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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - Second Launch

I'm not a huge reader of poetry, although I write the occasional verse, now and again, usually on pretty classical models (although I do think it takes a bit of a "psychedelic" perspective, I guess you'd say) and like to put a poetic inflection on the prose works (which is very much psychedelically influenced and not just in subject matter [this is part of a considerably longer and unfinished text, which is semi-autobiography more or less] but especially in the shifting of perspective, place and time and so on) that I'm a bit more serious about, or dedicate time to.

how did you like my poetry:

Yes, it's bascially like GOD sent angels with wings, so that 5-meo-dmt can fly through the pearly gates (BBB) up into heaven (the brain),

and then we get enlightened and join GOD in the VOID (shunyata) <3
If 5-MeO-DMT is an angel, then mexamine might be Daedalus or something.. :') And indorenate his son Icarus who is into body modification.
Do you think all of this is what inspired the creation of the FLY / Dragonfly series?

Sorry for off-topic

5-MeO is da bomb shiva
^Wasn't Ganesh a Shulgin compound?
GANESHA is a weird, twisted-around DOM analogue. about all I can say it's supposed to be pretty fucking cool though, but not an easy synthesis and larger doses than most of the psychedelic amphetamines (by an order of magnitude or so) and lasts a long time so probably not commercially viable. my one friend who tried it is also the one that got me my single dose of 1/DOT, which was fucking weird but not all that amazing, some of these interestingly-named Shulgin drugs get a sort of legendary status, but from what everything I've heard of GANESHA it sounds pretty cool
Or was Shulgin a Ganesh compound?

This cracked me up 8)


I've gotta get around to trying this, but my current life circumstances make me fearful of doing anything immensely world shattering. Hope my 500mg HCl stays good till I finally buck up. I live in a pretty humid climate but keep my substances in amber vials at around 73 degrees F.
Strange that Shulgin never mentioned this, or it's a coincidence but Aleph one is also the cardinality of countable ordinal numbers, Aleph numbers are a sort of measure of different kinds of infinities. Apt name i'd say.
I think I have 25G somewhere, the NBOMe of 2C-G, the non alpha methyl of G.
Yeah supposed to be very long lasting and odd, also non-visual iirc.

Anyway about 5-MeO-DMT, yeah i also have a stash something like that - it was white freebase. Made into solution of the citrate it discolored in the fridge over time and so did synthetic DMT. The DMT turned yellow and the 5-MeO turned pink.
I think the N-oxides..
Add some ascorbic acid next time, well I would but the not entirely stochiometric citric acid present already stung me.. What would 1P-5-MeO-DMT be like?
Hmm …

What would happen to the propionyl when smoked? Just break away at the bond; or would the molecule be less stable overall and would it change the vaporization point, and perhaps degrade in funny ways leaving you with not much of anything? I know 1-P-LSD is both a prodrug and a less potent 5HT2A agonist (and presumably a lot of other receptors, as with LSD) than the parent compound; I assume this happens in the GI tract but this isn't really relevant for 5-MeO-DMT; 1-P-5-MeO-DMT given parenterally (i.m./i.v.) might not experience this, though (or maybe some hydrolysis of the propionyl will occur in the bloodstream, kind of like Vyvanse …) curious, curious … I suspect it would be no good for smoking which is my preferred route for 5-MeO-DMT (even though I am a needle user in general) and I think the most mainstream one.

1-propionyl-dimethyltryptamine, orally, with an MAOI might be interesting; OTOH some people do take 5-MeO-DMT orally with an MAOI, but it's generally bad news and even I think potentially dangerous.
Recently had my first 5meo experience. This shit is so intense. Experienced my own death while my body was moving in bilateral full body movements. Coming to myself - looking at my friend experiencing us as one organism. It's one level up from eating a pizza and watching HBO I would say ;)

Acquiring a portable electronic device solely for 5meo ingestion - what would you get?

I wanted to get something that was portable and didn't acquire the use of a lighter. I have been looking at enails and vape pens and think that I have settled on a Source Nail. It has both the possibility to function as a pen and as a enail. Then I'll see how the pen function will fare. The enail/dabbing method will be very efficient I'm sure.

At which temp. will 5meo start to burn?
I know nothing about vaping (and care less) but the best method of ingesting 5-MeO-DMT freebase is through a glass bulb pipe (meth pipe.) Putting enough 5-MeO-DMT into some sort of portable device to get multiple hits out of sounds like a recipe for disaster because the dosage range is pretty small, I assume the devices you're talking about are for marijuana, there's no way you could safely use them with 5-MeO-DMT; really, the safe and reasonable way to do it is to weigh it out and put it in the glass bulb, although some people feel confident enough to measure out a dose (harm reduction says absolutely don't do that but I've had to do it before because the drug was really degraded and hygroscopic and wet and gooey and I had no idea what the actual weight of 5-MeO-DMT in it would be.) But do not, repeat do not put 5-MeO-DMT, or anything with a small dosage range, in a device for multiple hits, it's a disaster. You could use a solvent, soak plant matter (I'd encourage it not to be combined with marijuana, but rather something smokable but inert, making sure that there are no clumps or "nuggets" in it so as to ensure a safe dosage) and then evaporate it, but still I think that those sorts of devices couldn't possibly be trusted to deliver a reasonable dose if they are carrying an unreasonable dose in them.
SKL, I appreciate your input. You talk in absolute terms (the best method of ingesting 5-MeO-DMT freebase is through a glass bulb pipe (meth pipe)). Did you try the two methods I'm referring to before making such a statement - a vape pen or an enail? The device I was referring to (Source Nail) is not intended for marijuana.
I agree that it's not good to go for a method that requires multiple hits and I would also myself refrain from mixing it with anything and would prefer pure crystal. People are reporting having breakthrough with regular DMT - I have heard over 50 mg being mentioned - from a single dab. And half of that being mentioned as breakthrough dose because the method being so effective. So surely that holds promise to 5meo being delivered in one go.
Putting spice on an already heated nail may be a little annoying - at least I would think it so. But with practice or if one is already practiced it may be pretty straight forward. I'm more interested in pre-loading the device and heat it afterwards. In that sense it would function very much like a meth pipe. One of the atomizers (buckets) for the Source Nail is made from glass and would be heated up to the desired temperature without the chance of burning the crystal (as you would have in the meth pipe). And in the case of the meth pipe both lighter and pipe impose risk from their heat. No so with the enail.
There are glass inserts for some or a lot of vaporizers that I think should help take care of that issue but a carrier may still be necessary. If I didn't think my vape pen was so ineffective in general I might have used it for different compounds, there really isn't place for any of the drug to secretly hang out until you smoke it inadvertently.. if it creeps somewhere, the concern would be that it busts the coil.

