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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Whats a fireball charlesss?


Super delicious alcohol that's pretty cheap.
Damn, smoking those 200 wraps of cocaine paste(cocaine sufalte with shit loads of impurities) hits hard but In a dif way of crack. It's hard to describe, the feeling Is like a.light crack and snorting coke but it tastes kinda sweet AND smells like Burnt plástic/Burnt tires.
It felt crazy smoking cocaine paste with a Fking beretta on the table AND a huge Shank. AND Fking bullets also. My so called friend is a lunatic whos been to jail so i dont fk around with him when we are on a bender.
God, if i didn't checl the ampoule i was gonna shoot up Fking EPINEPHRINE....and this isn't the first but Time this happens
He once gave me 5 ampoules. I was gonna have a super bad reaction in s McDonald's batjroom from that...
I was gonna have a Fking heartattsck if i didn't check what i had cope....Jesús Fking stupid ass dealers grrr 5mg EPINEPHRINE shot was srsly gonna fk me up ok rant over, 100mg diazepam Is kicking in along with my lyrica. Time to enter nodland. :)
Took a shot of Fireball and bought a 12-pack of Beer. Gonna aim to drink half cuz I'm already on Phenibut and that makes you extra drunk. Very Euphoric combo but it's pretty dangerous from what I read. Tell you what I feel wonderful just from that shooter, will crack my first Beer soon as I get back and start cooking dinner.
Charlie, u arent shooting up heroin anymore. Areu scared of the fentadope? U takinh a break from. IV or Ur beings are fked up? Just curious
Charlie, u arent shooting up heroin anymore. Areu scared of the fentadope? U takinh a break from. IV or Ur beings are fked up? Just curious

No I haven't done any FentaDope or Crack in about 2 weeks now and I'm trying to keep it that way. Just plan on using Psychedelics primarily for the most part and Phenibut, Cannabis and Alcohol. The last week I was getting high went pretty bad I woke up on the floor few hours after the last bags not knowing what happened. The Dope is either no good or you blackout most of the time it's a waste of money. It's not even Euphoric for the most part and quality is going downhill even further.

I'm getting low on Bupe and need to start tapering and using on the side is just gonna make that process worse. So as of now I'm trying to do things a little differently, take psychedelics every 4 or 5 days and work on loving myself more. Have some 4-AcO-DMT, Psilocybin Mushrooms and 2C-E to play around with over the next month or two so I can get myself in order spiritually.
No I haven't done any FentaDope or Crack in about 2 weeks now and I'm trying to keep it that way. Just plan on using Psychedelics primarily for the most part and Phenibut, Cannabis and Alcohol. The last week I was getting high went pretty bad I woke up on the floor few hours after the last bags not knowing what happened. The Dope is either no good or you blackout most of the time it's a waste of money. It's not even Euphoric for the most part and quality is going downhill even further.

I'm getting low on Bupe and need to start tapering and using on the side is just gonna make that process worse. So as of now I'm trying to do things a little differently, take psychedelics every 4 or 5 days and work on loving myself more. Have some 4-AcO-DMT, Psilocybin Mushrooms and 2C-E to play around with over the next month or two so I can get myself in order spiritually.
mannn. i hope you could have access to the ampoules of pure morphine i get. you would bang em up like there's no tomorrow. PURE morphine is a the top of the pyramid of good drugs along with good crack. Lovely rush, good legs and superduper mega euphoria. adn the best part, clean fucking liquid that doesn't harm your veins. ok i'm rambling im high as fuck on lyrica, 100mg diazepam that has me super relaxed and 60mg morphine IV. :D
600mg gabapentin
300mg lyrica
60mg morphine Intravenously
a pack of marlboro reds
and fucking blissful clean high
all pharma grade, espectacular high
GOOD FUCKING SATURDAY TO YALL AGAIN, bout to meet the girl im fucking atm
LOVE, Nico.
Took a shot of Fireball and bought a 12-pack of Beer. Gonna aim to drink half cuz I'm already on Phenibut and that makes you extra drunk. Very Euphoric combo but it's pretty dangerous from what I read. Tell you what I feel wonderful just from that shooter, will crack my first Beer soon as I get back and start cooking dinner.

In my experience, phenibut and alcohol doesn't make you a lot more drunk, but they potentiate each other in terms of removing inhibitions and being social. But some people find that alcohol is a lot stronger on phenibut so definitely be careful if you don't already know how you react to the combo.

