Alcoholism Thread V. ti martwonies

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^Do you want a life without alcohol?
You said you feel like you have a hole in your heart that you are filling with alcohol.....and that you are happy....So maybe there is a part of you that is unhappy while overall you are a happy person.
It sounds like you are burying something or missing something.....If that is the case, maybe you should slow down on the drinking a bit and work on that part of you that is unhappy.Filling a void with alcohol probably won't make it all go away-(and that much alcohol can't be too kind on your body) It is hard to deal with sadness-especially if you are by nature a happy person (i am too and know this well;)) But covering it up will only make it that much harder to face when it comes out, ya know?
Maybe I am totally off base here and you can tell me to mind my own business;)
But the above post seems like you want help-but you also want to remain in high spirits......????
I've had good times and bad times drinking. I got my first DUI when I was 12 after drinking with some friends, and going to meet a girl to get a hand job,( after all that shit I didn't even get a hand job!) Got a public Intox at 13. I guess that's when I really got into the system, and started to go through the court process, (Color codes, Meetings, TASC, AA etc.) Of course being 13 I was the youngest person there, the next guy older than me was maybe 25. So I never stayed sober. Now that I'm 21 I can drink anytime I want to. Now that I'm old enough it's not the same. I guess waiting at gas stations, wallmarts, and grocery stores for someone that looks like a hippy to buy me booze is a rush. I don't drink as much as I did when I was 12 lol, I do drink a scotch before and after dinner now, and sometimes a glass of wine. I believe once you turn 21 the enjoyment of drinking starts to fade.. unless your already a hardcore alcoholic.

In rehab lol, I learned that like me ALOT of people in my family are Hardcore Alcoholics. Alcohol increases the amount of dopamine acting on receptors and enhances the normal feeling of pleasure associated with the dopamine system, That's why alot of people in my family drink. They really don't drink for shits n giggles, liquor is there zoloft/prozac. I notice when I have a cold scotch, I feel that "Warm" liquid going into my stomach. I take it normal drinkers dont feel that warmness. That's what really got me drinking, a damn warm feeling i get when drinking liquor. Years of mixing alcohol and xtc reallllyyy fucking my serotonin up.
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I mean like im not an unhappy person in general but I do feel like Im missing out on something. When I drink I dont feel so bad. I miss going out and socializing with the world like I used too. Im not at all right now just kinda lost. I really dont know what I want out of life. Ive been drinking so much to run away from that fact I think. Ive been getting fucked up everyday for so long that it seems like thats all I can do. I try to get through a day sober but I just cant. I get to bored and then that would make me depressed. It's a vicious cycle , I just hide away in my room tripping on drugs and drinking like a fish. At least Im working now , it kinda forces me to go outside.
I mean like im not an unhappy person in general but I do feel like Im missing out on something. When I drink I dont feel so bad. I miss going out and socializing with the world like I used too. Im not at all right now just kinda lost. I really dont know what I want out of life. Ive been drinking so much to run away from that fact I think. Ive been getting fucked up everyday for so long that it seems like thats all I can do. I try to get through a day sober but I just cant. I get to bored and then that would make me depressed. It's a vicious cycle , I just hide away in my room tripping on drugs and drinking like a fish. At least Im working now , it kinda forces me to go outside.

Hell yeah dude, It's Ok every now and then, but you can't let it get mixed up with your life. I know a lot of people that get fucked up every night, and still wake up at 4:30AM to go roof houses, how they do it? I guess they don't let that shit get the best of them, that's when you know you have a problem. I found out that "Alcoholism" is the lowest of the low. Here where I live 85% of the homeless people are straight alcohol drinkers only, no drugs. It makes you think..
Haha, naw since you mix drugs with the booze your one step from lowest of the low lol. At lest, from what I know you don't drink mouthwash, and ethyl rubbing alcohol. .
Nah only Jager and Budweiser and if Im broke some steel reserve :D

and occasionally i'll down a bottle of jack daniels
Yes Jack D, Johny W, and Evan W, are my best friends. ^^^^^^ I've also drank alot of extracts, (mint,orange,vanilla, etc.) makes me sick every time I think of it. those little things have alot of alcohol in em, but make you do stupid shit. I thought if I mixed them all it would be over 100% (35%mint,55%vanilla,10% orange = 100% right!) I lived in a halfway house and alot of the times the people that are over 50 are straight drinkers. Alot of alcoholics are college graduates, with masters and PHD's. sad how shit can hit the fan.
I havent drank since the 5th, and I feel that alcohol has destroyed alot of my life
HOw yeah doing my friend , anything fun in the works :D

currently tripping very nicely and sipping on a beer toking some reefer. Oh well , Old habits die hard :D
Whenever thing look bleak to me I find a new drug to fill my time with. I like experimenting with psychedelic drugs because they are pure love bound in a substance. They open up my heart to all of the love in the world. They make me wanna stand up and shout YEAH!!!
Alas probation has limited my drug choices, plus I just moved so it will take mea few days ;)
they cant test you for psychs dude at least not most of them. Half my friends are on drug court :D
These days I have pushed psychs to the keep my marbles at home safe and sound......I prefer drugs that have a chance of ending my life.......that sounds bad but you know what I mean "hard drugs"
You wont lose your marbles just as long as they were there in the first place. I'm not gonna preach but psych's will offer your life so much more than hard drugs. I enjoy doing cocaine and heroin but I still make way for there trippy brothers and sisters. Why Discriminate ?
Well Ive had me a few bouts o the ole amp psychosis, and freaky happenings with ketamine and I dont think good things would happen if I jumped on the psych bandwagon ya know? There was a time when I would trip often, but those days seem to be gone. I think my mind is slowly slipping away
You need to grab the reins again and take control. Make your future out to what you want it to be. Narcotics only make you hide in your head , at least in my experience. Sometimes when you take a nice dose it opens up your eyes to the un imaginable. It makes me love being alive , psychedelics saved me from a suicidal heroin addiction. I would never want someone to shrug off there therapeutic use
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