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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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Good luck. Yeah international mail is so fucked right now, it's absurd. And terrible. I have had not one, but TWO personal letters in a row containing DOB powder (350mg total :() just never show up. It's been at least a year for the first one, and like 4 months for the second one. I have to assume I'll never see them. But no customs letter either so who knows what the fuck happened. Yet I've received plenty of other stuff (had another package disappear with no customs letter too, though). Back before covid, I never once had a package disappear or take a ridiculously long time in all my years of international shipping.
I only got that letter from Border force you saw, 4 weeks after the 50 tab order shipped from Holland, which they stated was 50 grams of 1plsd, it was nether!

When the first order was 100 micropellets, 8 weeks prior. They never even contacted me about that.

I feel they can't be bothered in the each case.
I suspect that mega doses of LSD - especially taken too frequently by people who can't wait 7 days for their tolerance to reset - can leave you with symptoms similar to concussion. Blurred vision, confusion, low-grade headache, tinnitus, memory problems, dizzyness etc. Even if you don't actually trip.

That's a good description. The main similarity is the fear that you might have broken your brain forever. There is a long recovery period with both and the symptoms aren't usually obvious to outside observers with both. I've had a lot of concussions (many major) and periods of heavy psychedelic use. Oddly, 5-meo-mipt caused the worse problems for me. I don't know if this was caused by the drug itself or my liberal use of it compared to other things. I was taking it while using many other things. But it became my weed replacement at one point and we all know where that leads. Basically, if I had nothing important to do that day I'd take moxy to make the day more interesting. At the time most days were lazy days so this ended up happening at least 3 days a week.

After I ended that binge I had a 3 month period of visual symptoms, a mental haze, and an overall feeling that things weren't right. I'd see tracers all day and my vision was so fucked upon waking it would sometimes take minutes before I could see my surroundings. I had migraines often. My dreams were very bizarre. I had bad anxiety that only strong benzos could lessen. I was stuck in a loop of worrying about possible damage which would make all the symptoms worse.

This all reminded me of the recovery after my second major concussion, which was a few months after the first, where I slurred my speech and basically taught myself how to talk again. That period was filled with symptoms like blurred vision with random blacking out of my vision, a mental haze, headaches and head pains, inability to concentrate, forgetting what I was doing or being unable to complete tasks, not understanding the words someone was saying even though I could hear them, and many other things that turn you into a stressed out mess that thinks your brain is broken forever. What do they prescribe you when you're recovering from this? Benzos of course! In my case 1mg of xanax 3 times daily with an extra one at bed time when needed.

Things might be different now. Once some rich guys with the best medical care in the world started killing themselves people cared about concussions. When I was dealing with this the attitude was "walk it off", "sleep it off", and "get back in the game". It wasn't taken as serious. You just sat in a dark room and stared at the wall until things returned to somewhat normal. That's what I did. Sat in a room and watched two alarm clocks circle each other for 3 days. There was only one clock.

On the 4th day I decided to see where I was at. I rode my ATV to the nearest open area and started working my way through the gears with the throttle pegged. By the time I was shifting into third gear my vision started to blur. By the shift into fourth it was starting to become a tunnel and black over. By the 5th gear I couldn't see anything at all. This wasn't a fast ATV. 3rd gear was like 35mph. I braked, putted home in 2nd gear, and went back to the dark room for another month. It was 2 months before I could drive my car. I was still slurring words months later and would end up leaving school because of a total inability to concentrate. No one really cared and I was left to my own devices to learn how to live with it. It was many years until I felt normal.

So far, abuse of drugs hasn't caused long lasting issues like this. All the symptoms of using to much always went away with time. Sometimes it would take 3-6 months but eventually I would return to baseline. I can't say the same about concussions.
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I had some unusual symptoms last night after 33 tabs in 7 days, but 6.5 were ALD, and 4.5 were plugged, those alone would make for very strong trips.

I felt dumb, kind of concussed, couldn't exercise thought very well, and my eyes looked MAD. Saucers, no visible eye colour. I had no muscle control over the contour, like to squint, just blink but a passive raising of my eyelids, slowly too like a garage slide door a bit rusty.

They blazed like portals. I've never seen eyes take that exact shape and appearance in person before, in me or others.

I looked like somebody else, which I never do. I did get a bit spun out concerned of actually losing sonething. Like personality, witt, humour, my very easy natural verbal communication, firm presence in the moment, by look and action.

I didn't have any of that last night, and I suddenly adorned a new appearance. it did spook me out.

I slept a lot. Do feel more normal today.

But I feel, after a certain stage or amount, depending on the person, if I kept pushing it NOW, or had carried on any further without a pause, my mind would become not my own, and I would present to those who know me as a different person.

And I would still be very aware of everything. And see the change myself, as well as see others seeing it too, and be very distressed about it, but unable to do anything.

There is a line to go beyond. My intention since ever, has been to stay just this side of it.
They blazed like portals. I've never seen eyes take that exact shape and appearance in person before, in me or others.

