Your worst withdrawal experience.

FENTANYL. Been on Oxycontin at moast 60 pills 20mg a day and Fentanyl - patch 75uhg abut 10 years just went cold turkey on it in December, can't recommend this! Was a total wreck 4 weeks and went back on Fentanyl it took a couple weeks to feel human again, but half a victory got rid of oxycontin. Can anybody recommend how to withdraw from fentanyl? I use on body and chew patches.
I've kicked heroin many times. But one kick stands out as the indisputable worst WD I've experienced.

I had been trying to quit my habit for about two years and had decided to start taking naltrexone (a strong opioid antagonist) because I just couldn't get any traction on the problem. The challenge, though, is that you need to allow several (~6-7) days to elapse between the last time you used and when you initiate naltrexone. This waiting period gives your body time to clear the opioids from your system before putting the naltrexone blockade into effect. If you don't allow enough time to pass, starting naltrexone will induce full-on precipitated WDs.

I kept trying to put together a string of 6 days clean so I could start my new medication. But at that point my habit was just raging...shooting H was about all I did do or wanted to do. After a couple weeks of this I got desperate (I *really* wanted to quit; I suspected the naltrexone would help, but I couldn't stop). So one morning, about 12 hours since my last dose of smack, I said 'fuck it' and decided to start the naltrexone and just face the precipitated WDs.

Fuck, it was awful. The physical symptoms hit like a freight train about 15 minutes after I swallowed the first naltrexone pill. But it was also my most awful kick, psychologically speaking. The first thing I noticed--all the color seemed to seep out of the world...everything was drab, almost all gray. And then my headspace was all panic and bleakness. I wanted to put a gun to my head. The whole thing had me lying on the bathroom floor in the fetal position for the better part of a day. Continued in a similar vein for several days.

It was the pits.
GBL or as it's full name is gamma-butyrolactone. It's worse than Heroin. Proper delusions, delirium and insomnia. Not recommended, as I say Heroin is a walk in the park compared to that shit.
back in 1970 I appeared in front of a judge for a probation violation and it had been arrest #14 in my hometown.So the judge gave me the option of going back to Rikers or into the Army. I chose the latter and arrived at Fort Dix with my huge jones from street dope and benzos. That detox during basic training was the worst because I was afraid to tell anyone what my problem was. I did make it but that first week was a OMG nightmare complete with drill sergeants and devils.
What sucks is even though I went threw crap like that I repeatedly relapsed and still have weakness for opiates to this day..will I ever learn?
While not the worst experience of my life, it runs right fucking up there with a couple I'd never care to type about.

I'll try to keep it short.

I was suffering from multiple traumas/injuries at once. A few lovely little psychological maladies came to light, or were at least magnified by the situation.

I was on

80mgX3 day of Oxy (prescribed, but became addicted and was taking more)
10 Percocet per day (prescribed but was taking way more)
1200mg Gabapentin per day
40mg Citalopram / Day
4mg Clonazepan / Day (prescribed, but definitely took more)
Ativan as needed (and oh boy did I ever make myself "need" that)
Zopiclone for sleep (or for just feeling fucked up as desired after a while).

I was in an extremely bad relationship with someone who continually took my meds from me. One day she decided that I was to be out of her house while I was in this state with a fractured neck and spine, as well as some abdominal and groin issues, coupled with extreme depression and anxiety.

I was quite literally dumped out in the street with no money, none of my meds, in winter in downtown Calgary. I could not walk. Not much more than any distances of maybe 50 feet and that was a Herculean effort.

Apart from the withdrawl that set in after only about 6 hours (that any of you seasoned users will know), I was in massive pain, I was hungry, I was not in possession of my mental faculties and I was very cold, without proper winter clothing.

I spent the first night outdoors. Laying on the sidewalk.

I'll just end the story quickly by saying that i ceased to be a human being on day 2, lost my mind as I know it, and attempted to step in front of a city train.

'nuff said.
Today is day 8 off Suboxone I was put on them 2 years ago at a very high dose from a oxycodone habit gone bad from a neurologist. Honestly doctors will mess you up and leave you hanging. I am a mom and as a recovering addiction as a teenager of 4 years I had been clean 11 years before all this I was watching things unravel. Subs helped get me back living life right. But let me tell you this is the worse withdrawals I've ever had. I tried few times coming off and couldn't this time I'm mentally ready. Physically I wasn't prepared worse he'll I've ever been thru. But day 8 there's light. I've done everything I went to vitamin shop and got B12 sublingual did 3xs the amount, took a multi vitamin, took this super food dissolves in water, drank tons of Gatorade, ate, took Imodium, for two days I had to take Kratom (didn't want that a habit). Also I took one 10 mg addiral when I worked (prescription for add). And then 7 day I started feeling some normal nights are still rough but hey all I can think is I don't feel numb anymore and food taste amazing. I just keep looking at my kids and I know this is what is needed!! I want to feel everything again. I know you get me! That restlessness is just your nerves starting to work again!! That's what I am telling myself. I have to do this!!
Day 1 and 2 I was like no biggie
3-4 was pain restless craving
5-6 I was ??? no lie lost 5 lbs this time trying but day 7 started becoming better only better each day and 8 today was I could never think of going thru that again? even for my kids sake
Mine has to be loperamide. Was on it for about a month. I was doing a bupe taper and got down to 0.8 but couldn't stand being in WD by 6pm at night. So started taking a few packets.of lope everyday and it escalated and the lope replaced the bupe.

