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RC users: Why do you do it?

DMT & shrooms are the only psychs that matter to me. The rest are just etc. etc.
They're fun! Love 2c-b, it's like a little brother to mescaline.
To me, RCs are just an extension of my list of drugs available to me. Of course I handle them and dose them with more caution than "traditional" psychedelics/psychoactives, but taking an "RC" is not a different activity to me than eating mushrooms or dosing some LSD.

And there is an element of novelty and childish materialism about it. The fact that I can get "new drugs!" and hang out with friends bringing along something they've never heard of is a nice feeling admittedly haha.
DOB pisses over LSD?!? or DMT?!? or Mescaline?!? The list of things that DOB most certainly does not piss over goes on... ;)

Each to their own, I guess :)

In many ways,dob us much much better than LSD or Mescaline but not DMT.That is something special.DOB have everything that lsd and mescaline have and much more.You cant thumbrint dob and you cant say "I used oldschool natural psychedelic" but who needs that?Vasoconstriction?Well,I never had it on dob,but easly on some shitty piperazine pill.
Never had DOB so can't really comment on it. Yet to read of anyone but your good self who has a good word to say about it though. DOM will be my first step into DOx territory. When I find a good time to taste it anyway 8)
Same reason it's great to get an acquired taste for other things like exquisite food.
Every substance has its own set of pro's and cons even though there are enough uninteresting research chemicals.
I don't plan on trying every single one, since some of them are probably just too similar to other ones but if you look at the popular 2C's... there's like at least 8 that seemed at least worth trying once and that turned out to be right. Now I know which ones are my favorite, I will cherish those. And others I just stop repeating trials with. Ultimately I will be able to only keep using those that are really my favorite and I know that because I know what else is out there.
If someone has only had one single love interest I would not be that impressed. How can you truly value something without differentiation? I mean I believe in unconditional bonds but some kind of measure is good to have.

There are research chemicals like 5-MeO-AMT that are - if you ask me and many others - best avoided. I value multiple choice, but some compounds just don't seem worth it.
Information begotten by things like Bluelight is priceless since if you read enough opinions and experiences of others though you will never have any guarantees... you can at least make an educated judgment appropriate for your personal ratio of curiosity to willingness accepting risks.
i switched from loving psychedelics, to loving all drugs, to now loving just narcotics. even weed is too fucking weird for me most of the time. my mind is itself a fucking RC lol
and that makes it superior to LSD , im confused

lsd is better: Thumbprinting ability due to extremly low toxicity,stronger time dilation and ability to make continuousness travell into material things.

dob is better : Longer duration,stronger visuals,pleasant stimulation without nasty effect it usally brings,very nice bodyload and intense body & mind euphoria,tripping... it is more psychedelic,sound enhancement and overall music enjoyment.It have special ability that I call "dob flash",it is 10 seconds to 2 minute long period of intense dissociative psychedelic flash very similar characteristic like nn-dmt.It this state you experience ego-death but this is different ego death that salvia death.On this dob flashes I saw most complex and colorfull CEV in my life... I am trying bigger and bigger lsd doses but it lacks so much psychedelic effect and visuals that dob have.Dob is simply better and it is alot easier to handle it in public areas.Great if you want to trip balls on music event but you fear that it may be too much.If you will trip at those levels on party,you will be un-able to speak on lsd or mushrooms but with dob,you just walk here like nothing is happening with confidence.People will have hardtime telling if you are tripping or not if you hide your super massive black hole saucers,dob gives biggest pupil dilation,more than lsd,meth or mdma.
^ Most favourable report I've yet seen... but I can function publicly just fine on LSD (and to a lesser extent on shrooms... as long as the dose isn't ridiculous) so that's not an issue. Not that I'd care anyway. I've heard so many bad things about it - even from DOx fans - that I'll still be giving it a miss for the foreseeable though ;)

Have fun shambles, I should be getting some soon too. :)

