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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - Second Launch

Maybe...hit the big 40. But I still look young...I think all the drugs preserved me.

Yeah I'm the same way. 33 and people guess I'm 25 when they meet me. I feel young too. I see photos of people I went to high school with on facebook and they look old, way older than me. I guess having kids and getting into a stressful work rut and abandoning your youth will age you pretty quickly. I consider myself youthful, therefore I am.

Skinny as a rail and perfect teeth. OK love fest over..gotta earn a living.

I've always been pretty skinny but started working out post-ibogaine and gained 25 pounds of muscle. Now just very recently I have noticed my body fat percentage has been creeping up. So weird for me. I'm not even skinny anymore, just normal. Right after opiates, I was 135 (and deathly skinny), now I'm 175-180 depending on the day. 6 feet tall.

Heh...guilty there of having been an elitist. Oh well, we all grow up. Re 5meo via IM...swear it was just as intense as smoking it...though I always made acetate from freebase. Maybe modern HCl is different?

Hehe... PM me you damn elitist! Or IM though I usually forget to log into that these days.

Oh, and... never tried 5-MeO-DMT. I'll have to do that one day, I have always intended to but it makes me nervous even to this day.
Oh, and... never tried 5-MeO-DMT. I'll have to do that one day, I have always intended to but it makes me nervous even to this day.

I'm still just dipping my toes in the water with it, but my impression so far is that the fearsomeness of it is kind of hyped up. I reckon if you're careful about your dosages and work your way up with it, starting very low, you've got nothing to worry about as an experienced tripper.

I haven't pushed my dose up past 8mg insuff. yet, so maybe I'm still naive :)
still can't believe that you haven't tried it, Xorkoth, and I'm sure mgs will militantly agree; seriously, it's the alpha and omega of psychedelics. one good hit of it and I would almost venture to say you don't need to trip anymore. everything that psychedelics do on what's perceived as a sort of satori/nirvana/enlightened "spiritual" sense is what 5-meo-dmt does, and it doesn't do much else. it's also neither positive or negative except in the sense that the former feels positive, i.e. it doesn't get you 'high' in the way that most psychedelics do. this is which is why it scares the shit out of some people, because of the purity of it's action on nothing-but the essence of psychedelia. you trip a lot. you'll dig it. it has a sort of analogue in the dissociative "hole," I guess, but of course in a totally different way, but I mean in terms of totality of experience, combining it with something like ketamine and riding on top of another psychedelic (as I did in one of my only trips that I wrote a TR for) really will get you there if nothing else will.
Yeah I am the same way about DPT. I have some, haven't used it yet. My plan is to IM some, probably 35mg and then 65mg the next time (I have 100mg).

Yeah I figured, I dunno, I just have gotten used to not trying it. Also would have to find some first. I certainly will do it when I feel the time is right.
PM me you damn elitist! Or IM though I usually forget to log into that these days.

I know man...I owe ya a PM in the very least. I wont be a stranger for too much longer. Miss having a PC, the kindle sucks for communication.
Ah yeah I hate non-PC devices for Internet, especially BL.
Yeah I'm real glad I sourced some before my source stopped having it. I had no idea it was disappearing, so good unconscious call, self 8(

Still haven't tried it, but I have 500mg HCl sitting in a vile, waiting for the day I'm prepared to make that final psychedelic step.
I remember a friend IMing some if this and just rubbing his face frantically and repeating "I'm so unhappy, I'm so unhappy...". He was probably just before ego loss/whiteout. He didn't recall much and certainly not what he said or felt. This chemical can be really dysphoric.

MGS, IMing has slower onset and, for me, this allows me to reduce panic. I am less taken by surprise. Though, like salvia, I never really recall that I'm on a drug during it. Its why I prefer repeated low doses, I think the ego-death experience is probably an overdose. I think we should be looking at doses of 1-2mg. Like salvia which I think people are overdosing on too.
Anyone have tips for reducing the pain of insufflation with 5-meo-dmt?

I only tried this the last time I insufflated, so I don't know if it just worked randomly or if it's actually an efficient method, but it worked marvels:

Just after sniffing it, lie on your back with a pillow under your shoulders and your head bent backwards. Do the rest of the sniffing (to make it go down) while in that position.

Not only was the pain very light, but it also only lasted for a minute or so.
Usually, whenever I sniff something, my nose quickly gets stuffed up. It did the opposite. It felt like my nostrils were 3 inches wide and breathing cubic meters of air at once.

I only tried this the last time I insufflated, so I don't know if it just worked randomly or if it's actually an efficient method, but it worked marvels:

Just after sniffing it, lie on your back with a pillow under your shoulders and your head bent backwards. Do the rest of the sniffing (to make it go down) while in that position.

Not only was the pain very light, but it also only lasted for a minute or so.
Usually, whenever I sniff something, my nose quickly gets stuffed up. It did the opposite. It felt like my nostrils were 3 inches wide and breathing cubic meters of air at once.

