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Numerals 0123456789

Finding a common property throughout, I find it easy to zero in on the zeros, the Os, the circles... spirals. Numerals sharing this property are zero, six, eight, and nine.


23 is the 9th prime number.

9 is the highest numeral.

23rd is the highest hour (11 P.M.), before "24" which is 00:00, and never reads as 24.

The Great Pyramid had 203 courses (steps) as recorded in history. No record of the capstone. Some say it's simply, "zero".


red23 blue32
Right and Left
East & West
23 degrees is the common difference between eastern and western astrology too.
i didnt pick this time either, i was in bed, about to fall asleep and walked down stairs like a zombie to say so...lol

Set Hut
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set... hut... 22 22... hut hut hut!!! zomg, 22 1 2 twin towers, 911 / 747 = 1.2 and two building fell!

yes i am mocking you. please visit "The Dark Side"
it's possible to contrive numbers to fit any 'amazing' coincidence...


what about 17?

numbers are significant, but not in anything, the divination of them is in everything, though.

echo off, do you even know what "Set" means?
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hehe nope but it so sounds like something a footballer would say just before the play. like "ok team, are we all "SET"?
indeed, do you think they say that because it sounds cool?

if the ball is caught, a Set has been made.


Hail Mary!!!
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it's possible to contrive numbers to fit any 'amazing' coincidence...


It's possible to go to your destinations by going their (seemingly) opposite directions, too... Yea you can use any number, perhaps possibly.. but they don't work as easily as some others... like a ball fits through a hoop better than any other shape might. That might be 23 to me.

I see 11:11, but perhaps differently-to run into contradiction somewhere, to 23. I need to read why I brought up "23" in this thread.

I originally put here about 11:11 something else, perhaps trying to say what I thought about it, which didn't do justice to what I thought about it. I don't have the experience with it that I remember... though I do seem to remember something about seeing it tripping and/or on mdma/mda a good amount.

Panic- I wanted to point out that you posted that quoting my 23 bits at xx:23.

I've heard some about 17, as well. The deal is I don't look for any of this (or didn't before it begged for awhile). For me, "23" might just be a frequency I conform to.

But... My high school lover was born on May 17th. I got her after about a year of her bouncing between her then boyfriend, also born on May 17th, and myself. This would be my last girlfriend that I connected with like her. Everything else, I was just expecting the same. Then came the 23s, actually, in some sense. 8-9 Years later, I didn't masturbate for about a month, and woke up at 1:23 having a wet-dream on 5/17 (also Trent Reznor- one of my favorite artist's birthdays, who I listened to a lot throughout my teenage years and further, who I got my first blow-job to- listening to... 23 track album (didn't know) The Fragile, by 5/17's best friend). Somehow, it was at a church (parking lot) and the song I remember mostly was "Ripe with Decay", and perhaps songs around, as I was nervous.

I'll have to look into 17, when I have the time.

83 seconds is 1:23 minutes
83 minutes is 1:23 hours
83 is the 23rd prime number

i edited this post.
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can not be denied -
this also is, funda'mental sacred architecture and geometry...

it is Geomantic, because it is a structure of life.

"Panic- I wanted to point out that you posted that quoting my 23 bits at xx:23"

yes, i made note of that, but!;-) BL's clocks keep slipping off...a few minute or two every few days -- lol

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along the lines of perfection, in a world of 'latitude and longitude', there is the horizon, and whats above and bellow - when earth and sky, the sub-thought and higher-mind meet, there is/was an event Horizon, the Birth of Christ on the Cross.


for example ~

it is what puts a Set into play - it is the radiating point of Hawkins Radiation - it is the Axiom Point of a Event Horizon.

the fifth of the fourth

or, maybe just a fine example of.

There is no one, as the idea of it is us - when the two ones meet, another is created - that creation, is the triad of which is simply the combining of black and white to make gray, or a second dimension where creative thought and play can take harvest like a chess board, or time, our conception of this is the third.
Fourth now is an even solid structure, of our devize, our inception, a creation which then in-turn, as you might see, relates to the cross, the two again. the cross of the two is the four points, which was a three which was a two until the birth of one again, making five the then through the same means, an equivalent of four through our effort, "alone".
Look at the center of the X, imagine an elignment with the bottom left "foot"of the first I, of the II.
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11:11 was there all the time when i was in highschool
4:20 has never left since i started smoking
and 12:34 has always being rare
but all ive seen all 3 lately all because this thread made me care to notice it
i also got 2:40 ; )
11:11 is the hyper dimension of all that is ONE as alone. I was coming onto something, then I looked at my phone and the time was 11:11pm no JOKE - I freaked out and realised that all that there is is like a video game and puzzle put on stage for me. ME within MY CONCIOUSNESS is all I have to rely on, I can not see through your eyes??? I am everything of everything and the time (that does not exist) of 11:11 is a reminder that there is just ONE that is you alone. God/Devil are the same thought process hence why thoughts are imploding and exploding at the same time in an infinite cycle to work itself out - at war with itself with nothing to lose or win.
I am everything of everything and the time (that does not exist) of 11:11 is a reminder that there is just ONE that is you alone. God/Devil are the same thought process hence why thoughts are imploding and exploding at the same time in an infinite cycle to work itself out - at war with itself with nothing to lose or win.

so lets win!


... shall we?!?
I just wanted to report that I had a dream last night and I remember seeing 11:11.

For a moment remembering this I wasn't sure if it was waking or dreaming. I remember it felt significant. Awake I don't feel much when I see it, but I remember it really hit in the dream for some reason.

What other I remember from the dream, most clearly: arguing with my dad, I think... and others.
Quote Originally Posted by basalamant
I am everything of everything and the time (that does not exist)
twentysix, if it was significant, it was because it is pertinent somehow, to what you were going through in your dream...any particular argument?!? you chose 11:11 as a Gleem...i suppose you see that. but really it is fascinating. and it is significant to you, because it was at that moment.

maybe you need to find a way to mend that argument, some how. maybe about what the argument was in context, or any issues that may of come up because of the actual argument. ? how long ago was that argumnt and what has happened, unrelated since then?
when i was a stoner id see 4:20 and 2:40 constantly and then when i was in love i saw 1:43 constantly. lovely how our brain works