I was gonna have a Fking heartattsck if i didn't check what i had cope....Jesús Fking stupid ass dealers grrr 5mg EPINEPHRINE shot was srsly gonna fk me up ok rant over, 100mg diazepam Is kicking in along with my lyrica. Time to enter nodland. :)

Damn man, I'm glad you checked. Be careful.
Still awake... added a few more doses of this mediocre amphetamine, i think my dopamine is probably a bit burned out today by now. Would have eaten some tyrosine if I had it but I made do with DLPA...

Took 2mg etizolam, drank 3 (very small) beers in the end, like 330ml x 3, so just like a pint and a half for you yankees and civilised Europeans who like to drink out of teensy tiny bottles as an appetizer or some shit... instead of a proper pint.. lol, or maybe that's just the Europeans.. and even then only a small subset of "cultured" ones. Americans - your beer is weak and flavourless. Haha, I'm just kidding of course, much love to all of you all over the globe. America is one of my favourite nations in a theoretical sense despite some teensy issues of recent that I won't get into and those European countries who are all into teensy tiny bottles are nice places otherwise.. urgh, small portions of stuff somehow bothers me. :LOL: Espressos should be filled up properly what's with that teensy tiny cup. And that overpriced Spanish nonsense of "tapas"... I mean just eat a meal or don't. Don't prepare 4 slices of wafer thin ham on a plate and call it a meal. Why am I saying this? Oh yeah. Tiny beer cans, pet peeve.

I better go to bed because I'm obviously getting all sloppy and belligerent. Got a solid amount of development work done today, trying to wrap up a project that will save everyone in my company a bunch of money and time... I'm way overdue doing it because, well, I guess I'm lazy, also my brain suffers a motivational deficit that requires some stimulant or other to function. It's a god damn disability, I should get some kind of compensation for that. LOL. Nah or maybe not I dunno. Universal Basic Income for the win, GTFO all you armchair economists ready to shit all over my bonfire of hope for a bright and prosperous future for all of us. ;) OK OK, too political for this thread, damn I can tell I'm upped and unsettled better be off.

I actually did take 4g kratom just after midnight feeling a bit off and figuring ehh.. it's the next day now. :LOL: Not too thrilled about that coz there did come a point today definitely where all the drugs started to just crap out somewhat. I'm not even sure if phenibut was worth doing either maybe I should just have stuck to measured doses of amphet and a few benzos for the landing.

Oh! Also - took 60mg NSI-189 to blunt any learned stress or anxiety from this oncoming crash, it really is great stuff for levelling out a middle-of-the-range stim binge I must say.

Administered about 0.5mg epitalon - nasal spray peptide telomerase inhibitor - in an effort to offset some of the bodily stress from all this speed.

Maybe will take some l-theanine before sleeping...

Ehhhhhh time to go. Genuinely wish every single one of you happyness and wellbeing in your lives and your endeavours, I hope any struggles you have, you will overcome, I hope you all remain free from as much of the inevitable and random suffering of life as is reasonably possible to expect and that you have good fortune. I hope the same for all of your descendants - and for your living ancestors, friends and family (and of course good wishes to those who have left this mortal coil to journey into eternity, whatever that means in that context) and I am grateful to every single one of you for the part you play in creating this beautiful community. Bluelighters, I salute you all. <3
Morning blue world

Sunday, another funday

1 joint
1mg alzam
10mg valium
20mg oxy (oral)
10mg oxy (railed)
150mg pregabalin

braai braai braai. while you are high
In my experience, phenibut and alcohol doesn't make you a lot more drunk, but they potentiate each other in terms of removing inhibitions and being social. But some people find that alcohol is a lot stronger on phenibut so definitely be careful if you don't already know how you react to the combo.

Damn man, I'm glad you checked. Be careful.
thanks xorky, in another scenario i would say i love ya man, no homo. but in this case, some homo XD
PD: xorky sounds gay as shit, but idc XDDDDD
OT: ENDING MY DAY DRIJNKING SOME TEA SPIKED WITH 2 vallies 10mg. best tea ever.
Americans - your beer is weak and flavourless. Haha, I'm just kidding of course, much love to all of you all over the globe.

Come to America and say that after having sampled the wares. Yeah everyn cpountry has shity multinational corporation exports. But in America we have an incredible craft brew scene. So much amazing beer here, but it stays in America. We have, IMO, the coolest and best beer scene in the word right now.

But yeah, Bud, Miller, etc that you might get from us... that shit is garbage. A lot of people still drink it here, but a you have a million amazing local beer options, maybe not everywhere in the US but certainly in my city (voted the #1 beer city in the US fior some years - but many other places have a similar craft brew culture). Beer to make your mouth sing in ecstatic ecstacy.

yeah it's that good. I'll defend America's beer culture to the death or at least dismemberment.
Follow up to the other night when I was bar tarded and lost my weed pipe (will never find that fucking shit)....

