Alcoholism Thread V. ti martwonies

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^ I still cannot send you PMs (though I got the one from your account)! When I get a free minute, I'm going to write to an Admin about it. Based on the error I'm getting, it seems like a random glitch.

I broke down and bought two "tilt" energy alcohol drinks tonight, and am sipping on them now. I hope I don't regret this too much. I just had a really stressful day and ya I'll edit this when I've come up with a more suitable excuse ;)
yeah, watching other people get drunk puts things into perspective quite clearly.

"I did dump a half of a fifth of vodka down the drain." - enki

awesome, i found 20 beers i had hidden a few months ago, dumped them all down the tub, it was an empowering feeling, shocking also... bye bye and good riddance!
Mariposa said:
I no longer see vodka (my drink of choice) as a friend I miss.

That's so great to hear 'posa! You're doing great hun, I am so proud of you :) <3

Enki said:
I drank myself to the point of hurting the next day, a couple days ago. I'm not making any big resolutions about all time but I did dump a half of a fifth of vodka down the drain. I'm also not looking at liquor/beer wine in the store at all the most recent trip.

Sorry to hear that Enki :(
I know the exact pain you're talking about. I hope it keeps you off the drink for a while *hugs*

As some of you may have read (??) I am having some troubles lately, being forced to deal with some deep-seated issues. I've brought out all ye olde coping mechanisms I have used in the past in the desperate attempt to gain/feign control. The result is binge-drinking, self-harm, starving myself, the usual methods 8)
It's not working too well but it's a work in progress.......
Not drinking tonight because I have class and I didn't sleep last night so by the time I get home I'll be rooted.

I hope everyone's doing okay today/tonight <3
^Yeah- Just wait......21 days and your eyes will be WIDE open hahaha
If only we could bring everyone who has responded to this thread:)
To be witness to the parrot;)
(This would be my mother)

Ryka- Yay for starting a blog:)
I look forward to reading your take on the evening......

That is- I'm sure, an inspiration to be sober.

N3o- I haven't read anything on what is going on with you.....
I must have missed it somewhere.?
You know well these 'coping mechanisms' you have are not in any way healthy or going to be productive....
There are other options........
I'm not certain what these issues are but you know there are always ears (or eyes;)) and support on BL......
Expect a PM.
Actually didn't go as crazy in vegas as I thought I would. I swear I am still a bit tired from it a few days later.

Going to really try hard to take it easy this week and weekend
That's so great to hear 'posa! You're doing great hun, I am so proud of you :) <3

Sorry to hear that Enki :(
I know the exact pain you're talking about. I hope it keeps you off the drink for a while *hugs*

As some of you may have read (??) I am having some troubles lately, being forced to deal with some deep-seated issues. I've brought out all ye olde coping mechanisms I have used in the past in the desperate attempt to gain/feign control. The result is binge-drinking, self-harm, starving myself, the usual methods 8)
It's not working too well but it's a work in progress.......
Not drinking tonight because I have class and I didn't sleep last night so by the time I get home I'll be rooted.

I hope everyone's doing okay today/tonight <3

N3o, I hope your troubles resolve as swiftly and painlessly as possible. In the mean time try and be as careful as you can be, and remember to love yourself. I'm here in a PM-kind of way if you need me. <3
^^ Thank you so much Spurs <3
A PM might just be coming your way :)
How have you been mate??

Actually didn't go as crazy in vegas as I thought I would. I swear I am still a bit tired from it a few days later.

Going to really try hard to take it easy this week and weekend

That's great, keep up the good work man!
^ Hey, I'm not too bad. Am still off work because of my chronic fatigue (think I told you about that) and I'm probably going to lose my job. On the positive side I'm a bit better than I was, just not ready for work, and I've managed to stay off the booze for a couple of months. Speak soon x
On the positive side I'm a bit better than I was, just not ready for work, and I've managed to stay off the booze for a couple of months. Speak soon x

Wow! Good for you. I am so glad to hear that. Keep it up.

I've only had one beer tonight (and nothing else either), will probably have one or two more and keep it at that.
^ Thank you. You seem to be doing pretty well too. I would love to have just a few beers at night as well but even that amount will affect me badly when it begins to wear off nowadays. So if I drink I either go all out or I just don't do it at all. Anyway, good luck with taking it easy this week.
Ever since i quit opiates and uppers (for the xxxxth time) ive started drinking maybe 10-15 beers a day... but now i can maybe drink 24-30 beers in a month... which lasts 4 days at the most.... im here just bitching really... I WANT A BEER GOD DAMMIT!!! And i've got no vodka either, drank all that as well.... what a shit day.... how am i meant to deal with the day without being buzzed?
And why the fuck am i trading one addiction for another?!... atleast it's legal now.

