hear all different people men, women, black, or white people talk about how they get through it. When I leave the meeting I don't feel like drinking. They tell me "Not to leave before the miracle." You do the same to :)
<3 D
only been drinking for a year and a half, was up to a bottle of vodka every 3 days. or 3 litres of beer/ale a day (made my own when i couldnt afford store bought) id never had a hangover in my life before last month, then for no reason atall boom, i couldnt even lift my head out of the toilet for throwing up/dry heaving had a piece of tape on the flusher so i could flush it without lifting my arm off the ground. was like that for about 20 hours, and as sick as i have ever been for another 5 days, couldnt have stood up to save my life. havnt touched the stuff since, that was one of the 10 worst experiences of my life.

Thanks so much for sharing your story Mark <3
It's great to hear you're doing well without drinking. Keep up the good work!

I went to my first AA meeting for about 3 months tonight. I am still drinking.

It was wonderful and the people there were so honest and down to earth about their drinking.

I actually thought during the meeting that this is what I have been missing.

I really want to get to more meetings now and feel a bit more positive, even though I am still drinking to relieve the symptoms of withdrawals. :\

That's fantastic news LH! Well done! It takes a lot of courage to do that so you should be very proud of yourself. Good luck with the meetings <3
That's excellent to hear Charlie! Keep up the good work man <3
Thank you n3ophy7e , I feel like it's time to start getting my shit together

I have to work a ridicules amount of hours this week as well so I'd hate for booze to get in the way of what I have to accomplish. Even I need a break sometimes :D
What my sponsor tells me is that when ever I feel like taking a drink, I gotta start "playing the tape". I just have to know what was the outcome in the past, and it is probably going to be worse. People in AA give you their number for a reason. They want you to call them and bug them about life difficulties connected to your alcoholism. I was at a meeting last night and I wanted to drink. So I just brought it up, and said "I feel like drinking, can we work on step 1" (admitting, & powerlessness.) I hear so much good shit on how people get over the feeling of drinking. There's a lot of people in AA that lost EVERYTHING due to there alcoholism, and now they are happy, I'm always asking them why are you so happy if you lost everything? They tell me that they are happy because they haven't had a drink today. I don't know if you have AA meetings around your place, but if you do, get there early and make coffee, take out trash, sweep and mop after the meeting, pick up cigarette butts etc. That service work has kept me sober. Something about helping others gives you the same satisfied feeling that alcohol gave me. Glad you made it to this forum/topic :)
<3 Drew
Yeah I'm a greenlighter too so when I tried to PM you it wouldn't let me. So I added you as a friend hoping that it would allow me PM's. No worries mate. I'm just fed up with being an alchy. I'm at step 1. I now know what's wrong with me.

You will be able to send PMs once you have reached 50 posts. You're almost there. :) Ryka, I see you are now a Bluelighter (congrats!) and so you should be able to send them as well. Feel free to send me a test one if you have any questions. :)

I used wine responsibly last night with a nice late dinner. The thought or smell of spirits makes me a little queasy now that I am beer/cider with occasional wine only.

It seems that vodka and sake are the two things I could imbibe that give me problems. I don't have the taste for gin or rum really, and I don't have the stomach for tequila. I no longer see vodka (my drink of choice) as a friend I miss.

I'm being extra careful as my nerves are shot from a sudden change of residence due to major structural repair work in my (now former) apartment. We lucked into the better one upstairs but our landlady has made the process unnecessarily burdensome in a lot of ways. We pulled off the enormous task of packing up two packrats with a lot of extraneous crap and now it's time to unpack and arrange all the crap. At least the work involving the jackhammer (yes - seriously) is now done so I can think again!

How did everyone do over the 4th of July weekend? I was sober sister that night and went to bed early. :) It felt good to not misuse alcohol on a day when so many people do.
I haven't had anything but beer, malt liquor and alcoholic cider for about 6 weeks now. Not that I am done drinking, but I am NOT going for liquor or wine indefinately. I have also reached a verdict that 6 standard drinks in a night is the minimum for me to get a hangover, so I'm also sticking to the less-than-six rule. Ideally, more sober days than not is also a goal of mine.
I drank myself to the point of hurting the next day, a couple days ago. I'm not making any big resolutions about all time but I did dump a half of a fifth of vodka down the drain. I'm also not looking at liquor/beer wine in the store at all the most recent trip.
^Oh Enki.....that sucks.
Hurting-hangover? or Hurting-stomach pain??
Either way- like with all things addictive, sometimes a really bad night suffering the consequences of overindulging is what it takes to put a sour enough taste in your mouth to deter you from continuing down the same ole path........

Mariposa- Yay you! :) Sounds like things are getting easier for you in the alcohol area :)

Red- You can do it!!! and im still waiting for my pm;)
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