Eyes can be an indication that things are going very wrong in the brain. I once had one pupil dilated while the other was pinned to the point that I could barely see any black in my eye. Then they started to alternate. I thought I was just hallucinating it and asked a sober friend to confirm for me. He was an EMT and advised me to go directly to the ER because something was very wrong. I ignored his advice and in an hour or so my eyes returned to being the same size as each other. I've never had this happen before or since (that I know of). I don't know if this was caused by mixing to many things, taking higher doses of them casually, or just due to past brain damage. One of my major concussions had massive effects on the visual areas of my brain so I might just be an oddball. Or perhaps one eye decided it liked opioids that were in my system 24/7 more than the LSD I was peaking on. Who really knows.

I looked like somebody else, which I never do. I did get a bit spun out concerned of actually losing sonething. Like personality, witt, humour, my very easy natural verbal communication, firm presence in the moment, by look and action. But I feel, after a certain stage or amount, depending on the person, if I kept pushing it NOW, or had carried on any further without a pause, my mind would become not my own, and I would present to those who know me as a different person.

And I would still be very aware of everything. And see the change myself, as well as see others seeing it too, and be very distressed about it, but unable to do anything.

I had a friend that was very experienced with all sorts of chemicals. To give you an idea we often traded 1,000+ doses of things between each other just to add them to our personal collections. He was far more liberal with experimenting than I was. Where I would carefully weigh doses and slowly try different routes he was always the type to look up the average dose, double it, then inject it directly into his arm and let the effects of an intentional overdose (still below the known LD50 or at least known to have not killed someone that posted a trip report). He was the type that would come over unannounced, ask for some of your MXE, mainline it, then stumble to your couch or bed to enjoy a hole for many hours. Sometimes it was annoying but he was such a lovable guy you'd never deny him a request. You knew whenever he came back he was going to make it up to you.

Anyway. One night he showed up with one of the PCP analogs after MXE was banned and became less common. I tried it with him. We were casually taking bumps out of a small bottle for that purpose. I called over another friend and had a second dose. The first was really nice and reminded me of a speedy MXE. The second sent me into dysphoria and after both my guests left I spent hours in bed waiting for it to wear off. During the course of those hours I managed to rub my penis raw with my hand. Never did manage to cum. The next day I had a blister and a bad hang over. I decided 3-meo-pcp or -pce, whatever it was, wasn't for me. My other less experienced friend felt the same way. "Nice at first then it turned horrible" was his description. He really liked MXE (who doesn't?) so that pretty much confirmed it wasn't a good drug in my personal opinion. At least not for me.

My friend that had the bottle of 3-meo-pcp had a bad habit of pushing things to far and not taking breaks between uses. As you've probably guessed he kept taking bumps of the stuff constantly until he got himself into a bad state. I'm not sure what he did, only three people know, but I do know whatever he did really scared the people he was hanging out with that night. They all said he wasn't himself and it was like a demon was inside him. The lights were on but he wasn't home. In his place was something evil. Something that attacked a girl he was in love with but afraid to confess his feelings to. He told me he remembers putting his hands around her throat and attempting to choke her to death. He had to be restrained by the other people that were there. No one present that night will talk about it. I only know what he told me and he wasn't even sure it happened. He just knew when he sobered up a bit everyone was really afraid of him and begged him to flush the rest of the shit.

This is AFTER he spent several hours looking for the vial which he'd dropped on the ground in the parking lot of an apartment complex. He said he searched for it for what seemed like hours only to find it laying where he'd first looked (on the ground next to the driver's side of his car).

He's dead now so who knows what really happened. I just know 3-meo-pcp(or pce) managed to take a very peaceful, fun loving, life of the party, friend of everyone type of dude and turn him into someone that would attempt to kill the girl he had a crush on. As you can imagine this really upset him and I have no doubt this contributed to his death a couple of years later. After this happened he became a very heavy drinker which combined with his past use of opioids and IVing research chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and street quality cocaine/heroin caused his liver to quit at the age of 26. He swelled up like a balloon and was dead within weeks. It was really sad. He'd been off the needle for two years by that point, clean of opioids, and had even quit using most psychedelics, pharmaceuticals, and weed. Yet his past use combined with attempting to replace those chemicals with alcohol ended his life in his mid-20s.

Sorry for rambling. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is even the most experienced can be overwhelmed. My friend was far from a lightweight but a few days of binging 3-meo-pcp changed him into an entirely different person. I am sure this incident lead directly to his death and he would probably still be alive today if he wouldn't have ordered that particular chemical.
Eyes can be an indication that things are going very wrong in the brain. I once had one pupil dilated while the other was pinned to the point that I could barely see any black in my eye. Then they started to alternate. I thought I was just hallucinating it and asked a sober friend to confirm for me. He was an EMT and advised me to go directly to the ER because something was very wrong. I ignored his advice and in an hour or so my eyes returned to being the same size as each other. I've never had this happen before or since (that I know of). I don't know if this was caused by mixing to many things, taking higher doses of them casually, or just due to past brain damage. One of my major concussions had massive effects on the visual areas of my brain so I might just be an oddball. Or perhaps one eye decided it liked opioids that were in my system 24/7 more than the LSD I was peaking on. Who really knows.