It feels good to vent...
yeah it does. heheh

alcohol sent me closer to hell then opiates ever did, not that im condoning op's because, well you know.
I finally got another 20 pack and am just drinkin my worries away...

I really don't get how NOW everyone just says (including my sister) "What an alc'y" But when i used to smke pot all the time, snort coke, do speed, take pain killers, do xanax, they'd not say shit... what the fuck is up with that? Anyone mind telling me?

Telling me how i drink too much just makes me wanna drink more... the same would be with pot and pain killers n speed. Why would anyone say something now that im doing something legal?
Hi Cface <3
I would imagine it's quite common to transfer one's addictions (I've seen it happen with quite a few people, myself included ;)). You're trading one addiction for another because you've obviously got some underlying issues that bring you to use substances in the first place, that you haven't dealt with. Have you ever spoken to anyone about substance use/abuse, addiction, etc?
Maybe it's time you sought some help with overcoming this.
Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about it okay?
I'm not an alco, although I have had problems with downers in general and will drink pretty regularly if I can find nothing else. Lately I've been on a spirits and alpralozam kick lately as a means to try to cope with some excess stress, anxiety, and loneliness. The problem is that when I mix the two I can get nice and mellow, but have no hangover. As long as I go for a run the next morning, I don't even feel drowsy.

I know that if I keep it up there will be consequences, but right now it is just so easy. This really seems like small potatoes compared to what many of you have/are gone/going through, but I wanted to thank you all for posting here. Reading your tales reminds me to keep things under control. Ish.

Cface-- Is it perhaps because you don't make as much an effort to hide it? I know that when I drink, I have no problem drinking around family, but when I do other things I avoid them and try as hard as possible to hide it. So when you drink, your DOC is more visible to them than when you're doing other drugs, so they notice it more and feel the need to say something. Just a guess. :)

n3o-- I'll echo spurs in this, but I really hope that you are doing better soon. You tend to be a little private about the specifics of your troubles, and I respect that, but if you'd ever like to chat just drop me a pm and I can give you my ICQ/AIM/MSN info. Be well.
^Dave, that is how it began for me. My biology is such that I rarely get hangovers, even from huge amounts of vodka. (Other spirits can irritate my stomach - I am prone to nausea and vomiting in general as part of my panic disorder.) I 'graduated' to mixing it with Wellbutrin, then oxycodone, and then when I was clean from the others, clonazepam and alprazolam. I now am on a tramadol regimen for depression and Soma for stress-induced muscle tension. If I WERE to overload my liver on this combo, I'd be in a very bad way very quickly.

I'm under a lot of stress with my move, animosity toward my landlady (she has not made this easy on us at all), and having to postpone a much-needed vacation. I am addressing this by taking a small bit out of savings to get some nice new things for the new apartment. Planning out the type of design for bathroom shelving, selecting material for curtains, and working out the furniture placement is helping me think less about wanting to drink.

Stay strong, everybody! Hope everyone's having a good and not-too-boozy weekend. I plan to enjoy some cider in the evening after my shopping trip. Before I'd have just stuck some vodka in a soda bottle and taken it with me; now I have some iced peach oolong tea to take instead. :)
How did everyone do over the 4th of July weekend? I was sober sister that night and went to bed early. :) It felt good to not misuse alcohol on a day when so many people do.

I actually did well over that weekend: had a few beers on the Friday night and then was dry the entire weekend and felt ok for work on Monday. But that was because I was somewhat mentally challenged about a lot of suffereing I'd gone through the previous week due to alcohol! :\

I stayed sober for 5 days and then we had leaving drinks for 2 of the blokes at work, one of whom is a real character and well-liked. Well, we had fancy-dress football and then a BBQ afterwards. I stood there at the barbecue and drank diet coke whilst everyone else was getting pissed (people know at work about my drinking, so driniking at the BBQ wasn't an option) and after the leaving speeches I said bye and went to drink in private.

I've been going to regular AA meetings though, and there lies a glimmer of hope. :)
N3o, I know I've been absent from the forums for about a week, but if you are still suffering for whatever reason PM me okay?
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