Sounds like worth the try! :)
Just after sniffing it, lie on your back with a pillow under your shoulders and your head bent backwards. Do the rest of the sniffing (to make it go down) while in that position.

Thanks for this tip vegan, this really did the trick for me for the last 2 times. I sniffed the 5-MeO-DMT, then lay down with a rolled up blanket under my shoulders, and a smaller roll to support under my neck. It tilts my head back so that the powder sits in the back of my sinuses just right, easy to absorb it.

I highly recommend this method.

I also chopped the powder up really fine with a razor until it was an extremely fine dust. I think this helped with absorbtion and making it less painful too.

Wow, 5-MeO-DMT works.
Α/Ω of psychedelics, there's not much more to say. This is such an elegantly simple molecule,

so few steps away from the serotonin itself (5-HO-T; poetically but aptly, you could describe this molecule as "serotonin with wings") which is the ordinary diet of the receptors it targets, but so powerful, and it just manages to cut through all the noise that comes with a lot of other drugs (including unsubstituted N,N-DMT, which I see as entirely noise, and LSD, which has immense depths and heights but also involves a lot of extraneous sensations, perceptions, and such.) There are a lot of niche drugs out there, including the fairly chemically close, and close in dosage, 5-MeO-DiPT, horrible stuff IMO (in longer chains, asymmetry seems to be more rewarding, cf. 5-MeO-MiPT, and 4-substituted-MiPT) which is about as far away subjectively as you can get from 5-MeO-DMT.

But for people exploring the deeper side of things, look no further; I don't believe in "content" to the psychedelic experience, but I do believe there to be something in the essence of the experience which taps deeply into fundamental human needs, and as I've said before many times, 5-MeO-DMT does nothing but do this, which is why many people aren't getting what they expect, and, not doing so, tend to somatize the experience or otherwise go into bad places of existential terror, etc.—often this is a question of dose but also of set/setting; expecting in any sense a "typical" psychedelic experience is the wrong approach to this particular drug.
so few steps away from the serotonin itself (5-HO-T; poetically but aptly, you could describe this molecule as "serotonin with wings")

The "wings" are also the reason why serotonin can't cross the BBB, but 5-meo-dmt can (b/c the "wings" are "shielding" the hydrophilic O and N, that's why 5-meo-dmt is lipophilic enough to cross the BBB (with a logP of ~2 it's actually perfect for that))
SKL I agree with your description.

It's hard to talk about 5-MeO-DMT because the experience *is* non-content. Almost any description feels like a defilement, or missing the point, because the nature of the experience is outside of categories, measurement, division. If you're thinking about it, that's not it. It's a non-intellectual experience, a connection to the deep ground state of consciousness.

As a psychedelic, it's transparent, it's almost as if it's not there.

That's my take so far.. I'm still green with this.
The "wings" are also the reason why serotonin can't cross the BBB, but 5-meo-dmt can (b/c the "wings" are "shielding" the hydrophilic O and N, that's why 5-meo-dmt is lipophilic enough to cross the BBB (with a logP of ~2 it's actually perfect for that))

Interesting.. those wings really do make it fly!
Interesting.. those wings really do make it fly!

Yes, it's bascially like GOD sent angels with wings, so that 5-meo-dmt can fly through the pearly gates (BBB) up into heaven (the brain),

and then we get enlightened and join GOD in the VOID (shunyata) <3

5-HO-T; poetically but aptly, you could describe this molecule as "serotonin with wings"

I love poetry, and i credit psychedelics (especially 5-meo-dmt) for it!

Do you also credit them for your "wing" poetry?
I'm not a huge reader of poetry, although I write the occasional verse, now and again, usually on pretty classical models (although I do think it takes a bit of a "psychedelic" perspective, I guess you'd say) and like to put a poetic inflection on my prose works (which is very much psychedelically influenced and not just in subject matter [this is part of a considerably longer and unfinished text, which is semi-autobiography more or less] but especially in the shifting of perspective, place and time and so on) that I'm a bit more serious about, or dedicate time to.

The "wings on serotonin" I used to describe just what you're referring to, technically, of course, and metaphorically, too; I'm not sure that psychedelics inspired that. Long before I came up with that phrase I was describing the two acetoxy groups on heroin as forming an [Cupid's?] "arrow" to "pierce the BBB" for more effective delivery of morphine; or twin jet engines, if you'd prefer.

I think my 5-MeO-DMT trip report, one of a few I've written (I generally dislike the genre as whole) has a tinge of the poetic, too, though.

Naming molecules after things can go some silly places;


I did these a good few years ago as you can see by the relative currency of some of the drugs discussed.

Nomenclature, Part One, Naming Drugs After Critters You Might See At A Lake

Part Two, Naming Drugs After Stuff That Has To Do With Cats

and more prosaically,
Big Pharma is an Analogue Whore, Too

NSFW mostly for space but actually maybe NSFW because, you know, drugs, but if you're on Bluelight at work to begin with …
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