I had a friend that was very experienced with all sorts of chemicals. To give you an idea we often traded 1,000+ doses of things between each other just to add them to our personal collections. He was far more liberal with experimenting than I was. Where I would carefully weigh doses and slowly try different routes he was always the type to look up the average dose, double it, then inject it directly into his arm and let the effects of an intentional overdose (still below the known LD50 or at least known to have not killed someone that posted a trip report). He was the type that would come over unannounced, ask for some of your MXE, mainline it, then stumble to your couch or bed to enjoy a hole for many hours. Sometimes it was annoying but he was such a lovable guy you'd never deny him a request. You knew whenever he came back he was going to make it up to you.

Anyway. One night he showed up with one of the PCP analogs after MXE was banned and became less common. I tried it with him. We were casually taking bumps out of a small bottle for that purpose. I called over another friend and had a second dose. The first was really nice and reminded me of a speedy MXE. The second sent me into dysphoria and after both my guests left I spent hours in bed waiting for it to wear off. During the course of those hours I managed to rub my penis raw with my hand. Never did manage to cum. The next day I had a blister and a bad hang over. I decided 3-meo-pcp or -pce, whatever it was, wasn't for me. My other less experienced friend felt the same way. "Nice at first then it turned horrible" was his description. He really liked MXE (who doesn't?) so that pretty much confirmed it wasn't a good drug in my personal opinion. At least not for me.

My friend that had the bottle of 3-meo-pcp had a bad habit of pushing things to far and not taking breaks between uses. As you've probably guessed he kept taking bumps of the stuff constantly until he got himself into a bad state. I'm not sure what he did, only three people know, but I do know whatever he did really scared the people he was hanging out with that night. They all said he wasn't himself and it was like a demon was inside him. The lights were on but he wasn't home. In his place was something evil. Something that attacked a girl he was in love with but afraid to confess his feelings to. He told me he remembers putting his hands around her throat and attempting to choke her to death. He had to be restrained by the other people that were there. No one present that night will talk about it. I only know what he told me and he wasn't even sure it happened. He just knew when he sobered up a bit everyone was really afraid of him and begged him to flush the rest of the shit.

This is AFTER he spent several hours looking for the vial which he'd dropped on the ground in the parking lot of an apartment complex. He said he searched for it for what seemed like hours only to find it laying where he'd first looked (on the ground next to the driver's side of his car).

He's dead now so who knows what really happened. I just know 3-meo-pcp(or pce) managed to take a very peaceful, fun loving, life of the party, friend of everyone type of dude and turn him into someone that would attempt to kill the girl he had a crush on. As you can imagine this really upset him and I have no doubt this contributed to his death a couple of years later. After this happened he became a very heavy drinker which combined with his past use of opioids and IVing research chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and street quality cocaine/heroin caused his liver to quit at the age of 26. He swelled up like a balloon and was dead within weeks. It was really sad. He'd been off the needle for two years by that point, clean of opioids, and had even quit using most psychedelics, pharmaceuticals, and weed. Yet his past use combined with attempting to replace those chemicals with alcohol ended his life in his mid-20s.

Sorry for rambling. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is even the most experienced can be overwhelmed. My friend was far from a lightweight but a few days of binging 3-meo-pcp changed him into an entirely different person. I am sure this incident lead directly to his death and he would probably still be alive today if he wouldn't have ordered that particular chemical.
It's not rambling. Just honest interesting experience.

That PCP analogue is reported for leading quickly to significant psychosis for some.

2012 I tried an insufflated pcp analogue, I forget it's name- MK...something maybe, another name too one word...di...z c? Back of my head.

Ex ketamine addicts were using it, all novel RC's fully legal in UK then.

It was presented to me as very very strong. Tiny lines. Stronger than the original Veterinary ketamine.

It was. Very mind taking. I didn't like it. It was like an intrusion, removal of my own power, witts, personality, ability too.

Not comfortable. Like, I like to enjoy my drugs, get as far out as, but not like a Joker Spray type no self awareness or comfort effect.

Sorry about the tragic path your friend's life took. He just, didn't pay enough consideration to draw that line. It is important.

Take a major bad turn, it's no quick turning back, you are on a whole new track and potentially bad one.

I also believe in soul or person posession. I don't exactly mean permanent.

Drugs can be dangerous there, open up channels.

Now my own perceptions really interested me, as I piped up a short thinktank here, about is there too much acid, and what, when, why, how.

I always have kept my own firm mind about me. It's just turbulent, and rocky at times.

I really believed, I could take more acid than I'd have physical capability for, and always retain my full personality and cognition.

Now, I believe, it just takes a certain very large amount, in whatever relative way, and you could suddenly drastically alter yourself in an irreversible way.

Syd Barrett demonstrated that. No Schizophrenia. Just a staggering amount of LSD. Changed him in enormous ways forever.

