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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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Yeah they're really pointless. Imo it doesn't add anything to drinking anything, and apparently it's not the best for teeth and general mouth hygiene either, although the difference with normal drinking likely is pretty negligible.
First time, really? Wow
Let's just say I don't get out much these days. I've moved out of the city some time ago and now live in a very rural middle of nowhere. In the "big city" (such as it is) now visiting my boy who's in the hospital so stopped for some McD's.
Shrooms are starting to grow now but not in the spots close to me yet though i hope they do i dont have alot of free time to be walking around the entire city in woodchipped gardens trying to find them.
Recently I friend of mine messed up with a straw in the most awfully hilarious way.
He was at a gas station and got some sort of slushy type drink. He put one end of the straw in his mouth and tried to push it in through the top of the lid (as you do...)
Somehow he pushed the straw up into the roof of his mouth, and it took a big curly strip of mouth skin with it, leaving a flesh pigtail dangling in the roof of his mouth and instantly filling his mouth with blood. By the time he ran out of the gas station his mouth was overflowing....
I’m always telling everyone, it will be 5G delivered A.I. LSD.....or that compound the Joker used in the Batman movie, depending on your “reward” at that point.
If Neuralink or a similar technology takes off - sorry, not if, but when, IMO, we all have some kind of neural lace implanted from an early age - then altered states may well be induced via software, rather than chemicals. The future will be strange indeed.
It's so hard to imagine what that would be like, to have our brains augmented by computers. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to keep my mind alteration drug-based. Perhaps one day I'll regale the youngins with stories about how "back in my day, we had to do math on paper, and it took time to think things through". And they'll be like oh grandpa, you and your silly stories.

We had band practice today with a new bass player, he's a guy who plays in some other projects in town. I knew he was good but I didn't quite realize just how good. He did substantially better on first run throughs of our songs, where we didn't even talk about it or tell him a single thing beforehand, and he'd never heard them before, than the other guy we're playing with has done after 4 practices and at-home practice. Plus he's really cool and nice. He's in a bunch of other projects though, so I doubt he can be our dedicated bass player. But a guy can dream. We started the evening by breaking into a spontaneous funk jam that was so good, and different from how we usually play together. All night he was picking the same notes and runs as our old bass player played. And even the most complex, arranged song we have, that has a long and complex middle part that is basically written out note by note, we only had to tell him once and run it a few times and he had it.

Maybe it will work out. We really need to find a dedicated bass player. Right now we have two guys who are both busy with other projects too, who say they can play some shows with us but we should be looking for a permanent bass player. It sucks, 2019 was an epic year for the band, we were on the road a lot, played a ton of shows all over multiple states, got some momentum going. 2020 was supposed to be the year we broke out into a wider audience. Instead, covid happened, and our bass player, who is like a little brother to me in that short year since he moved here to rejoin the band, basically had a breakdown and left. Now we have to replace him, and it's hard, especially since he is a unique and amazing musician. The band was complete, we were a 4-piece family. It fucking sucks that he left. :( And apparently, though I have not seen it, since I don't use social media anymore, he is posting on Facebook about how everyone here is fake and toxic and enabled him, when we did everything we could to help him and loved and supported him always. I mean I dunno, it's secondhand, I have been texting with him and he seems cool with me, but I suppose he's not ready to actually address his issues and he needs a scapegoat. He's living with his parents so now instead of feeling bad about himself for being too anxious to go work and make rent and feed himself, his parents let him stay at home and make music and not support himself. Apparently he's still tripping a bunch and doing ketamine but he has a lot less anxiety since he is being supported.

Whoa that turned into a lot more stuff than I intended on writing, lol. I doubt he'll read this but if you do, brother I love you and care about you and it just hurts, I've got nothing but love for you always. ♥️ My intent is not to hurt your feelings.
feeling better about lab stuff now. My supervisor is acutally pretty cool. Man these phd students joking about why they are feeling happy and positive due to all the drugs lol. Not sure if they were been serious and acutally do drugs or not.
If Neuralink or a similar technology takes off - sorry, not if, but when, IMO, we all have some kind of neural lace implanted from an early age - then altered states may well be induced via software, rather than chemicals. The future will be strange indeed.
My mum emailed me a fittingly timely link today:

I won’t actually be going near this app for the meantime though. Day 6 no LSD today, I’ll be surprised not to make a full week this time, ideally to stretch that into 2 months.

So this app doesn’t appeal to me atm but who knows in time. I wonder if smaller acid doses could be augmented by using the app though.
smoked some hella weed. Man almost found some shrooms at 1:30 am lol walking around baked as fuck they were almost Identical but soon as i touched the stem it broke meaning its a imposter. The psilo subs we get here are gold tops wood lover they look fucking cool as. Usually the body load is insane on them though and wood lovers paralysis can happen. Im going to check tomorrow night while stonned aswell and maybe rail a quarter line of mdma if the night leads to that bad decision. I feel like i have def gaining more control of cannabis with the more often i smoke. But still heavy psychedelic effects. If only i had some ket right now would be so chill.

My mum emailed me a fittingly timely link today:

I won’t actually be going near this app for the meantime though. Day 6 no LSD today, I’ll be surprised not to make a full week this time, ideally to stretch that into 2 months.

So this app doesn’t appeal to me atm but who knows in time. I wonder if smaller acid doses could be augmented by using the app though.
These have been around for a long time. I remember fucking with one for DOS in the 90s. I wanted to believe it made me feel a little funny but it was almost certainly placebo.
smoked some hella weed. Man almost found some shrooms at 1:30 am lol walking around baked as fuck they were almost Identical but soon as i touched the stem it broke meaning its a imposter. The psilo subs we get here are gold tops wood lover they look fucking cool as. Usually the body load is insane on them though and wood lovers paralysis can happen. Im going to check tomorrow night while stonned aswell and maybe rail a quarter line of mdma if the night leads to that bad decision. I feel like i have def gaining more control of cannabis with the more often i smoke. But still heavy psychedelic effects. If only i had some ket right now would be so chill.

We just get Liberty Caps and Fly Agaric on these shores as far as I’ve ever known.

I would encourage all wild shrooms be cooked, not eaten raw, the creatures which dwell in them and the parasites.

And exactly that, with regular cannabis use it becomes a walk in the park.

Kava is kind of like Ketamine in various ways when thrown on top of cannabis or LSD.
If Neuralink or a similar technology takes off - sorry, not if, but when, IMO, we all have some kind of neural lace implanted from an early age - then altered states may well be induced via software, rather than chemicals. The future will be strange indeed.

Jeffery Martin, writer of The Finders, has already managed to kick people into "enlightenment" or Fundamental Wellbeing, as he calls it, by using specific ultrasound frequencies on certain areas of the brain. As soon as the ultrasound starts, bam, instant and total peace.

Oh man guys am I floating on a cloud now since she came back in my life. I am dead set on doing the right thing she is more than worth it. Everytime I see her send me a Text my heart flutters, lol. Can't wait until I can get my hands on her and clothes off, she is the best love I ever had in in my life by leaps and bounds. Like no other woman comes remotely close to her, im gonna be a good boy and not pursue things with the Model I dont have feelings for her like do my kitten, she is it. I never met anyone that can make me feel half as euphoric, when she walks about I cant help but just stare at her thirsty as fuck. Her body is so voluptous, purpotions out of this Dimension.
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