Wouldn't a nail be ineffective since molten it just runs off it? You would have to build a custom nail made of some highly porous material - probably steel meshing of some type. Ideally it would be a sort of rock or glass fiber that is somehow safe from releasing loose particles, from fiber size not being so ultra small. If metal would be so fine, you couldn't use it either as you'd get the same type of filings inhaled. Otoh it also can't be brittle, just saying there has to be some material that is more ideal.

How do you 'know' that 1P-LSD or 1A-LSD have 5ht2a affinity themselves at all SKL? Cause I didn't think so. Seems rather early for there to be research data, or if there is on ALD-52 it would surprise me if Nichols has been wrong about that. Something like this: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1884/full seems pointless as it does not account for mere pro-drug activity...
This is how the atomizers look. As you can see they are buckets so nothing to run off/away..

1. Solipsis, I honestly don't remember where I read about intrinsic activity of 1P-LSD at 5HT2A; I read it somewhere more specific but anecdotally think about that IIRC something like less than 50% of it actually metablizes to LSD and the experience doesn't line up with being ½ a dose, as far as I've read (I've never tried 1P-LSD), and that there seem to be some subjective differences in it's effects that's hard to explain by just metabolism, even the differing duration, if it were being metabolized into LSD (let us remember that the vast majority of LSD leaves the system very soon after taking it and a long time before the trip peaks let alone finishes) it wouldn't matter that much, plus a few other quirks, but again, I'm just going on what I've read.

2. zikzak, I know next to nothing about vapes and some of the terminology here is new to me. I still would emphatically only trust it for a single dose, not to store doss for repeated use, and I wonder what the purpose of doing it with what looks like essentially a classic bulb MA pipe crossed with some weird alchemical machinery and costs about ten times as much, rather than the much simpler and more elegant solution of using a simple bulb. If you're worrying about wasting drugs you just have to learn how to slide the pipe back and forth and apply appropriate amounts of heat at the same time. It's a fairly easy thing to do. All the machinery seems like overkill. What drugs do you usually do with all of this stuff anyway (you said not marijuana?) I like things simple though.

You mentioned DMT, though,zikzak, and that's really not relevant here. If people have had success in smoking DMT thru this method, and they probably have and do, then that's well and good, but the doses of 5-MeO-DMT are at a minimum an order of magnitude less, which means you have much, much less margin for error. I prefer to smoke DMT in a crack pipe (actually, a sort of take off on a crack pipe, much larger, the stem of a clear glass bong set up with the choreboy and everything just like a crackpipe and the deemsters put on top and smoked just like hard), and, just like the hard, the DMT will start to saturate the chore and give you an extra hit or to. This is fine with DMT. This is not fine with 5-MeO-DMT, when you want to be careful with doses. I just don't see any benefit to using these elaborate devices and I see a lot of risk. (I am familiar with basic marijuana vaporizers, just applying heat to the weed and vaporizing out the psychoactive compounds,and have used one before, although I haven't smoked pot in years, and don't like it, Ihad a hit off one of the ones with the bags and it was pretty damn strong. And this is better for you than smoking as I understand and that makes sense. But all of this talk of e-pens and nails and stuff seems a little over-the-top, I don't know what's wrong with sticking with regular paraphenalia ;) but in all seriousness these novel sorts of ways of administering drugs may be fine with weed or hash or whatever but not with potent RCs. That's asking for serious trouble. I know people do it, I know people have even done fentanyl this way, which is asking to die; you're only asking for a psychological death trip, but please, in the name of harm reduction, keep things simple. When I shoot dope I could set up an IV catheter and hang a bag of saline and then inject the dope into the Leur-Lock port and then flush it with more saline, but nobody does that, it's a bit overkill, isn't it? Or more to your point, should I take a gram of fentanyl and dissolve it into the saline and let it just drip drip drip into me? Asking for disaster. Same ballpark. Keep things simple. A bulb pipe is the best RoA for this drug.
I don't think vaporizing any chemical is enjoyable. With sometging like this compound I want all aspects as pleasant as possible. IMed doses gives you time to hide your rig and pretend you didn't just inject something.

My bro calls it a panicogen. Pretty apt.
^ Fuck if I know. I'm a huge fan of cannabis extracts and I have a fancy vape pen and couldn't begin to tell you what this is a picture of.
^No that's obvious but how does it work with 5-meo-dmt?

I mean okay my prior post was a hyperbole, yes I understand the basics, but I agree that I don't see any reasoning behind using such a device for said substance.