Thanks for your thoughts and experience @HeadphonesandLSD glad you worked through so much and can still share your experience to this day.
Urgh. I've been seeing a psychiatrist at an urgent care clinic for a few months now. I went there while starting to become manic and psychotic again and explicitly told them, "I came here to get some antipsychotics so that I can get a full night's sleep." That was the absolute extent of my intention at that point. They gave me a week's worth and asked me to come back at the end, which I took them and did. The episode ended and I felt fine by the end of the week, which I also explicitly told them. The response. "Great, we'll give you a month's prescription now and you can come back at the end of that." Why? I felt fine. "Sometimes we think we're doing fine and then we stop taking our pills and it comes back." Okay, but it was an episode. I've had episodes before. It's not going to simply come back immediately, and if it does, I can take pills for a week again. It also seems to be a mood-related episode, but the doctor doesn't seem to want to discuss anything but antipsychotics specifically. I never took another pill after that but I still went back a month later. "Glad to see you're doing well! Just keep taking your pill. See you in a month." By the way, I went to the office for this meeting but was placed on a Zoom call in a tiny cubicle. This time, literally the night before my appointment, I'm sent a Zoom link and told my appointment is at 9:15. At 9:15 I get on Zoom and get a phone call from the office telling my I have an appointment at 9:30 and that I need to do a prescreening of basic information they already have about me and tell me that they're now switched to Zoom meetings only, and they tried to tell me but obviously it didn't get through because they had my mom's phone number (which they did, and she got every text, none about switching to Zoom meetings only). I get off the phone at around 9:25 and wait on Zoom until around 9:55 wondering if I have the wrong link now since they changed my appointment time at literally the last second, call the office where I'd normally be able to ask what's going on if I was there in person and there's no one at the front desk to answer. Finally, the doctor gets on the Zoom call, which lasts all of about a minute and a half. "Glad to hear you're doing well! Keep taking your pills and we'll see you in a month!" They don't do recurring prescriptions so, if you want to keep getting them, you literally have to play this game. Luckily I'm fine currently and now have three month's worth of prescriptions as backup if I need it, which should hold me over until I can find a doctor who might do more than simply put me on one antipsychotic pill for the entire rest of my life because I had manic delusions for a week.

Antipsychotics work, but don't take them regularly without question just because someone told you to.
Damn sounds like a massive pain indeed.
Here it's pretty tough to get an appointment with one, but the cost is pretty much all covered by insurance. I also have like Ritalin prescriptions for 2 months while I even stopped taking it =D

Definitely avoid the AP as you say, some of them really do work as mood stabilizers which is probably what he was aiming for. When I first started taking Seroquel, it felt like the effects of the drug were willing me into submission, like you zombie through life such that you eventually agree with the doctor. I don't know if I got willed into submission exactly but I am taking 300mg now so maybe I did. Surrendered to the doctors.

I really do wonder if I can squeeze a trip through, maybe if I throw some really heavy hitters at it. 🤞🤞
Lucky, this isn't even remotely the worst US healthcare situation imaginable but we're still paying for the appointments and pills. Another reason to cut it off and go somewhere else with this seeming like it's not really going anywhere. It sure was easy to go there and get the pills in the first place though, which was nice. We oddly had to wait like over an hour to actually get in and see the doctor the first time though despite being literally the only patient in the entire clinic at the time. As I said I was becoming delusional at the time and the whole hour there were voices trying to convince me that it was taking so long because reality was a simulation being run in the afterlife to try to get me to realize that I'm the messiah and I was going off the script by going to get antipsychotics and no one knew how to react sort of like on The Truman Show because antipsychotics aren't a real thing and no one's ever actually been to a psychiatrist to get them before. I told them to shut it and deal with it.

Nice on the Ritalin lol. Definitely a cool one to have built up. I don't think I could probably manage to get that one after I told them that sleep was my biggest problem, heh. They prescribed me with Zyprexa, which I think is probably in part because it seems to be one of the ones more commonly paired with sleep issues, though I don't actually know why they picked it specifically. It's an atypical so it might be better for mood in some ways, but I just still don't currently feel like that's something I need every day, and if I had the chance to discuss it more with them I might want to try something else first if I did. It made me feel pretty zonked for the week that I took it too but again that was mostly the goal for me at the time so that I could sleep, but I did analyze the state a lot as with anything. It was inherently unpleasant but got less so with cannabis mixed in, and that aspect of it usually passed after it really seemed to settle in like with a lot of drugs. It did definitely make it easier for me to think clearly again in a way that would only matter if you really were manic or psychotic in the first place, which was really nice, but by the end of the week it made me feel more drifty, I imagine because I was coming down. It also actually reliably made me hallucinate a little bit, lol. It had a mild deliriant effect that I recognized from past experience that became more obvious when mixed with cannabis. They call scopolamine "the zombie drug" in that sensational documentary, for whatever that's worth. I could easily see it just being a thing to go along with what the doctors say as the pills kick in and seem to be working, I've just always been too paranoid about them.

Theoretically, you should have more receptors after taking antagonists than you did beforehand, even if some of them are taken up by said antagonists. Considering the wide range of dosages psychedelics can be taken in, I'd have to imagine that at some point, it's eventually going to overpower the antipsychotic enough to do something. I'm also uncertain of what impact just not taking your antipsychotic for that day has now that I think about it, I'm more familiar with the impact of things like SSRIs....
Ah yes I took Zyprexa 10mg for a week as well. Terrible!! Absolutely hated it, zombie mode for a week, accomplished nothing and walked around pissed at everything. Zyprexa is also notorious for insane weight gain. I like Seroquel much better, and I've kind of learnt to enjoy the autopilot zonked mode I get in after taking it. I like Seroquel overall, I'm in control and stable, and experience zero "side effects". But it took a while to convince me =D

Theoretically, you should have more receptors after taking antagonists than you did beforehand, even if some of them are taken up by said antagonists. Considering the wide range of dosages psychedelics can be taken in, I'd have to imagine that at some point, it's eventually going to overpower the antipsychotic enough to do something. I'm also uncertain of what impact just not taking your antipsychotic for that day has now that I think about it, I'm more familiar with the impact of things like SSRIs....
Interesting.. Yes I am indeed counting on being able to overpower :devilish: it won't be because of a lack of drugs and trying, that's for sure.

