Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!

Feel like ***** just wanna escape this shite where I'm obvious a horrible nasty waste of energy n do the world a favour :(
If i wasnt here everyone would be better off thats apparent :(

fuck this shit ive had it now fucking grassed on for stims to add insult to injury
i can't stop grinding my teeth. it's destroying me. i can't think. i've been so careful about taking care of my teeth for so long, and now they are wearing away so quickly. my smile was important to me. i've seen so many doctors and dentists. none of them know that they can help, so they don't want to risk trying. it's not because i'm the only one with this problem. there are tons of people on the internet saying the have the same. no one has a real solution. i've tried and continue to try their nonsense suggestions like acupuncture. i even tried botox injections into my jaw muscles. and then went back for more. and i'm going back for yet a third round, even though it hasn't made a touch of difference. because what else am i supposed to do.

i worked so hard to be off of psychiatric medications. if i go back on, that'll be it. but my brain is destroying itself and my body. i run, but i have a knee injury so i can't as much as i need to. i tried biking, but it's not the same. i feel wrecked.
still feeling lost and unsure as what to do paid day tomorrow so will be drink or drugs that get me again i feel like getting a load of benzos and blacking out the world but if i do ill end up nicked but i need something
Very tiresome long vent :( bad juju karma

I live at home at recently I had a wee accident in work had to travel to a&e two towns away with a bloody glove cellotaped to my hand because we had no bandages (lots of instant memos/emails to update kits). Then I had a pretty rough night and I am not sure what I heard from a few people that night is true or not.

Things are pretty rough at home. My dad is acting oblivious, my mom wont really speak to me because the doctor gave me a week off work after the rough night when I saw him the next morning and I told him what happened the night before and just wept. He wrote the line saying I was off for a week.

I went in monday with my manager I had told her I was fine just so wouldn't she wouldn't short staffed. The new girl arrived and she left me alone alone with her. She started to ask me to move stuff stuff then customers arrived I served a few, she served a few but she isn't till trained at all. So maybe I should say that served two customers at once. When my manager( also mom I suspect I should say) finally came out, I said to her discreetly, "As an employee not your daughter, I'm not comfortable with this. My hand hurts, I keep dropping my keys. I am not mentally prepared to speak to customers" So she moved me else where she made me still do those things until I finally cornered her alone in the back office by making eye gestures at her. Then I told her,"as your daughter please don't be mad. I tried to come in, I thought I was prepared and I am not". I used the week line said I'd work after docs appointment thurs morning so he could say it was ok and I was on the original for the evening shift with her on the rota. She then forced me to take the entire week off because the rota had been covered anyway.

She won't speak to me about anything work related. In fact she won't actually speak to me an awful lot. She's not the only one. I feel like I am being punished for something I didn't do. Maybe it's really really bad karma but I can't place my finger on what for! I am pretty sure I am going to run away very soon. Like spain. Or Blackpool if I am lucky.
Working with family is hard. I know from years of experience.

What happened on that rough night out of curiosity? It's understandable if you don't want to share.
i can't stop grinding my teeth. it's destroying me. i can't think. i've been so careful about taking care of my teeth for so long, and now they are wearing away so quickly. my smile was important to me. i've seen so many doctors and dentists. none of them know that they can help, so they don't want to risk trying. it's not because i'm the only one with this problem. there are tons of people on the internet saying the have the same. no one has a real solution. i've tried and continue to try their nonsense suggestions like acupuncture. i even tried botox injections into my jaw muscles. and then went back for more. and i'm going back for yet a third round, even though it hasn't made a touch of difference. because what else am i supposed to do.

i worked so hard to be off of psychiatric medications. if i go back on, that'll be it. but my brain is destroying itself and my body. i run, but i have a knee injury so i can't as much as i need to. i tried biking, but it's not the same. i feel wrecked.

I feel you 100%. I have grinded my teeth violently since I was a child, with no signs of it letting up. I take clonazepam and remeron for sleep/muscle relaxants but they really don't help either. Sometimes I can barely chew my food, and I often have difficulty talking. Best of luck to you.
So lonely and depressed. I have no friends or family near me and it's absolutely destroying my mental health. Every weekend and sometimes during the week i'll cry, the pain of my mental illnesses plus being so isolated is almost too much to handle. I really wish I could just kill my self. My family would be destroyed....but this is no way to go through life...
hey, PerfectDisguise. i hear you about talking. when its bad, i give one word answers and don't smile. it's because my mouth feels really weird and face hurts, but people think it's reflective of my mood. and it ends up influencing my mood, like the inverse of making yourself smile to cheer up. thanks for the reply and sharing with me.

loneliness is rough. wishing you the best as well.
hey, PerfectDisguise. i hear you about talking. when its bad, i give one word answers and don't smile. it's because my mouth feels really weird and face hurts, but people think it's reflective of my mood. and it ends up influencing my mood, like the inverse of making yourself smile to cheer up. thanks for the reply and sharing with me.

loneliness is rough. wishing you the best as well.

Thanks, hydro. People have asked me my whole life why I don't talk much. I know for a fact it is because I have TMJ disorder. I never tell anyone this, and it makes me ashamed most of the time. Again, I am in the same boat as you. I got pretty shitty genetics :/
^ I'll never totally socially fit in, at least that's my opinion. I can get along with people but boy does anxiety follow me around in large groups of people.

All that's made me feel better is self acceptance. I just find my comfy spot in my head but do my best to not shut out what's going on around me.
So I'm not the only one that gets ratted out. It's a sad club to be in. I feel like no one in this town likes me. I know his parents don't like me either. Anything I do gets reported back to him, even purely innocent stuff. I have been told (not in a mean way bc I observed it first, that I am merely tolerated, Beginning to make me wish that suicide attempt worked.
I was a teeth grinder during a super stressful part of my life. My dentist took a mold of my upper teeth and sent it to a p l ace that made a REALLY hard plastic retainer lije thinf that fit perfectly over my upoer teeth. It was expensive but it worked, really really worked. I dont know what country you are in, I'm in the US, but they look almost like mouth guards...except it only fits the top.
well ive a roof over my head for another 20 days and finding somewhere to live looks about impossible i cant keep this bollocks up much longer
hey, ramblin_rose. thanks for sharing about the bite guard. i have a one that i wear at night, but it cannot be worn during the day. i wear an old invisalign retainer during the day, but it doesn't stop the grinding like a bite guard and you have to take it out to eat.
Not much to vent about ATM besides some minor delays so not even going to.
Just wanted to pop in & send my best wishes to those who are having problems ATM;
as I haven't posted in a while.
So hope everything works out for everyone & really hope your luck improves Foolsgold.
You've been on a run of bad luck & bad experiences that no one should have to deal with.
Really hope things turn around for you my friend.
So my car fish-tailed, rolled over, and ended up being upside down. Fortunately I had my seatbelt on, so when I unclipped myself I fell toward the ceiling and was able to crawl out the drivers side window which had gotten smashed open.

Car is totaled.

I'm so upset with everything right now.

I'm ok and no one else got hurt, so that's a positive.
Shit I'm glad you're ok Carl!

My rant for the day is the same thing, fuck you body for needing this shit to function, can't wait to be free of my demons!!!