Your worst withdrawal experience.

Mine is always the next one I'm anticipating. I worry about it like crazy before jumping and that makes for a lot of grey days.
Cold turkey methadone combined with Xanax withdrawals. All while in a hard core tough love therapeutic boarding school that was later closed for money laundering and abuse. Surrounded by a bunch of 18-21 year olds who had used for a few years telling me I would be sleeping like a baby in a week. When I was at risk of DT's and sezuires they surrounded me and suggested praying instead of contacting a doctor to oversee the process and taper me down. No phone calls allowed and no way to leave unless you think you could walk the 30 miles through the desert into town. By the 3rd week in I was fully hallucinating and delusional. Wake up was 5 AM every day. kicking in jail would probably be worse but in some jails they have to taper you off the benzo's. Some kid arrived from jail detoxing from benzo's. They had been tapering him in jail. After he arrived at the "rehab" he was having seizures within 24 hours.
hydromorphone cold turkey was pretty sick. stack some pregabalin just in case you have to quit opiates.
Cold turkey methadone combined with Xanax withdrawals. All while in a hard core tough love therapeutic boarding school that was later closed for money laundering and abuse. Surrounded by a bunch of 18-21 year olds who had used for a few years telling me I would be sleeping like a baby in a week. When I was at risk of DT's and sezuires they surrounded me and suggested praying instead of contacting a doctor to oversee the process and taper me down. No phone calls allowed and no way to leave unless you think you could walk the 30 miles through the desert into town. By the 3rd week in I was fully hallucinating and delusional. Wake up was 5 AM every day. kicking in jail would probably be worse but in some jails they have to taper you off the benzo's. Some kid arrived from jail detoxing from benzo's. They had been tapering him in jail. After he arrived at the "rehab" he was having seizures within 24 hours.

Sounds like very tough!
Cold turkey methadone combined with Xanax withdrawals. All while in a hard core tough love therapeutic boarding school that was later closed for money laundering and abuse. Surrounded by a bunch of 18-21 year olds who had used for a few years telling me I would be sleeping like a baby in a week. When I was at risk of DT's and sezuires they surrounded me and suggested praying instead of contacting a doctor to oversee the process and taper me down. No phone calls allowed and no way to leave unless you think you could walk the 30 miles through the desert into town. By the 3rd week in I was fully hallucinating and delusional. Wake up was 5 AM every day. kicking in jail would probably be worse but in some jails they have to taper you off the benzo's. Some kid arrived from jail detoxing from benzo's. They had been tapering him in jail. After he arrived at the "rehab" he was having seizures within 24 hours.

Ouch - seriously could not image simultaneous benzo and opiate withdrawal. Not giving someone in that condition supportive medication is unconscionable. I'm so sorry you had to endure that.
Indeed. I still miss having the comfort on benzos. Specifically in tough times..
Embarrassing to admit this, but for me the worst W/D was a dual withdrawal of a big Tramadol habit and 800mgs of pregabalin a day. The physical shit lasted a couple of weeks but the mental aspect was just purely horrible. Wound tighter than a spring and just in a general state of terror, I actually didn't want to leave the house. Paranoia, depersonalisation, suicidal idealation, and impending sense of doom and gloom, mind boggling depression, shit it was purely awful. I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain so didn't really have any idea it was even a Psych med. On top of that the never ending insomnia, shitting, brain zaps, tingling extremities, no appetite and losing weight fast. I've come off other Opiates, a small Morphine habit and Dihydrocodeine, they were no fun but a walk in the park compared to the last mind fuck. On the plus side over five months off it all and I actually do feel 100% better, so whilst it was the worst and most intense experience it's probably the best thing I've ever done.