If you don't think you need it, I wouldn't take it everyday at all, as you said yourself. These atypical APs do work as mood stabilizers at certain dosages and as your body gets used to them the "effects" get much less noticeable, which is mainly a good thing but I'm suspicious as to how to it affects things that I don't notice anymore, mainly behaviorally.
And yeah I have loads of Ritalin IR prescriptions, but I dread taking it. Doesn't last too long, the crash is pretty bad, and I need 20mg for it to have an effect on focus etc.. but it also makes me physically tired at that dose. I tried 20mg extended release pills for a while, which was a bit better. Now I'm on Strattera whose effects are great, but it makes my stuttering 10x worse and I'm getting a little acne again which I'm quite certain is from the Strattera.
So starting tomorrow I'll be on a combo of lower dose Strattera and Ritalin. I'm pretty sure I'll have to get off Strattera at some point and go full Ritalin/Concerta again. I believe I've got no chance at dexamphetamine with my history, a shame!
Ah yes I took Zyprexa 10mg for a week as well. Terrible!! Absolutely hated it, zombie mode for a week, accomplished nothing and walked around pissed at everything. Zyprexa is also notorious for insane weight gain. I like Seroquel much better, and I've kind of learnt to enjoy the autopilot zonked mode I get in after taking it. I like Seroquel overall, I'm in control and stable, and experience zero "side effects". But it took a while to convince me =D

I wonder if the anticholinergic effects might make more of a difference than I thought. The affinity of olanzapine for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors compared to its serotonergic and dopaminergic activities is actually relatively high, quetiapine's are a bit lower still. I only took 5 mg though, which might be why my opinion is less completely negative. They asked me today if I was gaining any weight too, heh. That could actually be an anticholinergic thing too, which might support Zyprexa being particularly active in that way; chronically blocking the M3 receptor (which is notably the least potent muscarinic hit for Seroquel) alters insulin regulation and has been associated with an increased risk for diabetes. Deliriant effects are actually pretty easy to spot if you know what to look for from higher dosages and they're probably about the least fun of all drug effects, even though the hallucinations can be powerful enough to still be interesting, and you can notice those at really low levels too, though you might not think of them as "deliriant effects" if you hadn't tried to use deliriants at a recreational level; it's easy to assume that it's something like that you're so tired that you've become a little delirious as you slip in and out of sleep, but in reality, it's the sanity starting to melt out of your brain. When I'm at that level adding in cannabis usually adds some light geometries and strange thought patterns too, I even had it happen from one pill of cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril). The running trend between these drugs besides the hallucinations is that they're all uniquely dysphoric for me; back in the day on diphenhydramine (which I took up to 1000 mg) it was always "Oh yeah, why did I do this to myself again?" and now it's "Oh fuck, it's this again."

Interesting.. Yes I am indeed counting on being able to overpower :devilish: it won't be because of a lack of drugs and trying, that's for sure.

If you don't think you need it, I wouldn't take it everyday at all, as you said yourself. These atypical APs do work as mood stabilizers at certain dosages and as your body gets used to them the "effects" get much less noticeable, which is mainly a good thing but I'm suspicious as to how to it affects things that I don't notice anymore, mainly behaviorally.

Yeah, that's what I would be worried about. Deliriant effects also gain tolerance but that doesn't mean they're good for you, as they seem to be generally associated with an increased risk of dementia later in life. Antipsychotics are definitely going to alter your behavior a lot, but, that's also the point, so it's kind of hard to differentiate. I do think it's pretty much a question of whether you clearly need it to function enough for the risk to be worth it, I wouldn't do it for less than that.

And yeah I have loads of Ritalin IR prescriptions, but I dread taking it. Doesn't last too long, the crash is pretty bad, and I need 20mg for it to have an effect on focus etc.. but it also makes me physically tired at that dose. I tried 20mg extended release pills for a while, which was a bit better. Now I'm on Strattera whose effects are great, but it makes my stuttering 10x worse and I'm getting a little acne again which I'm quite certain is from the Strattera.
So starting tomorrow I'll be on a combo of lower dose Strattera and Ritalin. I'm pretty sure I'll have to get off Strattera at some point and go full Ritalin/Concerta again. I believe I've got no chance at dexamphetamine with my history, a shame!

It wasn't that amazing for me but I was never a huge fan of stimulants ironically despite really liking stimulation. Concerta is nice, I used it to try to stay awake for several days once, this one guy who had a prescription told me to just ask for more whenever I got tired lol. I got bored and didn't make it that far, but I took mushrooms on the second day.