Thanks, Feste. Had my (small) sample for ages but want to try it in a good setting. Been so long I may well just munch a dose and see what happens sometime soon though cos I see no interesting settings on the horizon :\

Enjoy yours too and maybe write a report - I'm hoping to make it the subject of my second TR :)
Never had DOB so can't really comment on it. Yet to read of anyone but your good self who has a good word to say about it though. DOM will be my first step into DOx territory. When I find a good time to taste it anyway 8)

DOM is a fairly awesome psychedelic if your a fan of stimulants.... Its very energetic, i think someone suggested some sort of sedative to easy up the speedy nature of it without getting rid of the head space of it.....

My ony complaints were the 30 or so hours of gurning and the twitchyness....

It has been the only drug to this day to provide me with some sort of open eye synesthesia, i saw bass lines sending shock wave ripples through reality....

I was amused by the bear patten on a teddy gram blanket for about 5 hours in a tent.... I would close my eyes for a while and open them to see the sun shining through the blanket and iluminating these hundreds of bears and i would scream "bears!" in my head and then giggle....

I was just trying to amuse myself until the sun went down though, i stepped outside to a puple and green sky, an orange moon, and far more stars than usual.... It was beautiful....

DOM is a wonderul festival drug..... not something i can see myself doing outside of a party that goes for more than 18 hours....

I dosed at 7mg.... it was a dose i felt comfortable being on for that long....

Do note that this 3 day music festival and my 20 hour DOM trip towards the end left me hearing imaginary EDM for a couple of days.... The auditory hallucinations may or may not have had anything to do with the DOM, i had also been eating molly, 2c-e, mushrooms, and doing a bit of nitrous....
Everyone I know who's had DOM says around 12 hour duration - certainly not even close to 20-30 hours. This is at similar doses that you took and of the strong isomerised version - the one I have. I'm sure YMMV comes into effect though :)

Either way, I will report back when sampled for sure :)
but they fall short of being a staple

About staples; it's funny. I've had profound experiences on certain RC's that are considered "extras" that are around just to have some variation. 2C-I is one of these and 2C-T-2 is on it's way to being considered a staple for me.

LSD for me is great and all but I have a tendency to lump it together in with the RC category. It has it's fair share of body load in me, lots of farting, tension, headaches sometimes from the tension, strung out hangover the next day, etc.

The one I could see myself calling my staple where it would be the one I chose if I was only able to choose one for the rest of my life would be mescaline; it's got it all. :) <3

The fact that it's available from a perpetual plant source is also a plus if the world ever goes to hell in a basket. ;)
Everyone I know who's had DOM says around 12 hour duration - certainly not even close to 20-30 hours. This is at similar doses that you took and of the strong isomerised version - the one I have. I'm sure YMMV comes into effect though :)

Either way, I will report back when sampled for sure :)

Try dob some day... 2.5-3.5mg is the sweetdose with this psychedelic.
Make it music trip... dob is all about music,the visuals,energetic neural exciter with very special audio enhancing abilities.I am psychedelic
audiophile,triping on some nice audio enhancer is important like having quality audiosystem.Trust me,you will have music adventure of your life.
For me, 2C-D rules the sonic psyche world <3

Especially combined with 2C-B ;)

... and MDMA and LSD if you're really going for it... :)

... but if you're really going for it add some AMT in there too :D

Plus ket =D

If DOB ever came my way I'm sure I'd try it despite my reservations. DOx are very rare here so I'm not holding my breath though. Maybe one day :)
For me, DOB is the least of the DOXs that I've tried, among DOB, DOC, DOI, DOM, and DOT. I like DOC and DOM equally... DOM is more strongly psychedelic but DOC produces a truly intense loving state while still being a strong psychedelic.

For me DOM lasts 12-20 hours... not usually 12. It's the shortest DOX I know of, though.
Duration: When does trip become residual stimulation? And when does the afterglow begin? Suspect that may account for at least some of the conflicting duration stuff. Will add my version as and when :)