Embarrassing to admit this, but for me the worst W/D was a dual withdrawal of a big Tramadol habit and 800mgs of pregabalin a day. The physical shit lasted a couple of weeks but the mental aspect was just purely horrible. Wound tighter than a spring and just in a general state of terror, I actually didn't want to leave the house. Paranoia, depersonalisation, suicidal idealation, and impending sense of doom and gloom, mind boggling depression, shit it was purely awful. I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain so didn't really have any idea it was even a Psych med. On top of that the never ending insomnia, shitting, brain zaps, tingling extremities, no appetite and losing weight fast. I've come off other Opiates, a small Morphine habit and Dihydrocodeine, they were no fun but a walk in the park compared to the last mind fuck. On the plus side over five months off it all and I actually do feel 100% better, so whilst it was the worst and most intense experience it's probably the best thing I've ever done.

Man, Ive detoxed of Trammies a couple times. Brain zaps are the worst. I'm on 2400mg of GABAs and im dreading it. How much of your detox was attributed to the Gabbys?
That one is easy for me. I detoxed off of 120mg of methadone while in jail. No meds. No nothing. Just concrete walls, 10+ days with no sleep and other stinky men. A couple of the people I was in there with thought I was going to die and became genuinely worried.
^^ Do they seriously cut your methadone off and give you nothing else? That is so cruel. Pretty sure you can die from CTing that much methadone. In canada they will give you suboxone/methadone in jail if you need it. Does it depend on the prison or the state or something? Seems crazy to cut everybody off their meds...
Hello all,
first post feeling chatty
the worst one for me was doing 30 days on rikers island with no commissary and having jones on benzos and dope and I was a pretty boy at the time lol..
second worst was detox during basic training at fort dix the drill sergeants just did not get it back in the late 1960s

Having to do the physical training during detox was pretty brutal and I was unable to tell anyone for fear of getting thrown out and sent back to slammer..sorry if I sound like I am bragging definitely low points in my life
^^ Do they seriously cut your methadone off and give you nothing else? That is so cruel. Pretty sure you can die from CTing that much methadone. In canada they will give you suboxone/methadone in jail if you need it. Does it depend on the prison or the state or something? Seems crazy to cut everybody off their meds...

I don't know if it depends on the area, but I was always under the impression that if your family brought it in they would administer it to you in jail. No such luck for me. They laughed when I asked on the inside if someone could bring it to the jail to have them give to me. Every day the guards would come by and ask if anyone needed to see the nurse. Every day for the first 11 or 12 days I would stand-up and go to the nurse. Every day, every nurse who worked there told me they couldn't do anything "but I should be fine by now because I have been in for a few days and withdrawal only lasts about 5 or 6 days". It is really kind of mind blowing how few people know about methadone withdrawals. I even had a detox facility I went to at about day 15 (right from jail to detox center) tell me the physical withdrawal was long over. We had 3 methadone clinics in town!! Surely this was not the first time they ever saw or dealt with someone detoxing from methadone! It was mind numbing and so frustrating.

Whether I was in any serious physical danger I am not sure. My understanding is that provided you have at least a reasonably healthy heart, detoxing off of most traditional opioids is safe at almost any level. Because traditional opioids do not really affect GABA I don't think you will seizure which is how most lethal withdrawals get you. Now I know there are a few non-traditional opioids like tramadol that can have some pretty serious withdrawals but I don't know a whole lot about those. I always hated that class of opioids.
Methadone is the exception to that rule. There have been a few people who died, usually in the same situation as you, forced to CT in jail. So irresponsible of the jails IMO.
Oh really? I didn't know that. Then I probably was in some danger then. But yeah, they knew absolutely nothing about it in the jail I was in.
Holy crap! I have no clue how you survived CTing 60mgs of etiz daily!

Only thing I have heard of anything like that is a guy I knew years ago got up to taking about 44mg of alprozolam a day. He tried to CT and ended up in the hospital on a medical detox.

RC benzos are evil IMHO.
On day 1 with 30% of my normal methadone dose, Day 2 I had no more, and by the morning of Day 3 I was far too sick to go to the pharmacy, but I had to. And then they didn't have it and I had to go crosstown,lol.