Your worst withdrawal experience.

After 18 months and still having bad withdrawal is called protracted withdrawal phase according to benzobuddies. I have read some succes stories from people who took a lot of years to feel "normal". Most of them took benzos for years at high dosages but got better anyway. I am pretty sure there is healing possible. It just takes a long time. 15 months off for 20 years usage is a pretty short time for benzo recovery.

What is a small dose of Seroquel? I only get drowsy from 100mg. 25mg does not touch the insomnia.
I understand protracted withdrawals, but it can been discouraging to have some residual symptoms persist after being off of the for six years. I will admit, it continues to get better, but I have lost so much of my life and livlihood to benzos and getting off of benzos that it is frustrating to say the least.
I read through this thread looking for opiates mostly but after reading through about benzodiazepines I am so glad that they do nothing for me really except knock me out. I am so sorry you guys are all going through this and I really hope you all can find love and peace again. I will not be touching any benzos. Yikes
I know the feeling. The real addiction was with opiates, especially after my surgery when I was also using Fentanyl, Dilaudid which I had tried to cope with Methadone for years. These opiates were the problematic addiction I guess, benzodiazepines were the prescribed meds I used it for so many years within what was prescribed. Now it's hard to tell where this discomfort comes from. From tose DOC I abused, followed by a harsh withdrawal from Methadone or from the benzos that was always present. I do feel I'm getting a lot better this year though.

Few months ago I cut back my Seroquel to a 100 mg dose to be used eventually. I can live sleeping 3-4 hours per night, but when I get just few naps during several nights I have to resort to Seroquel- unfortunately. It's a heavy sleep followed by a very tiring day.
I know the feeling. The real addiction was with opiates, especially after my surgery when I was also using Fentanyl, Dilaudid which I had tried to cope with Methadone for years. These opiates were the problematic addiction I guess, benzodiazepines were the prescribed meds I used it for so many years within what was prescribed. Now it's hard to tell where this discomfort comes from.

I relate to this part a ton! Opiates were my true addiction problem. I had just used benzos as prescribed for sleep/anxiety. By benzo w/d lasted approx 10 months until I felt 85% better. It was a crazy disruption to my life. I'm still in awe I was able to keep my job during this period of time. It completely killed my social life. I still recall thinking I was out of the woods 6 months in on a good day when I let myself have 3-4 beers. The next day I woke up feeling like I was in the first week of recovery all over again. Moral of that story is don't mess with the gaba while it's healing. Around 9 months I was able to start having a few beers again.
To be honest with you I didn't even feel the benzo withdrawal during those first weeks of pure agony. Maybe that's why it took so long or so bad, not only was I trying to stop something my doctor said it was going to be impossible but also had felt very uncomfortable psychologically speaking. But my social skills decreased little by little as I did feel good about living all opiates behind. There was the motivation that drove me to keep going further until I could and since I could count with doctors, medication and hospital it was good to feel all that support. For me quitting was easier than staying off totally. The struggle made me want things and wish for others that are still outstanding. I'll find the balance I'm looking for but I have this feeling it will take sometime. I could have had beers but I'm choosing not to. I can live with coffee and nicotine for now.

I even cancelled my vacation, it was sort of paid for. All I had to do was to fly over and had a couple of weeks off, but being the first year sober and remembering all the experiences I just had one year back to where I was going to made me stay home. This second year has been totally different, there's not so much struggle to stay off but more anxiety to fit in again. One day at at time, and I'll get there..
I saw this and figured I would post this little excerpt from a memoir I'm writing.


The second night is always the worst. I’m in an old nursing home that has been converted into a dirty, crowded detox. It is not a rehab, only a place to endure the pain of withdrawal from alcohol and/or narcotics. This particular place is cheap and severe. There is crime, there is noise, and there is pain. The staff is comprised of badly paid former addicts and a few negligent, evasive nurses. There are no doctors and there is very little medication if you manage to break through the mob that is constantly swarming the medication dispensary window. Ten days here coming off of heroin and pills is an eternity spent in hell.
I am crawling around in a boiling pool of sweat and slime on the wrong side of the country. I flew into Palm Beach International from SeaTac a few hours ago and the little pharmaceutical cocktail they gave me at the intervention has completely worn off. The fear is setting in. There is no way to turn back. There are no options left. I know I am beginning a process that will bring me to the edges of my physical existence and my sanity. I am writhing on hard starched sheets and a rough blanket that feels and looks like an iron cobweb. I am feverish and yet desperately cold. I cannot rest or sleep. I am left only with an insatiable hunger, my entire being screaming like all the fallen angels in hell singing in one giant chorus for an opiate, for relief, for one granule of mercy.

