alcoholism thread [merged]

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guineaPig said:
glad to see this thread continued.

anyways...i still drink every night, but i'm better than when i started the original thread. no liqour for me for the most part.
haven't blacked out in awhile either.

hangover aside, i really just can't drink liquor any more. i black out w/o fail and lately, i've gotten very unpredictable when i black out.
before i'd just act goofy and pass out, but now it's a toss up if i'll be mean as hell or all emo or weird....

so i'll stick to not blacking out. i'm liking not having to piece the night before together the next day.

I feel that, I rarely drink hard liquor anymore, its a few times a year thing. I'd still like to cut down on the amount of beers I drink though. I drink 4 to 12 a night, I usually only drink less then 5 once or twice a week.
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I haven't drank for a week or smoked ciggers because I have had the flu... talked to my team leader at work and realized everyone hates it at my work, I wanted to quit but have been sticking in there... alcohol is shit, gunna see a psychologist still and see what happens... been listening to alot of music, been trying to eat healthy, its not everyday but I do have lots of up and down periods
I've only drank twice in two weeks - I suppose that's a victory of sorts
Okay, last night I drunk so much that I literally passed out.

I woke on the couch.

I don't have too bad hangover yet, I think I have that much alcohol still in my blood.

22 drinks was it.
and here we go. i purposely spent all my money.
i can't buy alcohol until friday.
here's to a week w/o sleep.
I drink too much and i smoke too much but compared to heroin addiction i feel good.
Tonite was my first time having more than 1-2 beers since ... a month or three!

And only cos I'm completely out of my much-needed illicit medication ..

Like any addiction I've faced, I find the success in sobriety is exponential ... almost impossible to make it a few days, let alone a week or two, but once I do, it just fades way into the background, desire completely abated.

Things should be back to normal tomorrow :)
worried about G/F hlp pls?

hey people, got a question for those who battle with alcholosim... got a girlfriend who was drinking rather heaviy and has decided to quit, she is in day 7 i think and is weaning off valium from detox (this was done @ home) she has become horribly depressed and has mentioned suicudal references,, im kinda worried her doc has given her ssri's 4 deression but there not working yet,, has anyone else here had suisidalthoughts comeing off the piss??? what can i do to help this girl???:( :(
S.M.F.G said:
hey people, got a question for those who battle with alcholosim... got a girlfriend who was drinking rather heaviy and has decided to quit, she is in day 7 i think and is weaning off valium from detox (this was done @ home) she has become horribly depressed and has mentioned suicudal references,, im kinda worried her doc has given her ssri's 4 deression but there not working yet,, has anyone else here had suisidalthoughts comeing off the piss??? what can i do to help this girl???:( :(

just tell her that those are just feelings that will pass in a week or two.
Brains don't like that something is taken away from them and that can be felt as depressed feeling
Madmike... thanks for the advice there aye it is really appreciated. also great goin center. ur a lilttle up on me there i only put my glass down a few weeks ago, although i recognise my probs dont really lie with alchohol, me havin it around i feel is not helpin,, so i stop.:)
Take the bottles and fucking smash them. I did it, it was so psychologically pleasing.
^ yer i like 2 smash bottles, it also pleases me , not so much the police though, but theyre just got no sence of whats fun :)
I am experiencing typical hangover symptoms again.

And money is gone.
guineaPig said:
and here we go. i purposely spent all my money.
i can't buy alcohol until friday.
here's to a week w/o sleep.

I feel your pain GP.

I've been a pretty bad alcoholic for just over a year, and it's really starting to take a toll on my health. I've decided to quit, I'm just sick and tired of, well, being sick and tired.

It's a bit of a catch22 because I only drink to numb the endless throughstreams of worry and doubt that run through my head constantly, also I've needed dental work (serious) for the past year, and haven't been able to financially cut it. So I spend 8 hours at work in agony because of my teeth, also anxious because of all of the pain and no insurance/money to deal with it. So when I get home I just want a few hours of "no pain time" so I can unwind just enough to wake up and do it all over again. Not to mention the bruxism I've been experiencing from the sleep anxiety, every morning I wake up to the most awful pain in my already brittle teeth because I've been have nightmares and grinding the shit out of my teeth.

