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ha i tend to notice 1134 alot since someone told me it was hell upside down
but it doesnt mean anything, its just mroe stuck in my memory than other numbers.
the divine presence is giving me hidden messages and it's scared.

it's scared.
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No, not in that vein but as a Jew I am very conscious of math. As humankind progresses it learns more and more how everything operates within mathematical parameters, something Jewish teachers found eons ago.

The Mayans were great astronomers, but they were not able to predict the future. If they had, do you not think that their progeny would be doing a little better than picking tomatoes in Oaxaca and points south? If you can predict the future you can side step calamity.

The solstice will come...and than nothing. Just like Y2K you will see a few Survivalists eating spam on mountainsides, and abunch of pundits making stupid jokes and then life will go on as it always has before (In an semi-related note I DO believe 2012 will herald in a very serious economic depression but that has nothing to do with G-D or spirituality).

While numbers define this world, they do not control us, we have Freewill.
^ I am curious, do you practise Gematria on a daily basis?

p.s. Everyone, please let's not make this thread about 2012, because then it would be merged with the one and only 2012 thread :).
I think the effect is called priming. Like someone else said, you see other numbers all the time, but because you're primed for 1111 the perception of it is exaggerated. It's a perception thing.
i do understand what you all mean.. i do single out 11 whenever i see it, then i think.. ok why dont i start singling out 22 or 44 or 55 or 88 yaknow?

but i do think that it has appeared at certain times reminding me to take not eof what im thinking about or help me make a milestone decision.. i have a diary of them,.. pretty amazing coincedences to just pass off..
11:11 is a cool number, its the only time there 4 of the same number on a digi clock..

Its also a cool alkaline trio song..
Numerals 0123456789

Finding a common property throughout, I find it easy to zero in on the zeros, the Os, the circles... spirals. Numerals sharing this property are zero, six, eight, and nine.


23 is the 9th prime number.

9 is the highest numeral.

23rd is the highest hour (11 P.M.), before "24" which is 00:00, and never reads as 24.

The Great Pyramid had 203 courses (steps) as recorded in history. No record of the capstone. Some say it's simply, "zero".
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How do you know the Mayans didn't see the future and realize it was best for humanity as a whole for them to do what they did, thus ending up how they are today?
No, not in that vein but as a Jew I am very conscious of math. As humankind progresses it learns more and more how everything operates within mathematical parameters, something Jewish teachers found eons ago.

The Mayans were great astronomers, but they were not able to predict the future. If they had, do you not think that their progeny would be doing a little better than picking tomatoes in Oaxaca and points south? If you can predict the future you can side step calamity.

The solstice will come...and than nothing. Just like Y2K you will see a few Survivalists eating spam on mountainsides, and abunch of pundits making stupid jokes and then life will go on as it always has before (In an semi-related note I DO believe 2012 will herald in a very serious economic depression but that has nothing to do with G-D or spirituality).

While numbers define this world, they do not control us, we have Freewill.

11:11 and 12:34 are very frequent in my life. 3:15, 3:16, 3:17 are as well. 9:11? Never.

And NEVER ever 6:66. WTF????
Its because its the only time on a clock that has all four of the same digits.

You should make a wish when you see it.:)
when I turned my computer on this morning it was 11:11 ...

and today it rained for the first time in months ...


Its because its the only time on a clock that has all four of the same digits.

You should make a wish when you see it.:)

Are you naturally stupid 8) 22:22 also has all four of the same digits, also 00:00=D=D8):p:p
OP the calendar simply states the end of one great cycle & the start of another(upheavals as well). Also, the cycle starting is a said "golden age" so lets make it a good one. Im pissed how they have a 2012 movie "end of the earth" to spread disinformation.