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Adelaide Pills 28/5/02

There are some new omo's. They are a much brighter blue than before. They test good but i dont know how good they are....
They were pretty good.
black, blue, nothing.
a little nautious on the come on and quite a short ride. I'd prefer to durex, but that could be because i am sick of them
The new omo's are DXM+MDMA.
Watched them turn grey and bubble, then after a long while turn black.
Maybe there are two batches - these are light blue.
[ 08 October 2002: Message edited by: RevHead ]
Fuck. i hope they were different.
were the ones you saw distinctly brighter blue than previous batch's?
was the grey/smoke very noticable?
RevHead: Thanks for the warnings about those pills! A smoke-producing grey to black reaction can definitely indicate DXM present in the pills, it doesn't even need to contain MDMA to eventually turn black with DXM. Only the presence of purple/black colours should indicate that MDxx-compounds are present.
Stay well clear of these, IMHO. When there are so many other decent pills around, there's no need to risk your life.
CONTRAINDICATION: MDMA and DXM (dextromethorphan) should NOT be consumed together, as they compete for metabolism in the liver. This can result in prolonged, uncomfortable experiences at best, and serotonin syndrome, hyperthermia and death at worst. A pill containing DXM could be fatal if someone took it with other MDMA pills... thank goodness we have testers. Avoid pills that don't test quickly purple to black at all costs.
BigTrancer :)
i've just re-tested mine, from the outside and from the centre, both went straight black, no grey or smoke whatsoever, so hopefully they were different, but everyone be carefull.(always)
Does anyone know of any feelings/sensations that could indicate consumtion of dxm
Bubble is not the same as smoke.
Concentrated pills will fizz/bubble on contact with marquis. Just as MDMA powder almost always does.
Also if the binder in the pill happens to be a carbonate, then it will certainly bubble; as the acid in the tester liberates carbon dioxide from the carbonate. whch obviously gives bubbling.
I think the DXM reaction is a very different kind of bubble/gas; actual visible "smoke" is needed; and then slow reacton to grey.
Saying that; u should always proceed with caution even when pills are tested, and u are happy with the results.
Originally posted by BigTrancer:
Stay well clear of these, IMHO. When there are so many other decent pills around, there's no need to risk your life.