I've decided I can't do it anymore, now that I have all of my meds available to me, and dental work scheduled (their letting me finance an 8000usd dental charge, out of sheer luck), I'm giving up the hooch.

I've tried this 3 times in the past 6 months, usually lasts a week, and than I just go right back to it. Usually the pain in my mouth, sometimes the pain in my heart. I think the biggest factor is you can't walk down the fucking street without at least seeing ONE advertisement for an alcohol product. That's the equivolent of a clean and sober recovering heroin addict seeing ads for morphine whenever he walked down the street. We live in a fucked up culture.

Definitely glad to hear your cutting down GP, I was averaging a half-pint to a pint of wild turkey (100) a day for some time, then I switched over to beer (probably the best thing I could have done), got used to that, than made it personal policy only to be a single 24 ounce at the bar down the road so I wouldn't be tempted to just get lobotomized drunk. It's probably the hardest thing I've ever had to taper.

I'm going to try to make to week two, wish me luck.
You don't need luck. You already made up your mind.

Goodluck with that dental stuff. Would like to know the full details.

I hear you with the advertisements. Fucking sucky. When I was in rehab, all the liquor stores we passed-- let alone when they let us go shopping in the Winn-Dixie, the FUCKING ALCOHOL AISLE. Caught some bitch stealing a bottle of cheap vodka and taking sips in the bathroom and moaning, she got arrested and got a 1 way ticket from rehab to jail for it.

Hang in there. Alcohol sucks and I'm happy to not wake up everyday with that pulsating bitch in my head and my shaky hands.

Well lets see, if you really would like to know I have two infected root canals, need 23 or so complex fillings, moderate (not severe) periodontitis, and a fucklot of pain in my mouth. (no to mention 3 impacted wisdom teeth). I also have bronchitis at the moment and am offered no sick days through my job (not that I could afford to lose the money anyhow, that's why I take vitamins). I'm not bitching by any means, I love my life as of late, just giving you some perspective.

The Dentist was sweet enough, except for the fact she scripted me darvocet when I specifically told her I was allergic to acetmenophen (I just find it useless to be honest), so I can't really take them as much as needed because of my liver.

Oh, and I just meant on the tooth thing. It's probably the most painful thing I've ever had to deal with, and I've pierced and inserted 4 gauge hooks in my back and pulled from a bunjee chord against a tree attached to them. That's enlightening. This is hell. But I definitly don't need the luck to stay off the booze, it was more of a last resort thing but developed into a habitual routine. I appreciate your encouragement though.

Looks like it's good ole' valium, ketamine, phenibut and nootropics to the rescue once again! Cheers
You ever consider psychotherapy? Contact me in private, I'd love to talk to you.

AIM: penguins
msn: [email protected]

Enlightening? Pain?

Ooh. Please do.
What leads you to assume I would need psychotherapy? I mostly drink just to kill the attrocious pain in my mouth (have you ever had two deeply infected root canal's, as well as 19 cavities and 3 impacted wisdom teeth all at once?).

I appreciate your concern for my well being, but I've spent quite a long time dealing with the vast array of emotional complexities that lead to my behavioral choices. I've been seeing psychologists/psychiatrists all of my adolescent life, and I'm sure they do a great deal for some people, they never seemed to even make an honest attempt to find the base root of any of my mental ills, and besides their far too expensive for anyone of my financial stature to afford.

Vegan diet, Vitamins, supplements, nootropics, and the occasional psychedelics are more than enough to keep me grounded as of late, not to mention meditation and soon to be yoga and daily excercise, once I get the cash together. I'd also like to mention I am NOT drug dependant by any means, I don't smoke cigarettes, eat sugar, or even smoke pot more than thrice a week. Feel free to PM me if you like however, I'm always down for a good convo.

Enlightening? Pain?
Ooh. Please do.

Yea this is off topic, but since you asked here's an old pic:
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Well, that just looks fucking ridiculous!!

How did you endure that pain?
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