Lucky. I almost had a huge bag of Strattera from a closed pharmacy given to me for free by someone who didn't even drugs but knew I did, but I think my eagerness scared them out of it lol. It has some hallucinogenic effects occasionally reported in higher dosages that I wanted to try exploring for myself. It never sounded that amazing in that way, though. I've heard good things about using it for focus before. That sucks about the side effects though.

Good luck on the dexamphetamine lol. You never know what the doctors might be thinking. Honestly, if anyone came into my hypothetical clinic and told me they were pretty much any kind of drug user other than one who had already been addicted to amphetamines in the past, I'd probably think they had a better chance of managing the prescription properly than someone who'd never gotten high before would.
I wonder if the anticholinergic effects might make more of a difference than I thought. The affinity of olanzapine for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors compared to its serotonergic and dopaminergic activities is actually relatively high, quetiapine's are a bit lower still. I only took 5 mg though, which might be why my opinion is less completely negative. They asked me today if I was gaining any weight too, heh. That could actually be an anticholinergic thing too, which might support Zyprexa being particularly active in that way; chronically blocking the M3 receptor (which is notably the least potent muscarinic hit for Seroquel) alters insulin regulation and has been associated with an increased risk for diabetes. Deliriant effects are actually pretty easy to spot if you know what to look for from higher dosages and they're probably about the least fun of all drug effects, even though the hallucinations can be powerful enough to still be interesting, and you can notice those at really low levels too, though you might not think of them as "deliriant effects" if you hadn't tried to use deliriants at a recreational level; it's easy to assume that it's something like that you're so tired that you've become a little delirious as you slip in and out of sleep, but in reality, it's the sanity starting to melt out of your brain. When I'm at that level adding in cannabis usually adds some light geometries and strange thought patterns too, I even had it happen from one pill of cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril). The running trend between these drugs besides the hallucinations is that they're all uniquely dysphoric for me; back in the day on diphenhydramine (which I took up to 1000 mg) it was always "Oh yeah, why did I do this to myself again?" and now it's "Oh fuck, it's this again."

Yeah, that's what I would be worried about. Deliriant effects also gain tolerance but that doesn't mean they're good for you, as they seem to be generally associated with an increased risk of dementia later in life. Antipsychotics are definitely going to alter your behavior a lot, but, that's also the point, so it's kind of hard to differentiate. I do think it's pretty much a question of whether you clearly need it to function enough for the risk to be worth it, I wouldn't do it for less than that.

It wasn't that amazing for me but I was never a huge fan of stimulants ironically despite really liking stimulation. Concerta is nice, I used it to try to stay awake for several days once, this one guy who had a prescription told me to just ask for more whenever I got tired lol. I got bored and didn't make it that far, but I took mushrooms on the second day.

Lucky. I almost had a huge bag of Strattera from a closed pharmacy given to me for free by someone who didn't even drugs but knew I did, but I think my eagerness scared them out of it lol. It has some hallucinogenic effects occasionally reported in higher dosages that I wanted to try exploring for myself. It never sounded that amazing in that way, though. I've heard good things about using it for focus before. That sucks about the side effects though.

Good luck on the dexamphetamine lol. You never know what the doctors might be thinking. Honestly, if anyone came into my hypothetical clinic and told me they were pretty much any kind of drug user other than one who had already been addicted to amphetamines in the past, I'd probably think they had a better chance of managing the prescription properly than someone who'd never gotten high before would.
So does methylphenidate. Taking high doses of methylphenidate will have you talking to ghosts and only on day 2, not even a normal psychosis or anything like amphetamine.
Eyes can be an indication that things are going very wrong in the brain. I once had one pupil dilated while the other was pinned to the point that I could barely see any black in my eye. Then they started to alternate. I thought I was just hallucinating it and asked a sober friend to confirm for me. He was an EMT and advised me to go directly to the ER because something was very wrong. I ignored his advice and in an hour or so my eyes returned to being the same size as each other. I've never had this happen before or since (that I know of). I don't know if this was caused by mixing to many things, taking higher doses of them casually, or just due to past brain damage. One of my major concussions had massive effects on the visual areas of my brain so I might just be an oddball. Or perhaps one eye decided it liked opioids that were in my system 24/7 more than the LSD I was peaking on. Who really knows.

I had a friend that was very experienced with all sorts of chemicals. To give you an idea we often traded 1,000+ doses of things between each other just to add them to our personal collections. He was far more liberal with experimenting than I was. Where I would carefully weigh doses and slowly try different routes he was always the type to look up the average dose, double it, then inject it directly into his arm and let the effects of an intentional overdose (still below the known LD50 or at least known to have not killed someone that posted a trip report). He was the type that would come over unannounced, ask for some of your MXE, mainline it, then stumble to your couch or bed to enjoy a hole for many hours. Sometimes it was annoying but he was such a lovable guy you'd never deny him a request. You knew whenever he came back he was going to make it up to you.

