• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

NEW/FINAL at home (attempt) detox diary, general support, and advice thread.

Lol captain heroin I was thinking the exact same thing. I just happened to be looking at the sticky threads for some reason this morning - I normally just blaze past them.

I hope you end up getting some sleep OP. Smart of you to lay down and get some shut eye before rls kicks in (literally, ha ha... rls joke)

Do you have some happy movies/shows lined up for your viewing? I always like watching dumb Disney movies and stuff while I detox. Nothing serious. I will keep checking the thread and I don't pray but you are in my thoughts! I know you can do it.
I don't post on here alot but I just wanted to take a minute to offer my support. Sending lots of good energy your way! And what you said about not wanting your girlfriend there? I understand that, but she wouldn't be there if she didn't want to be. Lean on her and let her give you strength. I have seem my husband through many an alcohol withdrawl. Keep focused on better days ahead. You can do this! Much love and keep looking for the light at the end of this dark place. It is there, I promise.
W0w just checking in with you bro its almost 2am I am throwing up and having severe RLS so sleeping isnt an option at the moment I know you are getting into your WD heavy right now hang in there much love.
Just want to let you guys know I'm thinking about you all, hoping you are finding the strength to muddle through, I know when I'm kicking I can't post or read, but your are in my thoughts constantly. Fondly, Bono
Update: I am having a lot of chills and sweats, stomach pains, anxiety, and just feel over all horrible.
I went ahead and obtain a couple more xanax just to help with my opiate WD symptoms.
I took only 1 mg of immodium I found to help with stomach issues.
Do you think kratom would help by any chance with IV heroin WDs? I might consider taking some (only one time) to help the worse of it.

Thank you all so much for the support
Update: I am having a lot of chills and sweats, stomach pains, anxiety, and just feel over all horrible.
I went ahead and obtain a couple more xanax just to help with my opiate WD symptoms.
I took only 1 mg of immodium I found to help with stomach issues.
Do you think kratom would help by any chance with IV heroin WDs? I might consider taking some (only one time) to help the worse of it.

Thank you all so much for the support

Personally I found any help of Kratom to be negligible at best, and choking the stuff down when already in withdrawal was a far more unpleasant experience than the withdrawals that were outweighed, if any - I honestly could hardly tell. However, some swear by it and it can't hurt.
If you can up the immodium to 10 pills down those they will start helping your physical withdrawals in a couple hours and judging by how much they help you can take some more. I used to be under the impression they only helped the stomach but they really do help the physical withdrawal symptoms in fact if you can get 20 for today 40mg then it will almost stop all your withdrawals completely. I get them from walmart or whatever for like 10 for a box of 200. Also I have never had one addiction issue with them.
You previously mentioned that Kratom was one of the reasons for your relapse and you regretted using it. I'd try and avoid it if you can.
Do you think kratom would help by any chance with IV heroin WDs?

Sadly I don't think it will help.

Kratom didn't really register any desired effects; just the weird kratom-specific side effects like speediness or dry mouth, without any relief of withdrawal symptoms in my opinion.

Exercise, warm showers, movies and TV shows, masturbation/sex are going to be what will help the most, in my experience.
i have been laying down all day ive been sweating so bad i feel like im dying
I wanted to stop by before it gets too late here and let you know that I am thinking of you and sending you nothing but positive energy!
thank you everyone i well keep you all updated on everything im going to attempt to try and sleep - i most likely wont be able too but ima try love you all
Epsom salt bath if you are able to take one. Buy a bag of Epsom salt it's worth it. Also don't bother paying for immudium liquid just buy loperamide generic pills.
Oh and if you had any kind of tolerance Kratom isn't going to help at all sorry to say. Stay strong man. Also that was very smart of you to get a few more Xanax - withdrawing from both athe the same time during the worst of the heroine wds is just unneeded extra pain :(

Much love. I'll check up with you in the morning
I got maybe 2 hours of sleep feeling pretty shakey and i just hate the feeling of still waking up sick
Okay so I went ahead and decided to take 4 grams of bali kratom and it helped a lot with my acute withdrawals - I do not plan on taking kratom for a long period of time.
I think I will just take it for one more day if the WD are too bad again and that would be it.
I don't think I'm black sliding at all - but I must remember not to trade one addiction for another. I am determined on getting clean. The WD were just so bad and I finally have a little bit of relief.
I'm honestly too scared to take that much Immodium that was suggested. I'm not sure why, but it just scares me that something might go wrong and I might get sick or it may make WDs worst. IDK. My mind and emotionals are all scattered and i'm trying so hard not to get a fix. I have 40$ and I'm letting my girlfriend hold it for me so I can't touch it.
You can do it! I always said "i want the life i was meant to have so badly i would spend 3 weeks sick on the floor if it meant true progression" thankfully I only had to CT once and it was too bad, sure i was sick but i wasnt life endingly sick. Please just remember what you are doing this for, if there was someway to show people how amazing my life is now that i am clean and the same applies to my younger brother and ex g/f the three of us actually have lives now. 2 years ago we were all a mess and i could never have predicted it would turn out so well.

It all started with my desire to change and that in turn snowballed into people around me. Perhaps it was example perhaps it was timing but getting clean seems to have fixed a lot of the problems, it took some time but its better now. You can do it and you will look back 12 months from now with achievements and it will be like looking into a former life.

Good luck!