• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery Another detox attempt.... U-47700 and Tianeptine.

Wishing you all the best and positive vibes <3

"Think positive and it'll be positive"

Although I swear I will never shoot up, after reading all his experiences I KNOW I will never shoot up. His anxiety and panic experiences jumped right off the page...awful.

You know w0w, once you get a good year or two clean and sober, your story would be a powerful motivating force to tell to young addicts as a way to help them avoid the pitfalls of addiction instead of needing to experience them. The field of addiction is often forgiving of felons who have quality sobriety... you never know... you may end up working in the field and putting your hell-on-earth story to good use helping others.

That is soooooooooo cool :) thank you mama
Thank you everyone for the support.
I am feeling much, much, better.
I will soon be stepping off the Kratom!
I am just so glad I am no longer shooting dope, RC's, anything!!
It's been one hell of a ride, I will tell you that.
I have also been off ALL benzos for almost 4 days now!!
Thank you everyone for the support.
I am feeling much, much, better.
I will soon be stepping off the Kratom!
I am just so glad I am no longer shooting dope, RC's, anything!!
It's been one hell of a ride, I will tell you that.
I have also been off ALL benzos for almost 4 days now!!

That's brilliant news really pleased for you and all the best in your recovery <3

Are you still sober? I'm in nc and sick needing help on vaca how to I cope with this
Also loper (immodium) will help in a mega dose. However I don't condone long term use of it.
Sorry guys, no sourcing, even for legal/unscheduled stuff, like kratom.

When we help people get on Suboxone here, we refer them to Suboxone doctors, which are professional services and is not sourcing, since you cannot directly acquire drugs through these services, especially if you do not qualify through a proper COWS score and clinical presentation.

If you have any other questions about site-wide or sub-forum specific rules, please PM me. <3
Sorry Capt! I wasn't trying to directly source, just trying to help. You know how it is when you're sick! Love ya brotha from a notha mutha. ;)
Hanging in there. I'm running low of kratom but I feel like I need to get off it soon anyways. I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety before I dose, I know it's just in my head.
Hanging in there. I'm running low of kratom but I feel like I need to get off it soon anyways. I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety before I dose, I know it's just in my head.

That's ace. You'll get there x

Hanging in there. I'm running low of kratom but I feel like I need to get off it soon anyways. I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety before I dose, I know it's just in my head.

It's part of the conflict ritual of addiction. We do it to ourselves, though part of it becomes automated.

We're all rooting for you <3
I'm in a very similar situation my friend. Only difference is I was doing an RC called furanylfentanyl... began with 200ug dose that would make me feel invincible.. iv rush was out of this world. However it didn't take long to build insane tolerance, to the point that I would shoot a gram at a time every 2hrs just to keep the kick away. No high at all, with a gram shot of bloody fentanyl!
Needless to say, the kicks are draconian. I'm barely making it, sitting in a hot bath most of the day. And since it's a very new chemical, there isn't any data online about how long this will go on before I start getting better. I wish you all the best, pm me if you need anything or just someone to talk to
I'm in a very similar situation my friend. Only difference is I was doing an RC called furanylfentanyl... began with 200ug dose that would make me feel invincible.. iv rush was out of this world. However it didn't take long to build insane tolerance, to the point that I would shoot a gram at a time every 2hrs just to keep the kick away. No high at all, with a gram shot of bloody fentanyl!
Needless to say, the kicks are draconian. I'm barely making it, sitting in a hot bath most of the day. And since it's a very new chemical, there isn't any data online about how long this will go on before I start getting better. I wish you all the best, pm me if you need anything or just someone to talk to

I am here for you. Have you thought about maintenance? I have read you have a 15+ year habit. I was in similar circumstances....as the duration of my addiction goes. I never got into the RC opiates...but opiates and benzos knocked my dick in the dirt as some scholars might say.
I made some inquiries and the only other person that has done close to the insane amounts I've been doing had to take 400mg methadone daily to stabilize and be able to function. I've been thru a 6month methadone program and got up to 50mg/day. It took 2 months to get over the kick and another 3 months for the fe pressing to fade. I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with getting off 400mg regimen.. most ppl Ivery met at the clinic chose to stay on for life rather than go thru quitting. So while I have Xanax and elavil I'm gonna try to get thru on my own. Picked up some 5/325 norcs and 3 of them snorted takes edge off so I stop screaming.. tomorrow is day 3, I'm really scared because my best friend took his life on day 3 just last saturday. Pulled a Kurt Cobain with a double barrel 12ga
I slipped up again. I got 10 grams of U4 sent for free. It's slowly killing me.
Day 4 and I got a half gram of fu-f. Nursing it til my 100g order comes. It's not me anymore. The demon is in the driver seat. Idk if I'll ever be able to stop.
What drives me insane is that I got my girl into this. I don't know what to even say. Killing the love of my life. I hope I burn in Hell