Anyway. One night he showed up with one of the PCP analogs after MXE was banned and became less common. I tried it with him. We were casually taking bumps out of a small bottle for that purpose. I called over another friend and had a second dose. The first was really nice and reminded me of a speedy MXE. The second sent me into dysphoria and after both my guests left I spent hours in bed waiting for it to wear off. During the course of those hours I managed to rub my penis raw with my hand. Never did manage to cum. The next day I had a blister and a bad hang over. I decided 3-meo-pcp or -pce, whatever it was, wasn't for me. My other less experienced friend felt the same way. "Nice at first then it turned horrible" was his description. He really liked MXE (who doesn't?) so that pretty much confirmed it wasn't a good drug in my personal opinion. At least not for me.

My friend that had the bottle of 3-meo-pcp had a bad habit of pushing things to far and not taking breaks between uses. As you've probably guessed he kept taking bumps of the stuff constantly until he got himself into a bad state. I'm not sure what he did, only three people know, but I do know whatever he did really scared the people he was hanging out with that night. They all said he wasn't himself and it was like a demon was inside him. The lights were on but he wasn't home. In his place was something evil. Something that attacked a girl he was in love with but afraid to confess his feelings to. He told me he remembers putting his hands around her throat and attempting to choke her to death. He had to be restrained by the other people that were there. No one present that night will talk about it. I only know what he told me and he wasn't even sure it happened. He just knew when he sobered up a bit everyone was really afraid of him and begged him to flush the rest of the shit.

This is AFTER he spent several hours looking for the vial which he'd dropped on the ground in the parking lot of an apartment complex. He said he searched for it for what seemed like hours only to find it laying where he'd first looked (on the ground next to the driver's side of his car).

He's dead now so who knows what really happened. I just know 3-meo-pcp(or pce) managed to take a very peaceful, fun loving, life of the party, friend of everyone type of dude and turn him into someone that would attempt to kill the girl he had a crush on. As you can imagine this really upset him and I have no doubt this contributed to his death a couple of years later. After this happened he became a very heavy drinker which combined with his past use of opioids and IVing research chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and street quality cocaine/heroin caused his liver to quit at the age of 26. He swelled up like a balloon and was dead within weeks. It was really sad. He'd been off the needle for two years by that point, clean of opioids, and had even quit using most psychedelics, pharmaceuticals, and weed. Yet his past use combined with attempting to replace those chemicals with alcohol ended his life in his mid-20s.

Sorry for rambling. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is even the most experienced can be overwhelmed. My friend was far from a lightweight but a few days of binging 3-meo-pcp changed him into an entirely different person. I am sure this incident lead directly to his death and he would probably still be alive today if he wouldn't have ordered that particular chemical.
See it's stories like this that put me off trying any of those and I'm sort of glad mine got stolen. I am still pretty unstable and I don't know 3-ho-pcp would have brought me the sense of clarity I was looking for. Maybe 3-cl-pcp would be safer ? Seems so.
Yeah, that's what I would be worried about. Deliriant effects also gain tolerance but that doesn't mean they're good for you, as they seem to be generally associated with an increased risk of dementia later in life. Antipsychotics are definitely going to alter your behavior a lot, but, that's also the point, so it's kind of hard to differentiate. I do think it's pretty much a question of whether you clearly need it to function enough for the risk to be worth it, I wouldn't do it for less than that.
I see it as giving me a couple years where I can get my life in order, start making money and do things, and then I can still reevaluate things in a couple years. I'm definitely aware of the potentially very severe negative effects when taken over very long periods of time. That's mainly why I was so apprehensive of taking it. I have no exit plans or anything but a lot can change in 5 years.

It wasn't that amazing for me but I was never a huge fan of stimulants ironically despite really liking stimulation. Concerta is nice, I used it to try to stay awake for several days once, this one guy who had a prescription told me to just ask for more whenever I got tired lol. I got bored and didn't make it that far, but I took mushrooms on the second day.

Lucky. I almost had a huge bag of Strattera from a closed pharmacy given to me for free by someone who didn't even drugs but knew I did, but I think my eagerness scared them out of it lol. It has some hallucinogenic effects occasionally reported in higher dosages that I wanted to try exploring for myself. It never sounded that amazing in that way, though. I've heard good things about using it for focus before. That sucks about the side effects though.

Good luck on the dexamphetamine lol. You never know what the doctors might be thinking. Honestly, if anyone came into my hypothetical clinic and told me they were pretty much any kind of drug user other than one who had already been addicted to amphetamines in the past, I'd probably think they had a better chance of managing the prescription properly than someone who'd never gotten high before would.
Yeah I would try to find out the Strattera effects but it is very expensive, it would be one of my most expensive trips to date. It is a fantastic medication though, killing the hyperactivity is a major one and since it's so transparent in feel, I feel quite normal for once. LOL at the huge back of Strattera though, what a shame =D
There is no way I'll be able to get dexamphetamine prescribed, it would be a terrible idea since all of the last times I took an amphetamine I went manic instantly. And my file mentions addiction to amps. Amphetamines are much more effective for ADHD though, it's a world of difference.
I wonder if the anticholinergic effects might make more of a difference than I thought. The affinity of olanzapine for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors compared to its serotonergic and dopaminergic activities is actually relatively high, quetiapine's are a bit lower still. I only took 5 mg though, which might be why my opinion is less completely negative. They asked me today if I was gaining any weight too, heh. That could actually be an anticholinergic thing too, which might support Zyprexa being particularly active in that way; chronically blocking the M3 receptor (which is notably the least potent muscarinic hit for Seroquel) alters insulin regulation and has been associated with an increased risk for diabetes. Deliriant effects are actually pretty easy to spot if you know what to look for from higher dosages and they're probably about the least fun of all drug effects, even though the hallucinations can be powerful enough to still be interesting, and you can notice those at really low levels too, though you might not think of them as "deliriant effects" if you hadn't tried to use deliriants at a recreational level; it's easy to assume that it's something like that you're so tired that you've become a little delirious as you slip in and out of sleep, but in reality, it's the sanity starting to melt out of your brain. When I'm at that level adding in cannabis usually adds some light geometries and strange thought patterns too, I even had it happen from one pill of cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril). The running trend between these drugs besides the hallucinations is that they're all uniquely dysphoric for me; back in the day on diphenhydramine (which I took up to 1000 mg) it was always "Oh yeah, why did I do this to myself again?" and now it's "Oh fuck, it's this again."
Interesting, hadn't even looked up anything on receptor affinities.