All I can do now is think.

I can consider the swollen, red abscess that is currently smoldering like an inverted volcano in the crook of my right arm. I can think about my parents disowning me. I can think about the university that I’ve been made to resign from under threat of expulsion after overdosing at nine in the morning on a busy campus walkway a week after returning to school from rehab. I can think about the fact that I am back in treatment again, that I have failed again, that I am a weak, sick, pathetic piece of junkie shit again and forever, and that the world does not give a fuck about and would be better off without.

I can ponder my best friend Chris who overdosed alone in some dealer’s basement buying drugs for me. I can think about the destroyed everything, the overdoses, the insanity, the constant endless, pulsating, wildly relentless agony that is my life.

I have no reprieve and there will be no relief. All I am left with now is a seething self-hatred and a bottomless, unending sorrow, an all-consuming sadness that shivers through me like a wind of cold fire. I am left with an overwhelming sense of aloneness like an orphaned child, knowing nothing except the terror of being thrown away and forgotten, knowing nothing except the loss of being lost, knowing nothing at all, really.

I sleep briefly and again I am made to be conscious; a horrible sound has broken my fragile rest. A scabrous, throaty voice is screaming about methadone in the courtyard. The voice of this girl is like a steel trap on my brain and she is literally sitting right outside my window. She’s chain-smoking Newport 100’s, wildly gesticulating and rambling hysterically to anyone that will listen. Hers is a blistery, grating sound, an almost inhuman tone of voice you hear begging drug dealers for hits. It is the voice of a frenzied junkie with no fix. Someone who, like me, has destroyed everything good and pure in life and exists only to feed the terrible engine of her addiction. This insane woman does not stop howling about methadone, where she cops heroin (the Chevron one block away), and her three year old daughter, in that order, the entire time she is there.
I drag myself to the medication counter where they give me a few more milligrams of valium and I rest consciously for about twenty minutes. It stops working. I’m completely lucid again. It’s the middle of the night, but patients are outside my window in the courtyard talking and smoking, trading war stories. The methadone siren is describing how to inject heroin into the carotid the correct way, “You have to turn your head and squeeze your chin into your shoulder and you really have to be front of a mirror because…” I have silenced my senses with OxyContin and Xanax and Mexican black tar heroin, my senses, they are angry at this abuse, this starvation.

I will feel all of this. I won’t miss a single thing.

A new sound cracks like a whip into my burning skull. I gather the strength to stand and peer out into the hall where the noise is coming from and there is a blinking fire alarm three or four feet from my room. A dead battery is causing this alarm to emit a loud, high-pitched shriek that makes it feel as though planets are colliding inside of my feverish head every three minutes. Fuck, I think, almost laughing. This can’t be real. I stumble back to my bed and I am now losing whatever it is that I had that was holding me together. I am too physically weak to summon help or to break the ghastly alarm. Helpless, I coil up into the fetal position on the cobweb where I spend the night drowning in the various undercurrents of the darkest parts of my psyche, utterly alone and yet crowded by a vicious, endless cycling of terrifying memories and visions that all speak to regret. The alarm becomes a nauseating metronome accompanying the shrieking wraith outside my window creating a kind of infernal refrain, a chorus of suffering, perhaps being sung to me by pain itself. At some point I am overtaken and I fall into a black, syrupy delirium and my mind sinks ever deeper into the utter, unending madness.

And what dreams I have.
@bigzip44 - very beautifully written indeed! You should complete the narrative and turn it into a shot story. I also think you should chronicle your effort for getting sober - you are an amazing writer and I suspect you could accurately capture the experience.
I feel so sorry for all the people who have to detox off opioids or benzos in prison or sober homes (which are still just prisons, with a bit more freedom and you have to pay for them usually).

Anytime I'm down on myself, or something is fucked up in my life, I remind myself that there are people not just in other counties or other states, but within just miles of me, that are going through things thousands of times worse.

