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Light show tricks and tips.

Rav'ns are expensive bulbs. But they look sick. Look up jujubeez626. In his more recent videos he use rav'ns.
I'm saving up for a pair of full inovas. What are rav'ns btw???

i would recomend getting the new micromax lights for your index-pinky and inovas for thumbs if you are getting ic bulbs (any modified bulb that isnt just one color) as inovas only hav 2 modes for ic bulbs
rav'ns are microlights that used to be made by the company lre(i think thats the company name not sure) they arent made anymore and most ppl would agree that they are the best light, they now go for $50 PER LIGHT if you find a seller

and to nationofthizzlam rav'ns are not bulbs they are a entirely different housing and light microchip
www.orbitlightshow.com has inovas, micromax, and gluvmax housings and 100+ different led bulbs to choose from
you can also use the code : poonednoob for a 5% discount off your total order, and for the month of september: free plur glow in the dark braclet, orbit lanyard and upgrade to priority usps shipping

look up kittieplur on youtube
or ayo? mimik
oh ok. it was explained to me differently. thanks for clearing that up tho.
i would recomend getting the new micromax lights for your index-pinky and inovas for thumbs if you are getting ic bulbs (any modified bulb that isnt just one color) as inovas only hav 2 modes for ic bulbs
rav'ns are microlights that used to be made by the company lre(i think thats the company name not sure) they arent made anymore and most ppl would agree that they are the best light, they now go for $50 PER LIGHT if you find a seller

and to nationofthizzlam rav'ns are not bulbs they are a entirely different housing and light microchip
www.orbitlightshow.com has inovas, micromax, and gluvmax housings and 100+ different led bulbs to choose from
you can also use the code : poonednoob for a 5% discount off your total order, and for the month of september: free plur glow in the dark braclet, orbit lanyard and upgrade to priority usps shipping

look up kittieplur on youtube
or ayo? mimik

Dude thanks man! Good info :).

quick question
what's the difference between 1 mode and 3 more on the micromax lights. on the orbitlightshow site they are offered at the same price. I'm really interested in the dream glove set right now :D
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i have some in the mail right now. :)
Using them in my pinkies. So I can be a bit more fluid.
I prefer closed diffusers, the open ones always seem to fall off inside my gloves :S
I want, a set of strobes.

The smallest possible micro lights, with EASY TO PRESS on/off buttons.
some sort of warranty (especially life time) for the win,

help me find my love pair guys?
VincentOnE; said:
I want, a set of strobes.

The smallest possible micro lights, with EASY TO PRESS on/off buttons.
some sort of warranty (especially life time) for the win,

help me find my love pair guys?

micromax is what you're looking for. Easy on/off they are single mode tho. But I believe that you can have a 3 mode chip.
They're available on orbitlightshow.com and ledkid.com
micromax is what you're looking for. Easy on/off they are single mode tho. But I believe that you can have a 3 mode chip.
They're available on orbitlightshow.com and ledkid.com

I don't mind single mode, as long as I can get strobes.

strobes=best imo.
Just buy the strobe bulbs and the micromax cases. You should be good.
If you want a promo code check out my psot above.:)
:0 shoulda told me! I have a promo code that gets you 5%off!
You can cancel it and then do it over if you want. You should, ya know, help a brotha out ;)
Th code is Thizzlam
You buy a full set?
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Its not a sponsorship, but none of them are Its actually affiliate programs. Just gotta sign up for it. You make up a code and when people use it during check out you make commission.