Glad to have you around these parts again Kaleida, thoughtful and clever as always!
I've been feeling easily agitated and more or less in a bad mood for a while now. I can't seem to shake it. Everything feels annoying. It has a whole lot to do with still being addicted to kratom, needing to dose 4 times a day. It picked up when my girlfriend had her most recent downswing and II am feeling annoyed at her a lot more than I ever have. I can't tell if it's just because of drugs or not though. I am pretty sick of her being excessively negative about things. I really need to get past this shit.
^ I can totally relate Xorkoth, I have been getting more and more annoyed and cranky the older I get. I would like to blame kratom but my cranky older neighbor never heard of kratom. :) I think it adds to it but I have also had great days on kratom too. But for sure I am concerned as I really can not take getting more annoyed than I have been getting. Life has turned into a drag.

Looking at issues with our signifigant other, the world, our friends for sure get tiring. Work gets tiring. The same nonsense day after day. I totally get it. One day I am married, the next I don't want that. My job use to be a haven of escape but my company having been bought by a greedy financial institution got rid of about 80% people that helped grow the company over the years to outsource to India. Paying them like $1.00 an hour. Now we have cients leaving because the India teams had no training and do not understand English. It is a friggin mess. We grew the company and this institution is destroying it as they pat themselves on the back. But the upper management can stuff their pockets as the TItanic sinks. The ony good thing is there are so many clients it will take years to sink. But it is heartbreaking to watch the nonsense. Yet when I speak to others a lot of people say their company is the same. These companies are great as start ups but once they grow and sell it gets crappier. I try and do my best by being kind to everyone and that helps me make it through my day.

Music use to be an outlet. (I bet we know some of the same peope as I have a lot of friends that play festivals) Our mandolin player died of a rare brain tumor this pastSummer and the other guitar player has too big of an ego so we have not been playing. So yeah, no releaf. I think we have to count our blessings. I really hope this is not the trend as we get older but a I look at my parents they are cranky and bickering too, although my father loves science youtube video's so he keeps his 88 year old mind sharp.

But are we destined to be cranky and hiss at people? God being younger was so much easier. I wish I could pinpoint it to one or two things but I think it is a lot of things.
^ I can totally relate Xorkoth, I have been getting more and more annoyed and cranky the older I get. I would like to blame kratom but my cranky older neighbor never heard of kratom. :) I think it adds to it but I have also had great days on kratom too. But for sure I am concerned as I really can not take getting more annoyed than I have been getting. Life has turned into a drag.

Looking at issues with our signifigant other, the world, our friends for sure get tiring. Work gets tiring. The same nonsense day after day. I totally get it. One day I am married, the next I don't want that. My job use to be a haven of escape but my company having been bought by a greedy financial institution got rid of about 80% people that helped grow the company over the years to outsource to India. Paying them like $1.00 an hour. Now we have cients leaving because the India teams had no training and do not understand English. It is a friggin mess. We grew the company and this institution is destroying it as they pat themselves on the back. But the upper management can stuff their pockets as the TItanic sinks. The ony good thing is there are so many clients it will take years to sink. But it is heartbreaking to watch the nonsense. Yet when I speak to others a lot of people say their company is the same. These companies are great as start ups but once they grow and sell it gets crappier. I try and do my best by being kind to everyone and that helps me make it through my day.

Music use to be an outlet. (I bet we know some of the same peope as I have a lot of friends that play festivals) Our mandolin player died of a rare brain tumor this pastSummer and the other guitar player has too big of an ego so we have not been playing. So yeah, no releaf. I think we have to count our blessings. I really hope this is not the trend as we get older but a I look at my parents they are cranky and bickering too, although my father loves science youtube video's so he keeps his 88 year old mind sharp.

But are we destined to be cranky and hiss at people? God being younger was so much easier. I wish I could pinpoint it to one or two things but I think it is a lot of things.
Music is still very much an outlet to me. Maybe the only one at times. Musicians with soul, timeless. Tosh especially but he wasn't exactly higher than Bob Marley, just his own and an amazing man.

Music continues to save my soul. It will never be old for me.
No ket here, sadly. But 600 mics and a lot of cannabis is preoccupying enough.

I would never say no to ketamine thiugh.
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