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^Damn well said. Although, having done a bit of tertiary maths, I don't think your "magical" numbers are particularly magical either, despite the insistence of some over-enthusiastic professors. Although imaginary numbers are admittedly interesting, they are imaginary.

As I said earlier, people take too many psychedelic drugs. I've encountered this perceived "phenomena" mainly from trippers/ people who are tripping. Take enough acid or smoke enough weed and you can see the significance in anything.

Mods: Daylight savings just kicked in this morning so can someone change the name of this thread to 10:11? ... or does the mysticism surrounding recurring digits on digital clocks take daylight savings into account as well as time zones, etc?
^Damn well said. Although, having done a bit of tertiary maths, I don't think your "magical" numbers are particularly magical either, despite the insistence of some over-enthusiastic professors. Although imaginary numbers are admittedly interesting, they are imaginary.

As I said earlier, people take too many psychedelic drugs. I've encountered this perceived "phenomena" mainly from trippers/ people who are tripping. Take enough acid or smoke enough weed and you can see the significance in anything.

Mods: Daylight savings just kicked in this morning so can someone change the name of this thread to 10:11? ... or does the mysticism surrounding recurring digits on digital clocks take daylight savings into account as well as time zones, etc?

Thank ya, sir. This pauper certainly agrees that transcendental numbers are hardly magical, and are simply indicative that non-linear processes that we base recurring constants existing in the mechanics of nature on simply do not follow the logic of a root of a polynomial non-constant equation with coefficients that can be expressed as a division of two integers (which basically boils down to relationships of whole numbers, which is a concept that doesn't exist in reality, because there is never exactly one unit of something (unless one thinks in very broad terms), there is always a discrepancy, so we simplify it with limits, and base a numbering system on the amount of fingers the average human has to quantify it, how advanced :D ).

Just imagine a world with no imaginary numbers, blindly religious hallucinogen-connoisseurs would have no Mandlebrot set to anthropomorphise their god from a heavy array of maths they don't comprehend OH NOES:


Instead, we would only have the comparatively dull koch snowflake:


Also... I agree that people should try to avoid smoking pot or eating acid excessively if it makes them adorably gullible. Ah... I swear I'm not really this big of an asshole irl...
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theres something up with this number, i've so happened to look at my watch, and alarm clock and in the past week i've seen 11:11 5 times.

what is there thats associated with this number? is it good luck or bad?

22 here
can be very good, usually...

with my watch i keep the second hand on my watch stopped on 8, and the '30minute-timer' stopped on 10 from its own circle/face the arrow points towards the 4 on the regular face from its position.

went looking for "luck" and %'s and, geezzus fruk

" Indeed, in the last 2000 years, there have only been 49 times that birth years could have produced a 3rd Life Path Period of 22. "


so, where are the others???
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This might be of some interest PiP


When i use to be into numerology; i went through extensive information on the Life Path Numbers, i've since forgotten most of it.. but 11 and 22 were the master numbers. I believe the path's range from 1 - 9 with the master numbers been 11/2 and 22/4.

I honestly never notice number patterns, i do hear a lot of people talking about them though.. then again, if im aware of a particular number showing up im sure ill subconsciously seek it out and consequently see it everywhere.
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by now, it takes more then that or most any "outside" source to convince or razzle me for long. at this point in my life, reading it rationally, yeah it makes sense in ways. though, not because i read that or astro, tarot, e-ching, runes w/e you can find.

if that stuff says it is, it doesnt make it so... i feel that looking at such things too much, can bring apathy to ones quest.

anyways, just found that and thought id share hehe
when I notice 10:10 or 11:11 or 12:12 or w/e it feels like I'm on the right path. Actually I notice :11 quite a lot on its own.

I notice my birthday a lot too. Not sure if that has any meaning tied to it or not.

When I'm being really productive I will notice sequences, in particular 12:34, 2:34, stuff like that. Or I'll notice multiples like 11:22...11:22 seems to be significant, like I'm making major progress.

When I'm chatting online with timestamps enabled it seems like I notice things like 1:11:11 or 12:34:56 and those are way more trippy to me when they happen.
I have never been aware of any significance to 11:11, so I feel left out of this discussion:|

As far as significant numbers go, I know that the number 7 is the number favoured by magicians when wanting to force a number on to someone (eg - pick a number between one and ten). Take note for the next time a 'mind reader' hustles you for money to guess your 'chosen' number.

I place the most importance on these five numbers

0 - the void
1 - the monad
2 - duality
3 - the tripartite
4 - The Tetragrammaton

It would seem to me that the 'simpler' the number, the greater its significance, but this is entirely subjective.

Hold on, I just remembered I was born at 11:10 am (could the careless rounding down of some nurse have robbed me of participation in this 11:11 phenomena:?:?
I have noticed 11:11 for most of my life, it is as though it was "significant
" because of its distinct pattern and the fact that I noticed it so often. It is seriously weird for me to see this thread! 8o
I always see 11:11, 2:22, 3:33 4:44 etc. happens almost every day tbh.

Though today I looked at the clock at 11:10, and 11:12.
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@11:11: the sanddog will sweep

this is relative, but of maybe of greater interest to Front-242 fans;-)

im trying to learn some more math -hah- and puzzles are fun too; so what is behind Front-242?
i was listening to "family man" and taking it is as the opposite of universalism, and more of a solitary construction.
The only explanation is that human beings instinctively seek out and recognise patterns as a evolutionary survival mechanism. I may be wrong but I would argue that our advanced pattern recognition skills is responsible for civilization as we know it today.
11:11 is a pattern in itself and once you notice it a few times that becomes a pattern of a pattern compounding its significance to our senses which tricks your brain into thinking it is meaningful
Pattern recognition is one thing, like if you have a clock sitting in front of you every day so its in your peripheral vision so it stands out more. But that doesn't explain the intuitive feeling of being "prompted" to say look at your phone at a certain time and have it be exactly 10:10 or whatever.

Seeing patterns is one thing, having them pop out of you to where you just randomly happen to look at the clock at very specific times and noticing many patterns per day is another. Now maybe we have an internal clock that knows what time it is subconsciously, but short of that it seems more spiritual in nature.

I see it as being on the right track when I see the numbers, and veering off track a bit when I miss them slightly.
falling into 'a' time-line/falling into time - like quick-sand

every grain counts like every second !

annnnd maybe

with the right source of friction=electricity=heat
the sands willl melt, and meld into glass
accept the darkness that lies behind or not -
it will reflect forth a missive light - this is not a turnKey pyramid scheme

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i love the time 12:34, and whenever isee it im either in the start of my day, and say wow i like how it does that,then notice 1:23, 2:34, 4:56, for the rest of the day, and by 12:34 am, i wont be busy and ill question it, or be high when i notice it and think about it for a long time, the same happens with 11:11 or 1:11 to me. i bet the same process happens in everyones mind, but people dont notice and invent wild theories to explain it, which is all fun and games, until serious scientific thought is put into it and theories are based around only this idea
i often wonder if fascination with this concept, or similar ones, is what forced peoples minds to break, and created consciousness. you have to admit, consciousness is rather insane.

edit: and like, evolution made it last, and now as young as six month old babies experience the break, because absurdity is so prevalent in society.
after my great grandmother died, my sister, father and I would constantly see the number "11" as the minutes on the clock. I swear that nearly every time I went to go check the time, it was always on the 11. Perhaps it was just a coincidence.. but yeah, creepy. I haven't really noticed it for a while now. Except I just looked at the clock and noticed that it was 3:11... fuck off ahha