Withdrawal is nature's payback. You have to pay your debts. Maybe you can cheat Citibank, or Wells Fargo, or even the Federal Government, but you can't cheat Nature.

Whoever is shivering in a cold corner somewhere with no relief, no one to care for them, and no way out, I am with you in spirit. Hang in there.
Bigzip44 that is some beautiful fucking writing man...

I took Xanax everyday for two weeks and stumbled onto the benzo buddies forum and it scared the shit out of me and I never took one again, funny thing is I don't even really like them... Prayers to you guys going through that I'm such a pussy when it comes to oxy (my doc) withdrawal I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle the nightmare of benzo withdrawal.
I have never really kicked too hard off anything...I'm actually always surprised when I do get WD symptoms, even though I use hard drugs the amounts I use have never been particularly high.

The worst I can remember is going to visit my parents over spring break (and subsequently had to break off my heroin/morphine IV habit). For me the biggest WD symptom is feeling really hot or really cold all the time (sometimes within seconds of feeling the exact opposite sensation!) and just feeling like your skin is crawling, and I felt those things in force. Insomnia too, bad. I was super, SUPER irritable the entire time I was with my parents and we basically fought and yelled at each other the entire time I was there *sigh*
I've done detoxes at home and at detox centers (sunrise was one) and the only one I truly had to be away for was coming off methadone, valium and heroin. No way I could have done that at home. Even for weeks after I felt like hell. Relapsed shortly after but left the benzos (not my drug of choice) and methadone alone. Now have to deal with a single shitty chemical but have dealt with it before and so can do it again , this time I'd like to be for good. It's getting old waking up everyday feeling sick.
Was very odd. A couple months back I woke up and felt no need to get high. Had very very few detox symptoms and was just happy. Made it through 3 days and got the stoma flu, actual flu not some bullshit excuse to why I'm laying in bed feeling like death. My idiotic thinking was drugs would make me feel better, not only did they not help at all but I lost that drive. Hoping every morning to feel that again and say goodbye to my addiction.
It's true. We have a debt to pay for what we have done and some pay more than others. I dont know but sitting there feeling sorry for yourself doesn't help but also know how hard it is to face the world going through withdrawals and newly clean. It's just fucking weird.
For me I'll take the pain no matter how severe if it'll get my head to leave this shit alone for good and live a normal life that doesn't revolve around some drug dealer and dodging withdrawals. It's no way to live.
Now going through benzo withdrawal is something I never want to experience again. I feel the pain of anyone going through that and wish them the best of luck. Us opiate addicts are a bunch of cry babies who think a little chill and some sweat is the end of the world. It won't kill us yet we go out and shove shit in our bodies that will. It's totally insane.
I truly hope everyone here can get through what they are going through, remember there is someone out there going through it too and worse.
Good luck!
I was in the same boat and guess kinda am now. Opiates (not Suboxone or methadone) were always tolerable even dope. It's funny bc i was on my honeymoon in Mexico and was detoxing but stayed busy the whole time and managed to have a good time. I did get that shitty hot/cold covered in sweat and goosebumps and my anxiety was pretty high but still wasn't bad. Like I was saying in the other post and I truly don't mean to offend anyone but we can make it seem like the world is coming to an end to avoid detoxing. After having to go through it many times I've realized it's a huge mental thing that most people need help with and have a feeling most of us think we can do it alone. Hasn't worked for me yet? Trying a different route this time and asking for help, letting people know if I fuck up, finding out why and how not to.
I wish everyone well and hopefully you get through to the other side and from there get the help you need. Doesn't have to be anything specific. I have friends who just walked away, some needed a detox and rehab, some are 12 step people.
I don't know if I would change anything in my life but I would do a few things differently! Like stay the hell away from the god damn devil!
Bigzip44 that is some beautiful fucking writing man...

I took Xanax everyday for two weeks and stumbled onto the benzo buddies forum and it scared the shit out of me and I never took one again, funny thing is I don't even really like them... Prayers to you guys going through that I'm such a pussy when it comes to oxy (my doc) withdrawal I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle the nightmare of benzo withdrawal.