Don't know why I did just didn't want to be in pain anymore. After a month I went back on the bupe but didn't wate long enough and went into the worst PWD ever for about 4 days. Bupe didn't touch the sides

I've done it a couple of times now with lope I don't understand why I do it to myself. This will be the last though as the way I am going I'll end up losing my job, money, family , house everything I have worked hard for basically just cos of some dumb diarrhea pills

They should be prescription only
The worst drug experience I ever had was when I was a teenager back in the 90s. I took about a hundred different pills. The next day I felt really off and two days later... My throat felt like it was closing up and I had to go to the hospital. When I was in the ER my tounge started to stick out and my eyes started to roll up. So, the nurse was like.. We need a doctor. After that they gave me a room to go into. In the matter of minutes the doctor saw me. He instantly knew what is was. It was called having a Distonic Reaction. So, the doctor prescribed me 10mg Diazepam and 100mg of Diphenhydramine. After that I was released from the hospital and I was told to go buy some Diphenhydramine at a store that sells it. When I got home I was so tired. The next day I only woke up for two hours every single day for 4 days. I was basically in a Semi-Coma, but at the same time taking Diphenhydramine for the distonia. By the 5th day I started to finally come out of it and go about things as normal. And after that I swore I would never take a drug again. But continuing to stay sober didn't last and throughout my life I continued messing with drugs. So, I know one thing about it... Don't take too much.
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Methadone was by far the worst and longest withdrawals I ever had.
I read people on here on massive doses of methadone and I just feel sorry for them, it’s a fuckin nightmare to get off
FENTANYL. Been on Oxycontin at moast 60 pills 20mg a day and Fentanyl - patch 75uhg abut 10 years just went cold turkey on it in December, can't recommend this! Was a total wreck 4 weeks and went back on Fentanyl it took a couple weeks to feel human again, but half a victory got rid of oxycontin. Can anybody recommend how to withdraw from fentanyl? I use on body and chew patches.
I’d love to say yes, but nothing worked for me besides cold turkey’n out. I refused to start using methadone, and subs put me into PW, even 96 hours past my last dose of illicit fent used intravenously. The acute withdrawal lasted 12-14 days. It was pretty shitty.
My worst withdrawal was from Neuramyl (amylobarbitone) tablets. Coming off that was a mother of a bitch. I felt suicidal and miserable. I didn't even realise that these drugs are lethal in and of themselves at the time. It was only after I bought a copy of Final Exit when I realised how "useful" this class of drugs was.

Anyway, I was given 200 tablets 50mg each. Took 3 a day for about 2 months...then after the doctor wouldn't give any more, I moved on to Xanax, and then Murelax/Serepax, and finally, onto mirtazapine. I was on mirt for nearly 20 years but I've come off it because it just trashes my metabolism and I'm going to die from something (probably diabetes or heart disease) if I don't stop taking it because all I want to do is fucking eat.
coming off suboxone.. february 2008, worst month of my life.
I found Suboxone withdrawal to be a cakewalk . What else have you went through withdrawals from. Just curious . I've had much worse withdrawals from other opiates. I've gotten off Suboxone and Subutex and Subutex was even easier .
My worst withdrawal was from Neuramyl (amylobarbitone) tablets. Coming off that was a mother of a bitch. I felt suicidal and miserable. I didn't even realise that these drugs are lethal in and of themselves at the time. It was only after I bought a copy of Final Exit when I realised how "useful" this class of drugs was.

Anyway, I was given 200 tablets 50mg each. Took 3 a day for about 2 months...then after the doctor wouldn't give any more, I moved on to Xanax, and then Murelax/Serepax, and finally, onto mirtazapine. I was on mirt for nearly 20 years but I've come off it because it just trashes my metabolism and I'm going to die from something (probably diabetes or heart disease) if I don't stop taking it because all I want to do is fucking eat.
That sucks . I'm sorry that you have to go through that .
My husband was taking 3 Xanax bars and 8 mg subs a day then went to jail for a month.
He said Xanax withdrawals were the worst by far of any heroin withdrawal he ever went through. Damn
When i was forced to go cold turkey in the psych ward off 150mg's of morphine and 6mg's of clonazepam. They gave me absolutly no meds for withdrawal not even loperamide. I was projectile vomiting and they just got pissed at me and gave me no meds
When i was forced to go cold turkey in the psych ward off 150mg's of morphine and 6mg's of clonazepam. They gave me absolutly no meds for withdrawal not even loperamide. I was projectile vomiting and they just got pissed at me and gave me no meds
Doesn't that violate the do no harm oath they take
All alcohol withdrawal is hell but probably the time I had a grand mal seizure as my dad got home from work. He took me to hospital and I had another, massive grand mal seizure in the waiting room. It was so violent I broke six ribs, dislocated my should, cracked my orbital socket and fractured my spine. It also lasted almost 6 minutes and they had to put me into a Phenobarbital coma so I didn't die. Apparently when I came around the entire left half of my body was paralysed. When my parents visited I apparently didn't recognise them at all and was trying to drink water and it was pouring out the left side of my mouth and I didn't notice. The specialist told my parents it was 50/50 whether I would come out of it or be like that permanently.