So many other decent pills around? Have you seen how few pill reports of "decent" pills there are from adelaide lately? :(
That doesn't always mean that there aren't any decent pillz around in Adelaide. I think people just don't bother putting in reports. I haven't noticed many reports on pillz mentioned in this thread. I think Adelaide still gets the majority of pillz that turn up in other states (from the big batches that is).
Tested 3 pills on long weekend.
Off-white smiley (circle around smiley face, slighty domed and scored on other side)- purple/black, blue, no change.
Yellow TP (circle around letters T and P, domed on other side)- orange/brown then purple/black, blue, no change. These are supposed to be MDA so I don't know why it didn't change with the robadope.
Green CU (letters C and U, domed on other side)- purple/black, blue, no change.
Snorted the smiley, nice peak but didn't last that long.
Munched on the CU, probably one of the best pills I've ever had. Hit me really hard.
Snorted half and ate half of the TP, can't really remember what they were like by that time ;)
Had an awesome long weekend :)
So many other decent pills around? Have you seen how few pill reports of "decent" pills there are from adelaide lately?
Fair enough, maybe you can't find anything that's decent ... but that should mean you make the decision to NOT take pills. There's no reason you absolutely HAVE TO buy pills and eat them when you go out on the weekend, so if there's nothing decent around, and nothing is testing up purple/black, then just don't have pills.
Or would you rather take some shit pill just to have 'a pill', regardless of the risk?
BigTrancer :)
i had two blue omos last week along with my friends. i was the only person who didnt feel much. just a slight buzz. was quite disappointed.
my gf came down hard the next day.
Originally posted by BigTrancer:
Fair enough, maybe you can't find anything that's decent ... but that should mean you make the decision to NOT take pills.
That's right, people should take nothing rather than something risky. You made it sound like it's easy to find something good, but people in adelaide don't have the same variety of good pills as bigger places, so often it does mean you have to choose nothing (in my experience anyway).
Yes NRG we do get a lot of the same ones as other states, but there also seems to be times when there is only lots of local shit.
It was a distinct grey, and the fizz observed was unlike any of the reactions I've seen before, my first reaction being "Hey, this is the first DXM pill I've seen". This is different from the earlier omo's from this year, as those ones had dark specs all over them, this one is nothing but light blue.
A friend found the pill anyway and was going to take it at the venue, but I told him not to be a dickhead :) .
Just to clarify, is there any safe way to take this pill, or should I stick to my Robitussin for DXM fixes?
Personally, I'd avoid taking a pill that has confirmed DXM contents for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, there is the chance that there are other unidentified adulterants present. This possibility also exists with confirmed MDMA pills, however my reasoning is that if a chemist is making real MDMA to put in pills, then they know they have a 'good' product, so they can press and release the pills. If they're making pills without MDMA, they may substitute some DXM, and caffeine, and meth or ketamine, or any other combination of ingredients in an attempt to mimic the effects of MDMA. From the lab-testing results I've seen in the past, it seems more likely to have secondary adulterants present in non-MDMA-based pills.
Secondly, DXM in tablet form will be a fairly low dose, as a tablet usually weighs in the range of 250-350mg in total, including binder/fillers/colours. For a user taking these in the knowledge that they contain DXM, and with the intention of having a DXM experience, they may ingest multiple doses. This increases the possibility of complications from any other ingredients, or increases the chance of mixing drugs.
Also, it's too easy to get stuck in the 'it's just a pill' mindset, and forget that the ingredients can be dangerous in combination with other pills. If you have DXM pills and somehow one of them ends up in the possession of someone who is unaware they contain DXM, then they may not realise the risks.
BigTrancer :)
I got my hands on some chalk that was very nice last weekned. couldn't test coz i was out, but from effects was denfinatley good mdxx. grab it if ya can find it
Black Pounds (British Pound Symbol). Have lots of different coloured specks, grey, white, pink.
I suspect these are PMA, as they smell like aniseed (typical for local PMA, but also for high quality MDMA imports), and gave no reaction for all three tests.
Also, they make you feel nauseous and disorientated (No, I'm not the dickhead who took one).
Originally posted by secret squirrel:
I got my hands on some chalk that was very nice last weekned.
Was the chalk you speak of the same as the orange/brown gear that was around this time last year here in the city of churches? It (last years) was exceptionally popular due to its purity but supplies didn’t last very long (even though it was claimed on pillreports to be a fake, oh how wrong they were.) Friends got their hands on a few G and the experience was remarkable, it was significantly strong, clean and pure MDMA. No mix, no spin offs no precursors just the real deal, something we very rarely see any more.
Originally posted by Jokerswild:
I would have to say that without a shadow of a doubt that myself and most of my off tap buddies are sick to death of Durex's. Yes they were crankers of pills, yes they rattled you really hard compared to a lot of the crap in Adelaide over the past 12 months but enough is enough. I as did an associate of mine dumped 5 of these babies each Saturday arvo/night and managed to go to sleep before 3am-sun morning. Not enough staying power in these little puppies for my liking. Where are the pills the likes of the double sided HQ’s, blue caps, Green and Gold caps, light green clovers and green ?’s of 12 months ago?

I'm with you man!!! bring back the REAL Pills! You forgot to mention Orange Motorolas, Blue MTV's & Pink Omegas!!!
OK, after not having pills for about 7 months, I double dropped pink durex's. These would definately rate as one of the lamest pills I've ever had. It took only about 20 mins to hit, peaked for about 30, then I just cruised for a couple of hours. Only just managed to last through Judge Jules set at TAN. By about 5, I was ready for sleep. I dropped at 12.
Not impressed at all. Bring back HQ's I say!