I woke up in the morning and couldn't find my glasses anywhere... usually they're just next to my bed or on the night stand.

me: Hey sis I can't find my glasses wtf?
her: oh you mean these I found in the kitchen next to the bread?

me: oh..... must have taken them off to scratch my eyes then left them there..... *thinking of any excuse*

I love benzos but I fucking hate benzos
nothing more frustrating then losing your shit and finding it in random ass places...

reminds me of the time I was benzo'd as fuck and lost my weed nug. literally 4 years later I find it on top of this huge armoire hidden underneath this wood carved jaguar skull...... have no idea why I put it there. I actually lost a friendship because I thought my coworker stole my weed.....

lol benzos
Come to America and say that after having sampled the wares. Yeah everyn cpountry has shity multinational corporation exports. But in America we have an incredible craft brew scene. So much amazing beer here, but it stays in America. We have, IMO, the coolest and best beer scene in the word right now.

But yeah, Bud, Miller, etc that you might get from us... that shit is garbage. A lot of people still drink it here, but a you have a million amazing local beer options, maybe not everywhere in the US but certainly in my city (voted the #1 beer city in the US fior some years - but many other places have a similar craft brew culture). Beer to make your mouth sing in ecstatic ecstacy.

yeah it's that good. I'll defend America's beer culture to the death or at least dismemberment.
Hah yeah I'm sure America does have some good beers, just playing on the old stereotype of Americans not knowing how to drink what with the popular "light" beers and that 21 drinking age... ;) To be fair it's not like England has that much native beer to offer either, it's just the English proclivity for ~5%+ 500ml lager cans that I enjoy. We have that fake Australian beer Fosters - I think which is pretty watery shite too - and a bunch of other utter garbage like Carling, bleugh.

Mostly I like Polish beer, Tyskie, Zywiec are the best IMO... Someone told me it's a stereotype that English people love Polish beer so I guess I'm living up to that.

I tried Karpacie Mocne recently which is 9% and I gotta say it's the best super strength lager I've tried, I think someone here recommended it in some other thread, maybe @F.U.B.A.R., IIRC... not massively into super strength beers but the ones I have tried out of curiosity are mostly pretty cack. Karpacie have a "standard" version too which is 5% which strangely was worse tasting than the Mocne version ("mocne" means "strong" in Polish I believe :D).

Then there's the whole craft beer scene which I don't really give too much attention but I recently signed up for a free trial of a beer delivery service and forgot to cancel for a few months so I keep getting sent loads of fancy beers, which is kind of cool but they all come in these really dinky cans... I am pretty unsophisticated when it comes to beers though I must say I generally just always opt for a few good lagers. Someone told me recently that lager isn't real beer, but, pffft.

Anyway OT, actually ended up just staying awake, I took another 30mg of noopept, and just now 5g kratom, another 40mg amphetamine ish... Took like an 8 hour break from dosing anything and weirdly am not feeling too bad. Probably this amphet is pretty weak... kratom also I feel is risky, but, apart from 8 hours ago before that I dosed 2 days before and only took a single dose of 4g the entire day. Definitely not gonna push it with this stuff, just gotta keep thinking about how god damn awful that withdrawal was even though it was only a week or so. Probably will sleep in a few hours once I've wrapped up this god damn huge development project a little further.

I probably would have been more efficient if I did sleep, obviously I've crossed a threshold some time back where it might be a false feeling of productivity. I did just spend probably 90 minutes trying to figure out how to get a simple cross-origin POST call to work in PHP before just giving up and rewriting the thing with GET and some finagling... still have no idea why I couldn't do it the way I wanted the first time but I'm sure it's some dumb oversight from sleep deprivation... anyway the sun is up now which is nice... good to take advantage of these little things, it's gonna burn out in 5 billion years or so.
added a few hits H to the mixed. And yes one was for you my brotha!

the oxy gives the H nice legs.
oxy is the shit, innit man? XD took you so long to finally get a script for it. but worth it am i right? good for pain, gives you energy and the high is godlike. BTW don't snort it man, it's a waste. just eat it, the bioavailability is super good orally(like 90%) and it has even more legs if u eat it. snorting is for when u have like 80mg pills. lololos. snorting 10-20mg pills hits but ur snorting more binders than anything. just a suggestion my buddy. btw, some homo. XDDDDDD
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