Acid in America 2K8

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any body in the New York Zone hear of any good acid? I would like to know,thanks!
anybody seen any L around the memphis area...I haven't been able to locate any what so ever and its starting to get ridiculous...
Anybody heard anything about the DFW area lately? Is it pretty available and decent quality right now?
In western wisconsin I have found LSD ONE time, and it was in a vial. Got like 20 hits, and it was straight. Very good. But I have never seen a blotter or anything in my life =P
I have come across some unperforated Alex Grey blotter in NYC. The print on the sheet had symmetrical rainbow faces. I have seen the painting a few times before. Very cool looking. Hopefully they are good. I have yet to try them but this source has been pretty legit so far. I will report back when i try them sometime in the next week or so while I'm in Hawaii.
Some L is going to be floating down my way from San Francisco within the week. I'll report how good it is. :)
Here in NY it is the usual white on white and some pretty good liquid flowing and the occasional art print but this part of the year can be rough to find it and rough on the wallet once you've found it.
May be getin some wow tomorrow and go See an Alex Grey show up in B-more saturday. If all goes to plan it should be quite a interesting time!

Report: Took one 20 mins before the show, it wasent the wow, but was colored, bluish purplish, first time i ever saw it. One had me feeling pretty nice, Damn Right and Talesma were downright amazing, the sounds were just beutifull, Alex Grey did a great spoken word from his new book, thought i was gona cry, and he did a pretty kick ass painting. All around a damn gooood night in B more.
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boulder colorado. pink strawberry flavored gels bomb as usual. tree of life fractals. white on white perfd. silver vials flooded here as usual
In western wisconsin I have found LSD ONE time, and it was in a vial. Got like 20 hits, and it was straight. Very good. But I have never seen a blotter or anything in my life =P

hahaha, that is ironically funny. Keep lookin' man
Texas is definately lacking in the quality acid department,
Did have some really nice microdot a month ago though!

anyone know of some good texas hits?
Believe it or not, it's not a mystery to all people in regards to what LSD they are getting :)

Then again I haven't seen any silver since the summer. 'Round these parts its fluff or white criss if you're lucky.

At least if somebody tells you their vials are silver they are probably being honest about it :D
Believe it or not, it's not a mystery to all people in regards to what LSD they are getting :)

Then again I haven't seen any silver since the summer. 'Round these parts its fluff or white criss if you're lucky.

At least if somebody tells you their vials are silver they are probably being honest about it :D

lsd is pretty much lsd. if its clean its clean. if its shitty, its shitty. or my people have just been gettin the same crystal, because it always feels the same. hits are just mic'd differently. thats all i have noticed, and i've been through soo many sheets and a few v's.
Good chance if you've been getting your L from the same people you're getting the same kind of crystal.

But if you say its clean, its clean or it's shitty it's shitty.... then how can you say LSD is pretty much LSD? I mean the truth is some LSD crystal is off color, impure stuff. And some of it is white as snow. Do you think the shitty L is made in the same place as the good stuff? No way. Anyone who has the skills and motivation to make the good stuff has got to keep the quality up. And that's a crystal line. And just like any other drugs that are imported or made in different parts of the world, they're gonna move through different circles.
Whats the word in Jersey? Been here for a short time and havent heard much on the LSD scene. Very curious as its been a good while :)
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