Hello, new to the forum as i've been desperately seeking answers after deciding it was a great idea to go cold turkey off 16mg daily suboxone, 4mg XR daily xanax & 60mg XR daily adderal. Not sure where to start but constantly questioning if i'm screwed in the head for the duration now. I sure feel like it as this doesnt quit. Currently on day 25 after spending the first week in the ICU and i don't feel i will ever be right in the head...
Hello, new to the forum as i've been desperately seeking answers after deciding it was a great idea to go cold turkey off 16mg daily suboxone, 4mg XR daily xanax & 60mg XR daily adderal. Not sure where to start but constantly questioning if i'm screwed in the head for the duration now. I sure feel like it as this doesnt quit. Currently on day 25 after spending the first week in the ICU and i don't feel i will ever be right in the head...

Hi climbr - you CANNOT go cold turkey on benzos, especially Xanax. It would be in your best interest to do a slow taper. I recommend reading the Ashton Manual - I will provide a link at the end of this post.

I was on Xanax daily for 10 years, and was cut off cold turkey during my first rehab stay. I was given an antisiezure medication which prevented siezures during acute withdrawal, but subsequently stopped that too soon and had tons of siezures in PAWS until I got back in antisiezure meds. Benzo withdrawal is no joke, and the only way to mitigate it is to get off them via a slow taper.

Technically you can go cold turkey with the opiate and Adderall, but I would recommend a taper for them as well so you're not miserable. Sobriety isn't a race and tapers make it much easier for your body to adjust to the decrease in medication levels.

Here is a link to the Ashton Manual:

Feel free to hit me up with questions. Good luck!
Wow bigzip44 that was so good it made me shiver! It reminded me of a place I went to that was so bad it through me back into being suicidal and I spent six weeks in a psych facility as a result.

I've had such rampant drug use my would be detoxing off benzos was replaced with smoking crack and IV dilaudid so after years of taking daily uppers and downers with oxy, meth, coke, bath salt, Xanax, clonazepam daily I just rolled into worse ROAs and stronger drugs before getting clean initially. Several relapses later...

My first bad wd was from loperamide and I'd say it was the worst. I got through two weeks of puking, dry heaving cuz I stopped eating for days on end, cold sweat fevers, chest pain, stomach pain, worsened body aches and pains (like all the drugs blocked were finally being experienced at once), sneezing nonstop, runny nose, watery eyes, not enough energy to walk to the next room, restless legs which made sleep impossible and left me tossing and turning in utter uncomfortableness all night every night, and the mental aspects were worse than that-crying spells every day most of the day, hopelessness, back to back panic attacks. I was alone all day and worried I'd try to kill myself again so I relapsed at two weeks of pure hell on Oxy, Xanax, and meds. Two months of cycling between those I was abruptly cut off of the Xanax. Then I got switched from oxy to dilaudid and the slamming began again until a few days ago. Today I'm clean and in wd again which is rough but not as bad as the lope as the emotional component is easier. The insomnia, and restlessness, and that everything smells and tastes nasty are the worst of it today. That and the worry that in two weeks I will be at it again. Ha maybe that's why everything seems so dirty this time so I can actually get clean and stay clean when I'm done detoxing.
Hi climbr - you CANNOT go cold turkey on benzos, especially Xanax. It would be in your best interest to do a slow taper. I recommend reading the Ashton Manual - I will provide a link at the end of this post.

I was on Xanax daily for 10 years, and was cut off cold turkey during my first rehab stay. I was given an antisiezure medication which prevented siezures during acute withdrawal, but subsequently stopped that too soon and had tons of siezures in PAWS until I got back in antisiezure meds. Benzo withdrawal is no joke, and the only way to mitigate it is to get off them via a slow taper.

Technically you can go cold turkey with the opiate and Adderall, but I would recommend a taper for them as well so you're not miserable. Sobriety isn't a race and tapers make it much easier for your body to adjust to the decrease in medication levels.

Here is a link to the Ashton Manual:

Feel free to hit me up with questions. Good luck!

i agree it has been hell but all doctors knew i was going to cold turkey and i havent been offered anything outside the hospital for seizures or anything besides some otc IB's and a couple blood pressure pills that havent done anything to help. just struggling through it. i used to be on seizure meds after a second grand mal seizure but stopped taking them after i didnt re-up a script and left it at that. i have been worried about seizures but have been lucky up till now... knock on wood...
You should look for a second opinion so to ensure you are medicated accordingly.