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I always make a wish at 11:11.
But I either forget about it when the wish comes true or it just doesn't.
I constantly come across 4:11; 7:11; 9:11; 3:33; 1:11; 11:11. At least 2 a day, I always love strange coincidences and randomized repetitions. We humans love patterns, so there's an intrinsic drive to seek them out.

I am Kevin at the Seven Eleven
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I always wish on 11:11 , 12:34, any triple number lilke 3:33 and any numbers in sequence 3:45, etc. Why not?
I too usually forget what I wished so can't say if they come true but it's fun and it can't hurt! The first step to obtaining anything is wishing for it.
what if seeing 11:11 makes you paranoid and you want it to go away? Can you like put it back in the closet or you have to wear it even if you dont want to?
I always wish on 11:11 , 12:34, any triple number lilke 3:33 and any numbers in sequence 3:45, etc. Why not?
I too usually forget what I wished so can't say if they come true but it's fun and it can't hurt! The first step to obtaining anything is wishing for it.

a bunch of my friends wish on any tripple number. I dont really see the point in that one as it's 0x:xx, but to each their own.
i always see any consecutive numbers in a row on a clock, such as 2:22, 5:55 etc.

its weird because it happens to a couple friends quite often as well.

like ill have a sudden impulse just to see what time it is, and.............^
I think the priest and the doutu hand it coming but the thing still was out of order.
The next day it was all about getting to the couch if its still morning out there.
The most involvement I have with 11:11 is making a wish whenever I see that as the time. Other than that, I don't think any theories or myths surrounding it are true.
^but if a good 80% of the time you look at the clock it sais that, you will think something weird of it.
I see 11:11 all the time. Also yesterday I saw 2:22:22 on 2/22 and thought that was interesting.

I often see 9:11, 12:34, etc.

It feels like I'm being spiritually tapped on the shoulder to say "look, we're here" or something like that. I read somewhere that it is one's spirit guides making themselves known.
I used to work at a gas station and people would often drive off with out paying. Naturally I started making acronyms to remember peoples' license plates. For some reason one of them stuck with me: DLX. I started seeing it on license plates every single time I'd go somewhere. That was about three years ago, and I rarely notice them anymore.

As for the 11:11 thing, try looking at an analog clock instead. It most likely wont be as visually appealing and therefore wont pop out at you. Or maybe not, who knows? Personally I see 11:35 everyday usually twice a day, and I have seen it since 07. I think certain numbers just look aesthetically appealing together, and the digital clock is just the palette for them to frolic upon.
I experience numerical synchronicities way to often for it to be a case of just focusing on them or of coincidence.
Like just the other day... I hadn't posted on Bluelight in over 5 years or so... just poppin' in. I see the 'religion poll' thread.. and decide to vote... turns out I was the 666th voter, which is pretty cool. So I posted in the same thread saying "Wow, I'm the 666th voter!" -and that VERY post just so happened to be my 999th post on Bluelight.
You can SEE it here: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=387821&page=17
^but of course, my posts have been updated and it no longer says 999. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Anyway... Namaste!
Talksick, this sort of thing happens far too often to be a random coincidence.
This is crazy. My friend swears he always sees 1111 and I always see 1234 one common thing on this thread is either 1111 or 1234
It feels like I'm being spiritually tapped on the shoulder to say "look, we're here" or something like that. I read somewhere that it is one's spirit guides making themselves known.

Yep - I've heard of that also and do believe it. My lil sister LOVED this number. Got married on 11-11, would call me when it was that time etc. She died too young, 23 years old. (no drugs, etc. Heart issue no one knew about brought on by pregnancy).

It was her death that made me realize how badly I needed to get out of an unhealthy relationship. Took me almost a year to leave after realizing that, but I did it. During that time, and the first 2 months or so after leaving... I began seeing it 11:11. The Anniv of her death was during that time. I visited her best friend from high school. As I was leaving and hugging the girl goodbye, guess what time it was, blinking on the TV... things that were more than me just happening to glance at the clock at the "right" time.

I knew I wanted a tattoo in her memory but nothing ever seemed right. One day I was driving home on the highway, and was nearing the cemetary. I pulled out my phone to check messages, and right as I passed her grave - simultaneously looking at my phone.. 11:11.

A peace and euphoria washed over me like nothing I have ever felt before. I have never, ever felt so happy and free. I knew instantly what the tattoo would be (red 11:11 on my left wrist). She made sure I knew she was there with me during a very hard time and then let me go. I rarely see the time anymore.